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Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Business 4 Update
Technical Addendum for 2009 – Supplemental Questions
Last Updated: May 5, 2009
The multiple-choice questions are referenced to a page number in the text and to an
insert in the Optional Reading Section of the online update, if appropriate.
Question C2009-1 Encryption
Reference Page B4-50 IV.D DATA ENCRYPTION (before change) and Insert #21a
HideIt Company uses data encryption for certain key data in its application systems. Which of the following
statements is correct with respect to data encryption?
a. Data encryption is based on the concept of keys. With data encryption, the sophistication of the encryption
algorithm is important and the length of the key is not significant.
b. In public key encryption, a public key is used to encrypt messages. The same public key is transmitted along
with the message and is used to decrypt the message at the other end.
c. In public key encryption, a public key is used to encrypt messages. A private key is normally used to decrypt
the message at the other end.
d. Private key techniques are much more computationally intensive than public key techniques.
Choice "c" is correct. In public key encryption, a public key is used to encrypt messages. A private key (which is
never transmitted) is used to decrypt the message at the other end. There are two keys. Effectively, anyone can
encrypt a message, but only the intended recipient can decrypt the message.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Data encryption is, in fact, based on the concept of keys. However, the length of the key is
extremely important in data encryption. The longer the key is, the harder it is to crack the key. There are a number
of different encryption algorithms, and sooner or later, they are almost always discovered, even if the developers
attempt to keep them secret (and these days, many of the more popular algorithms are public). The algorithm is
important, but the length of the key is more important.
Choice "b" is incorrect. In public key encryption, a public key is used to encrypt messages. However, the public
key is not transmitted along with the message (if it were, why have it in the first place?). The private key of the
recipient is used to decrypt the message. There is always a problem of how to transmit the key (when there was
only one key such as in private key encryption).
Choice "d" is incorrect. Public key (two keys; private and public key; asymmetric algorithm) encryption techniques
are much more computationally intensive than private key (one key; private key; symmetric algorithm) techniques
and thus are considerably slower (by a factor of possibly 1,000). For asymmetric algorithms, a 2,304 bit key is
needed for the same level of security as a 128 bit key for symmetric algorithms. Symmetric algorithms are divided
into stream algorithms (that encrypt the bits of a message one bit at a time) and block algorithms (that encrypt the
bits of a message in blocks of 64 bits or 128 bits).
Pseudorandom number generators are almost always used to seed (start) the generation of symmetric keys
(pseudorandom numbers are numbers that just look like they are random, but really are not from a mathematical
standpoint). Asymmetric key generators start with prime numbers and multiply two very long 100 digit or so prime
numbers together (remember that prime numbers are numbers that are divisible only by 1 and themselves). A
portion of the product of the two numbers is used for the public key and the rest for the private key.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-2 Decision Support Systems
Reference Page B4-7 III DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS (DSS) and Insert #2
Decide Inc. utilizes several decision support systems to help in its various businesses. Which of the following
statements is correct with respect to decision support systems?
The artificial intelligence shell of a decision support system is the strategy to search through the rule base.
The inference engine is the programming environment of a decision support system
Backward chaining is data driven.
Forward chaining begins with data and uses the rules in the rule base to extract more data.
Choice "d" is correct. Forward chaining begins with data and uses the rules in the rule base to extract more data
until an optimal goal is reached.
Choice "a" is incorrect. The artificial intelligence shell of a decision support system is the programming
environment of the decision support system. The inference engine is the strategy to search through the rule base.
Choice "b" is incorrect. The inference engine of a decision support system is the strategy to search through the
rule base. Choices "a" and "b" are backwards.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Forward chaining, not backward chaining, is data driven. Backward chaining starts with a
hypothesis and works backwards by asking questions of the user to see if there are data available to support the
optimal goal.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-3 PC Hardware
Reference Page B4-18 I.A HARDWARE and Insert #4b
Software, Inc. utilizes PCs and servers exclusively for its hardware platforms. Which of the following statements
is/are correct with respect to Software's hardware?
