Download Simple Tricks That You Can Quickly Implement to Save You Time

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Simple Tricks That You Can Quickly Implement to Save You Time and Money
You may have read all the books, subscribed to all the blogs and been on property investment workshops but these little gems are rarely talked about
but if you implement them, they will save you time and money
Get your letting agent to take photos
Taking on a management company to manage your investment is always a good idea if you value your time. Once you find an agent you trust they are
worth their weight in gold, but how do you know the agent you have picked is up to scratch? Well, hopefully you have done your research, but if you
use this tip you can get extra peace of mind.
You should make sure your agent carries out several inspections of the property each year, but how do you know they are carrying the job out?
Tip: When they go to visit insist on them taking photos of your property. This ensures that they carry
out all the visits they promise to do while giving you an update so you can assess for yourself.
Go unfurnished
Always try to let your property out unfurnished. Besides saving some money there are two key reasons for doing so. The first is that moving house is
considered to be one of the most stressful things you can do. So if your tenant moves all of their own furniture into your property they are unlikely to
want to go through that experience again in a hurry therefore staying longer in your property.
The second major benefit of letting your property unfurnished is that tenants are more likely to treat their property like their own home if they are using
their own furniture. This results in less wear and tear and general damage.
RMP Property. 51 Chalton Street, London NW1 1HY United Kingdom
[email protected] 0203 322 9493