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These guides can be used to help identify the great variety of local plants and animals found in this area.
There are detailed photos and/or drawings to help you with identification of several common native plants and wildlife.
The guides provide an excellent source for students to complete school assignments. They also make perfect gifts.
Call the District for availability and to place an order. If your order will be mailed, postal rates will apply.
Trees of Illinois - You don’t have to be an expert to appreciate trees. This field guide contains everything you will want to know, including full-page photos and detailed information about 124 species of Illinois trees, including each tree’s leaves or needles, bark,
mature size, fall color, state-specific range map and more. 258 pages - $14
Birds of Illinois - A handy field guide of 111 bird species common to the state. For each bird, there is a full color picture and description, including range maps, life history, interesting facts and special author’s notes. 270 pages - $13
Critters of Illinois - User friendly pocket guide of 50 common critters of Illinois including mammal, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians. Full color photos with important information such as size, habitat, range, food, predators life history, identifying features,
diagrams of their tracks and a fun fact section. 126 pages - $6
Wildflowers of Wisconsin - This guide has 200 of Wisconsin’s beautiful flowers. Full-page photos and fascinating descriptions make
this a great guide for beginners. The material is easily understood by those with no botanical background, but it also includes important, accurate information useful to those familiar with plants. Organized by color and size for simple identification of unfamiliar
species. 410 pages - $16
Seedling ID Guide for Native Plants - Young prairie plants can be hard to identify, leaving you to wonder whether you got a good stand
or if you should plant again. The Central Region Seedling ID Guide for Native Prairie Plants can help you save time and money on prairie establishment or restoration projects. Jointly produced by the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Missouri Department of Conservation, this easy-to-use field guide features 40 of the most commonly seeded native prairie grasses and wildflowers.
Color photos illustrate seed, seedling, juvenile and flowering stages. 92 pages - $7
Birds of Prey of the Midwest - Watching birds of prey has never been more enjoyable! With the Birds of Prey of the Midwest Field
Guide, you will have everything you need to learn to identify flying predators between Montana and New Mexico, and all the states
West, including Alaska. 186 pages - $15
Butterflies of the Midwest - At the park, in the garden or on a walk, keep this tabbed booklet close at hand. Based on Jaret C. Daniels'
best-selling butterfly field guides and featuring only Midwest species, Butterflies of the Midwest is organized by color for quick and
easy identification. Narrow your choices by color, and view just a few butterflies at a time. The pocket-sized format is much easier to
use than laminated foldouts, and the tear-resistant pages help to make the book durable in the field. 24 pages - $9
Wildflower of the Midwest - Featuring only Midwest wildflowers, this tabbed booklet is organized by color for quick and easy wildflower identification. Narrow your choices by color and view just a few wildflowers at a time to make a positive ID. This quick guide
features more than 140 species. 24 pages - $9
4833 Owen Center Rd.
Rockford, IL 61107
(815) 965-2392, Ext. 3
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