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Summer Bridging
Work 2016
Subject: A-Level Sociology
Exam Board: AQA
Welcome to A-level Sociology. We are delighted that you are considering A-level Sociology
as an option in Year 12. To demonstrate your commitment to the course and to prepare you
for September, you must complete the following tasks to the best of your ability. These tasks
are compulsory and must be completed prior to your first Sociology lesson in Year 12.
We expect you spend at least 3 hours completing the tasks outlined in this pack. The
activities have been designed to help you begin to develop some of the key skills you will need for Alevel Sociology.
Learning Objectives:
To develop a basic understanding of the kinds of areas that Sociologists debate and
to include your own thoughts on the debate to facilitate discussions.
To develop awareness of the key concepts of socialisation, nature vs nurture and
social class.
To develop independent research and learning skills in sociology.
Contacts for Support:
Mrs George – Please email via FROG or visit the Social & Health Studies Departmental Office
Mr Brunt – Please email via FROG or visit Mr Brunt’s office
What is Sociology?
Sociology is the study of our society. It investigates the social lives
of people, groups and organisations within our society. You will
learn about power in society and about why some people have
lots of it and others have little.
You will learn about media and how the very rich use the media
to control our perceptions of the world. You will look at why people commit crime and
what society can do to reduce crime. You will learn that inequality - whether it is gender
inequality, class inequality, or racial inequality—benefits some people (usually those with
power) and you’ll learn that the people who benefit from inequality actively resist change.
You will learn how our socialisation practices and how our families teach us
the social rules and how our institutions actually support systems of
inequality and, in the case of our school systems, actively go about
teaching us to accept the existing social order.
A-Level Sociology: Summer Bridging Work 2016
Summer Bridging
Work 2016
You will need to complete the 3 tasks. Each task should include clear reference to the
material you have read or watched as well as your own ideas.
Task 1: Sociology and Socialisation
Write a short essay on what sociologists mean by the term socialisation?
Include reference to primary and secondary socialisation
How does the process of socialisation occur?
Give examples of the role of 4 agencies of socialisation
Outline one theory of socialisation
A-Level Sociology: Summer Bridging Work 2016
Summer Bridging
Work 2016
A-Level Sociology: Summer Bridging Work 2016
Summer Bridging
Work 2016
Task 2: The Nature vs Nurture Debate
Outline the nature vs nurture debate. On which side of the debate would you find sociologists?
Watch this youtube clip on feral children:
Explain how sociologists would see feral children as evidence to
support their view on nature vs nurture
A-Level Sociology: Summer Bridging Work 2016
Summer Bridging
Work 2016
Task 3: Defining Social Class
Write a short essay about social class.
You should define what is meant by social class
Identify what social class in Britain used to be like and what social
class is like now.
A-Level Sociology: Summer Bridging Work 2016
Summer Bridging
Work 2016
Choose two social class groups.
Write a case study about one person from each of these social classes.
You should describe what each person is like, what job they have, what
qualifications they achieved, what their hobbies and interests are, what kind of
clothes they wear and so on.
You may use additional paper for any task!
A-Level Sociology: Summer Bridging Work 2016