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A Complex Homeopathic Preparation
Including Published
Clinical Studies
A proven complex Homeopathic
preparation which activates both
mitochondrial and
non-mitochondrial energy pathways
Enercel® has performed many scientific and clinical studies, and ceaselessly continues to prove
its efficacy in ongoing clinical studies.
Enercel® is also proving the extraordinary healing and curing effect of properly choosing and
combining multiple singular homeopathic remedies.
Scientific Information of ENERCEL® - Overview
Mechanisms of Action of Homeopathy
ENERCEL® The Energy Medicine
Cancer and Energy
ENERCEL® and Stem Cells
Undesirable Effects
ENERPUNCTURE™ - A Combination of ENERCEL® and Acupuncture
AIPT – Acupuncture Injection Point Therapy
ENERCEL®Formulation Testing: Anti-Aging
Neurodegenerative and Neuropathies
Metastic Squamous Cell Carcinoma – unknown primary
Stage III left-side Breast Cancer
Ureterovesicular Cancer
Particulars of Administration
Allergic Diseases
Allergic Origin Otorhinological Diseases
Muscle Hydration
Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
BASIC SCIENCE - Therapeutic potential of KELEA activated Water - INT J COMPLEMENT ALT MED 1 (1):1-4
ANIMAL STUDY -Immunomodulatory Effects of a Homeopathic Agent - J NAT MED 5(6): 46-52
Tuberculosis–New-onset, Presumed Drug-sensitive & Multi-drug Resistant Pulmonary
USAID – ISSN 2220-5071 – No 1 (08): 85-91 2012
Alternative Cellular Energy based therapy of Childhood Diarrhea Martin W.J. ACE & KELEA Activated Water
Significant Neurological Improvement in two patients with ALS using ENERCEL®
Stage IV Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) with co-infection Tuberculosis
MEDCRAVE–Journal of Human Virology & Antiretrovirology Vol 2 Issue 6 - 2015
Stage IV Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) with co-infection Tuberculosis
USAID – ISSN 2220-5071 – No 3 (18): 50-55 2014
Study in Detail
Study Graphs
ENERCEL® Contact Information and Associates
The energy enhancement in the tissues, results in improved function, health, metabolism and resistance to
infection and stress. Once the energy of cells is normalized, particularly in the immune system, their health is
restored and they are able to carry on their normal activities.
ENERCEL® has been proven by in vitro, animal and clinical studies to significantly enhance the activity of
Natural Killer [NK] cells. NK cells are an important part of the immune system; they provide first-line defense
against many micro-organisms and cancers. NK cell activity is decreased by such factors as aging,
environmental pollutants, chronic infections and trauma, and is restored by ENERCEL® use.
ENERCEL® is a leading candidate to become our global first-line-of-defense against diseases for six essential
ENERCEL® works in a larger proportion of cases than any other system of health of which we know.
ENERCEL® is relatively inexpensive.
ENERCEL® helps the body heal itself rather than just relieving symptoms.
ENERCEL® does not produce the harmful side effects that are so common and unpredictable as
with chemical medicines.
ENERCEL® works in combination with conventional medicine.
ENERCEL® is a leader in the new efforts for the field of Preventative Medicine.
Professor Luc Montagnier is a French virologist who co-discovered HIV and who won the Nobel
Prize in 2008. Dr. Montagnier has received many other significant awards, though his newest
research, which may explain how and why homeopathic medicines maintain their biological activity
in extreme dilution, may be his most significant to date.
In a recent paper, Prof. Montagnier and his team report the results of a series of rigorous
experiments investigating the electromagnetic (EM) properties of highly diluted biological samples.
The abstract of this research in part asserts, “A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity of
some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions. It
appears to be a resonance phenomenon triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of
very low frequency waves.”
The researchers used aqueous solutions that were agitated and serially diluted (the researchers
note that the solutions were “strongly agitated” and that this step was “critical for the generation
of signals”). The researchers also note that they used a device made by French immunologist
Jacques Benveniste (the famous physician/scientist who conducted studies testing homeopathic
dosages and whose work was initially published in Nature), and utilized all aspects of
homoeopathy, although homeopathy is not mentioned anywhere in the article.
