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Diplomacy in the American Revolutionary War wikipedia , lookup

What are the requirements for an
“Organized Territory”?
• Congress appoints a governor
• When population reached 5,000 adult male
• Elect territorial legislature.
What are the series of laws that set up
the requirements for a state to enter
the union?
• The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
What are the requirements of a state?
• When population reached 60,000
• People write constitution
• The People ask CONGRESS to admit them as a
What is outlawed in each territory of
the U.S. in the Northwest Ordinance ?
• Slavery
What is required to be supported in
the new territorial growth?
• Public Education (tax supported)
How many states were added to the
U.S. under the procedures of the N.W.
• 37
What political party was T. Jefferson
affiliated with?
• Democratic Republican
What is the word for the large size of
federal government?
• Bureaucracy
What is the name of the Chief Justice
who was in place for much of the
country’s first constitutional laws?
• John Marshall
Which case was the first time that
Judicial review was used in the U.S.?
• Marbury vs. Madison
What is Judicial Review?
• The power of the Supreme Court to declare
acts of Congress unconstitutional.
Where was a slave revolt that started
the sale of the Louisiana Purchase?
• Haiti slave revolt
What French leader sold the Louisiana
• Napoleon Bonaparte
For how much $$$ did the U.S.
purchase the Louisiana Territory?
• 15 Million
Under what President was the
Louisiana Purchase completed?
• Thomas Jefferson
What did the Purchase of the
Louisiana Territory do to the size of the
• It doubled the size
What is the name of the group of
people that were assigned to explore
the newly acquired territory of the
Louisiana Purchase?
• The Corp of Discovery
What was Jefferson’s goal with the
Louisiana Territory’s exploration?
• To find a direct & practicable water
communication across this continent, for the
purposes commerce.
Who were the two lead explorers of
the Corp of Discovery?
• Lewis and Clark
What river was the main path of the
Corp of Discovery?
• The Missouri River
What did the Corp of Discovery bring
back from their mission? (3)
• They surveyed the land, created accurate
maps, and brought back artifacts.
What trail was later associated with
the path of the Corp of Discovery?
• The Oregon Trail
Who acted as a guide on the Corp of
• Sacagawea
Who did Jefferson attack to free up
Navigation Rights in the
• The Barbary Pirates
What was the act passed by the
Democratic-Republicans to cut off
trade with all nations in an effort to
keep the United States neutral.
• Embargo Act
The illegal stopping, searching, and
removal of sailors from United States
• Impressment
What country impressed American
What was one incident of British
impressment that infuriated the U.S.
• The USS Chesapeake incident
What concept was started with
Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana
• Manifest Destiny
What does Manifest Destiny mean?
• belief prevalent in the 19th century that the
United States had the God-given right to
expand into and possess the whole of the
North American continent.
Who is the president of the U.S. during
the War of 1812?
• James Madison
What is the name of the Shawnee
from the Ohio River Valley who
organized armed resistance against
• Tecumseh
What battle was fought between
the United States & Native
Americans of the N. West territory.
• Battle of Tippecanoe
Who was the leader of the American
troops in the Battle of Tippecanoe?
• William Henry Harrison
What was the name given to Americans
who favored war against Britain?
• War Hawks
From what regions of the U.S. were
the War Hawks?
• West and the South
Name the two predominant War
hawks ?
• John C. Calhoun
• Henry Clay
What are the four reasons that the
U.S. went to war with Britain in 1812?
• British restrictions on American
• British policy of impressments
• Trouble with Indians in the West
• Drive the British out of North
At what battle was the “Star spangled
banner” written? Who wrote it?
• Battle of Fort McHenry
• Francis Scott Key
Where did the U.S. attack Britain in the
War of 1812? Where did Britain attack
the U.S.?
• Canada
• Washington DC
What was the final peace treaty of the
War of 1812? Who won the war?
• Treaty of Ghent
• Nothing was gained by either
side. (a draw/tie)
Where was there an attempt by New
England Federalists to secede from the
Union? What did this do to the
Federalist party?
• Hartford Convention
• It ended their popularity
Where did Andrew Jackson lead his
forces in two battles during the War of
1812? What was his nickname?
• Horseshoe Bend Alabama
• New Orleans
• “Old Hickory”
What was significant about the Battle
of New Orleans?
• It was fought after the Treaty of
Ghent (end of the war) was settled.
• Nationalism and Morale was high
due to the victory.
What are three results of the War of
• Pride and Patriotism
• Growth of American Industry
• Development of American
Who developed the “American
System”? What was it (3 parts)?
• Henry Clay
–Protective Tariffs
–New transportation system
–New national Bank
What are two different internal
improvements that were part of the
“American System”?
• National Road
• Erie Canal- Hudson River to Lake Erie
What contributed to the Rise of New
York City?
• The trade that grew when the Erie Canal made
the city harbors the link between European
merchants and the agricultural markets of the
What is the time period after the War of
1812 considered? Who was the
president that acquired Florida? ? What
was the treaty called?
• Era of Good Feelings
• Monroe
• Adams-Onis Treaty
What was the name of Monroe’s
Foreign Policy? Who was it directed
towards? In what areas was it
• Monroe Doctrine
• European Powers
• Americas (Western Hemisphere)
What river was the boarder of the
North West Territory? (slavery would
not be allowed on the other side)
• Ohio River
Who did the U.S. believed was
supplying the natives of the N.W.
Territory with weapons?
• The British
What president’s wife saved George
Washington’s portrait?
• James Madison- his wife was Dolley Madison
What official “Act” did President
Jefferson repeal (take back) once he
was in office?
• The Alien and Sedition Acts
What did the Corp of Discovery blaze
as a pattern for a future “trail”?
• The Oregon Trail
What was the U.S. ship that was
attacked by the British during War of
• U.S.S. Chesapeake
Jefferson’s vision of individualism and
liberty brought about the era known
• Jeffersonian Democracy
What was the odd thing that
happened to William Henry Harrison
during his presidency?
• He only lived for 34 days into office before
Why was the War of 1812 easier for
the U.S. to fight Britain at this time?
• Because Britain was already at war with
How did New England trade change
during the War of 1812?
• they began to increase production and output
of its own mills and factories.