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Conserving our
We are working to ensure our biodiversity
is valued by all Aucklanders, helping them
understand the unique plants, animals and
ecosystems found in their region.
The type of protection required by a biodiversity
project will vary and may include covenanting
land, fencing, pest control, monitoring, signage
and education. Biodiversity protection can be as
simple as “fence, control pests, plant natives”.
Restoring and connecting
The biodiversity team comprises
• Regional team (specialist technical input across
the region)
• North/West and Central/South teams (geographically
based support for internal council departments, external
partners and community).
The biodiversity team has staff based at Orewa, Takapuna,
Henderson, central city and Manukau offices. If you
would like a biodiversity advisor or ecologist to visit
your property, or to get advice and assistance for the
protection, restoration or enhancement of biodiversity
please contact us.
protect | restore | connect
Call us
09 301 0101
Email us
[email protected]
Write to us
Biodiversity Team
Infrastructure and Environmental Services Unit
Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Auckland 1142
Visit us online
Find out more:
phone 09 301 0101 or visit
Photo: Auckland green gecko (Naultinus elegans)
and kānuka flower - Dylan Van Winkel
Photo: banded rail - Rob Suisted
Building the resilience of ecosystems is crucial to
the enhancement of biodiversity. For example:
• planting a buffer around native forest to
protect the edges
• riparian planting along a stream to provide
flood control and habitat for aquatic
invertebrates, fish and eels
• planting a linkage to reconnect small bush
remnants with each other.
How can I get advice?
The biodiversity
The Auckland region has an instantly recognisable,
diverse natural environment filled with volcanic
cones and craters, forest, streams, wetlands,
estuaries, harbours, dunes and offshore islands
supporting a rich diversity of plants and animals,
some of which are unique to the area. Protecting
and enhancing these indigenous ecosystems
is critical to Auckland’s environmental, social,
cultural and economic wellbeing. The Auckland Plan
recognises that “nature and people are inseparable”
and sets specific targets to ensure no loss of
significant natural landscape, character or features,
no indigenous species extinctions and a reduction
in the number of threatened or at risk species by
50 per cent by 2040.
Auckland Council has recently finalised the
biodiversity strategy which establishes a vision
for the future “that Auckland’s biodiversity
is flourishing and treasured”. The strategy is
formulated around actions to achieve eight
specific objectives including ecosystem and species
protection, development of ecosystem services,
community engagement, bicultural approaches,
working across council, our knowledge base and
statutory protection mechanisms.
The biodiversity team provide specialist
(ecological and geological) input to a wide range
of council functions and initiatives including:
lanning – including Unitary Plan and
resource consenting
• local and regional parks management
• private landowner and community
environmental programmes
• research and monitoring
• local board and Governing Body
ecological projects.
Biodiversity team – we can help you with
• Native animals – lizards (geckos and skinks),
frogs, bats and birds
• Native flora,
threatened plants
• Ecological advice
across Council
and survey
• Survey
and monitoring
• Database, survey
and PNA information
(spatial and bibliographic)
• Biodiversity assessments
• Protection and advocacy for geological features
advice and
• Wetlands
• Native forest
• Freshwater
• Riparian (streamside)
• Coastal and dunes
• Marine
• Ecological advice
and support to
private landowners
(rural and urban) and
community groups
• Advice on funding and
protection mechanisms
• Fencing advice, planting
plans and eco-sourcing
native plants
• Ecological training
• Environmental advocacy,
education, talks
and displays
• Ecological and geological
factsheets and brochures