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The World at War – WWII Review Package
Section 1
After World War I, life was not easy in
Europe. The war had left many countries
heavily in debt. Some people resented the
new borders that had been drawn at the end
of the war. They distrusted the new
democratic forms of government that had
been set up. The Great Depression made
these problems even worse. In all this
uncertainty, dictators easily gained control.
They offered simple solutions and promised
glory for their country. They silenced all
who spoke against them. In Italy and Spain,
Benito Mussolini and Francisco Franco
came to power. In the Soviet Union, Joseph
Stalin ruled with an iron fist and in Japan,
Emperor Hirohito and his right-hand man,
Hideki Tojo, reigned supreme.
Section 3
Section 2
Most dangerous of all was Adolf Hitler,
who gained power in Germany in 1933.
He told Germans they were the “Master
Race.” He blamed all of Germany’s
problems on scapegoats – “non-German
traitors” within the country – and the
unfair terms of the treaty that ended
World War I. Hitler’s sweeping racism
became government policy. Fear of his
secret police gripped the country while
Hitler urged Germans to dream of
ruling the world.
Other nations knew Germany had
real causes for complaint. They
hoped that if they let Hitler take a
little, Germany would be satisfied.
In 1939, Hitler’s armies swept into
Austria and Czechoslovakia. When
Poland fell to German tanks and
dive bombers in 1939, world leaders
knew they had to fight back. Their
resistance came too late: soon most
of Europe was under Nazi rule.
Section 4 - Canadians figured prominently in World War II. The Royal Canadian navy
organized huge supply convoys to Britain. Canadian pilots helped stop Hitler in the
Battle of Britain and other air battles. Canadian soldiers fought bravely on the
battlefields of Europe and Asia. They suffered a tragic defeat at the Battle of Dieppe,
France. They played a valiant part and major role in the slow advance through Italy
and in the final invasion of Western Europe on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.
Section 7
Section 5 - Canadians at home produced airplanes,
ships and armaments. They bought Victory bonds
to help pay for the war. Food and gasoline were
rationed so more supplies could go to Europe.
Women entered the factories and joined the armed
forces. Young people ploughed up their school
yards to plant “victory gardens”.
Section 6 - Japanese army officers also
dreamed of a vast empire. They attack
China, American bases in the Pacific, and
British and French colonies in Asia.
Many Canadians feared and hated the
Japanese who had moved to Canada.
Japanese-Canadians were taken from
their homes on the Pacific coast and held
in camps until the end of the war.
The war ended with the dropping of
atomic bombs on two Japanese
cities. This was the final horror in
a war marked by crimes against
humanity. Millions of Jews and
other minorities had been
murdered under Hitler’s rule. Too
many power had been willing to
prove their might through warfare.
The World at War – WWII Review Package
Section 1
Section 2
1. What impact did WWI have on the economic stability of many
European countries?
Who gained power in Germany in 1933?
2. What three strategies did he use to get elected to power?
a. ______________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________
2. What economic event further aggravated the condition?
3. How did the people feel about the new boundaries drawn up in
the 1919 Treaty of Versailles?
4. Identify the new leaders who emerged during the 1920s and 30s
around the world:
Germany - ________________________________________
Italy - _____________________________________________
Spain - ____________________________________________
Soviet Union - ______________________________________
Japan - _____________________________________________
5. Why do you think these dictators gained control in their countries
so easily?
6. Define the term “Dictator”.
3. How did Hitler maintain absolute power?
Section 3
How did the other nations feel about Germany’s treatment by the
terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
2. Define “Appeasement”.
3. In spite of the Treaty of Versailles, what areas did Hitler invade
with his armies?
Section 4
What role did Canada play in World War I?
Section 5
1. What contributions did Canadians make on the home front?
Section 6
What was Japan’s goal in World War II?
2. Who did the Japanese attack in World War II?
3. What happened to Japanese-Canadians who were living in
Canada during World War II?
Section 7
What event ended World War II?
