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Unit 4 Homework Questions for Instructor
Chapter 5: Jainism: A Study in Asceticism
1: What elements of Brahmanism was Jainism a reaction to?
2: Who was Parshva?
Mahivira’s Manner of Life
3: Who is Nataputta Vardhammana?
4: When Mahavira began his quest what were his two basic convictions?
5: Who was Goshala?
6: What is ahimsa?
7: What is asceticism? Provide an example:
8: What is a Jina? What, then, a Jain?
Philosophy and Ethics of Jainism
9: How does Jainism differ from Brahmanism and Buddhism on: karma; the soul; matter; and
salvation? Be sure to include in your answers the following terms: ajiva; jiva; The Siddhas;
transtheistic; and mention of the 5 great vows:
Mahavira’s Followers:
10: what is a Tirthankara?
11: what are the major emphases of the three sects of Jainism? The Shvetambaras; the
Digambaras; and, the Sthanakavasis:
12: According to the Jains, the golden age of humanity is past, present, or future? Comment:
Chapter 6: Buddhism in Its First Phase: Moderation in World Renunciation:
1: what other term or phrase does the Buddhist religion go by?
2: How are the religions of Jainism and Buddhism similar? How different?
Life of the founder
3: what can we know for sure about the founder? How reliable are the sources?
4: How do the lives of Buddha and Mahavira parallel each other?
5: What was Siddartha Gautama’s early life like?
6: What were the four passing sights that triggered his quest for enlightenment?
7: Summarize the Buddha’s ordeal in reaching enlightenment. Provide just the highlights:
8: Summarize the Buddha’s enlightenment experience. Provide just the highlights:
9: Define the terms, Tathagata, arahat, and Sangha
10: What are the three refuges?
11: List the 10 precepts. Which are for laity? Which are for monks?
12: Comment on how women were allowed to become nuns:
13: What is parinirvana?
The Teachings of the Buddha
14: What was the Buddha’s position on speculation regarding metaphysical matters?
15: What was the Buddha’s position on religious devotion?
16: What was the Buddha’s understanding of karma?
17: What are the five skandhas?
18: What is the Buddha’s view on transmigration?
19: What is dependent origination?
20: Define annica, anatta, and dukkha
21: What are the 4 Noble Truths? What is the origin of the word “noble”?
22: List the steps of the 8-fold path:
23: What are the ten fetters?
24: Analyze the elements of the 8-fold path. How are they arranged or ordered?
25: What is nirvana and what can be said about it?
26: Comment on the early stages of the Buddhist notion of love:
Chapter 7: The Religious Development of Buddhism: Diversity in Paths to Nirvana
1: looking at the map on page 165 (13th edition) identify the type of and percentage of Buddhism
in the following locations: India; Pakistan; Nepal; Tibet; Myanmar; Laos; Thailand; Vietnam;
Kampuchea; Malaysia; Taiwan; Korea; Japan; Philippines; Indonesia.
2: Summarize the process by which the Buddhist scriptures (the Tripitaka) came into being:
3: Who was Asoka and how did he affect Buddhism?
4: What are the chief characteristics of Theravedin Buddhism:
5: What are the four dhyanas and the further four dhyanas?
6” Define a wat, bot, and a stupa:
The Rise of the Mahayana in India:
7: distinguish between the terms Mahayana and hinayana:
8: what is the Tushita heaven and how does it factor in the development of Mahayana
9: Comment on the myth-making process that led to knowledge of other Buddhas and
The Spread of Buddhism in Northern Lands:
10: Is the evidence for Buddhism in China during the reign of Ming Di more positive than
negative? Explain:
11: What factors worked against Buddhism in China? What factors worked for it?
12: How did Buddhism complete what was missing from Confucianist and Taoist emphases and
13: thus come to be welcomed alongside these other two religions of China?
14: When did Buddhism make its way into Korea? Was it successful?
15: When did Buddhism make its way into Japan? Was it initially well received? What
16: What was the Buddhism in Tibet called? (hint: more than one answer here):
17: Why did Buddhism decline in India and what is the current percent of the population today
that is considered Buddhist?
The Help-Of-Others Message of the Mahayana:
18: What is the basic appeal of Mahayana Buddhism?
19: Who are the Manushi Buddhas?
20: Who is Maitreya?
21: Who is Avalokita?
22: Who is Kshitigrahbha?
23: How do the Dhyani Buddhas, the Tathagatas, differ from bodhisattvas and the Manushi
24: Who is Amitabha?
The Mahayana Philosophies of Religion
25: Summarize briefly the main features of the Sthaviravadins:
26: Summarize briefly the main features of the Sammatiya school:
27: Summarize briefly the main features of the Sarvastivadins:
28: Summarize briefly the main features of the Madhyamika school:
29: Summarize briefly the main features of the Yogacara school:
30: Summarize briefly the main features of Buddhist Tantrism:
31: What is prajna-paramita?
32: Using the chart on page 185 (13th edition) explain the Trikaya or Triple Body:
Mahayana Schools of Thought in China and Japan:
33: Summarize briefly the main features of the Pure Land Schools: Jing-tu and Jodo 2 points:
34: What are the four normative conditions of the Chan and Zen Schools?
35: Who was Bodhidharma and what were the emphases of the Chan School that he helped to
36: Who was the Sixth Patriarch? Briefly summarize his story:
37: What is satori? What is meant by “actualizing nonduality”?
38: What are a few of the methods for halting duality-reasoning?
39: Summarize the impact that nonduality type of reasoning has upon gender issues:
40: How did Zen exercise influence upon the arts?
Rationalist Schools: Tian-tai in China:
41: Who were the founders of the Tian-tai school and what was their basic insight?
42: Summarize the developments and insights that led to Tendai in Japan:
Esoteric or Mystery Schools:
43: Summarize the developments and insights of the Esoteric or Mystery Schools, Zhen-yan and
44: Trace the developments and insights of the Nichiren School:
Buddhism in Tibet:
45: Summarize briefly how and when Buddhism came to Tibet:
46: What is the “Red Hat” sect of Buddhism?
47: What role did Kublai Khan play in establishing Buddhism in Tibet?
48: What apparently strange twist of logic is at the heart of Tantric Buddhism?
49: Define the following terms: mandala; mantras; mudras; and Bon:
50: What is the function of the prayer wheel?
51: What is the meaning and function of “Om mani padme hum”?
52: What is a lama?
53: What or who is the Dalai Lama?
54: How is the Dalai Lama selected?
Buddhism Today
55: Summarize briefly Buddhism in: Myanmar; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Cambodia and Vietnam;
Tibet and China; Women in Buddhism