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Tropisms Quiz Answers
1. True or False: Plants are able to move towards light.
false 2. True or False: Plants respond to their environment by changing how
they grow.
true 3. What is a tropism?
A tropism is growth toward or away from a stimulus. 4. How do auxins function? Explain your answer.
Auxins allow plants to curve in specific directions as they grow. The auxin moves to one side of the stem, where it starts a chain of events that cause rapid cell growth on just that one side of the stem. With one side of the stem growing faster than the other, the plant begins to bend. 5. Is new plant growth always down away from gravity? Explain your
No, by gravitropism, which is a growth toward or away from the pull of gravity, shoots can grow up. 6. What is growth towards a source of light?
a) phototropism
b) gravitropism
c) thigmotropism
d) thermotropism
7. Underground roots have a way of finding water. An additional tropism
results in roots growing towards the source of water. What is this type
of tropism?
a) phototropism
b) gravitropism
c) thermotropism
d) hydrotropism
8. What causes a vine to wrap around a neighboring tree?
a) phototropism
b) gravitropism
c) thigmotropism
d) chemotropism
9. Plant roots grow towards useful minerals and nutrients and away from
harmful chemicals like acid. What type of tropism would this be?
a) phototropism
b) gravitropism
c) thigmotropism
d) chemotropism
10. What causes roots to grow down?
a) phototropism
b) gravitropism
c) thigmotropism
d) chemotropism