2. What was the Holocaust?
3. Can you name a modern day “Holocaust” where one group has
exterminated another?
Why was there a Second World War? WWII Review Package
The Treaty of Versailles
On June 28th, 1919, most of the countries which had fought in World War I,
signed the Treaty of Versailles. Many people thought that this treaty
would prevent future wars. They believed that people and countries
would learn from their past mistakes and avoid the horrors of another
world war. Unfortunately, the Treaty of Versailles was an important cause
of WWII.
The countries which had won the war, especially France, wanted revenge
on Germany. They wanted to teach Germany a lesson. They thought that
Germany should be forced to take all the blame for WWI. They insisted
that Germany agree to pay back all the money which the winners had
spent on the war – a total cost of $35,000,000,000! Germany was also
forced to give up all its colonies and some of its own lands. Belgium,
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, and France all received German
territory with about 6.5 million German citizens.
The Austrian-Hungarian Empire was divided up by the winners of the war
and communist Russia was punished for withdrawing from the war in 1917.
Several new countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia were created from
the lands taken away from Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia.
The Treaty of Versailles humiliated the losers. When Germany protested
against the conditions of the treaty, the winners of WWI threatened to
invade Germany. Germany was forced to sign the treaty but the shame
Germany felt was not forgotten by the German People.
Certain Countries Threaten World Peace
Italy was unhappy with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Although Italy had
fought with the Triple Entente after switching side’s midway through the
war, they had received very little new territory as a reward at the peace
conference. After the war, many Italians were unemployed and unhappy
with their democratic government.
In 1922, they turned to a new leader who promised action – Benito
Mussolini, the son of a blacksmith, had fought in WWI. After the war, he
became a newspaper reporter. He was a colourful public speaker who
could excite and entertain his audiences.
Mussolini and his “Black Shirts”
called Fascists. Promised the
Italian people jobs, security, law
and order and a return to the
great days of the Roman Empire.
Fascists believed that individuals
must support one political party
and one leader who would
control the government, the
army, the economy, and the lives
of the people. Other political
parties and leaders who opposed
the Fascists were destroyed.
Freedom of speech and freedom
of the press was taken away. The
Fascists used propaganda to
brainwash the people into
accepting the government.
Mussolini had made himself a
dictator and his word was law.
Once Mussolini and his Fascist Party had gained power, they did improve
some services like the railways. They spent more money on new roads
and bridges to create jobs. Mussolini was a powerful speaker and he
made wonderful promises for the future. However, with the coming of the
Great Depression, unemployment grew worse. “Il Duce” (The Leader)
looked for ways to take the people’s minds off their poverty. In 1935,
Mussolini decided that a war to conquer new lands in Africa was the best
Japan had also supported the Triple
Entente in WWI. In return, Japan had
received the German colonies in
China and the Pacific. The Japanese
had copied Western science and
built modern factories since the
1850s. They had also built a powerful
navy and a strong army. However,
Japan did not have the many natural
resources like oil, coal, or iron ore.
The population was growing rapidly
and the land was becoming over
crowded. These were real problems
for the Japanese government. They
wanted to conquer land with rich
resources to make Japan the greatest
power in Asia. In 1931, they decided
to invade the wealthy province of
Manchuria in northern China. Japan
was determined to build a great
empire and become a world power.
The loss of WWI and the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles left
Germany very weak. The war debts and payments to the Allies were very
heavy. Many workers were unemployed and could not find jobs after the
war. The value of German money fell and by 1923, their money had
become absolutely worthless. People’s life savings were destroyed and
completely wiped out. For a few years, from 1925 to 1929, economic
conditions seemed to improve, but with the start of the Great Depression
in 1929, these small gains were quickly erased.
The German people had never felt very loyal to the new democratic
government, the Weimar Republic, who had signed the “shameful” Treaty
of Versailles, after the Kaiser had abandoned Germany and fled at the end
of WWI. When the government failed to provide jobs and security, many
people were ready to turn away from democracy because they felt it did
not work. Enter Adolf Hitler, who promised them a better life.
