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Baby Building Blocks
Preconception, Conception, and After
Written by Jen Allbritton, CN
A healthy baby is a reflection of how a mom and dad took care of themselves prior to pregnancy, during
pregnancy, and even after. Too often, parents begin healthy habits only after conception, ultimately
missing an important window of opportunity to maximize the odds of the healthiest possible outcome.
At least six months prior to trying to conceive, prospective parents should treat their bodies as if they
were pregnant.. Focusing on the proper foods and nutrients gives a family a better chance for a quicker
conception, smoother pregnancy, healthier baby, and easier recovery. Those who are pregnant or
thinking about bringing a bundle of joy into their lives will not want to miss this important information!
The Power of Food
The effects of nutrition on future health are most critical while a baby is in the womb! Mom must
provide that nutrition. Additionally, since life does not stop for the pregnant mom, she must also have
reserves left for her own energy and disease-prevention. A study published in Developmental
Psychology in 2003 found that children born to mothers who experienced postpartum depression had a
higher risk of displaying behavioral problems later.1 This study is particularly interesting because both
of these symptoms, postpartum depression and behavioral problems, are likely caused by the same
deficiency – deficiency of essential fatty acids. A deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals can
contribute to anything from difficulty getting pregnant to health problems for the newborn.2 To take in
adequate nutrition, one should consume nourishing, whole foods and take proper nutritional
supplementation. Appropriate food choices include fresh organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats,
whole grains, legumes, free-range eggs, and wild fish.
Of particular importance are omega-3 fatty acids (especially EPA and DHA). These fats are essential to
a baby’s growth and development – especially the brain and eyes. American women tend to be low in
these valuable fats because of the decline in consumption of the foods that they are found in, such as
wild-caught fish, cod liver oil, and egg yolks from hens fed fish meal, algae, or flax. According to the
brain-building expert Carol Simontacchi in her book Crazy Makers, many pregnant and nursing moms
in the Orient eat twelve eggs per day, just to get the essential fatty acids for their babies. The Orientals
know that eggs are a brain food.3 After birth, the child's requirements for fatty acids remain high until
about two years of age, when brain growth is essentially finished.3 Simontacchi stresses that one trend
among different traditional cultures is that none favors low-fat diets, particularly during pregnancy!4
Adequate protein is another important part of baby-making. The body relies on protein to manufacture
new cells and hormones, fight illness and infection, and produce the extra blood cells a fetus needs to
develop normally.5,6,7 Furthermore, nausea can be exacerbated by low blood sugar.8 One of the best
approaches to avoiding low blood sugar is to ensure that each meal has a heaping serving of quality
protein, such as grass-fed meat, free-range eggs, nuts, or cottage cheese.*
Caffeine and alcohol may contribute to infertility and poor nutrition for the mother and baby. Women
who drink 300 mg or more of caffeine daily (about two to three cups of coffee) may reduce their chance
of pregnancy by about 25%.6 Moreover, numerous studies show that even moderate amounts of caffeine
contribute to birth defects, increased risk for low-birth-weight offspring, and reproductive problems.5
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, even in small amounts, has been shown to increase the risk of
hyperactivity, short attention span, and emotional problems in a child.9 Finally, consuming too many
sugary and processed foods, like pastas and bakery items, may double the risk of neural tube defects in
newborns. Scientists believe that the sudden release of large amounts of glucose that occurs after eating
sugary or highly processed foods may interfere with the baby’s development in the womb.10
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Special Baby-Making Nutrients
The development and growth of each organ and tissue has its own pattern and timing. For example, a
baby’s heart and brain are well developed in the first 16 weeks, even though the lungs remain
nonfunctional. Each organ and tissue needs the nutrients essential for growth and development during its
intensive growth spurt. Poor dietary intake at one point during a pregnancy can make an impact.11
Furthermore, a baby can pull vitamins, minerals, and protein from the mother’s bones, organs, tissues,
and other storage areas if they are not supplied in the mother's diet. This can leave the mother depleted,
which can take a long time, even years, to correct.12 Of course the first goal is to try to get as much
nutrition from quality foods, and then add nutritional supplementation for extra support.13
It is a good idea to start supplementing with a prenatal supplement even before pregnancy. There is
scientific evidence that women who use a multivitamin-mineral formula containing folic acid beginning
three months before becoming pregnant and continuing through the first three months of pregnancy have
a significantly lower risk of having babies with neural tube defects (e.g., spina bifida) and other
congenital defects.14,15 Depending on one’s diet and specific situation, additional supplements may be
advisable. For example, in one study, pregnant women who used a zinc-containing nutritional
supplement in the three months before and after conception had a 36% decreased chance of having a
baby with a neural tube defect, and women who had the highest dietary zinc intake (but took no vitamin
supplement) had a 30% decreased risk.16
The B vitamin complex plays numerous roles in pregnancy, including cell division and growth of the
fetus, digestion of protein and carbohydrate in the mother, and the prevention of anemia and toxemia
during pregnancy. In general, adequate intake of B vitamins helps prevent nervousness, skin problems,
and lack of energy.8 Although these nutrients are found in a prenatal vitamin, a few should be given
particular attention and possibly supplemented in addition to a prenatal. These include folic acid, B12,
and niacin. Folic Acid has been shown to prevent low birth weight17 as well as neural tube defects (e.g
spina bifida).18 Women should take in at least 400 micrograms (mcg), and as much as 800 mcg of folic
acid daily. 20 This amount should include the amount from food, which is especially high in fortified
foods. Vitamin B12 is of particular interest to vegetarians since it is found only in foods of animal
origin. For this reason, many health professionals do not recommend strict vegetarianism during
pregnancy. A lack of vitamin B12 has been linked to repeated miscarriages, neural tube defects, and a