Using the conventional homeopathic procedure in their testing, the researchers found that
pathogenic bacteria and viruses show a distinct EM signature at dilutions ranging from 10 -5 to 10-12
[corresponding to homeopathic 5X to homeopathic 12X] and that small DNA fragments
(responsible for pathogenicity) were solely accountable for the electromagnetic (EM) signal.
The researchers also noted that one experiment found significant effects from dilutions as high as
10-18 (equivalent to homeopathic 18X). The EM signature changed with dilution levels, but was
unaffected by the initial concentration, and remained, even after the remaining DNA fragments
were destroyed by chemical agents. Of additional interest was the researchers’ observation that
they observed the same results whether their initial concentration of cells were just 10 or 109.
They observed that the electromagnetic (EM) signal was destroyed by heating or freezing the
sample (a common observation that homeopaths have found in their medicines). Also, a 'crosstalk' effect was found, whereby a negative sample inhibits the positive signal in another sample if
they are left together overnight in a shielded container. The researchers propose that specific
aqueous nanostructures form in the samples during the dilution process and are responsible for
the EM effects measured.
The Researchers also detected the same electromagnetic (EM) signals in the PLASMA, and in the
DNA extracted from t h e PLASMA, of patients suffering from ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE,
The researchers also quote Italian physicist, E. Del Guidice, the same scientist whom Benveniste
cited, for positing that water molecules can form long polymers of dipoles associated by hydrogen
bonds and that electromagnetic (EM) radiations they emit enable them to avoid decay.
With this initial paper, Prof. Montagnier and his team have started a very promising line of enquiry,
which has direct relevance to homeopathy as they continue to investigate the characteristic
physico-chemical properties found in high-dilutions of biological material.
Reference: Luc Montagnier, Jamal Aissa, Stéphane Ferris, Jean-Luc Montagnier, Claude Lavallee, Electromagnetic Signals Are
Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences. Interdisciplinary Life Science (2009) 1:81-90
ENERCEL® – The Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine is based upon the belief that changes in the "life force" of the body-- including the
electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields—can affect human health, and can be manipulated
to promote healing. Alternatively, a new concept of Energy Medicine embodies a network of
under-differentiated, electromagnetically sensitive cells in the body that can be “triggered” by
energetic substances to induce tissue repair and regeneration.
The notion of a life force or energy is shared by people around the world. Since ancient times,
traditional cultures have believed that a special energy vitalizes all life. This Energy has many other
names. It is intriguing to consider that this ancient concept of Bio-Energy is now in the process of
scientific definition as Stem Cell-like; electromagnetically sensitive cells in the body capable of
cellular reconstruction and restoration.
Over the course of the past three decades, Energy Medicine has moved from being a marginal area
of research to gaining a large measure of mainstream acceptance. Despite over 300 studies during
the past 40 years showing the efficacy of energy healing, these findings are still ignored or rejected
by many scientists based on non-reproducible and inconsistent results. Distinct among modalities
that improve and modulate energy in the body,
ENERCEL® has proven to have reliable,
reproducible, consistently positive results in clinical, animal and in vitro studies.
ENERCEL® is a combination of homeopathic remedies as per the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
of the United States (HPUS).
ENERCEL® has been proven to be non-toxic and without negative
side effects in patients both in clinical trials and general use. It is thought to work in the body by
support of tissue and organ function via intra- and extracellular energy stimulation.
ENERCEL® activates the energy pathways of tissues throughout the body. The energy
enhancement in the tissues results in improved function, health, metabolism and resistance to
infection and stress. Once the energy of cells is normalized, particularly in the immune system,
their health is restored and they are able to carry on their normal activities. Furthermore, since all
tissues in a local area are affected in this way, homeostasis, not just of cells but between cells as
well, is restored. When cells have sufficient and regulated energy, their function is modulated—
when overactive, they quiet, and when underactive, they increase their activity. Overall,
ENERCEL® enhances the substrate of cells of the body in order to re-set them for optimal
function. In particular, the immune system is effectively regulated. The turn-over of immune cells
in areas of infection, inflammation, oxidation and/or necrosis is intense. Homeostasis is difficult
to achieve in such a milieu. ENERCEL® encourages self-modulation of immune function and the
re-establishment of normal cellular, tissue and organ function. Symptoms of hypo- and hyperimmunity are reduced; infections are effectively fought; tissue damage is repaired; and both pain
and inflammation are diminished.
