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American History
2nd Grading Period (10 days)
Power Objective:
Academic Vocabulary:
 Analyze the causes and effects of the Great
Depression. (AH)
 See Below
Great Depression
Enduring Understandings:
Essential Questions:
 The Great Depression was the worst economic
disaster in US History.
 The Great Depression was a result of political and
economic shortcomings.
 The Great Depression affected Americans in every
class, race and gender.
 The New Deal changed the role of Government in
America and grew faster than at any other time in
American History.
 The New Deal continues to impact America into the
21st century.
 What factors led to the Great Depression?
 What economic conditions led to the stock market
 How did Hoover respond to the Depression?
 How was FDR’s approach different than Hoover’s?
 How did FDR change the role of the Presidency for the
rest of American History?
 How successful was the New Deal at solving the
caused by to
Great Depression?
to understand
Power Objective and Supporting Indicators:
 Analyze the causes and effects of the Great Depression. (AH)
 AH. 20MC Describe how the federal government’s monetary policies, stock market speculation and increasing
consumer debt led to the Great Depression.
 AH.20MC Explain how the efforts to combat the Great Depression led to an expanded role for the federal
Academic Vocabulary:
Dust Bowl
Reconstruction Finance Corp.
Smoot Hawley Tariff
Gross National Product
Buying on Margin
Federal Reserve System
Boulder Dam