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The Urinary System
Organs of the Urinary System
Functions of the Kidneys
Remove metabolic waste
products from the blood
Secrete hormone
erythropoietin, which
stimulates the bone marrow to
produce red blood cells
Secrete hormone renin which
helps regulate blood pressure
Retroperitoneal position
Renal sinus – concave
Hilum – where the renal artery,
vein, and ureter enter
Renal pelvis – area where
urine is drained from the
Calyces – smaller tubes in
which the renal pelvis divides
Kidneys Cont.
Layers of the Kidney
Renal cortex – outermost layer
Renal medulla – middle portion
Renal pyramids – triangularshaped areas of the medulla
Renal pyramids – portion of
cortex between the pyramids
Blood enters the kidneys
through the renal artery and
exits through the renal vein
Function and Parts
Waste products are removed
Each kidney has about 1M
Renal Corpuscle
Bowman’s capsule
Blood filtration occurs
Renal Tubule
 Proximal convoluted tubule
 Attached to Bowman’s
 Loop of Henle
 Straighter tubule that
curves back toward the
renal corpuscle
 Distal Convoluted tubule
 Several combine to form
collecting ducts
Collecting ducts – deliver urine
to the renal pelvis, which
empties into the ureters
afferent arteriole  glomerulus  efferent arteriole  peritubular capillaries  veins of the kidneys
Glomerular Filtration
 Takes place in the renal corpuscles
 Blood that contains wastes is forced into the
glomerulus – glomerular filtrate
 Depends on filtration pressure which is
determined by blood pressure
Tubular Reabsorption
 Second process
 Glomerular filtrate flows into the proximal
convoluted tubule
 Where nutrients, water and ions are
reabsorbed back into the bloodstream
 Water reabsorption depends on ADH and
aldosterone (hormones)
Tubular Secretion
 Third process
 Where substances (drugs, hydrogen ions,
waste products) are excreted into the urine
Urine Composition
 Water (mostly)
 Urea
 Uric Acid
 Trace amounts of amino acids
Urine Formation
Ureters, Urinary Bladder, Urethra
 Two
 Carry urine from kidney to
 Peristalsis propels urine
toward the bladder
Urinary Bladder
 Expandable organ that stores
 Up to 600 mL on average
 Detrusor muscle – contracts to
push urine from the bladder
to the urethra
 Tube that carries urine from
bladder to the outside
 Shorter in females
Process of urination
Bladder distends with urine 
Stimulates stretch receptors in
the bladder  Parasympathetic
nerves stimulate the detrusor
muscle  Sense the need to
urinate  Brain sends impulses
to voluntarily contract the
urethral sphincter to inhibit the
need to urinate  Voluntary
decision to urinate relaxes
sphincter  Contraction of
detrusor muscle and urine is
expelled through the urethra