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WHI.8 Byzantine Empire and Russia packet
WHI Voorhees
European Culture Moves East
 Read the following to answer the questions:
After the Western Roman Empire fell, Byzantium (the Eastern Roman Empire)
became the seat of power. Constantinople became the capital city, borrowing many ideas
from Rome and continuing to spread the Roman heritage. Because of the diffusion of
ideas from the Western Roman Empire into Byzantium, the Byzantine Empire became
known as the “Second Rome.” Likewise, Russia’s use of Byzantine ideas resulted in
Russia’s claim as being the “Third Rome.”
 What part of the Roman Empire crashed? ______________________
 What is known as the “Second Rome”? ________________________
 What is known as the “Third Rome”? _________________________
 Complete the triple Venn below to show the similarities and
differences among these three empires:
World History
Check the previous activity to make sure you have included the following:
Western culture, Eastern Culture, Catholicism, Orthodox, Kiev, Rome,
Constantinople, Pope, Patriarch, Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Slavs, Moscow,
Constantine, Ivan, Diocletian, Muslim invaders, Mongol invaders,
Emperor, Tsar/Czar, Christianity, Barbarian invaders
Comparison between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches
Because the Byzantine Empire and the Western Europeans could not agree on
certain religious practices, a permanent split, or schism, took place in 1054 A.D. (C.E.).
This schism created the Roman Catholic Church, which dominated Western Europe,
and the Eastern Orthodox Church, which dominated Eastern Europe.
 Research and fill in the chart below to show the differences and
similarities that still exist:
Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox
Where is the seat of power (city)?
Which language is used in the church
Who has supreme power (political)?
Who is the church leader?
What are the beliefs concerning
marriage of clergy?
What are the beliefs concerning the
role of the Pope?
 What is the “Great Schism”?
World History
WHI.8 Rise of Russia Reading and Timeline Challenge
 Read and add dates to understand Russian history:
In the beginning, Slavs came from Central Europe to the Russian area
400 A.D. (C.E.). A strong leader, Rurik, in 860 CE unifies and establishes the first
state in Russia, with Kiev as capital. In 863, the Cyrillic alphabet is created to spread
Christianity into Russia.
Prince Vladimir adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantines in
988. Another notable leader, Yaroslav the Wise ruled Kiev from 1019–1054.
However, during the years 1236–1241, the Mongol Army (Genghis Khan and the
Golden Horde) invaded and conquered Russia.
Russia is liberated (freed) in 1380 when the Mongols are defeated. It is
good for Russia when Ivan III (The Great) creates a unified Russia in 1462. Russia
really solidifies in1480 as Ivan the Great ended tribute to Mongols and took the title
of tsar/czar.
 Create a time line of Russian history!
Use complete sentences and mark the dates correctly:
Items for time line
World History
Ivan III
Ivan the Great czar
Mongols in
Mongols out
 Use the “Rise of Russia Timeline” to answer the following questions:
1. What two cultures blended together to create a Russian culture?
Starts with: ____________ and these invade: _________________
2. Where were the Slavs located before they moved into the area known as Russia?
3. Research the Vikings and utilize a map to answer the following:
a. What countries are known to be the Vikings’ homeland?
b. What direction and what water did the Vikings travel to get to Russia?
4. Why is Rurik included on the timeline?
5. Using your textbook or other research resources, answer the following questions:
a. Who developed the Cyrillic alphabet?
b. Why was the Cyrillic alphabet developed?
6. What religion did Prince Vladimir adopt for the Russian people?
7. What group invaded and conquered the Russians? _____________________
8. Who was the leader of the Golden Horde? ___________________________
9. What Russian leader ended Mongol rule by refusing to pay tribute?
10. How long did the Mongols rule Russia? _________________________
What are the main conflicts or differences between Catholic and
Orthodox Christianity?
World History