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Unit #5:
Period 5: 1844-1877
Testing the New Nation (1820-1877)
DURATION: 4.5 weeks
• The American Pageant (16th Edition)
Chapters 18-22
OBJECTIVES: By the end of this unit, each student will be able to:
• Understand that as the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over
slavery, led to a civil war-the course and aftermath of which transformed American society.
1. QUIZ – Tues., Nov. 15 (Chapter 18) (Chapter 18 Key Terms and Questions due)
2. QUIZ – Mon., Nov. 28 (Chapter 19) (Chapter 19 Key Terms and Questions due)
3. QUIZ – Tues., Dec. 06 (Chapter 20) (Chapter 20 Key Terms and Questions due)
4. QUIZ– Mon., Dec. 12 (Chapter 21) (Chapter 21 Key Terms and Questions due)
5. EXAM – Fri., Dec. 16 (Chapters 18-22) (Chapter 22 Key Terms and Questions due)
Chapter 18 Key Terms: Briefly identify, define, and/or explain. (14 points)
1. popular sovereignty 2. Free Soil party 3. California gold rush 4. Underground Railroad 5. Seventh
of March speech 6. Compromise of 1850 7. Fugitive Slave Law 8. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty 9. Ostend
Manifesto 10. Opium War 11. Wanghia, Treaty of 12. Kanagawa, Treaty of 13. Gadsden Purchase
14. Kansas-Nebraska Act
Chapter 18 Questions: (10 points)
Chapter 19 Key Terms: Briefly identify, define, and/or explain. (15 points)
1. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 2. The Impending Crisis of the South 3. New England Emigrant Aid Company
4. Lecompton Constitution 5. Bleeding Kansas 6. Dred Scott v. Stanford 7. panic of 1857 8. Tariff of
1857 9. Lincoln-Douglas debates 10. Freeport question 11. Freeport Doctrine 12. Harpers Ferry
13. Constitutional Union party 14. Crittenden amendments 15. Confederate States of America
Chapter 19 Questions: (15 points)
David M. Potter, The Impending Crisis, 1848–1861 (1976).
• “Thus slavery suddenly emerged as a transcendent sectional issue in its own right, and as a
catalyst of all sectional antagonisms, political, economic, and cultural. . . . The slavery question
became the sectional question, the sectional question became the slavery question, and both
became the territorial question. . . . From the sultry August night in 1846 when Wilmot caught the
chairman’s eye, the slavery question steadily widened the sectional rift until an April dawn in
1861 when the batteries along the Charleston waterfront opened fire on Fort Sumter. . . .”
Michael Holt, Forging a Majority: The Formation of the Republic Party in Pittsburgh, 1848–1860
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• “Politics did not revolve around [slavery and the South] just as politics today does not revolve
around communism, although most people dislike it. Instead, social, ethnic, and religious
considerations often determined who voted for whom between 1848 and 1861. Divisions between
native-born Americans and immigrants and between Protestants and Catholics, rather than
differences of opinion about the tariff or the morality of slavery, distinguished Whigs and
Republicans from Democrats. . . . Interpreting the rise of the Republican party in the North solely
in terms of hostility to slavery or economic issues is, therefore, too simplified.”
Using the excerpts, answer parts a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain ONE major difference between Potter and Holt’s historical interpretation of the
politics of the 1850s.
b) Briefly explain how ONE development from the period 1844 to 1861 not directly mentioned in the
excerpts supports Potter’s argument.
c) Briefly explain how ONE development from the period 1844 to 1861 not directly mentioned in the
excerpts supports Holt’s argument.
Chapter 20 Key Terms: Briefly identify, define, and/or explain. (14 points)
1. Fort Sumter 2. Border States 3. West Virginia 4. Trent affair 5. Alabama 6. Laird rams
7. Dominion of Canada 8. writ of habeas corpus 9. New York draft riots 10. Morrill Tariff Act
11. greenbacks 12. National Banking System 13. Homestead Act 14. U.S. Sanitary Commission
Chapter 20 Questions: (15 points)
Answer parts a, b, and c.
a) In the early 1860s, both the Union and the Confederacy mobilized their economies and
societies to wage the Civil War. Briefly explain ONE important similarity in the mobilization
of the economy in the Union and Confederacy.
b) Briefly explain ONE important similarity in the mobilization of society in the Union and
c) Briefly explain ONE important difference in the mobilization of the economy or society in the
Union and the Confederacy.