I. The data bus is the transfer mechanism for data into and out of the processor.
II. The address bus is the transfer mechanism for addresses into and out of the processor.
III. Cache memory is a high-speed memory buffer that temporarily stores data that the processor needs. There is
only one level of cache.
I and II only are correct.
I and III only are correct.
I, II, and III are correct.
II and III only are correct.
Choice "a" is correct. The data bus is the transfer mechanism for data into and out of the processor. The address
bus is the transfer mechanism for addresses into and out of the processor. The width of the address bus indicates
the largest possible memory address for that processor.
Choice "b" is incorrect. The data bus is the transfer mechanism for data into and out of the processor. Cache
memory is a high-speed memory buffer that temporarily stores data that the processor needs; however, there is
more than one level of cache, specifically Level 1 cache and Level 2 cache and Level 3 cache.
Multiple caches are a trade-off between cache latency (the speed of the cache) and hit rate (actually finding the
required data in the cache). Large caches are slower but have better hit rates. Level 1 cache is the smallest and
the fastest. Level 1 cache is searched first; if the desired data is not in the Level 1 cache, Level 2 cache, which is
larger but slower, is searched. Then, on to Level 3 cache if the data is not found in the Level 2 cache. Remember
that other parts of computers may have caches also, all designed to speed up whatever processing is being done.
Choice "c" is incorrect. The data bus is the transfer mechanism for data into and out of the processor. The
address bus is the transfer mechanism for addresses into and out of the processor. Cache memory is a highspeed memory buffer that temporarily stores data that the processor needs; however, there is more than one level
of cache, specifically Level 1 cache and Level 2 cache and Level 3 cache.
Choice "d" is incorrect. The address bus is the transfer mechanism for addresses into and out of the processor.
Cache memory is a high-speed memory buffer that temporarily stores data that the processor needs; however,
there is more than one level of cache, specifically Level 1 cache and Level 2 cache and Level 3 cache.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-4 PC Software
Reference Page B4-18 I.B.1.a Operating System and Insert #7
Aldridge Company manufactures and distributes basketballs at various factories at locations in Texas. It controls
its manufacturing, distribution, and accounting functions using a combination of Unix and Linux processors. Which
of the following statements is correct with respect to its processors and Unix and Linux?
a. Unix was originally designed to run batch jobs and to take market share away from IBM mainframes.
b. The Unix operating system is divided into two pieces: the kernel and the shell. The shell handles tasks of
memory allocation, process allocation, and security.
c. Linux was originally developed to run on Unix processors. It was then converted to run on PCs.
d. The majority of Linux is written in the C programming language.
Choice "d" is correct. The majority of Linux is written in the C programming language.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Unix was designed to run interactive, time-sharing, online applications with considerable
user interface, not batch jobs. It was definitely not designed to take market share away from IBM mainframes,
although it did that in the end for certain applications, but not batch applications. IBM mainframes were optimized
to process large amounts of input and output.
Choice "b" is incorrect. The Unix operating system is divided into two pieces: the kernel and the shell. The kernel
handles tasks of memory allocation, device input/output, process allocation, security, and user access. The shell
handles the user's input and invokes other programs to run commands. Unix shells may be the Bourne shell, the
Bourne-again shell (not a joke although Unix people sometimes have strange senses of humor), the c shell (same
comment again), the Korn shell and many others.
As another example of humor, a "zombie" process is a process (a running instance of a program) that has
completed execution but that still has an entry in the process table (so that the operating system thinks it is still
running, soft of dead and alive at the same time like a zombie). A daemon (pronounced demon) is any process
that runs continually in the background. Since Unix is a multitasking operating system, processes can run in the
foreground and background at the same time, somewhat like the early versions of MVS for mainframes.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Linux was originally designed to run on PCs, not Unix processors. It now has been
converted to run on almost anything.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-5 Operating Systems
Reference Page B4-18 I.B.1.a Operating System and Inserts #6 and #4b
Kareem Corporation manufactures skyscraper construction equipment at various locations in New York and
California. It has utilized mainframes since its formation in the 1970's. However, it is now planning to downsize
some its processing to smaller processors. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to its
a. Kareem has run Unix on its mainframes since inception because it has always felt that Unix was easier to
work with than the IBM operating systems.
b. Kareem is expecting to generate large savings in its electricity bill since the smaller processors will inevitably
need less cooling than its mainframes.
c. Instead of downsizing, Kareem might utilize the expansion slots on its mainframe motherboards to acquire
additional processing capacity.
d. Moore's law says that processing power doubles every 18 months or 24 months.
