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Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
Scientific Method, Metrics, Analysis, Graphing, & Characteristics of Life
(back of textbook pgs # R1-R24; chp #1)
1. Could you recognize the steps of the scientific method from a description?
2. Do you know what type of graph to use with which type of information (i.e. if using percentages, comparing data, or
analyzing changes over time)?
3. Do you know the parts that need to be included in a proper graph?
4. Write five examples of conversions within the metric system.
5. Why is the data gathered in an experiment further analyzed after it is collected?
6. Define and give examples of dependent and independent variables.
7. What is the term used to describe the process of stating an outcome of a planned event before the event has occurred?
8. Why would a scientist stain a sample of onion skin before viewing it under the microscope?
9. Why does an experiment need to be repeated many times?
10. What are the characteristics of life? Can you identify them from descriptions?
Organic Molecules / Properties of Water / Reactions & Enzymes
(chps #2)
11. Describe the subatomic particles of an atom. Draw an atom with each subatomic particle in its proper position.
12. What part of an atom allows it to combine with another atom?
13. Give examples of substances that are formed with the two major types of bonds.
14. How many electrons does it take to fill the first energy level? The second?
15. Carbon has many isotopes. List examples of at least two and give the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in
16. What is an ion? What subatomic particle(s) changes in number to form ions?
17. What is used to determine the mass number of an atom? Give an example.
18. Define the term compound and give examples.
19. Explain why a water molecule is defined as being polar?
20. Why does water exhibit surface tension?
21. Define the terms synthesis and hydrolysis.
22. What does it mean to say that a material is organic?
23. Give examples of organic and inorganic materials found in cells.
24. Why is carbon found in so many different compounds?
25. What makes a substance organic?
26. List the four major organic macromolecules found in living things.
27. List the monomers that are needed for the synthesis of each macromolecule.
28. List examples of each of the four macromolecules.
29. List at least three characteristics of enzymes.
30. How do enzymes interact within a chemical equation?
31. What is the difference between an anabolic and catabolic reaction? Which one creates macromolecules, which one
breaks them up? Which one requires energy, which one releases energy?
32. What happens to enzymes at high temperatures?
33. Explain how an enzyme speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction?
34. Define pH and give examples of concentrations of H+ ions and OH- ions found at different pH levels.
35. Where are acids, bases, and neutrals found on the pH scale?
36. How is pH relevant to living things?
Cell Structure & Function / Cell Transport
(chps #3)
37. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
38. List the three main parts of the cell theory.
39. List and describe the function of all of the major cellular organelles.
40. Draw and label the fluid mosaic model of a cellular membrane.
41. Where is DNA located within a cell, and what function does it carry out?
42. Give an example of a cell type in the human body that would likely have a high number of mitochondria?
43. What are the types of active transport?
44. What are the types of passive transport?
45. Explain how water moves when a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution. How does it move when a cell is placed in a
hypertonic solution?
46. Describe the process of active transport.
47. List the levels of organization beginning with atom and ending in organism.
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
Unit III
Plant Anatomy / Photosynthesis / Cellular Respiration
(chps #21, chp #4)
48. Define and label the parts of the leaf.
49. Where does photosynthesis occur in the leaf?
50. Define the location and purpose of xylem and phloem within plants.
51. Draw and label a chloroplast with all parts needed for photosynthesis including the light dependent and light
independent reactions. Include the entrance and exit of all reactants and products for these reactions on the diagram.
52. Write the balanced equation for photosynthesis and label the reactants and products.
53. What occurs during the light reactions/light dependent reactions?
54. What occurs during the calvin cycle /dark reactions /light independent reactions?
55. Can you describe the part of photosynthesis that each reactant is needed for?
56. Can you describe the part of photosynthesis that each product is produced in?
57. Draw and label the parts of an ATP molecule and explain how energy is released from the molecule.
58. What would the number of bubbles released by an aquatic plant indicate?
59. Draw and label a mitochondrion with all parts needed for cellular respiration. Include the entrance and exit of all
reactants and products for these reactions on the diagram.
60. Write the balanced equation for cellular respiration and label the reactants and products.
61. What occurs during: glycolysis; the kreb’s cycle; and the electron transport chain?
62. Can you describe the part of cellular respiration that each reactant is needed for?
63. Can you describe the part of cellular respiration that each product is produced in?
Below are sample questions that cover some of the material above. These questions were developed by
students as an assignment one year.
