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Name ________________________________
Section _______________
Directions: As you watch the Heredity movie from Brain-Pop, answer the following questions.
Heredity is ______________________________.
Who studied pea plants in the 1800's? ___________________________
What three (3) traits did he investigate? (1) _____________________ (2) _____________________ (3) ______________
When short pea plants were crossed with tall pea plants, what height plant resulted?
In relation to genetics, what does dominant mean?
What kind of letter represents a dominant trait?
What happens to a recessive trait?
What kind of letter represents a recessive trait?
How many genes determine height for each plant? _____
What two genes are needed to make a plant short?
In the 19th century, what idea did RC Punnett come up with? What is the purpose of his idea?
How many pea plants did Mendel study? __________ Over how many years? ______________________
Which of the following have you inherited from your parents?
a) shape of blood cells
b) intelligence c)personality
What is heredity?
a) the passing of traditions from parents to children
c) passing of traits from parents to offspring
b) a type of asexual reproduction
d) another term for sexual reproduction
What can you conclude about Gregor Mendel from the movie?
a) Religious authorities forced him to stop his experiments
b) He was one of the 1st researchers to establish how heredity worked
c) he concluded that heredity worked for people as well as plants
d) he established all the principles of modern genetics
Which term best describes how Mendel conducted his experiments?
a) Occasionally b) carelessly
c) diligently
d) quickly
Laurella, 2012
What did Mendel learn about his pea plants?
a) the tall plant traits dominated the short plant trait
b) the short plants trait dominated the tall plant trait
c) neither the short nor tall trait is dominant
d) both the short and tall traits are dominant
When 2 pea plants with Tt genotypes are cross bred, how many short tt plant will there be in the new generation?
a) 1:4 b) 1:2 c) 1:6 d) 1:8
The Tt in the Punnett square represents:
a) tall pea plants
b) female pea plants
c) medium sized pea plants
d) short pea plants
Your eye color is determined in much the same way as the height of a pea plant. More people have brown eyes than
blue eyes. What can you conclude from this?
a) brown eyes are successful trait
b) brown eyes are submissive trait
c) brown eyes are recessive trait
d) brown eyes are a dominant trait
What can you conclude about one of Mendel's short pea plants?
a) it had one dominant and one recessive gene
b) it had a pair of recessive genes,
c) it had a pair of dominant genes
d) it had no recessive genes
What did Gregor Mendel and RC Punnett have in common?
a) they were both monks
b) they both lived in the 20th century
c) they both experimented with pea plants
d) they both lived in Germany
Learning about Punnett Squares – As a class, work together to fill in the Punnett square below.
Homozygous - _____________________________
Heterozygous - _____________________________
Cross a homozygous tall pea plant with a heterozygous tall pea plant.
Laurella, 2012