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A publication of the
Agricultural & Applied
Economics Association
The magazine of food, farm, and resource issues
1st Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
Russia’s Economic Crisis and its Agricultural
and Food Economy
William M. Liefert and Olga Liefert
JEL Classification: F14, P27, Q17
Keywords: Economic Crisis, Food Import Ban, Grain Trade, Russia, Russian Agriculture
Since 2000, Russia has become increasingly important for
world agriculture. The country, along with Ukraine, has
emerged as a major grain exporter, while Russia has also
become a large agricultural and food importer, especially of
meat and other livestock products. However, the geopolitical events of 2014 involving the country’s relationship with
Ukraine and the West, and even more so the economic crisis that hit late in the year, are disrupting its agricultural
and food economy.
Largely in response to economic sanctions imposed
by the United States, European Union (EU), and other
Western countries, Russia in August 2014 banned many
agricultural and food imports from those countries. By December 2014, Russia was entering a major economic crisis.
The Western economic sanctions cut the country off from
foreign credit and investment, and also motivated huge
capital flight. The bulk of Russia’s export earnings come
from energy exports, which have been greatly reduced in
value terms by the large drop in the world price of oil in
late 2014. This has led to severe depreciation of the ruble
vis-à-vis the U.S. dollar (USD) and other major world currencies, which by increasing the prices of imported goods,
is generating substantial price inflation. By the beginning
of 2015, the Russian economy was facing both high inflation and a deep recession.
These developments will create major challenges for
the agricultural and food economy in the short to medium
term, covering production, distribution, and consumption. Not all of the recent events will have negative consequences. For example, the depreciation of the ruble will
make Russian agricultural exports—such as grain—more
price-competitive on the world market. However, like most
of the economy, the agricultural sector on balance will most
likely be adversely affected by these affairs.
Russia’s Growing Importance for World Agriculture
Like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in
general, Russia during the Soviet period was a large grain
importer. However, since 2000 Russia, along with Ukraine,
has become a major grain exporter, and Kazakhstan a nontrivial one. During 2011-2013, Russia exported on average
23 million metric tons (mmt) of grain a year (figure 1),
Figure 1: Russian Grain Production and Exports
Note: The bars give average annual grain production over the periods 19861990, 1991-95, 1996-2000, 2001-05, 2006-10, and 2011-13. Negative net
grain exports are net imports.
Source: Russian Federal Service of State Statistics; USDA PS&D.
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1st Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
and Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan
collectively sold 57 mmt abroad (average annual, excluding any sales to
each other). These three countries as
a region supplied 19% of total world
grain exports over the period, and
21% of wheat exports, supplanting
the United States as the world’s biggest wheat exporter.
One reason Russia, Ukraine, and
Kazakhstan have become a large grain
exporting region is that their livestock sectors contracted substantially
during the 1990s. With the help of
generous state subsidies, the livestock
sectors had expanded quickly during the last two decades of the Soviet regime. The growing demand for
feed grain generated large imports of
grain, soybeans, and soybean meal.
With the transition from planned to
market economies that began with
independence in 1991, the countries’
new governments could no longer afford the hefty subsidies to livestock
producers. During the 1990s, both
animal herds and livestock product
output in all three countries fell by
more than half. Because of the reduced need for animal feed, the large
Soviet-era imports of grain, soybeans,
and soybean meal disappeared (Liefert and Liefert, 2012).
The other main reason why these
countries have emerged as big grain
exporters since 2000 is growth in
grain production, which created surpluses for export. Over 1996-2000,
Russia’s annual grain production averaged 65 mmt, but by 2011-2013
average yearly output had risen to 86
mmt. Grain production increased because of growth in yields, from 1.30
tons per hectare over 1996-2000—
annual average—to 1.93 tons over
2011-2013 (USDA, 2015). Although
many Russian farms remain virtually
unchanged in operational practice
from Soviet times, since 2000 a superior class of farms has arisen called
“new operators” (Rylko et al., 2008).
These new producers have brought
investment, advanced technology,
and better managerial practices into
the agricultural sector, and appear to
be the driving force behind overall
growth in Russian agricultural productivity, as well as the rise in grain
yields, production, and exports.