Chapter 21 Key Terms: Briefly identify, define, and/or explain. (22 points)
1. Bull Run (Manassas Junction), Battle of 2. Peninsula Campaign 3. Merrimack 4. Monitor
5. Bull Run, Second Battle of 6. Antietam, Battle of 7. Emancipation Proclamation 8. Thirteenth
Amendment 9. Fredericksburg, Battle of 10. Gettysburg, Battle of 11. Gettysburg Address
12. Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, Battle of 13. Shiloh, Battle of 14. Vicksburg, siege of 15. Sherna’s
March 16. Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War 17. Copperheads 18. The Man
Without a Country 19. Union Party 20. Wilderness Campaign 21. Appomattox Courthouse
22. Reform Bill of 1867
Chapter 21 Questions: (15 points)
Thomas C. Cochran, “Did the Civil War Retard Industrialization?” Mississippi Valley Historical
Review (1961).
“Collectively these statistical estimates support a conclusion that the Civil War retarded American
industrial growth. . . . Economically the effects of war and emancipation over the period 1840 to
1880 were negative. . . . If factory industry and mechanized transportation be taken as the chief
indexes of early industrialism, its spread in the United States was continuous and rapid during the
entire nineteenth century. . . . Few economists would see a major stimulation to economic growth in
the events of the Civil War.”
James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom (1988).
“The old federal republic in which the national government had rarely touched the average citizen
except through the post-office gave way to a more centralized polity that taxed the people directly
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and created an internal revenue bureau to collect these taxes, drafted men into the army, expanded
the jurisdiction of the federal courts, created a national currency and a national banking system, and
established the first national agency for social welfare—the Freedmen’s Bureau. . . . These changes
in the federal balance paralleled a radical shift of political power from South to North. . . . The
accession to power of the Republican party, with its ideology of competitive, egalitarian, free-labor
capitalism, was a signal to the South that the northern majority had turned irrevocably toward this
frightening, revolutionary future. Union victory in the war destroyed the southern vision of America
and ensured that the northern vision would become the American vision.”
Using the excerpts, answer parts a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain ONE major difference between Cochran and McPherson’s historical interpretation
of the consequences of the Civil War.
b) Briefly explain how ONE development from the period 1861 to 1865 not directly mentioned in the
excerpts supports Cochran’s argument.
c) Briefly explain how ONE development from the period 1861 to 1865 not directly mentioned in the
excerpts supports McPherson’s argument.
Chapter 22 Key Terms: Briefly identify, define, and/or explain. (19 points)
1. Freedmen’s Bureau 2. “10 percent” Reconstruction plan 3. Wade-Davis Bill 4. Black Codes
5. Pacific Railroad Act 6. Civil Rights Bill 7. Fourteenth Amendment 8. Reconstruction Act 9.
Fifteenth Amendment 10. Ex parte Milligan 11. Redeemers 12. Woman’s Loyal League
13. Union League 14. scalawags 15. carpetbaggers 16. Ku Klux Klan 17. Force Acts 18. Tenure of
Office Act 19. Seward’s Folly
Chapter 22 Questions: (15 points)
Using the political cartoon, “Is This a Republican Form of Government? By Thomas Nast, Harper’s
Weekly, 1876” (American Pageant p. 483), answer parts a, b and c.
a) Briefly explain the point of view expressed by the political cartoonist about ONE of the following:
Constitutional Changes of the Reconstruction Period
The Rights of African Americans
Southern Resistance to Reconstruction
b) Briefly explain ONE development from 1865 to 1877 that may have led to the point of view
expressed by the political cartoonist.
c) Briefly explain ONE way in which developments from 1865 to 1877 challenged the point of view
expressed by the political cartoonist.
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