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Name: _ANSWER KEY__________________________________ Date: _________________ Hour:______
Unit 1 Review Guide
Chapter 1 Section 1
1. Define history- a record of the past
2. Give two examples of a primary source that historians use. Newspapers, letters, journals
3. Define geography- the study of people, places and the enviorment
4. Define government- people and groups make the laws, enforce them, and settle disagreements about them
5. Define unlimited government- Rulers can do whatever they want without regard to the law.
6. Define limited government- everyone, including those in charge, must obey the law. Democracy is an form of
limited government
7. Explain how a democracy is different from a totalitarian government? Democracy is a form of limited
government- everyone including the rulers must obey the laws and people have a say in the government. In a
totalitarian government people have no say and the rulers have total control
8. Define economics. The study of how people produce, exchange, and use goods and services
9. Define scarcity. Occurs because people’s wants are unlimited and resources to meet those wants are limited
10. Identify the three types of resources and give an example of each. Natural- forest Capitial- Machinery
Human- people with the skills
11. What is the difference between a command and market economy? The governments decides what is
produced in a command economy and in a market economy individual businesses decide, based on what they
think consumers want
12. What are some indicators that a country has a high level of development? People are well educated, have
good health care, earn decent salaries, have running water, electricity, technology etc.
13. What are some indicators that a country is a developing country? Few jobs in industry, poor services and
low literacy (reading ) rates.
14. Define culture. Beliefs, customs, laws, art and ways of living that a group of people share.
15. Define culture trait. Each kind of food, clothing, or techonology, each belief, language or tool shared by a
Chapter 1 Section 2
16. Define culture region. An area of the world in which many people share similar beliefs, history, and
17. Define interdependence. the economic, political, and social dependence of culture regions on one another
18. Other than the rise in gas prices, explain why Brazilian coffee at the local store would suddenly cost more?
If there were a natural disaster that wiped out the coffee beans in Brazil
Time Zone Map
Using the map on page 31 answer the following questions:
19. If it is 2 P.M. in Topeka, Kansas what time is it in Seattle, Washington? 12 noon
20. If it is 12:00 noon in Michigan what time would it be in Colorado? 10 am
21. When it is 6 A.M. in Helen, Montana what times is it in Phoenix, Arizona? 6 am
22. When you travel west you _____SUBTRACT_____ hours.
23. When you travel east you _______ADD______ hours.
Chapter 2 Section 1
24. The theme location answers what question? Where a place is located
25. What is absolute location? The exact location on the earth where a spot is located—Latitude and Longitude
or Address
26. Give the relative location of Michigan. North of Ohio or South of Canada
27. What question does the theme place answer? What a place is like
28. What types of things are considered as human characteristics of place? Lanugage spoken, cities, towns ,
government, culutural traditions
29. What types of things are considered as physical characteristics of place? Bodies of water, plant life, animal
life, climate, landforms
30. Define the theme region. Group of places
31. List some examples of regions the United States can be broken into. Climate, Vegetation Zones,
32. Define the theme movement. People, goods, and ideas move from one place to another.
33. What does it mean to migrate? To move from one area and settle in another area
34. What are some push factors to migration? Poverty, overcrowding, lack of jobs, prejudice, war, bad schools
35. What are some pull factors to migration? Good schools, jobs, higher standard of living, freedom, safety,
36. Define the theme human-environment interaction. How people modify, adapt to and change the world
around them.
37. Give some positive examples of how humans interact with the environment. Planting trees, recycling
38. Give some negative examples of how humans interact with the environment.
Pollution , clearing trees
Latitude and Longitude
Using the map on A4 and A5 to find the name of the country you would be standing in if you were at the
following locations:
39. 40˚N, 105˚W _United States____________________
40. 30˚S, 25˚E _S. Africa___________________
41. 45˚N, 105˚E _Mongolia________________________ 42. 75˚N, 45˚W Greenland____________________
43. 0˚, 15˚E _Rep of Congo________________________ 44. 30˚N, 0˚ Algeria_________________________
Chapter 2 Section 2
45. Define cartographer. A mapmaker
46. What do general reference maps show? Natural and human made features are used to locate a place
47. What is a thematic map? Focus on one specific theme or idea
48. What kind of information can be displayed in thematic map? Population, vegetation zones
49. What is a nautical map? Chart that sailors and pilots use to find their way over the water and through the air
50. Why are maps more practical than globes even though they are not perfectly accurate? Globes gives a fairer
and more accurate picture of the world but maps are easier to carry around
51. How many time zones are in the world? 24