Despite Russia’s large grain exports, the country is a much larger agricultural importer than exporter (figure 2). In 2013, Russia’s agricultural
and food imports totaled $39 billion,
versus exports of $14 billion. Russia
has such a large negative trade balance
Figure 2: Russian Agricultural and Food Imports and Exports
Since 2000, Russia’s agricultural
imports have risen substantially. One
reason is high income growth, as Russian gross domestic produce (GDP)
rose over 2000-2008 at an average annual rate of about 7% in real terms.
The income growth increased consumer demand for food, foreign as well as
domestic (Liefert, Liefert, and Shane,
2009). Agricultural imports dropped
in 2009 because the world economic
crisis hit Russia severely, with GDP
declining by 8%. However, when the
country came out of the crisis in 2010,
import growth resumed.
Another reason for the increase
in agricultural imports is that since
2000, Russia has had higher inflation
than its main trading partners. Rising domestic prices made foreign imports more price competitive vis-à-vis
domestic output, which in turn increased Russian demand for imported
goods. More technically, the disadvantageous increase in Russian prices
relative to prices in the country’s trading partners was not sufficiently offset
by nominal depreciation of the ruble
vis-à-vis the USD and other major
foreign currencies. This resulted in
real, as opposed to nominal, appreciation of the ruble.
Taken as a bloc, the EU countries are the largest foreign supplier
of agricultural and food products to
Russia, providing almost 40% of the
country’s imports in 2013, valued
at $15-16 billion (European Commission, 2013). The U.S. agricultural and food sales to Russia in 2013
equaled only $1.31 billion (see figure
3 for the commodity breakdown),
less than 1% of total U.S. agricultural
and food exports of $162 billion. The
main U.S. export to Russia was poultry ($312 million), followed by tree
nuts (mainly almonds), soybeans, and
live animals.
Source: World Trade Atlas.
in agriculture and food because it exports bulks crops, such as grain and
sunflower seed, while it imports high
value products, like meat, fruits, vegetables, and processed foods.
4th Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
Figure 3. U.S. Agricultural Exports to Russia, 2013
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service, Global Agricultural
Trade System data.
Russia in 2013 was the second
largest foreign market for U.S. poultry meat—virtually all broilers—purchasing 276,000 metric tons. Yet,
this is a major drop from peak U.S.
broiler exports to Russia in 2001 of
1.05 mmt, when the country was the
largest foreign market for U.S. poultry. Russia’s poultry imports, not only
from the United States but overall,
have fallen substantially in recent
years, mainly because of a surge in
domestic production. However, the
output growth has been significantly
aided by government subsidies and a
restrictive regime of tariff rate quotas
for meat imports, as well as extensive
use of sanitary measures, often involving complete import bans, against inflows from the United States—especially of poultry—and other foreign
Russia’s Ban on Agricultural and
Food Imports
Russia’s relationship with Ukraine in
2014, in particular the seizure of the
Crimea, has led to a geopolitical crisis
with the United States, EU, and other
Western countries. In the summer of
2014, the latter imposed various economic sanctions on Russia, targeting
the energy, banking, and defense sectors. In August, Russia retaliated by
banning imports of many agricultural
and food products from the United
States, EU, Canada, Australia, and
Norway. The banned goods include
meat (that is, beef, pork, and poultry), milk, cheese, and other dairy
products, fish and other seafood,
fruit, vegetables, nuts, and many
processed foods. The Russian government announced that the ban would
last one year.
The ban should not strongly affect U.S. agriculture, with the possible exception of the poultry and
almond industries, given how small
Russia is as a market for the sector’s
exports. However, given that the EU’s
agricultural exports to Russia in 2013
totaled $15-16 billion, the import
embargo is harming many EU agricultural producers, especially of dairy,
fruit, and vegetables. During AugustNovember 2014, total EU exports
of cheese, fruit, and vegetables were
down in value terms by 19%, 10%,
and 13%, respectively, compared to
the same period in 2013 (Agra Europe, 2015).
The ban is also hurting Russian consumers. Imports apparently
4th Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
supply about 40% of the country’s food domestically consumed.
In 2012, imports provided about a
quarter of all Russia’s meat consumption, and almost 70 percent of its
consumption of fruit (FAO, 2014).
Of Russia’s $39 billion of total agricultural and food imports in 2013,
$23.5 billion were in the product categories affected by the ban, with the
value of the banned products from
the embargoed countries equaling
$8.3 billion (FAO, 2014).
