Download Warm Front - White Plains Public Schools

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Which map shows the two correctly labeled air masses that frequently
converge in the central plains to cause tornadoes?
Hurricane (Superstorm) Sandy as seen from ISS.
•Cold dense air
•Moves quickly
•Warm air rises = thick clouds
•Heavy storms (thunderstorms)
This satellite image shows cloud patterns associated with weather
fronts over the United States on a certain day. Nebraska (NE) and New
York (NY) are labeled.
(1) cold front
(3) stationary front
(2) warm front
(4) occluded front
•Warm low density air
•Moves slowly
•Warm air filters over cold = Long thin clouds
•Light steady precipitation
PROFILE (side)
CONTOUR (from above)
All are mentioned here!
The map shows 2 weather fronts moving across N Y State. Lines X and Y
represent frontal boundaries. The large arrows show the general
direction the air masses are moving. The smaller arrows show the
general direction warm, moist air is moving over the frontal boundaries.