Choice "d" is correct. Moor's law, which is not really a law at all, says that processing power doubles every 18
months or 24 months.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Kareem has not run Unix on its mainframes since inception (inception was in the 1970's).
In the early days, mainframe operating systems did not run Unix; now they run Unix and Linux (in different
partitions under the mainframe's operating system). Once Unix or Linux is established as the operating system for
a partition, normal Unix or Linux applications can be run.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Kareem may or may not generate large savings in its electricity bill. If its mainframes are
modern, they might be air cooled and use relatively little electricity (compared to what they used before). It
depends partly on how many smaller processors might be used to replace the mainframes. If there are enough of
them, they will need a lot of cooling and electricity also. Some server data centers are moving towards the old
mainframe-style water cooling.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Kareem will have a hard time finding expansion slots on its mainframe motherboards.
Motherboards and expansion slots are PC terminology.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-6 Telecommunications
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Inserts #10 and #11
TC Incorporated provides consulting services for companies in various industries which are implementing and
operating networks of various types. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to
a. Wide area networks normally use private wiring within a site; LANs normally use the public telephone network
in some manner.
b. Noise is the random electromagnetic energy in a cable. There is always some noise unless the cable is UTP
and has thus been effectively shielded against noise.
c. Normal business telephone cables are 2 pair data-grade UTP cable or 1 pair voice-grade UTP cable.
d. Signals attenuate over distance; signal attenuation can be combated by the use of repeaters.
Choice "d" is correct. Signals attenuate over distance; signal attenuation can be combated by the use of
repeaters, which are devices that regenerate signals. Repeaters can be used for both analog signals and digital
signals and for light signals over optical fibers.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Local area networks normally use private wiring within a site; WANs normally use the
public telephone network in some manner. This answer is backwards.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Noise is the random electromagnetic energy in a cable. There is always some noise;
shielding may help protect against electromagnetic interference from other sources, but it is impossible to shield
against all noise. Besides, UTP means "unshielded" twisted pair.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Normal business telephone cables are two-pair data-grade UTP cable; normal home
telephone cables are one-pair voice-grade UTP cable.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-7 Telecommunications
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Insert #10
Ajax Corporation utilizes an extensive network to support its manufacturing operations throughout the continental
US. Internally, it utilizes LANs; externally, it utilizes telephone circuits. Which of the following statements is correct
with respect its networks?
a. Circuit switching is a switching technique where the entire circuit between a sender and a receiver is reserved
for the entire duration of a call.
b. A leased or private line is available at a minimum size of a full T1 circuit.
c. If a line is leased, the customer will be able to use the service provider's network termination equipment or
d. Frame relay, which breaks a message into variable-length pieces called frames, is today the most popular
and heavily utilized PSDN service.
Choice "a" is correct. Circuit switching is a switching technique where the entire circuit between a sender and a
receiver (the entire circuit and part of every switch and trunk line in between) is reserved for the entire duration of
a call. Once there is a dial tone and the call is connected, the circuit is reserved until the call is completed.
Telephone lines normally use circuit switching.
Choice "b" is incorrect. A leased or private line is available for parts of a T1 circuit (called fractional T1), full T1
circuits, or T3 circuits.
Choice "c" is incorrect. If a line is leased, the customer must provide its own network termination equipment
(called a CSU/DSU) and must manage its own network.
Choice "d" is incorrect. Frame relay, which breaks a message into variable-length pieces called frames, was at
one time the most popular and heavily utilized PSDN service. However, today it is being replaced by ATM, cable,
DSL, and IP.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-8 Telecommunications
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Insert #10
Greentooth, LLP manufactures wireless telecommunications equipment at various facilities, some of which are
located in remote parts of the mountain west US where labor costs are low. It utilizes microwave and satellite
systems to connect these facilities to its network so that they can communicate with its headquarters in Mahwah,
New Jersey. Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to these systems?