Some substitute supply for the
banned imports will most likely arise
from increased imports from non-embargoed countries, such as meat from
Brazil, as well as from more domestic
production. Some of the banned EU
products might also be smuggled into
Russia, especially through Belarus,
which borders Russia and three EU
member states: Poland, Lithuania,
and Latvia. Russia allows imports of
Belarusian processed foods that use
EU agricultural goods as their base
material, as long as the processing
adds substantial value-added. This has
led to disputes between the two countries as to what constitutes acceptable
processing, with Russia blocking the
import of some suspect Belarusian
meat and dairy products.
The above points notwithstanding, the import ban will reduce
overall food availability, which will
increase food prices and overall inflation. However, given that Russia imports mainly high value products, the
import ban will not reduce availability of staple foods such as wheat and
rice, nor threaten the country’s overall
food security.
The Russian government is arguing strongly that the ban will promote
domestic agricultural production and
the sector’s long run development,
thereby weaning the country off of
dependence on foreign food suppliers. The government said it would
assist this process with increased subsidies to the sector.
Russia’s Economic Crisis
Russia began 2014 with an already
weak economy, forecast to grow in the
year by only about half a percent. The
Western economic sanctions imposed
against the country in the summer of
2014 and subsequently strengthened
have had had two main effects. The
first is that international investment
and lending to Russia has virtually
dried up, and the second is large-scale
capital flight, of about $150 billion of
net outflows for the year (Business Insider, 2015), compared to 2013 GDP
of $2.1 trillion.
Compounding the trouble is the
huge drop in world oil prices that
started in November 2014. The price
of a barrel of Brent Crude oil began
2014 at $110, but by early March
2015 had fallen to about $60. Around
70% of Russia’s exports in value terms
are oil, oil products, and natural gas,
such that the oil price drop severely
reduced demand for the ruble. Given
that most of Russia’s energy exports
are traded in USD rather than rubles,
the oil price decline did not directly
reduce demand for rubles. Rather,
the decrease in Russian dollar export
earnings to be repatriated/converted
from dollars to rubles has lowered
ruble demand.
This development, combined with
the capital flight, has led to a major
depreciation of the ruble vis-à-vis the
USD and other major foreign currencies. In January 2014, one dollar exchanged for 34 rubles on average, and
by mid-December the exchange rate
had plunged—from the ruble’s point
of view—to 80 rubles per dollar. The
exchange rate then rebounded somewhat, to 62 rubles to the dollar by
early March 2015, but still a drop
in the ruble’s value since early 2014
of 45%. In order to stem the ruble’s
decline, the Russian Central Bank
in December 2014 raised its lending
rate from 10.5 to 17%, though the
rate was then reduced to 15% in late
January. The higher Russian interest
rates are intended to attract funds to
the Russian banking/financial system,
the hope being that this will increase
demand for the ruble and thereby
halt depreciation of the currency.
This mix of adverse developments
is likely to generate both high inflation and recession for the Russian
economy in 2015. The severe ruble
depreciation will cause substantial
inflation. Russia is a large importer
not just of food but of many types
of products, and depreciation will
raise all import prices. As demand
shifts from imports to domestically
produced goods, their prices will also
increase. Already there are reports of
frantic consumer buying of goods, especially durables such as refrigerators
and televisions, as consumers try to
spend rubles before prices rise further.
The agricultural and food import ban
will also continue to put particular
price pressure on foodstuffs. In January 2015, overall prices were up 15%
compared to January 2014, while
food prices were up 23% (Trading
Economics, 2015).
However, recession could be an
even bigger problem. Capital flight
and the drying-up of foreign lending and capital inflows will hurt investment. The large drop in the oil
price will heavily reduce the country’s export earnings, and thereby
negatively impact wealth, aggregate
demand, and GDP. The interest rate
hike by the Central Bank to defend
the ruble will further lower investment, demand, and GDP. The deputy governor of Russia’s Central Bank
described the interest rate increase as
“a choice between the very bad and
the very, very bad” (Guardian, 2014).
Consumers’ desire to convert ruble
savings into either foreign currency or
goods is leading to massive withdrawals from the banking system, which
could threaten a banking/financial
The Russian Central Bank has
stated that GDP in 2015 could fall by
4.5% if the oil price remains at $60
a barrel (Bloomberg Business. 2014),
4th Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
and by early March 2015 the oil price
was at that threshold. The International Monetary Fund is forecasting a drop
in Russian GDP in 2015 of 3%, while
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is projecting a
4.8% decline. The government faces
the unappealing choice of defending
the ruble and fighting inflation on the
one hand, or fighting recession and rising unemployment on the other, with
policies that combat one problem often exacerbating the other.
