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Study Guide: Unit Test – Digestion, Respiratory, Circulatory Systems
1. What is the pharynx? the passage from the mouth to the larynx
2. What system includes the heart and blood vessels? cardiovascular system
3. Carrying oxygen and nutrients, fighting pathogens, and reducing blood loss are some of the functions
of the blood.
4. What does the esophagus do? It moves food from the pharynx to the stomach.
5. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the pancreas? It processes and stores bile and
6. Humans cannot digest fiber, but it keeps the stool soft and helps material move through the large
7. Which of the following are the two types of blood circulation in the body?
pulmonary and
8. What are two types of circulation of blood in the body? pulmonary and systemic
9. What are the lower chambers of your heart called? ventricles
10. After nutrients are broken down, where do they go? to the bloodstream
11. Which of the following are blood types? A, B, AB, and O
12. What does the gallbladder store? bile
13. Capillaries exchange nutrients, oxygen, wastes, and carbon dioxide. Therefore, capillaries have thin
14. What do the kidneys do? clean the blood
15. The function of the heart is to pump blood.
16. The main components of blood are plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
17. Which of the following body parts is NOT involved in chemical digestion? stomach
18. Where is urine stored until it can be eliminated? in the urinary bladder
19. What occurs in the stomach? Acid kills most of the bacteria swallowed with food.
Study Guide: Unit Test – Digestion, Respiratory, Circulatory Systems
20. Oxygen-poor blood from the body returns to the heart through veins
21. What are the upper chambers of your heart called? atria
22. Which organ passes oxygen to the blood? lungs
23. What is the trachea? a tube that connect the throat and lungs
24. The exchange between alveoli and capillaries allows oxygen to enter the blood.
25. What systems are working together during the process of respiration? respiratory and cardiovascular
26. What does the liver store? nutrients
27. The part of the digestive system through which food passes is the digestive tract.
28. What are the two kinds of digestion? mechanical and chemical
29. Which of the following is NOT part of the digestive tract? liver
30. What are you doing when your diaphragm and rib muscles contract, and air enters the space created
inside the your chest cavity? Inhaling
31. Which of the following body parts is NOT involved in mechanical digestion? tongue
32. How does your stomach squeeze the food in it? with muscular contractions
33. Which of the following is a term meaning that heart muscle cells have died? heart attack
34. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the liver? It cleans the blood with nephrons.
35. What are the five main parts of the cardiovascular system? heart, arteries, capillaries, blood, and veins
36. Which of the following is NOT a part of the respiratory system? alveoli
Study Guide: Unit Test – Digestion, Respiratory, Circulatory Systems
37. What are the two types of circulation? pulmonary and systemic
38. What are alveoli? tiny air sacs in the lungs
39. Which of the following organs uses chemical and mechanical digestion to break food into nutrients? the
40. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are found in plasma.
41. The main functions of blood are to carry oxygen, nutrients, and wastes; fight disease; and regulate
42. Why is it important to get the right blood type during a transfusion? A reaction to the wrong type could
be fatal.