Adolf Hitler was born
in the German
speaking country of
Austria in 1889. He
was an unsuccessful
artist and house
painter in Vienna
before WWI. Hitler
was very proud of the
German people.
When Germany and
Austria-Hungary went
to war against the
Entente in 1914, a
young Adolf joined
the army. Hitler
became a corporal in
the army and fought bravely in the trenches until he was wounded. He
received a medal, the Iron Cross, for his bravery.
Hitler organized the Nazi Party in Germany after WWI. For years, no one
took Hitler seriously. They thought he was a “crackpot”. When he led a
small revolt in Munich in 1923, it was easily defeated and he was thrown
into jail. While he was in jail, Hitler wrote a book, entitled “Mein Kampf”
(My Struggle), which glorified Germany and attacked other peoples and
races. He encouraged racial discrimination against Jews and others by
blaming them for Germany’s problems. After his release, Hitler returned
to politics. He organized his followers, calling his most ardent followers
the “Brown Shirts”, and got them to parade through the streets and break
up meetings of other political parties. The Nazi Party also believed in
Fascism. The members called for a strong leader, the use of the armed
forces and blind loyalty to Germany. They attacked democracy, peace,
and other peoples such as Jews, the Slavs and Blacks.
The Nazi Party did poorly in the 1928 elections but, as the Great
Depression set in, their support quickly grew. In the elections in 1932 and
1933, the Nazi Party won the most seats in the German parliament. Hitler
was legally appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Then parliament
voted Hitler complete control of the German government. Adolf Hitler
had become the absolute leader of Germany and was given the dubious
title of “Fuhrer” or Leader.
Why did so many Germans vote for the Nazi Party and support Hitler?
There were many reasons. Hitler hated the Communists and so he was
supported by some rich people who wanted to prevent a Communist
revolution in Germany, like what had happened in Russia. He promised
the workers’ jobs. He appealed to German pride and nationalism at a
time when the German people felt down and out. He attacked the Jews
and the Treaty of Versailles and promised to make Germany a strong
country again. Hitler was a very powerful speaker and the Nazis used
propaganda to shape the thoughts of the people. Radio, movies, and
newspapers were used to send out the Nazi message.
Comprehension Questions
Using your own paper, read the article and answer the
following questions to review some of the events that led
up to World War II.
Hitler was successful in many areas. His government created jobs and
reduced unemployment. Workers built highways and worked in factories
producing everything from airplanes to the newly designed
“Volkswagen” or “People’s Car”. Life for Germans in the 1930s improved
under Hitler. Hitler was even more successful in restoring Germany’s
honour by 1938. He boldly broke the Treaty of Versailles, while Britain,
France, and their allies stood by. The armed forces were expanded and
much of the German land lost at the end of WWI was regained. All this
was done before 1939, without firing a single shot.
Who signed the Treaty of Versailles? When was it
Why did France want revenge on Germany?
What type of revenge did they want?
How did the German people feel about the Treaty of
Why was Italy unhappy with the treaty?
Who did the Italian people turn to in order to get
What did the Fascists promise the Italian people?
What freedoms were taken away by the Fascists?
What did Mussolini and the fascists give to Italy?
What was Japan given for helping the Entente defeat
Germany and the Triple Alliance in WWI?
What problems did Japan have?
How did they decided to solve their problems?
What effect did losing the war and the Treaty of
Versailles have on Germany?
What happened when the German government failed to
make jobs for the German people?
Who did the German people turn to?
What party did Adolf Hitler organize?
What book did Adolf Hitler write when he was in jail?
What did Hitler’s book tell the German people?
What was the outcome of the elections in 1932 and 1933
in Germany?
When Hitler took over the German government, what
title was he given?
What did Hitler promise to do for Germany?
What success did he have with German industry?
What car was created at this time?
What did Hitler do about the Treaty of Versailles and
the lost German colonies?