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Name: ______________________ Class: _________________ Date: _________
Risk Science #2 Questions
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
____ Some flowering plants grow without seeds.
____ Height and flower color are traits that cannot be passed on to
____ All living things come from other living things.
____ Multicolor organisms can reproduce asexually.
____ No animal can reproduce asexually.
____ Only one kingdom can reproduce asexually.
____ No male and female sex cells combine during asexual reproduction.
____ Organisms can reproduce through budding.
____ Traits are inherited.
____ An inherited trait is a trait that an offspring receives.
____ A dominant trait is one that does not mask another form of that
____ A carrier is any individual who has inherited the gene for a
____ Gregor Mendel began experimenting with different breeds of dogs
in 1856.
____ Sea otters eat shelled animals, such as crabs and clams.
____ Bears and other animals do not hibernate.
____ Changes over time can be seen in fossils.
____ California's La Brea Tar Pits holds the soft parts of mammoths.
____ Fossils in Tennessee have once indicated that it was covered with
____ The Law of Superposition tells how old a fossil is.
____ All rocks contain no elements.
Indicate whether you agree with the statement.
____ The main types of reproduction are traits and fertilization.
____ Is it possible to grow a new plant without planting a seed?
____ Are the types of asexual reproduction similar and different?
____ Can some frogs reproduce asexually?
____ Do all forms of asexual reproduction eliminate the need for an
organism to find a mate?
____ Can a dog learn to catch a ball?
____ Is a chromosome found in the nucleus of the cell?
____ Can two parents with dimples have a child without dimples?
____ Can Mendel’s experiment with pea plants be useful when talking
about earlobes?
____ Can blending in with an environment help organisms?
____ Can birds adapt to their environment.
____ Do living things only thrive in hot areas of the world?
Can a lack of food cause migration?
Are animals able to mimic each other?
Do dandelions have many seeds?
Is the absolute age, the age of a fossil in years?
Does half-life mean you’ve halved your age?
____ Has a volcano created any new islands in the last 50 years?
____ Are there many types of organisms on Earth?
____ Is it true that Earth has quit changing?
Match each item to the correct description below.
heredity recessive trait
inherited trait pedigree
adaptation carrier
relative age camouflage
sexual reproduction protective coloration
asexual reproduction mimicry
vegetative propagation variation
fertilization mutation
runners natural selection
instinct fossils
gene absolute age
dominant trait
____ a characteristic that helps an organism to survive in its
____ this contains chemical instructions for inherited traits
____ any color, shape, or pattern that allows an organism to blend in
____ asexual reproduction in plants that produce new plants from
leaves, roots, and stems.
____ is an individual who has inherited a gene trait but does not show
____ type of camouflage that uses color to protect the organism
____ this masks other traits or dominates them
____ the passing down of inherited traits from one generation to
____ the age of one rock or fossil as compared to another
____ a chart to trace history of traits in a family
____ a change in an organism’s genetic material
____ the production of a new organism from a female sex cell and a
male sex cell
____ a sperm cell from a male and an egg from a female that join
____ a way of acting or behaving that you are born with
____ a characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring during
____ plant stems that lie on or under the ground and sprout new plants
____ organisms that are best suited for their environments survive and
reproduce successfully
____ the remains, traces, or imprints of living things
____ the production of new organisms from only one cell
____ this is a trait that is hidden
____ to resemble an unpleasant animal
____ the age of a fossil
____ a difference among members of the same species that enables them
to better survive.
Short Answer
Living things come from other _____ things.
Asexual reproduction means that __ parent and no sex cells are needed.
Some _____ can divide into new organisms every 10 to 20 minutes.
When an organism begins to split, it must first make a copy of its own
_____ material.
When queen honeybees lay eggs some are __________ and others are not.
_______ are plant stems that lie on or under the ground.
__________ promotes variety in a species.
A runner is a form of asexual reproduction called______________.
Heredity is the passing down of _________.
An __________ is a way of acting or behaving.
_____________ discovered the basic principles of heredity.
Parents and _____ are shown in a pedigree.
Most reptiles have dry, ____ skin.
All living things compete for food, ___, and other resources.
Protective _____ helps arctic hares blend in with their snowy
____ selection occurs when organisms survive and reproduce
In 1977 _______ ______ were discovered on the ocean floor.
The element _____ can be used to determine age.
Genetic ______ have led to diversity in living things.