(courtesy of Kelly, Emily, Greg, Jessica, Brittney S.)
(1) Circle the smallest measurement below (Hint!: Convert to same measurement first)
a. 750 cm
b. 1250 mm
c. 125 Hm
(2) A researcher investigated 2 groups of fruit flies for 40 days. Population A was kept in a 1-L jar and population B was
kept in a 1.5-L jar. He wanted to test the effect of the jars’ sizes had on the populations’ growth. What are the
independent and dependent variables?
independent _____________________
dependent _____________________
(3) What is the difference between a covalent and ionic bond?
a. an ionic bond is when electrons are shared between atoms; a covalent bond is when electrons are transferred
from one atom to another
b. an ionic bond is when electrons are transferred from one atom to another; covalent bond is when electrons are
shared between atoms
c. an ionic bond synthesizes atoms together; covalent bonds separate atoms from one another
Write the correct answer for the following question.
(4) The property of cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same substance. Water is a substance that is very
cohesive. What makes water a cohesive substance? (Hint: Think of the properties of water)
(5) Fill in the chart below.
Name of macromolecule
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
(courtesy of Brittany R., Jalin, Andy, Antonio)
(6) List the levels of biological organization.
(courtesy of Laura, Joseph J. Paul, Rami)
(7) ATP is made of ADP and ____________________
(8) Light dependent reactions produce ATP, NADPH and __________.
a. H2O
c. CO2
(Kassandra, Alex, Demetri)
(9) Label the parts indicated on the following
A _________________________
X _________________________
E _________________________
(10) What does the nucleus contain?
(11) What is the significance of the ribosome
a. package protein
c. dispose of protein
b. store protein
d. assemble protein
(12) What is the role of the centriole throughout the phases of mitosis?
a. creates spindle fibers
c. dispose of organelles
b. separates cells
d. the function is unknown
(13) Explain the significance of the endoplasmic reticulum.
a. transportation for ribosomes
c. packages protein
b. stores nutrients
(Andrew J. Montgomery, Jonathan, Dominick, Reno)
(14) Which of these is NOT in all atoms?
a. protons
c. electrons
b. neutrons
d. none of the above
(15) Convert 133 kilograms to decagrams.
(16) Convert 2517.697 milligrams to hectagrams.
(17) How many valence electrons does O2 have?
(18) What is the range on the pH scale for acids?
a. 1 – 6
c. 8 - 14
b. 0 – 6
d. 8 – 15
(19) Which of these is not an isotope of Boron?
a. Boron – atomic #5
c. Boron – atomic #5
atomic mass 13
atomic mass 12
b. Boron – atomic #6
d. Boron – atomic #5
atomic mass 11
atomic mass 13
Extra Credit
What does the acronym DRY – MIX stand for? (It’s something Ms. Simmons uses to help you remember axis labeling)
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
(Darryn, Jasha,Anthony T., Ashanti)
(20) List the levels of biological organization in order.
(Tisha, Joyce, Ana, Katie)
(21) What is the equation for photosynthesis?
a. C27 --> H2O
b. C6H12O6 --> W87
c. CO2 + H2O + light --> C6H12O6 + O2
d. C6H12O6 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O
(22) Explain the difference between ADP and ATP.
a. ADP is in only plants; ATP is only in animals
b. ADP has 4 phosphate groups; ATP has 2
c. There is no difference between ATP and ADP
d. ADP has 2 phosphate groups; ATP has 3 and ATP contains more energy
(23) How is photosynthesis measured in plants?
a. by the output of O2
c. how much it grows
b. how fast it grows
d. the color of its waves
(24) Label the diagram to the right with the parts
of the chloroplast that are involved in the
light dependent reactions.
(Shana, Shamoni, Rachel, Hannah)
(25) What is the function of the organelle indicated?
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
(26) Which cell in the human body needs the most mitochondria?
a. skin cells
c. bacteria
b. muscle cells
d. red blood cells
(27) Which of the following is NOT a difference in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
a. one has a nucleus and the other doesn’t
c. one has ribosomes and the other doesn’t
b. one is multi-cellular the other isn’t
d. only the animal cells have one type
(28) True or False. Osmosis is active transport
(29) What structure is indicated by the arrows.
