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March’s Learning Activity Sheet
Grade Two
Make sure you read over Spring Break!
1. Write a “home run” sentence for each of your spelling words. Remember capitalization and
2. Write your spelling words in ABC order.
3. Rainbow spelling: Write each word in every color of the rainbow.
4. Make a list of words that rhyme with your spelling words.
5. Write your words on someone’s back with your finger.
6. Make a crossword puzzle or word search puzzle with your words.
7. Cut out letters from magazines or newspapers to spell your words.
8. Write your spelling words in dots. Then connect the dots by tracing over them with a colored
9. Write your spelling words forward and then backward. Ex. way yaw
10. Write silly sentences using your spelling words. Variation: Write a short, silly story using all
of your spelling words.
11. Create a fun word activity with your spelling words. Try a word search or scramble your
12. Have a family member print the spelling words leaving out the vowels. Then fill in the vowels.
13. Write spelling words by scrambling the letters, then unscramble them.
14. Write each spelling word on two index cards and play a game of Concentration.
15. Spelling Word Math – Assign all consonant letters 10 points and all vowels 5 points. Write
each spelling word and then add the total points for each word. Determine the most
expensive word and the cheapest word.
16. Say your spelling words. Clap once for each part of the word to tell how many syllables are in
the word. Write the number of syllables for each word. Don’t forget to try your bonus
17. Squiggly Spelling Words: Write your spelling words two times. Write them first in squiggly
letters. Then write them in regular letters the second time.
18. Computer Words – If you have a computer, type your words. Make each word have a
different font.
19. Read the weather forecast in today’s newspaper. Was it correct? Write your own weather
forecast for tomorrow.
20. Go on a walk. Look for signs of spring. Write several sentences about your walk and what you
21. Read a story by Dr. Seuss. How many made-up words can you find?
22. A shamrock has three leaves. How many leaves would six shamrocks have in all? What about
9 shamrocks?
23. Practice counting to 100 by threes. Do you notice a pattern?
24. Write at least 3 or more sentences about what you would do with a pot of gold.
25. Antonyms are words that mean the opposite. Make a list of ten antonyms.
Example: hot – cold
26. See how many words you can make using the letters in the word leprechaun.
27. Hurray for Spring! Read some poems about spring. Try to write your own spring poem.
28. Predict how many outlets are in your home? Then check your prediction.
29. Read a story. Make up a new ending.
30. Talk with your family about when you should dial 911.
31. Practice telling time to the hour, half hour, and in 5-minute intervals. Look at a clock. What
time will it be in an hour from now? What time was it one half hour ago? How many half
hours in the next 3 hours?