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Chapter 18 Assessment
Multiple Choice
1. The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas is called:
a. evaporation
b. condensation
c. sublimation
2. Snow is an example of a:
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
3. When it comes to atmospheric processes (weather), what is the most important gas in the atmosphere?
a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Water vapor
4. Dew is an example of:
a. evaporation
b. deposition
c. condensation
5. Plants release water vapor into the atmosphere through their leaves. This is called:
a. precipitation
b. transpiration
c. saturation
6. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is known as:
a. humidity
b. psychrometer
c. wet bulb
7. A comparison of the actual amount of water vapor in the air with the amount of water vapor that the air can hold when it is saturated is:
a. humidity
b. relative humidity
c. condensation
8. The instrument used to measure relative humidity:
a. thermometer
b. wind vane
c. psychrometer
For # 9-11 use the relative humidity chart on your scrap sheet of paper.
9. If the dry bulb temperature is 26C and the wet bulb temperature is 20C, what is the relative humidity?
a. 51%
b. 57%
c. 61%
10. If the dry bulb temperature is 4C and the wet bulb temperature is 2C, what is the relative humidity?
a. 70%
b. 36%
c. 42%
11. If the dry bulb temperature is 12C and the wet bulb temperature is 12C, what is the relative humidity?
a. 0%
b. 100%
c. 50%
12. If the temperature stays the same and the amount of water vapor in increases, what happens to relative humidity?
a. it will increase
b. it will decrease
c. it will stay the same
13. If the amount of water vapor stays the same, why does relative humidity decrease as temperatures increase?
a. warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air
b. warm air holds less water vapor than cold air
c. warm air and cold air hold the same amount of water vapor
14. What is the relative humidity of air that is NOT saturated?
a. anything less than 100%
b. 100%
c. anything more than 100%
15. The formation of frost on a cold windowpane is an example of which process?
a. sublimation
b. deposition
c. condensation
16. When air expands, it cools down. What is the name of this process?
a. adiabatic cooling
b. convective lifting
c. collision-coalescence
For #17-19, identify the lifting mechanism in the image.
a. convergence
b. frontal wedging
c. orographic lifting
a. localized convective lifting
b. frontal wedging
c. orographic lifting
a. localized convective lifting
b. frontal wedging
c. orographic lifting
20. When is air most likely to rise?
a. when it is unstable
b. when it is dry
c. when it is stable
21. Which of the following is NOT needed in air for clouds to form?
a. condensation nuclei
b. water vapor
c. air below freezing
22. What does the Bergeron process explain?
a. formation of clouds
b. formation of ice crystals (snow)
c. formation of rain droplets
23. When a layer air that is above freezing sits above a layer of below freezing air near the ground, which type of precipitation is likely to form?
a. rain
b. snow
c. sleet
For #24-26, identify the type of cloud shown in the image.
a. cirrus
b. cumulus
c. stratus
a. cirrus
b. cumulus
c. stratus
a. cirrus
b. cumulus
c. stratus
Refer to the temperature and dew point data in the following cities to answer questions #27-29.
City A
City B
City C
27. Which city has the lowest relative humidity?
a. City A
b. City B
c. City C
28. Which city is most likely experiencing rainy weather?
a. City A
b. City B
c. City C
29. Which city has a relative humidity of 100%?
a. City A
b. City B
c. City C
Air Temperature (F)
Dew Point (F)
30. Which of the following is an example of a relative humidity?
a. 97%
b. 334 joules
c. 21
31. Which is true about fog?
a. Fog forms because of pollution near the ground.
b. Fog forms because temperatures near the ground are cooler that the air above.
c. Fog only happens in places where there are roads.
Use the following information to answer #32-34.
Two weather stations are located only 30 miles apart. They are separated by a mountain range. The stations record this annual data:
Average annual temperature
Average annual precipitation
Station A
98 inches
Station B
13 inches
32. Which weather station is on the windward side of the mountain range?
a. Station A
b. Station B
33. Which weather station is located on the “rain shadow” side of the mountain?
a. Station A
b. Station B
34. Of the following mechanisms, which is responsible for the differences in climate between Station A & Station B?
a. Latitude (distance from the equator)
b. Altitude
c. Orographic lifting
35. When air is the holding the maximum amount of water vapor at that temperature, what do we call the air?
a. Cloudy
b. Saturated
c. Humid
36. What is the name given to any form of water that falls from a cloud?
a. Participation
b. Precipitation
c. Condensation
37. Clouds are made of water vapor.
38. Liquid water becomes a water vapor through a process called evaporation.
39. Water vapor is NOT visible.
40. All precipitation begins as snow.