(Carlos, Scott, Brian, Jeffrey, Cameron)
(30) Which of the following is an example of unsaturated fat?
a. steak
c. high fructose corn syrup
b. olive oil
d. none of the above.
(31) Water sticks together to form puddles because of
a. adhesion
c. gravity
b. surface tension
d. cohesion
(32) Convert 345 meters to centimeters.
(33) Which is the most acidic?
a. milk
b. orange juice
c. water
d. soap
(34) A farmer decided to perform an experiment to test the different effects of liquids on his crops. He watered one acre of
zucchini with coke, one with water, one with Gatorade, and one acre with red bull. What is the independent variable
in this experiment?
(Michael, Catherine, Raymond, Ryan, Kevin)
(35) Jim has an aquarium with aquatic plants, he notices some bubbles releasing from the plants, what happened?
a. The plant is dying.
c. The plant is releasing CO2.
b. The plant is releasing oxygen.
d. The plant is reproducing.
(Nico, Grace, J.D., Kayla, Andrew)
(36) Which kind of organelle detoxifies drugs?
a. ribosome
b. rough endoplasmic reticulum
c. Britney Spears
d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
(37) Why is fat a part of the cell membrane?
a. it keeps the temperature stable
b. it give it color
c. it makes sure not all materials get through
d. A & C only
e. B & C only
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
(38) Who am I?
-I am multi-cellular
-I have organelles
-I have a nucleus
a. golgi apparatus
b. prokaryote
c. eukaryote
d. organelle
(39) Which process does not require energy?
a. active transport
c. facilitated diffusion
b. appendectomy
d. unactive transport
(40) Which statement is not part of the cell theory?
a. new cells are produced from existing cells
b. cells are the basic unit for all living things
c. only some things are composed of cells
(Alexis P., Alexandra, Erika, Victoria, Jessica)
(41) What is the 1st step to the scientific method?
a. hypothesis
c. research
b. data
d. exhibit/present
(42) How many valence electrons do noble gases have?
a. 8
c. 12
b. 3
d. 1
(43) Which of the following is an organic compound?
a. lipids
c. carbohydrates
b. proteins
d. all of the above
(44) If Big Bertha has a mass of 90,000 milligrams and she wants to raise her self-esteem by converting her mass to
grams, what is her mass in grams?
(45) Mike wants to drink an acidic beverage. He wants the most acidic beverage possible. Which of the following
numbers represents the most acidic substance?
a. 5
c. 9
b. 7
d. 14
(Haley, Katie R., Quinton, Josh, Cody)
(46) What are the two products of photosynthesis? Tell whether each product is produced in the light dependent
reactions, or the Calvin Cycle.
a. Oxygen in the light dependent reactions; Glucose in the Calvin Cycle.
b. Glucose in the light dependent reactions; Oxygen in the Calvin Cycle
c. Energy in the light dependent reactions, Oxygen in the Calvin Cycle.
(47) What is the difference between ADP and ATP, and how is energy released from ATP? Read the answers carefully!!
a. ADP has three phosphates and ATP has two. Energy is released when the bond between the 1st and 2nd phosphates
is broken.
b. ADP has two phosphates and ATP has three. Energy is released when the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphates
is broken.
c. ADP has two phosphates and ATP has three. Energy is released when the bond between the 1st and 2nd phosphates
is broken.
(Andrew R., Troy, Trevor)
(48) What are the differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?
(49) Which of these is not part of the cell theory?
a. New cells are produced from existing cells.
b. Only animal cells contain DNA.
c. All living things are composed of cells.
d. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things.
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015
(50) What are the 2 things that a plant cell has that an animal cell doesn’t?
(51) True or False. Centrioles are found in plant cells.
(52) Label the following diagram as indicated.
Cellular Respiration Questions
(53) Classify the cellular respiration reaction. (What type of reaction is it?) Use at least two terms, and explain each.
(54) What type of reaction is used to form polymers?
(55) What type of reaction is used to degrade polymers?
(56) Where do the 3 parts of cellular respiration occur?
(57) Explain the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs in terms of whether their cells perform photosynthesis
and/or cellular respiration.
(58) When and why does our body use lactic acid fermentation?
(59) What is the difference in energy between ADP and ATP?
(60) What parts of cellular respiration are actually aerobic?
(61) How do photosynthesis and aerobic cellular respiration support each other?
Biology I Honors
Semester Exam Review 2014-2015