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1. __________________ of the earth is water.
2. The mass of air that surrounds the earth is the
3. Water is found in the atmosphere in the form of ___________,
snow,_______________, sleet, water vapor and the water
_____________________ that make up clouds.
4. All these gases are held in the atmosphere by the earth’s
____________________________ pull.
5. There are _______________ layers to the earth’s atmosphere
6. The ___________________ is between ______________ miles
from earth’s surface and contains _______________, weather,
water and dust particles, flying animals, and
7. The _________________________ is _________ miles from
earth, is 40 degrees, and contains the ______________ layer and
_______________ planes.
8. The ____________________ is at ________________ miles. It
is the _________________ part of the atmosphere (at –90 degrees)
and only large helium ____________________ fly there.
9. The ______________________ is located _________________
miles from earth and is the _________________ layer (930-3,000
degrees). ___________________, Sputnik, and the ____________
can go there.
10. The ___________________ is any area in space over
________________ miles from earth. There are _________
atmospheric gases from earth in this layer. The
_________________ and other spaceships can go there.
11. About halfway through the ________________ at
_____________ miles, the atmosphere merges with the thin gases
of ______________________space. This is where space begins.
12. _________________________ is the condition of the
______________________ layer of the atmosphere at a particular
time and place.
13. We experience weather in ____________________, wind,
___________________________________, and humidity.
14. The _____________________ effect is the way the winds
_____________________ around the earth because of its
15. This ____________________ of air is mainly responsible for
the _____________________________conditions around the
16. The __________________________ movement of air in a
specific direction over an area is called a
17. There are _______________________ jetstreams that cover
the ______________________________.
18. This causes the air in the United States to consistently
__________________ in a ______________________direction.
19. One jetstream brings _____________________ air from the
_______________________. The other brings
_____________________ and moister air from the
20. These bands of moving air run from ______________ to
_________________, basically ________________________the
United States in _______________________________.
21. A ______________________ is a mass of billions of tiny
______________________ of waters or ice crystals floating above
22. Clouds form when ___________________________________
air meets ________________________ air.
23. It is only when water droplets repeatedly _________________
and _______________________ together into large droplets, that
they finally become __________________ enough to fall as
24. 3 basic types of clouds
___________________________, _______________________,
25. _______________________ are white
______________________ shapes in the sky made by
______________________when moisture from burning fuel meets
cold air.
26. _________________________ is any kind of
________________ or ____________________ that falls from the
27. The _____________________ on earth is continually being
_____________________ from one _________________ to
28. This change in the state of matter of water is called the
29. There are _____________ steps to the
30. STEP 1. Water in ________________and
_______________ is ______________ by the sun’s energy and
________________ into the air (evaporation)
31. STEP 2. The _____________________ rises high enough to
_________________ and form a ______________________
32. STEP 3 The ___________________ falls from the cloud as
_______________, ____________________, _______________,
or _________________________
33. In areas of high ______________________, dirt particles
contain ____________________________________.
34. When they attach to the water droplets in the cloud and fall to
earth, they are called ______________________________.
35. There are over _________________ lightning strikes on earth
every _________________________________.
36. In North America alone, about _________________ people a
______________________________are struck by lightning, a
_____________________ of them _________________________.
37. Lightning is caused by __________________________
currents that pass between a ____________________ and the
38. _______________________ are frequently caused by lightning
strikes. When lightning is _______________ accompanied by
_____________________, forest fires will quickly
_____________________ over a large area.
39. clouds have a __________________ charge
40. ground has a __________________ charge
41. ___________________ send their negative charge
42. __________________ sends its positive charge
43. _______________ occurs where the two charges ___________
44. _________________________, _________________________,
45. _______________________ powerful
46. caused by too much ________________ charge in
___________ surrounding cloud
47. most _________________ type
48. travels _____________ a cloud or ______________ cloud to
49. ____________ clouds, so too far away to hear
50. _________________ charge in ___________________ travels
to ______________________ charge from
51. Lightning comes in many different ___________________.
52. ________________ means _____________ in the cloud
53. ________________ means _____________ in the cloud
54. ________________ is caused by ________________
55. _______________________ means low _________________
(most _______________________ are started by white lightning)
56. _________________________ is created because some of the
tremendous _____________________ of lightning flashes is
turned into ___________________ and then into
____________________ waves.
57. A ________________________ is a storm in which strong
___________________ whirl around a low-pressure center.
58. A hurricane is made of _____________________ of large
___________________________ that spiral around each other.
59. The ________________ blow at speeds of _____________
miles per hour or greater, sometimes reaching 200 miles per hour.
60. They occur in a narrow __________________between
___________________________on either side of the
61. The reason for this that they require _____________________
temperatures of at least _______________degrees to form.
62. Hurricane-like storms in the ____________________ are
called _____________________________.
63. A _____________________, or twister, is a
________________________ storm with ____________________
64. The winds make their way to earth as a spinning
65. Tornados can occur ____________________ or in large
____________________________ as large as 100 to 150.
66. That conditions that create a tornado involve
_______________________, ____________________ air meeting
_____________________ air and ______________________,
_____________________ air.
67. The ______________________ Tornado Scale is a scientific
classification system to categorize the strength of a tornado. It
ranges from _____________________.
68. Most tornadoes only rate ____________ on the Fujita scale
meaning there is very ______________damage.
69. Only about _________________ of all tornadoes are rated
_____________________________ on the scale, meaning that
they are extremely destructive.
70. The _____________________ Wind Scale classifies a
_______________________ strength.
71. A __________________________ is a tornado like structure
that develops over the __________________________.