I. Microwave transmission is point-to-point radio transmission using large dish antennas.
II. Satellite transmissions use a microwave repeater in the sky.
III. Most communications satellites use geosynchronous orbits where the satellite appears to be fixed in the sky.
I and II only are correct.
I and III only are correct.
II and III only are correct.
I, II, and III are correct.
Choice "d" is correct. All of the statements are correct. Microwave transmission is point-to-point radio transmission
using large dish antennas, although these days, VSAT (very small aperture terminal) satellites are used for oneway transmission for direct broadcast satellites such as Direct TV and Dish TV. Satellite transmissions of this type
are high power Ku band transmissions at 12-18 KHz. Effectively, satellite transmissions use a microwave repeater
in the sky with geosynchronous orbits where the satellite appears to be fixed in the sky (the orbit time of the
satellite equals that of the earth).
Choices "a", "b", and "c" are incorrect. All of the statements are correct.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-9 Telecommunications
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Insert #10
Michaelangelo Company manufactures and sells house painting equipment throughout the eastern US and has
its corporate headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida. It has an extensive telecommunications network connecting its
various locations. Which of the following statements is correct for its networks?
a. Multiplexing is the combining of multiple signals on a single communications circuit. In general, multiplexing
can be used only with telephone and microwave transmissions.
b. Time division multiplexing, which is based on giving each message a different time slot, is used for microwave
c. Frequency division multiplexing, which is based on combining several different signals at their individual
frequencies, is used for telephone transmission.
d. Packet switching is a method of slicing digital messages into pieces and then transmitting those individual
packets over various transmission channels.
Choice "d" is correct. Packet switching is a method of slicing digital messages into pieces, transmitting those
individual packets over various transmission channels, and then rearranging or recombining those packets at the
destination. The individual packets may travel over vastly different routes. The most well known packet switched
network is the Internet.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Multiplexing is the combination of multiple signals on a single communications circuit.
However, multiplexing is not restricted to telephone and microwave transmissions.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Time division multiplexing is based on giving each message a different time slot. However,
it is used for telephone transmission, not microwave transmission.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Frequency division multiplexing is based on combining several different signals at their
individual frequencies and then transmitting those signals at a different, normally higher, frequency. However, it is
used for microwave transmission, not for telephone transmission.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-10 Transmission Media
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Insert #11
NoMedia Incorporated used various types of transmission media in its telecommunications networks. Which of the
following statements is correct for the transmission media?
a. NoMedia's UTP cables are unshielded in that there is insulation around the cable as a whole but not around
the individual twisted wires.
b. In some places, NoMedia uses coaxial cables because it is relatively easy to attach connectors to and there
are no distance limitations.
c. Optical fiber is a thin transparent fiber made of glass that transmits light. Individual fibers are then twisted just
like the individual wires in UTP to reduce interference and attenuation.
d. At one time, Ethernet cables were exclusively coaxial cables, but now UTP is most often used.
Choice "d" is correct. At one time, Ethernet cables were exclusively coaxial cables, but now UTP is most often
used, normally because it is cheaper.
Choice "a" is incorrect. UTP cables are unshielded in that there is insulation around the individual twisted wires
but not about the cable as a whole. This answer is backwards.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Coaxial cable is relatively easy to attach connectors to; however, there are distance
Choice "c" is incorrect. Optical fiber is a thin transparent fiber made of glass (normally) that transmits light.
However, the individual fibers are not twisted like the individual wires in UTP. Optical cables are subject to
dispersion and twisting would do nothing to counteract dispersion.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-11 Analog Signals, Digital Signals, and Frequencies
Reference Page B4-28 I.C.2.g Communications Devices/Modems
Anadig Company utilizes an extensive telecommunications network to run its energy trading business from its
various locations in New York, London, and Houston. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to
its network?
a. Analog signals are continuous wave-type signals, and digital signals are represented as ones and zeros.