Russia’s main asset in the crisis is
its large reserves of foreign currency
holdings, about $365 billion as of
early March 2015 (Bloomberg Business, 2015). This figure is down from
$510 at the start of 2014, with tens
of billions already spent on trying to
prop up the ruble’s value by buying
the currency in the foreign exchange
market. Even with still substantial
international reserves, the Russian
economy will be hard-pressed in 2015
and beyond to meet its foreign debt
obligations. Russian entities, including the government, collectively owe
about $600 billion to external creditors (Financial Times, 2014). Because
of the Western sanctions and inability to borrow from foreign lenders,
the only sources of foreign exchange
to meet debt and interest obligations
are Russia’s trade surplus and international reserves.
During the past two decades,
Russia in most years has run a substantial trade surplus. In 2013, its export earnings of $523 billion versus
import expenditure of $344 netted a
surplus of $179 billion. However, the
oil price drop could severely reduce
the trade surplus in 2015. Of Russia’s $365 of international reserves,
only about half are “liquid” such that
they can be used without special cost.
From December 2014 through 2015,
Russia in total will have to meet about
$130 billion in foreign debt obligations, and large payments will also be
necessary in 2016 (Moody’s Investors
Service, 2014).
The Crisis’ Effects on the
Agricultural and Food Economy
Some of the crisis-related developments should be positive for Russian
agriculture. The major depreciation
of the ruble will improve the trade
competitiveness of Russian grain and
sunflower seed exports. Domestic
producers will also continue to benefit from the substantial protection
from foreign competition provided
by the partial agricultural and food
import ban.
In January 2015, the Russian government stated that although most
areas of state expenditure will receive
reduced funding in 2015, agriculture
will get an increase of about 50 billion
rubles, for a total of over 185 billion
($2.8 billion USD) rubles of support
(Sputnik, 2015). Farm credit and the
seed industry will apparently receive
special funding attention. Yet, the
government might be hard pressed to
meet fully its stated financial commitment to the agricultural sector, given
all the parts of the economy and social spending that will need budgetary help during the crisis. Also, high
inflation will erode any increase in
financial support in real (inflationadjusted) terms.
Any positive effects notwithstanding, the developments associated with
the economic and geopolitical crises
on balance will probably be negative
for the agricultural and food economy, impacting production and distribution and hurting consumers. One
of the economic crisis’ first effects for
agriculture has been to disrupt domestic grain flows. The improvement
in the trade price competitiveness of
Russian grain from the ruble depreciation, combined with a bountiful
2014 grain harvest of about 105 mmt,
is pushing up grain exports. From
July 2014 through January 2015,
Russia exported a record volume
of total grain—for that part of the
year—of 23 mmt, and also of wheat
at 18 mmt. However, although grain
producers are selling to export traders, domestic inflationary concerns
are motivating them to withhold selling for domestic use in expectation of
higher future prices, as indicated by
rapidly declining grain supplies held
by domestic processers. This is creating a domestic grain shortage and
further driving up prices, which in
turn raises prices for bread and animal feed.
To curb these market reactions,
the government is trying to keep
grain within the country. In December 2014, the government raised its
purchase price of wheat for the State
Intervention Fund by 50%. The state
also imposed restrictions on grain exports, including sanitary controls in
issuing export licenses and limits on
grain railway transport to ports, and
in February 2015 a grain export tax,
to run through June. The tax consists
of an export duty of 15% plus a 7.5
euro per ton fixed charge, with the total per unit tax not less than 35 euros
per ton ($40 at the current exchange
In the mid-2000s, the Russian
government and agricultural establishment made the technological
upgrading of agriculture a priority, a
major part of the program being the
importation of high quality seeds,
machinery, and live animals. Because
of the ruble depreciation, domestic
agricultural producers will be hurt by
the steep rise in prices for these and
other imported inputs. In the longer
term, agricultural and food production will suffer from the drop in investment, resulting from economic
sanctions, capital flight, and higher
interest rates.
The ruble depreciation is making
it difficult for Russian farms to get
fertilizer from domestic suppliers.
