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Dear Parents,
Your child has been assigned summer projects for Islamic
Studies and Arabic (Reading). These projects will help your
child stay busy with something that will benefit him/her
during Ramadan. Please encourage your child to complete
both projects and return them back by 08/17/2014.
We will select the best Islamic Studies & the best Arabic project per class.
The student with the best project in class will get a BIG prize!!
Project Details:
We have suggested several topics for each project. Students must choose 1 topic
for Islamic Studies and 1 topic for Arabic.
Project Checklist:
The winning project must:
 be a Poster Board, a Power Point Presentation, or a Model
 be neat and clean
 be easy to understand
 have a clear title
 have the student name and grade level on the bottom right
corner of the poster/model
 have pictures/art clips for clarification if needed
The student must:
 be ready to present his/her project
 turn the project in by the deadline
If you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected]. Please write
“Summer Project” in the subject line of your email.
Islamic Studies
Please choose one of the following ideas for your project:
1- Ramadhan: (Poster or PowerPoint)
Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam and Ramadhan is a month in the Islamic calendar when
Muslims fast from dawn to sun set. Muslims have such a unique feeling when they fast
because they know they are pleasing Allah (SWT) and getting the best rewards from Him.
In your words, define “Ramadhan”, what special good deeds, foods, drinks, activities your
own family do in this holy month. You may also talk about your Muslim neighbors and/or
families; and tell what they do after the month ends. What are the special days that follow
Ramadhan called and what do Muslims do then?
2- The Pillars of Islam & the Pillars of Iman: (Model or Poster)
There are five religious duties expected of every Muslim called “The Pillars of Islam”. There
are also six things Muslims must believe in. These are called “The Pillars of Iman”. There is a
strong relationship between the pillars of Iman and the Pillars of Islam. If you have strong
Iman (Faith), you will perform your Islamic duties seriously and sincerely. However, if you do
not have strong Iman (Faith), you will not take your religious duties very seriously.
Demonstrate the relationship between the Pillars of Iman and the Pillars of Islam. Make a
model / drawing of a tree with five branches representing the pillars of Islam and six roots
representing the pillars of Iman. Show how the roots (iman) affect the tree branches
(Islam). You may draw / make a model of 2 trees to compare strong Iman with weak Iman.
3- The religion of Islam: (Poster or PowerPoint)
Islam if the religion of Allah (SWT) and is for everyone in this world without any
discrimination. The word “Islam” means Pease and is to submit one’s will to the one of
Allah’s. Compare and contrast Islam with another religion (preferably one you’re not
familiar with) and talk about the following:
Is the religion monotheism or polytheism? Who is being worshiped? Who is the founder of
the religion? What is the name of the book? What is the language of the book? What is
the place of worship called? What are the special holidays? What are the special signs of
the religion?
4- The Origin of At-Tahyat: (Poster or PowerPoint)
In our daily salat, we recite “At-Tahyat”. Find out the origin of “At-Tahyat” as well as the
meaning of it or the story of “Al-Isra wal Mira’j” then tell how interesting that story was to
you and why?
Arabic / Reading
Please choose one of the following ideas for your project:
1- Make a Reading Board Game:
(Model or Small poster)
Go to this link . Make at least 10 flash cards using
the words on this link. Make a board game like the one in this picture. Your board game must be
bigger. Make boxes from (1 to 50) or (1 to 100). Draw your snakes and ladders. Make at least 10
“Pull a card” spots for reading.
Write down instructions for your game. For Example:
1. 2 players can play.
2. Start by rolling a dice
3. When a player lands on the “Pull a Card” spot,
they must pull a flash card and read it.
4. If they miss the word, they move one step
backward (move down to snake’s tail)
5. If they read the word correctly, they move one
step forward and go up the ladder
6. The player who gets to the finish line first wins.
2- Hang man Reading Game: (Model or Small poster)
Go to this link Make at least 15 flash cards
using the words from the link above. Make a sample of the game.
Write down instruction for your game. For example:
1. 2 players can play
2. Each player will have to read a word from the flash card
3. For each word the players miss, we draw one part of their body (head, main body,
arms, legs, and the hanging rope).
4. If they miss for the seventh time, they die.
5. Whoever is hanged first loses.
3- Make up your own Arabic Reading Game: (Model or Small poster)
Can you think of a better game idea? You can turn any of your favorite games into a reading
game just like we did in the 2 examples above. Your game must be clear and easy to
understand. You must write instructions for your game. If you need help choosing some
words, you can go to these links.