Modems convert analog signals to digital signals.
b. When digital signals travel over telephone wires, it is common to use two different voltages to represent the
zeros and ones, with a low voltage for zeros and a high voltage for ones.
c. When digital signals travel over optical fibers, it is common to use "off" for zeros and "on" for ones.
d. Analog signals are measured by frequency, which is the rate of oscillation of the analog signal. The human
ear can detect frequencies of about 30Hz up to 20,000,000 Hz.
Choice "c" is correct. When digital signals travel over optical fibers, it is common to use "off" for zeros and "on" for
Choice "a" is incorrect. Analog signals are continuous wave-type signals, and digital signals are represented as
ones and zeros. However, codecs, not modems, convert analog signals to digital signals. Modems convert digital
signals to analog signals (remember the old days of digital data over dial-up phone lines).
Choice "b" is incorrect. When digital signals travel over telephone wires, it is common to use two different voltages
to represent the zeros and ones, with a high, not low, voltage for zeros and a low, not high, voltage for ones
Choice "d" is incorrect. Analog signals are measured by frequency, which is the rate of oscillation of the analog
signal. However, the human ear can detect frequencies of about 30 Hz up to 20,000 Hz, not 2,000,000 Hz.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-12 Communication Protocols
Reference Page B4-28 I.C.2.h Communication/Network Protocols and Insert #13
Format Company utilizes a number of different telecommunication networks in its disk drive manufacturing
business in the western US. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the communication
products used in these networks?
a. HTTP is the method used to transfer information on the World Wide Web. HTTP was originally designed as a
way to publish and receive web pages.
b. HTTP is a reliable protocol in that it performs error detection and error correction.
c. UDP and TCP are transport layer protocols. UDP is a reliable protocol.
d. IP is a connection-oriented protocol. A connection-oriented protocol establishes a connection before
Choice "a" is correct. HTTP (hypertext transport protocol) is the method used to transfer information on the World
Wide Web. HTTP was originally designed as a way to publish and receive web pages.
Choice "b" is incorrect. HTTP is an unreliable protocol because it does not perform error correction. Without error
correction, packets that are damaged are dropped. With error correction, packets that are damaged are
Choice "c" is incorrect. UDP (user datagram protocol) and TCP (transmission control protocol) are transport layer
protocols. However, UDP is not a reliable protocol. TCP is a reliable protocol.
Choice "d" is incorrect. A connection-oriented protocol establishes a connection before transmitting. IP is not a
connection-oriented protocol; it is a connectionless protocol and is also not a reliable protocol. TCP is a
connection-oriented protocol and a reliable protocol. Since TCP and IP are normally used together, they do not
both need to be connection-oriented and reliable. Connection-oriented protocols and reliable protocols are
expensive in terms of network resources.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-13 Gateways, Routers, Switches, and Hubs
Reference Page B4-28 I.C.2.i Gateways and Routers and Insert #14
Device LLC manufactures routers and gateways for the industry leader. Which of the following statements is
correct for this kind of networking equipment?
a. Frames are forwarded within a single network by routers.
b. Switches forward messages outside a single network. There may be several different switches involved to
send a frame from where it was sent to where it is intended to be received.
c. Routers use IP addresses, not MAC addresses.
d. Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to control access when multiple stations attempt to transmit at the same time.
Choice "c" is correct. Routers forward messages outside a single network. There may be several different routers
involved to send a frame from where it was sent to where it is intended to be received. Routers use IP addresses,
not MAC addresses.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Switches, not routers, forward frames within a single network.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Routers, not switches, forward messages outside a single network. There may be several
different routers, not switches, involved to send a frame from where it was sent to where it is intended to be
Choice "d" is incorrect. When Ethernet used hubs, Ethernet used CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with
collision detection) to control access. With hubs, if two stations broadcast at the same time, their signals would
collide. Each station would wait a random amount of time and then retransmit. CSMA/CD is no longer used since
Ethernet now uses switches. Switches send frames out a single port and do not broadcast them.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-14 Network Addresses and Domain Names
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Insert #15
NIC Corporation has a large telecommunications network. Which of the following statements is correct for its
a. Each NIC on a network has a unique physical hardware address that is assigned by the manufacturer, called
an IP address.
b. The parts of an IP address are the network address, the subnetwork address, and the host address.
c. A domain name is a name which includes just one IP address.
d. In web addresses such as, the beckerreview is the top-level domain name and the
.com is the subdomain name.
