Download Mock Systemic Anatomy Practical – please keep in mind that the

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March 4, 2005
Mock Systemic Anatomy Practical – please keep in mind that the answers on the
test are not complete…meaning, based on the selection given on the mock practical,
these are the answers…however, for example, there are other descriptions that
define the knee joint, but synovial was the only one on the test that applied. These
questions should offer a sample of the type of questions to expect on the practical.
Also, on the real test, there will not be the words that appear in (______). Also
please verify all answers presented here with Netter’s.
1. Muscles that flex the hip joint:
Psoas Major, Tensor Fassa Latte, Sartorius, illiacus, rectus femorus
2. Muscles that attach to the front medial aspect of Tibia (Gerdy’s tubercle):
Lateral iliotibial band (also, take a look at the Pez anseric)
3. Name the joint descriptions/definitions for this joint (elbow):
Synovial, diarthritic, hindge, giglemus
4. Which of the following touch this bone (Sphenoid): MACA
Frontal, Ethmoid, Temporal (but NOT Stapes nor Lacrimal)
5. Nerve innervates this muscle (Temporalis):
CN V, mandibular division (remember this is muscle of mastication with motor
6. Name structure (long line on posterior aspect of femur):
Linea Aspera
7. Name muscle(s) that attach to this structure (corocoid process of scapula):
Short head bicep brachia, Pectoralis Minor
8. Nerve through (stylomastoid) foramen:
Facial Nerve
9. Name the descriptioins/definitions of this joint (Knee): MACA
10. Name the muscle(s) that need to be removed in order to see the (highlighted)
triangle (SOT): MACA
Trapezius, semispenius capitus, splenius capitus
11. Name the nerve that runs through this foreamen (sup. Orbital foreamen): MACA
Occulomotor, trigeminal.
12. Name ligament that attaches to (posterior intertubicular notch of femur):
13. Name nerve that runs through (jugular) foramen: MACA
14. Is this a L or R Patella? (know how to tell by the direction it falls when the apex
(the inferior aspect of the patella) is facing away from you and pointing towards
your foot. Also, if the patella with the superficial surface on the table, one can
determine which side it is by looking for the broadest surface when the apex is
pointing away…whichever side the broad surface is on, that is the side of the
body the patella would fit in).
15. (fill in blank) __________ of this bone (humerus) articulates with __________.
Capitulum, Radius (Remember RC Cola (Radius & Capitulum) and Univ. of
Texas UT (Ulna & Trochlear)
16. Name this bone (in hand):
capitate, also known as osmagnum (Please Take Larry Shopping, He’s Coming
To Town).
17. Name this structure (on Tibia):
Medial malleolus of tibia
18. Name this structure (on Clavicle):
Acromian head on LEFT clavicle (know right from left clavicle by confirming
that the anterior-posterior curve; know superior from inferior aspect by the
subclavian groove)
19. Name all terms to describe this joint (alveolar): MACA
Gomphosis, Fibrosis
20. Name muscle(s) that laterally rotate this joint (Hip): MACA
Gluteus medias, obtorator externus, bicep femoris, quadratus femorus.
21. Name this ligament (on Hip joint model with ligaments): MACA
Y of bigelow, Illiofemoral (2 names for the same ligament)
22. Name muscle (of the forearm):
Extensor carpi radialis Longus
23. Name muscle (deep to the gastrocnemius of the calf):
Flexor Hallicus Longus (it crosses over from lateral to medial to control big
24. Name this structure (of foot):
Lateral Cuniform
25. Name this muscle (in neck):
26. Name the structure that emerges through this triangle (highlighted on picture):
Suboccipital Nerve
27. Name this structure (line down center of abdomen):
Linea Alba
28. Name the nerve that innervates muscles attaching here (to scapula):
Suprascaula nerve
29. Name this structure (on Radius):
Styloid processs of LEFT (or RIGHT) Radius (determine left from right by the
bumps on the posterior distal end of radius, the styloid process is always lateral)
30. Name the muscle(s) that attach to this structure (posterior medial epicondyle):
Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus
31. How many ribs articulate with this structure (only pointing to the body of the
sternum but not the manubrium): MACA
6 pairs, 12 ribs attach to body of sternum (2 pairs, 4 ribs attach to manubrium)
32. Determine if this RIB is RIGHT or LEFT: it was a Right Rib
33. Name this vertebrae:
T12 (a transitional thoracic: pay attention the inferior/superior arcticular facets)
34. Name the nerve that innervates here (on the middle finger): MACA
Flexor digitorum profundus, ulnar nerve, median nerve (one of the answers said
medial nerve, with an “L” which is incorrect…sneaky! It’s the median nerve, with
35. Name this structure (bone): Ethmoid bone
36. Name the nerve that runs through this foreamen (Ovale):
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve –V3
37. Name the action of this structure (tibia posterior): MACA (not sure how to state
Invert foot, plantar flexion
38. Name the muscle that attaches to this structure (transverse process of Axis):
none of the above was the answer, however, the levatator scapularis does, not
sure if that’s it, though.
39. Name this bone:
Left fibula (look for lateral malleolus, the fossa goes down and back)
40. Name this bone: MACA
Atlas, and C1 (2 names, same structure)
41. Identify this vertebrae: Cervical
42. Name this structure:
Frontal Process of Maxillary bone
43. Name the nerve that innervates this muscle (vastus lateralus):
Femoral Nerve
44. Name the muscle that contributes to this structure (achiles tendon): MACA
Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
45. Name the nerve that passes through this foreamen (Hypoglossal foreamen):
2 of the Above was the answer: (Hypoglossal Nerve, as well as CN 12) (guess
what: 2 names, same structure, I’m sensing a pattern in the questions…read entire
questions in the 45 seconds allotted)
46. Name this muscle (in the fan):
Obtorator internus (in the fan, from superior to inferior: Piriformis, Superior
gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus, quadratus femoris)
47. Name this structure (bone):
Right Calcaneus (determine right from left: the sustentaculum tali is medial)
48. Name the muscle(s) that attach to this structure(anterior, medial aspect of the
Tibia, Plate 497): MACA
Sarorios, gracilis, semitendinosus
49. Reach in the box, and with out looking, feel the bone and name it:
Right Clavicle (determine right from left, the bump goes down where muscles
50. Name nerve that innervates this muscle (Bicep femoris head):
Tibial Nerve
51. Name this muscle:
Teres Major
52. Name the muscle that attaches here (to the anterior head of fibula):
Bicep femoris muscle
53. What nerve innervates this muscle(of face): MACA
Facial nerve, CN VII
54. What is the name of this muscle (abdominal model):
Psoas major
55. Name this bone (rib):
Left Rib (upper incisor) (need to know how to determine left from right)
56. What nerve innervates this muscle (depressor anguli oris): MACA
CN II, Facial Nerve
57. Name the muscle (head model):
Levator Palpabrae
58. On this child skull, when does this area fuse (the anterior fontanel):
Fuses between the ages of 18-24 months
59. Identify this muscle (that attaches to the mastoid process of the temporal bone):
60. Identify this muscle (posterior cervical):