type of anemia.5 Finally, niacin (a form of vitamin B3) supplementation during the first trimester has
been correlated with higher birth weights, longer length, and larger head circumference (all signs of
healthier infants).19
Calcium needs double during pregnancy.20 A primary use of calcium is to build a baby’s bones and
teeth. Supplementation with calcium may also reduce the risk of preterm delivery and pre-eclampsia.21
Pregnant women can use up to 1,500 mg of calcium per day, which includes that from food sources such
as dairy products, dark leafy greens, sardines, and almonds.5 Pregnant women who fail to consume and
absorb adequate calcium add to their osteoporosis risk later in life, especially if they become pregnant
Essential fatty acids, particularly DHA, are quickly becoming one of the most studied and
recommended nutrients for pregnant women 3 Cod liver oil taken by nursing mothers improves the fatty
acid profile in breast milk (promoting optimal brain development) and also increases levels of vitamin A
(preventing infections).23,24 Pregnant women using cod liver oil have infants with a lower risk for
juvenile type 1 diabetes.21 Also, women with higher DHA levels suffer less from postpartum
depression.23 Supplementation with fish oil has been shown to significantly reduce the recurrence of
premature delivery.24 Books on feeding infants published in the 1930’s and 1940’s routinely
recommended cod liver oil, so the news of the benefits from these fats is not hot-off-the-press! Note:
The difference between cod liver and fish oil is that cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D, two
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nutrients that are often low in many diets. Fish oil is from the flesh of fish contains just the EPA and
Plentiful good bacteria can mean fewer allergies! Our inner ecology is intricately linked to immunity
and intestinal health. A mother’s beneficial bacteria impact the baby during growth, birth, and
breastfeeding. Babies who do not receive adequate microflora early in life are more prone to allergies,
infections, food sensitivities, and malabsorption problems. Babies receive healthy bacteria through a
vaginal birth and probiotic supplementation, and breast milk contains factors that support the growth of
those bacteria.25,26 In one study researchers gave a group of pregnant women probiotic capsules every
day for a few weeks before their due dates. For 6 months after delivery, women who breast-fed
continued on the probiotics and bottle-fed infants were given the bacteria directly. All of the babies were
considered to be at high risk of developing allergies, since they had either a parent or sibling that was
affected. Children who had received probiotics were half as likely to develop eczema as those in a
control group that received no probiotic supplementation.27 These results confirm that intestine-dwelling
bacteria can train the infant’s immune system to resist allergic reactions. Besides supplements, foods
that encourage the proliferation of good gut bacteria include raw cultured vegetables, quality yogurt, and
kefir. See Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates for more information on cultured foods and their benefits.
Baby Supportive Herbs
There are a few traditional herbs used to strengthen or invigorate organ systems or the entire body that
can be taken safely every day during pregnancy. Examples include dandelion leaf and root, red
raspberry leaf, and nettle. Dandelion leaf and root are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, including
beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, and iron, and can support the liver.28 Red raspberry leaf is the most
frequently mentioned herb for general support of pregnancy and breast-feeding. Rich in vitamins and
minerals (especially iron), it is traditionally used to strengthen the uterus, increase milk flow, and restore
the mother’s system after childbirth.29 Finally, nettle leaf is rich in the minerals calcium and iron and is
mildly diuretic. Nettle is believed to enrich and increase the flow of breast milk and restore a mother’s
energy following childbirth.30 Bear in mind, these herbs are found in tincture, capsule, or tea form, often
times in combination.
Nourishing a mother-to-be and building a healthy baby may take a little extra effort, but what can be
more rewarding than knowing that you did everything possible to encourage the best development and
health for your child? So, for your baby shower, don’t ask for diapers and a bassinet, register for
prenatals and cod liver oil instead!
Side Bar: Be Sure to Breastfeed!
The importance of breastfeeding is unquestionable. Breast milk is perfectly designed for a baby’s
physical and mental development. Breastfed babies tend to be more robust, intelligent, and free of
allergies and other complaints, especially intestinal difficulties.4 One study found that babies of mothers
with higher DHA levels (which shows up in breast milk) slept longer and more soundly than those of
mothers with lower DHA levels.31 Several studies have established a convincing link between
breastfeeding and weight control later in life. Essentially, the longer the period in which babies receive
breast milk, the less likely they are to become obese.32 Breastfed infants are also less likely than bottlefed babies to develop respiratory illnesses as children.33 Compared to formula-fed infants, breast-fed
infants are less likely to develop otitis media (middle ear infections) and diarrhea during the first six
months of life,34 and less likely to require hospitalization if ill.35 Some researchers believe that breastfed infants have the potential to have higher intelligence and greater academic achievement than
formula-fed infants, which is thought to be due to the DHA found in mother’s milk and not in U.S.
formulas.36 Consider contacting your local LaLeche League for support and credentialed advice on
breastfeeding. See their phone book listings.
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Bear in mind, breast milk is only as healthy as what the mother is eating to nourish her milk. Thus, it is
just as important to maintain healthy eating and supplement practices after pregnancy as it is during.
Chemicals and damaged fats, which are dangerous to a growing baby, will be present in mother’s milk if
they are present in her diet. For instance, in a Canadian study, trans fatty acids, a dangerous damaged
fat, averaged 7.2% of the total fatty acids in breast milk. The main source of trans-fats was partiallyhydrogenated vegetable oils. The researchers also found that the levels of essential fatty acids were
inversely related to the total trans-fats, which means that the elevation of trans-fats in human milk is at
the expense of essential fatty acids.37 If formula feeding is necessary, refer to the nutrition-dense recipes
provided in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.
References available upon request.
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