Choice "b" is correct. The parts of an IP address are the network address, the subnetwork address (commonly
called a subnet address), and a host address (the individual PC). A network mask, also known as a subnet mask,
is used to tell how long the subnet address is and how long the host address is. There must be a balance
between the number of subnets (and the length of the subnet address) and the number of hosts on each subnet
(and the length of the host address).
Choice "a" is incorrect. Each NIC on a network has a unique physical hardware address that is assigned by the
manufacturer, called a MAC (media access control) address, not an IP address.
Choice "c" is incorrect. A domain name is a name which includes one or more IP addresses, not just a single IP
Choice "d" is incorrect. In web addresses such as, the beckerreview is the subdomain,
not the domain, name and the .com is the domain, not the subdomain, name.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-15 Wireless Networking
Reference Page B4-27 I.C NETWORKS and Insert #16
Orangetooth Company utilizes wireless networks heavily. Which of the following statements is correct with
respect to wireless networking?
a. WiFi is a set of standards for wireless LANs, also called the 802.3 standards in standards numbering from the
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
b. Bluetooth is a popular name for the 802.15 networking standard to create small personal area networks within
a 1000-meter area using low-power radio-based communication.
c. An access point, or wireless access point, is a hardware device that connects wireless communication
devices together to form a wireless network.
d. WEP, often known as WiFi protected access, is a standard specifying security mechanisms for WiFi,
superseded the previous security specification called WPA2.
Choice "c" is correct. An access point, or wireless access point, is a hardware device that connects wireless
communication devices together to form a wireless network. The access point normally connects to a wired
network but can be standalone and can be connected to other access points to form a larger network.
Choice "a" is incorrect. WiFi is a set of standards for wireless LANs, also called the 802.11b, not the 802.3,
standard in standards numbering from the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). 802.3 is the
standard for Ethernet.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Bluetooth is a popular name for the 802.15 networking standard to create small personal
area networks within a 10-meter or 100-meter, not a 1000-meter, area using low-power radio-based
communication. Many wireless mice and wireless keyboards utilize Bluetooth.
Choice "d" is incorrect. WPA2, often known as WiFi protected access, is a standard specifying security
mechanisms for WiFi, superseded the previous security specification called WEP. This answer is backwards.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-16 Batch Processing
Reference Page B4-33 II.A.2.a Batch Processing and Insert #17
OL Company has numerous systems to support its various business operations. Some of its systems are online,
and some of its systems are batch. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to these systems?
a. OL's batch systems are technologically obsolete. Nobody uses batch processing any more.
b. OL's batch systems are almost all run on Unix processors. Unix processors were originally designed to run
batch applications.
c. OL's batch systems are applications with large amounts of input and output and for which the results of the
processing are not necessarily needed immediately.
d. OL's online systems are applications for which the results of the processing are needed immediately.
Applications such as data warehouses are always updated online.
Choice "c" is correct. Batch systems are normally applications with large amounts of input and output and for
which the results of the processing are not necessarily needed immediately. Accounting systems that have a
weekly or monthly orientation often fall in this category as do data transfer applications that transfer data from one
system to another. There is nothing, however, to keep such systems from being written as online applications.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Batch systems are not technologically obsolete. There are plenty of batch systems that
are still being run quite successfully. Systems should be written as batch or online depending on the timing and
other requirements for the system.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Batch systems are normally not run on Unix processors. Unix processors were not
originally designed to run batch systems, although there is nothing to keep (smaller) batch systems from being
run on them. IBM processors were originally designed to run batch systems, with large amounts of input and
output and relatively little processing and relatively little user interaction.