72. Unlike a tornado, a water spout forms from the
___________________ to the _________________.
73. ________________________ occur in
______________________ areas like the Middle East and the
Southwestern parts of the U.S. (like Arizona) and are caused by
___________________ winds blowing over loose
______________ or __________________.
74. Poor ___________________ for driving and
_____________________ problems can cause deaths.
75. ________________________ is the
______________________ weather in an area over a
____________________ period of time.
76. It is classified based on two factors: amount of
______________________and normal yearly
77. Climate is categorized into _____________________ systems.
____________________ climate has permanent
________________ or _______________ and only light
precipitation. The warmest month is 50 degrees.
78. _______________________________ climates have
__________summers and _______________winters with a low of
27 degrees and an average rainfall less than 20 inches a year.
79. _________________________________climates have
_____________ winters with the coldest month between 27 and 64
degrees. The average yearly rainfall is between 20-40 inches.
80. ______________________ climates average no less than 64
degrees at any time. The average _______________ in a year is
_______________________, with 6-15 inches in the rainy season..
81. ______________ climates are areas that average
____________________10 inches of rainfall a year.
82. The causes of climate change can be divided into
____________ categories - those that are due to
______________________ causes and those that are created by
83. Land that was covered with _____________________ has
been cleared to make way for _______________________.
84. _________________________resources are being used
extensively for _________________________, industries,
__________________________________, and consumption.
85. humans are daily creating mountains of
____________________. _______________________ could help
greatly reduce the amount of ____________________________
that is collected each year.
86. ________________________ has increased to an incredible
87. All this has contributed to a rise in _____________________
gases in the _______________________.
88. Deforestation, land clearing, agriculture, and other activities
have all led to a rise in the emission of
89. _________________________ is another important
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
90. About _____________ of all methane emissions are said to
come from domesticated _________________ such as dairy cows,
goats, pigs, buffaloes, camels, horses, and sheep.
91. Methane is also released from ________ or _____________
92. Methane is also emitted from _________________and other
waste dumps.
93. There are a number of _____________________ factors
responsible for climate change.
94. Some of the more prominent ones are continental drift,
_____________________, ocean currents, the
_____________________________, and __________________
and meteorites.
95. _________________________ had an impact on the climate
because it __________________ the physical ________________
of the landmass, their _____________________ position and the
________________of water bodies.
96. When a volcano _______________ it throws out large volumes
of _______________________(SO2), water vapor,
__________________, and __________________ into the
97. The large volumes of gases and ash can influence climatic
__________________ for ____________________.
98. The gases and dust particles partially
________________________ the incoming rays of the
_______________, leading to ___________________________.
99. Changes in the ____________ of the earth can affect the
severity of the __________________ - ____________ tilt means
warmer summers and colder winters; ______________ tilt means
cooler summers and milder winters.
100. ___________________ is the distance above sea level.
101. As you go higher up a mountain, the air pressure
________________ and the gas molecules spread farther and
farther apart and hold _____________ heat, so it becomes
102. _________________ determines the amount of
____________________________ received by that region.
103. Regions close to the __________________ receive direct rays
of the sun and therefore receive _______________ of the sun’s
__________________________and are ____________________.
104. At the areas closer to the ____________________ the sun’s
rays are at an angle so these areas receive ______________sun’s
_________________ and are _____________________________.
105. ______________________, like air, moves around the earth
as warm or cold winds and currents.
106. It moves in a ______________from ______________, to
____________, to ______________, and back to
107. Water in the ocean travels in paths called
108. Currents can either be ____________ or _________________.
109. The temperature of the ______________ affects the
temperature of the _______________ above it.
110. If the ____________ is _____________, it _______________
the ________________ above it.
111. If it is _________________, it ____________ up the
___________________above it.
112. Ocean _________________ traveling away from the
____________________ are __________________.
113. Currents flowing ________________________ the equator
are _______________________. These cooled air masses then
flow over the regions in their path.
114. Much of the heat that escapes from the oceans is in the form
of _____________________.
115. Water vapor contributes to the formation of
________________, which ________________the surface and
have a net ____________________ effect.
116. It is important to us that the oceans stay
117. They drive our ______________ and ___________________.
118. Oceans provide a ___________________for many
_________________ of people worldwide through fishing, energy
and mineral resources, shipping, and leisure activities
119. Oceans pose ______________through _______________,
_________________________, storms, sea level change and
coastal _________________. More than _____________the
world’s population lives near the __________________.
120. Most _______________ eventually ends up in the oceans,
with the result that ________________________ is a global
problem - every part of every ocean is now affected.
121. The amount of ______________________in a region is
affected by _______________________ ranges in that area.
122. Mountains cause ______________to
123. __________________ air becomes ______________ dense
allowing the ____________________of water.
124. __________________________ occurs.
125. _________________________ can greatly affect the amount
of precipitation an area receives depending on the amount of
______________________ they are carrying.
126. These winds can move ________________ masses from the
_____________ onto a _____________________ bringing
_____________________________ onto the continent.
127. Or winds may move air ______________________________
from continent to the ocean, moving ______________________air
from the continent.
128. These winds affect the _____________________ of an area.
129. The greenhouse effect occurs when
________________________ levels in the air build up and hold
_____________ in the earth’s _____________________.
130. It causes a _________________ in the _________________
layer and ____________________warming.
131. _____________________ measure the temperature at many
different locations several times each day to determine how much
the earth’s temperature is ___________________________.
132. We are __________________ in one of the
_________________ periods in our earth’s
133. Another way we are altering the weather in a dangerous way
is by _____________________. ___________________pollutants
in the air create _______________________ and
134. ________________ is a kind of _____________________
weather, a _______________________of _______________ and
_____________ that is darker and heavier than normal fog.
135. ____________________ in the atmosphere open
______________ in the __________________ layer and allow
___________________ rays to reach earth’s surface.
136. This increase can ______________ the planet and
__________________ the risk of __________________________.