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Objectives - Urogenital System and Hernia
why are the urinary, reproductive, and digestive systems in such close proximity?
Urinary System
what is the pattern of blood circulation to, from, and within the kidneys
where are the kidneys located?
is there a mesentery of the kidneys?
describe the parts of the kidney
what is the functional unit of the kidney? Describe its parts
what is the function of the glomerulus and how does this differ from the function of the loop of Henle?
what is meant by counter-current multiplication?
describe the osmolarity gradient within the kidney
describe the path of urine through the body - consider the movement of a kidney stone through this path
what is the difference between the ureter and urethra?
how does the anatomy of the urethra differ between the sexes?
what are the major constituents of urine in a healthy individual?
what substances might be expelled in the urine under pathological conditions?
what type of epithelium lines the urinary tract? why?
why is incontinence more prevalent in the very young and the very old?
why are females more susceptible to infection of the urinary tract ?
Reproductive System
what are "secondary" sexual characters?
knowledge of the homologous parts of the reproductive systems and genitalia of the two sexes will form the
basis of understanding of how the sexes become distinct through development, as well as the pathological
development of sex organs
describe the positon of the vagina and uterus relative to the urinary bladder and rectum
be familiar with the parts of the external genitalia
describe the parts of the female reproductive tract - what are the different purposes of its parts?
describe the change in anatomy of the uterus through the menstrual cycle
what is the organization of the ovaries? - where are they located? - what are their functions?
is the supply of oocytes replenished through life?
what is meant by oogenesis?
describe the relationship of the ovary to the uterine tube
what is meant by the term ovulation
where does fertilization normally occur?
where does implantation normally occur?
understand the relationships of the ligaments and mesenteries of the female reproductive tract
what hormones act on the female reprodcutive tract?
(continued on other side)
Reproductive System (continued from other side)
be familiar with the parts of the external genitalia
describe the parts of the male reproductive tract - what are the different purposes of its parts?
describe the position of the parts of the male reproductive tract relative to the urinary bladder - how is this
relevant to prostatic cancer?
what is the organization of the testes? what are their functions?
describe the path of sperm through the male reproductive tract, and its relationship to abdominal and pelvic
where do testes develop? how do they get to their definitive location?
is the supply of spermatocytes replenished through life?
what is meant by spermatogenesis? what is meant by spermiogenesis?
what is the innervation of the male reproductive tract and how does this orchestrate erection and ejaculation?
what is the anatomical mechanism of penile erection? is there a homologous structure in the female?
what are the constituents of semen?
what is meant by the term "hernia"?
describe the relationships of the abdominal wall, pelvis, inguinal canal, and inguinal ligament
what is the spermatic cord? what is the round ligament?
describe the difference between the inguinal canal of males and females
what is meant by the terms direct hernia, indirect hernia, femoral hernia?
what type of hernia is most common in males? - in females?