Choice "d" is incorrect. Online systems are applications for which the results of the processing are needed
immediately. However, applications such as data warehouses are not "always" updated online, although they may
be. From an exam technique standpoint, this answer should have been almost automatically treated with
suspicion since very few things are "always" or "never." Be careful of answers with such absolute words on all
parts of the exam.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-17 System Implementation
Reference Page B4-37 D SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION (after change) and Insert #19
RAD Company is interested in improving the speed of its system development process. In the past, many of the
systems that it has developed internally have been late and over budget and have not always performed the
desired functions correctly. Which of the following statements is correct for system development methodologies?
a. The traditional stages of system implementation are system analysis, system design, and system
development. None of the steps can ever be skipped or combined.
b. Unit testing is the testing of the individual programs, and system testing is the testing of the system as a
whole. Application packages that are purchased do not require testing.
c. Conversion is either converting the data from an old application system to a new application system or the
process of changing from an old application system to a new application system.
d. Prototyping is the building of an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively. Prototyping is not used in
RAD since it almost always slows down the system development process.
Choice "c" is correct. Conversion is either converting some or all of the data from an old application system to a
new application system (sometimes called data conversion) or the process of changing from an old application
system to a new application system.
Choice "a" is incorrect. The traditional stages of system implementation are system analysis, system design, and
system development. The steps are sometimes combined to try to speed up the system implementation process.
The tasks of system analysis and system design cannot really be skipped; this work has to be done somewhere in
the process, even if the steps are not separately identified as distinct steps. However, the results sometimes
make it look like no analysis or design was done. Normally, when it looks like no analysis or design was done, the
analysis and design was just done poorly or the system requirements were just never clearly developed or
communicated to the development staff.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Unit testing is the testing of the individual programs, and system testing is the testing of
the system as a whole. Application packages that are purchased definitely do require testing, regardless of what
the application package sales representative may say.
Choice "d" is incorrect. Prototyping is the building of an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively.
Prototyping is often used in RAD since it may speed up the system development process as a whole.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-18 Firewall Technology
Reference Page B4-45 III.B.5 Firewalls and Insert #20
Burnett Company utilizes a network firewall and an application firewall to protect its network and applications.
Which of the following statements is correct for firewalls?
a. Network address translation is the translation of IP addresses as a message is routed from its source to its
destination. Network address translation is used exclusively outside of private networks.
b. Stateful packet filtering is packet filtering where the firewall remembers the IP address and port for an
outgoing message so that it will know where to send the reply.
c. Firewall logging is the logging of the activity on a firewall. Firewall logging is an unnecessary activity and is
normally turned off so that the firewall can process faster.
d. Firewall access rules can either be "Allow all" or "Deny all" rules but not a combination of the two types of
rules. Combinations of the rules confuse the firewall software.
Choice "b" is correct. Stateful packet filtering is packet filtering where the firewall remembers the IP address and
port for an outgoing message so that it will know where to send the reply. The opposite of stateful packet filtering
is stateless packet filtering.
Choice "a" is incorrect. Network address translation is the translation of an IP address as a message is routed
from the private network to outside of the private network. The firewall changes the IP address of the message to
its own (the network's) IP address so that the firewall's IP address is the only IP address seen by the outside
network. Network address translation is not used exclusively outside of private networks.
Choice "c" is incorrect. Firewall logging is the logging of the activity on a firewall. It is definitely not an
unnecessary activity and should not be turned off. One of the first things that a hacker will do is to modify logs so
that his or her activity will not be logged. After-the-fact analysis of a log can help to determine how the attack was
accomplished in the first place and provide ideas as to how to keep it from happening again.
Choice "d" is incorrect. Firewall access rules can either be "Allow all" or "Deny all" rules or a combination of the
two types of rules. Combinations of the rules do not confuse the firewall software. However, the rules must be
written correctly or they may not work as intended.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-19 Firewall Technology
Reference Page B4-45 III.B.5 Firewalls and Insert #20
Denzell Company utilizes firewalls to protect its various networks scattered across the country. Which of the
following statements is correct with respect to firewall technology?
a. IP fragments are parts of IP messages that are created when a message is damaged in transmission. IP
fragments should be automatically discarded.
b. An application proxy is a firewall that protects specific application systems, such as the accounting systems of
an organization.
c. A packet filter forwards messages that it finds to be acceptable. An application proxy rebuilds and then
forwards acceptable messages.
d. Address and port scans are scans of available IP addresses and ports by a firewall to see which address and
ports are available for use by the firewall.
