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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
t ou ng he g i ch h t gin a Re wit han c e f li 2014 volume iii An informative publication h t u r t SUMMER CAMP 2014 WA The Numbers S SUPER! This year CrossView hosted 8 weeks of Ca mp: 6 Scholarship Camps, 1 Tuition Camp, and 1 Staff Camp. W e had the ho nor of ministering to 21 0 Campers, 9 Summer Staff, 5 Int erns, and 18 Voluntee r Counselors. This summer saw am azing fruit, including 19 first-time salvations, 34 water ba ptisms, and 59 reded ications. We gave away 88 Bibles to kids who didn’t own one (that’s 42% of our Campers!). The Campers’ Prayer Re : FINANCIAL NEEDS -scholarships for 5 Summer Camp 201 -funding for a bathroom at the pool -General Operating Funds >> n! eat or reunio tr re r u o y st o h We’d love to quests This year we gave ou r Campers the opportu nity to nail their prayer requests to a Cross as a sign the y were trusting in God’s powe r to work in those situa tions. Here’s just a samplin g of what they wrote: “I ask that my depression and urge to harm myself will fad e;” “I know I have done some pretty bad stuff, but I pray tha t You would forgive me. I wa nt to just let loose and live by Jesus;” “God, for my dad to come home;” “H elp me stop using drugs when I ge t mad at [m y] parents. ” Please join us in praying for God to answer each reque st. The Testimonies One young woman ca me to CrossView with her older brother. She’s been pra ying for years that he would accept Christ, and this year at Camp he did! Now the family is regularly atten ding church together. One of our Campers who is in foster care ha d been struggling with depre ssion and self-harm. She accepted Christ while at Camp , was water baptized, and left full of joy and hope. A Camper who has be en battling a crippling fear of heights all his life got breakthrough on the Leap of Faith! P.O. Box 288 Dickens, TX 79229 806-294-5021 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CROSSVIEWCAMP MATERIAL NEEDS: • New Internatio nal Readers Vers ion Bibles NIrV Bibles availab le for $3.99 each at www.biblica.c om ays Fun! w l A e r a raisers d n u F l l a F Punkin da a’s t Floyda raiser at Floydad w will have a y a D ie V s s Punkin our annual fund ro n 2014. C DS: E E N nt YER A gra r PR o rf avo ts F • ues req ing tgo Staff u • O m er Sum ing oo k o n B • s eas off- nts eve kets Gift Bas alk Cake W r sio 1, Join us fo rday, October 1 d pepper conces If tu ! e a ff th S o tu o n s yb p& Day o -pear jell ess, we need sket wra ly ri k b c l ri a p u a s c c our u lk, and vent a su to cover cake wa ke this e s a d m n stand, a s fu u d alk an to help w e e k u there! li k a ’d c u e yo to se yo for the e s p ie o d H o . o s xpense baked g n stand e concessio ing gift y ill be sell e,” e w n r w u ie o V J s e nc ros Join in th ctober 4, 2014, C y W omen’s Confere een O tw e , e y rn a (b u Saturd the Jo , Texas n, at “Join in Center in Muncy lways tons of fu baskets a y it is iew. t the Un is event r CrossV fo r e located a nd Lockney). Th is ra a lid fund t Connie Floydada plifting, and a so . Contac 0 ation. 2 $ u re a y ore inform kets ic m T r spirituall o t! u ts o e r tick eck it Come ch 806-983-3441 fo t a n o Johns iew will r, CrossV ed! e b to c O in rly mber/ea be determ L, Raffle te Septe em that is yet to A la E V g E in R n e big Begin th iting it r c x fo e e n g a g pa be rafflin to our facebook ity. d bil e a n il tu a v y Sta and a s e c ri p t plus ticke DED! N U F N E HAS BE l install T C E J which wil O t, c R je P ro P E nt. A Me” RM E T circus te ent “Shelter ’ L 0 ’s E 6 w x ie H ’ V 0 S ross rman w’s 4 THE funded C place CrossVie amp, and the pe tion has re C rs of time hou unda m er re to l to Sum will save maintain, ymous fo e structu An anon nt 40’ x 60’ shad location is critica veral reasons. It u set p, ne ctivity uired to t for se q /a n g re te n a perma ti e re e e th e w ded m erior to mmer. bor) that large sha cture will be sup t each su d paid la n n te (a e u th tr down sView shade s and take re will save Cros placed tu c e u to b re The str tent had e th s a was very e will money ars and e y shad w fe every rmanent be e p e h T e. ill expensiv storage, and it w , o d n n e u ir ro u req (for kids 18 & yeare s u r uefo n younger) available ore draw for reve ture S uc m at tr g s u n rd e ti a h a y T , re S . c eptember 20, ns g functio er, 2014 producin lled by Novemb 7 :0 0 a ta .m s .— . ! in — s 1 1:30 a.m. will be r photo watch fo Entry Fee: 2014, so Kids Fishing Tourney : $5 per kid Participants may either kee p their catch for $1.50 per pound, or release it a fter weighing . Call or ee--mail for more info .