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Reading Skills: Reading for Meaning
This unit is designed to introduce pupils to the reading skills examined in the GCSE Language exam. Pupils will be
taught scanning, skimming, inference, empathy, close reading and prediction and will respond to a range of fiction
and non-fiction texts. Final assessment will be in the form of an extended comprehension exercise on two texts.
Author Study
Pupils will build upon the skills learnt in their author study in Year 7. As well as analysing the presentation of
characters and setting they will be taught to recognise the writer’s themes and trace their development throughout
the novel. Pupils will learn how to analyse short sections of the text and discuss the writer’s use of language to
create particular effects. They will evaluate the impact of language choices and discuss their views of the novel,
giving evidence for their views. The end of unit assessment piece will be an analysis of how the writer presents a
particular character or theme in the novel.
Poetry: Ballads and Narrative Poetry
This unit builds on two of the units in Year 7, poetic form and narrative writing. The focus is on the ways in which
poets tell stories using poetic techniques and forms. Pupils will learn to recognise and comment on techniques used
by poets in a wide selection of poems and they will learn the differences between narrative prose and poetry. Pupils
will be taught to analyse poetry using appropriate terminology and write their own narrative poetry. The final
assessment task is a ballad on a subject chosen by the pupil.
Writing Skills: Real Progress in Writing Unit 6
This unit is entitled know how to choose language for effect and introduces pupils to register, tone, voice,
rhetorical techniques, getting across a point of view and choosing words precisely. Assessment is through a number
of shorter activities throughout the unit.
Writing Skills: Advertising
In this unit pupils will learn to identify and evaluate the use of language and presentational devices in advertising
campaigns. Pupils will study a range of different types of advertisement including products, services and charity
advertising and will learn how to analyse the effectiveness of the writer’s choice of language and use of persuasive
techniques. The end of unit assessment task will be an advertising campaign for a product or charity with an
accompanying evaluation of their own ideas.
Writing Skills: Film Marketing and Film Review
Pupils will learn about the methods used to market films using film trailers and the conventions of film reviews.
They will analyse trailers and write film reviews, developing an awareness of the importance of matching style and
language to audience and purpose. The final assessment should be in two parts, an analysis of a trailer and a film
Travel Writing
Pupils are introduced to a range of non-fiction texts relating to the theme of travel. They will consider the main
features of the genre and compare the styles, language use and content of texts. They will learn about the
importance of audience and purpose and comment on how different texts achieve their purposes. They will also
create their own travel writing in a variety of styles. The final assessed task will be pupils’ own travel writing.
Reading Skills: Experiences of School
Pupils will study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, with a focus on pre-1900 texts based on the theme of
school. They will consider how the texts relate to their social, cultural and historical background and will compare
texts from different time periods to establish the differences in language use, style and content. The end of unit
assessment will be a comparison of two texts.
Drama Study: Playscript
Pupils will read a playscript and respond to characters, themes, setting and language choice. They will learn the
conventions of playscripts and will write their own script individually and with others. The end of unit assessment
will be a response to an aspect of the play studied and/or a written script.