Choice "c" is correct. A packet filter forwards messages that it finds to be acceptable. An application proxy
rebuilds and then forwards acceptable messages. Partly as a result of this extra function, partly due to the fact
that an application proxy examines a larger part of the message data, and partly due to a more extensive logging
feature, an application proxy can be considerably slower than a packet filter.
Choice "a" is incorrect. IP fragments are parts of IP messages that are created when the messages are
transmitted over networks that allow different length messages. IP fragments are not created when a message is
damaged, and they should not be automatically discarded.
Choice "b" is incorrect. An application proxy is a firewall that protects specific applications, but those applications
are not accounting systems. The applications that are protected are application layer applications such as HTTP
(hypertext transport protocol), FTP (file transport protocol), and DNS (domain name system).
Choice "d" is incorrect. Address and port scans are scans of IP addresses and ports to see which addressed and
ports are available for attack by a hacker, not for use by the firewall.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-20 Encryption
Reference Page B4-50, III.D Data Encryption (after change) and Insert #21a
Cryptograph Company utilizes cryptography in its various network transmissions. Which of the following
statements is correct with respect to cryptography?
a. Private key encryption utilizes one key, the private key, which is used both to encrypt and decrypt messages.
b. Public key encryption algorithms include DES, triple DES, and AES, all of which are equally secure.
c. SSL (Substantially Secure Layer) is used by a browser to encrypt data that is sent and decrypt data that is
d. PKI is Private Key Infrastructure and is used to designate the overall SSL security process.
Choice "a" is correct. Private key encryption utilizes one key, the private key, which is used both to encrypt and
decrypt messages. Public key encryption utilizes two keys, a private key and a public key, which are used to
encrypt (public key) and decrypt (private key) messages.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Private, not public, key encryption algorithms include DES, triple DES, and AES, all of
which are not equally secure. DES is now considered to be insecure. RSA is a public key encryption algorithm.
From an exam technique standpoint, with this question, both of the parts of the answer are incorrect (only one
part of the answer for this type of question has to be incorrect for the entire answer to be incorrect).
Choice "c" is incorrect. SSL is used by a browser to encrypt data that is sent and decrypt data that is received.
However, SSL stands for secured sockets layer, not substantially secure layer.
Choice "d" is incorrect. PKI is used to designate the overall SSL security process. However, PKI stands for public
key infrastructure, not private key infrastructure.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.
Business 4 Update – Supplemental Questions
Question C2009-21 Legal Issues
Reference Page B4-53 V.C.3 Personnel Issues and Insert #22
Lawyr Company is concerned about the protection of its intellectual property in the IT area. Which of the following
statements is correct with respect to legal issues and IT?
a. Intellectual property is a term used to describe products of the human intellect that have economic value.
b. Copyright law covers both the particular form and manner in which ideas have been manifested and the
actual ideas themselves.
c. A trade secret can be protected only if the trade secret owner takes all possible steps to keep the information
or know-how secret.
d. When custom software is developed, the party who lawfully possesses the software has the copyright to the
Choice "a" is correct. Intellectual property is a term used to describe products of the human intellect that have
economic value. Software is just one of the many forms of intellectual property.
Choice "b" is incorrect. Copyright law covers the particular form or manner in which ideas or information has been
manifested and not the actual ideas or concepts.
Choice "c" is incorrect. A trade secret can be protected if the trade secret owner takes reasonable steps, not all
possible steps, to keep the information or know-how secret. Note the absolute wording in the answer.
Choice "d" is incorrect. When custom software is developed, the party who lawfully possesses the software does
not necessarily have the copyright to the software. The possessor may have only a limited license to use the
software, even with custom software.
© 2009 DeVry/Becker Educational Development Corp. All rights reserved.