In recent years Russia has exported
about 90% of its fertilizer output, and
the ruble depreciation will motivate
the fertilizer industry to export even
more. The government is lobbying
4th Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
fertilizer producers to sell more domestically and at lower prices, with
one report indicating that fertilizer
producers had agreed to reduce the
prices they charge by a third (Daily
Mail Wires by Reuters, 2015).
If food prices rise too high, the
Russian government might consider
price controls. However, such a decision would involve the unappealing
choice between open and repressed
inflation. The latter could result in
sold-out shops and the perception of
serious food shortages, reminiscent of
the Soviet period.
The crisis might also motivate the
Russian government to reconsider the
ban on agricultural and food imports,
at least for some products and embargoed Western countries. The Russian
government has already floated this
idea, especially vis-à-vis certain EU
member states. Reducing the ban
would aid food consumers and probably earn some international good
will, especially from Europe which
has been much more adversely affected than the United States.
Yet, whatever reactive steps the
Russian government might take to
the problems facing the agricultural
and food economy, if the Western
economic sanctions remain in effect
and the world oil price stays low, the
country’s economic crisis will persist.
Russian agricultural producers and
consumers, as well as world agricultural markets, will continue to face
the disruption and challenges generated by these events.
For More Information
Agra Europe. 2015. “Russia Remains
EU’s Third Largest Agri-Food Export Destination Despite Ban,”
January 29. Available online:
Bloomberg Business. 2014. “Russia Sees GDP Shrinking at Least
4.5% in 2015 With $60 Oil,”
December 15. Available online:
news/articles/2014-12-15/russiasees economy-shrinking-at-least4-5-in-2015-with-60-oil
Bloomberg Business. 2015. “Russia’s
Foreign Exchange and Gold Reserves,” March 4. Available online:
Bokusheva, R., H. Hockmann, and
S.C. Kumbhakar. 2012. “Dynamics of Productivity and Technical
Efficiency in Russian Agriculture.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 39(4): 611-37.
Business Insider. 2015. “Russia Capital Flight More Than Doubled in
2014 to $151 bn,” January 19.
Available online: http://www.
Daily Mail Wires by Reuters. 2015.
“Russia Starts Spring Sowing with
Raised Hopes for Harvest,” March
4. Available online: http://www.
European Commission. 2013. “Agricultural Trade in 2013: EU Gains
in Commodity Exports,” Monitoring Agri-Trade Policy. Available online: http://ec.europa.
Financial Times. 2014. “The Only Cure
for What Plagues Russia,” December
17. Available online: http://www.
Guardian. 2014. “Russia Has Just
Lost the Economic War with the
West,” December 16. Available
online: http://www.theguardian.
Liefert, W., O. Liefert, and M.
Shane. 2009. Russia’s Growing
Agricultural Imports: Causes and
Outlook. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Outlook Report WRS-09-04, May.
Available online: http://www.
Liefert, W., and O. Liefert. 2012.
“Russian Agriculture During
Transition: Performance, Global
Impact, and Outlook.” Applied
Economic Perspectives and Policy
34(1): 37-75.
Liefert, O., W. Liefert, and E. Luebehusen. 2013. Rising Grain Exports
by the Former Soviet Union Region:
Causes and Outlook. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Economic Research
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Moody’s Investors Service. 2014. “Russian Foreign Exchange Reserves
Decreasing But Sufficient to Cover 2015 External Debt Needs,”
December 5. Available online:
Russian Federal Service of State Statistics. Rossiiskii Statisticheskii
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Food and Agriculture Organization
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and Food Products: An Initial Assessment.” Available online: http://
4th Quarter 2015 • 30(1)
Rylko, D., I. Khramova, V. Uzun,
and R. Jolly. 2008. “Agroholdings:
Russia’s New Agricultural Operators.” In Z. Lerman, Edition
Russia’s Agriculture in Transition:
Factor Markets and Constraints on
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Sputnik. 2015. “Russian Agriculture Development Program to
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Swinnen, J.F.M., K. Van Herck, and
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Available online: http://www.
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World Trade Atlas, Global Trade Information Services. Accessed February 27, 2015.
William M. Liefert (WLIEFERT@ers. and Olga Liefert ([email protected]) are Economists,
Economic Research Service, U.S. Dept.
of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
The views expressed in this article are those
of the authors, and may not be attributed
to the Economic Research Service or the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.