Within the human body, each cell registers an electrical charge across the cell membrane. Each
cell’s interior carries a negative charge respective to the exterior charge. This electrical charge is
referred to as the transmembrane potential. The magnitude of the transmembrane charge is
different from cell to cell, ranging from about -50 to -70 millivolts. In cells that are excitable
(chargeable), it can be even less than - 70 millivolts. Cancer cells are proven to contain low amounts
of energy, have a reduced transmembrane potential, and a low level of cellular energy production.
The transmembrane potential in cancer cells is about -15 millivolts, indicative of extremely low
energy levels. Such cells with low energy have a strong tendency to divide into two separate cells.
The reason for this is quite simple: as the intra-cellular energy drops to low levels, the existence of
the cell is threatened and it is at risk for apoptosis or cell death. The cell then begins to proliferate
uncontrollably in an attempt to save itself. As these low energy, cancerous cells continue to rapidly
proliferate, the amount of energy that is produced within the progeny cells is even further
diminished. As one could imagine, the new cells that are formed have even more reduced levels
of energy than the initial cancer cells.
Cancer cells begin to form in an area of the body that is already low in energy levels.
Researchers found a connection between mitochondria and cancer back in the 1930's. What was
discovered was that mitochondria becomes dysfunctional in cancer cells. Based on research done
at the University of Alberta, cancer growth can be hindered by facilitating the production of energy
within the mitochondria. Early theories stated that the mitochondria in cancer cells are
permanently damaged and not treatable. However, current research is now showing that damaged
mitochondria can be restored, and when they are, there is a reduction in tumor growth.
These findings point to dysfunctional mitochondria—and a resultant low-energy state—as a direct
causal factor in the growth of cancer. These conclusions have been confirmed in both in vitro and
animal studies. As normal energy production is restored in cancerous cells, they no longer feel
threatened, and they do not proliferate uncontrollably in an attempt to ensure their survival. In
turn, this process may arrest the proliferation of cancerous cells.
ENERCEL® helps to restore normal mitochondrial energy production, raising the energy
production of the cells and normalizing the transmembrane potential.
Recent studies have suggested that a population of stem cells are electromagnetically
sensitive. That is, certain electromagnetic frequencies [EMF] stimulate the proliferation of stem
cells. Patents for the application of electric and/or electromagnetic frequencies to stem cells
have been filed. Furthermore, preliminary studies have suggested that ENERCEL® —a potent
homeopathic biological electromagnetic energy inducer—can prolong the life-span and induce
proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMC] and mesenchymal stem cells
[private communication, Christner].
The highly diluted biological components of ENERCEL®
appear to activate in vivo and in vitro electromagnetic signals.
 ENERCEL® has no known toxicity—therefore, no specific laboratory studies are required.
Testing should reflect the disease state itself and not the application of ENERCEL®.
 ENERCEL® has been used in a single dose up to 100 ml intravenously without side-effects.
 ENERCEL® has also been taken multiple times per day for many years without adverse effects.
Any potential side-effects are related to the route of administration and not to ENERCEL®itself.
 ENERCEL® IV may result in bleeding, bruising, pain and risk of infection at the site of administration due to the incorrect administration by the practitioner.
 One-hundred & twenty-three children less than 5 years of age were enrolled in a placebocontrolled study of acute diarrhea disease. The test group received 3 ml of ENERCEL® IM
twice daily for two total doses. No clinical signs of toxicity were noted.
 A single-dose study of ENERCEL® -- 50 ml intravenously-- was performed. No clinical or
laboratory evidence of toxicity was noted.
 Eighty-two patients were treated with ENERCEL® Mist Nasal spray, 2 puffs three times/day for 1month.
No adverse reactions were noted.
and Acupuncture have been shown to be efficacious in a number of disorders due to
stimulation and modulation of specific internal and external energy pathways. Preliminary case-reports
suggest that the combination may be synergistic in supporting organ, tissue and especially immune system
function, presumably through energy modulation. This report includes the effect of ENERCEL® and
Acupuncture— individually and in combination—on neurodegenerative disorders and neuropathies.
ACUPUNCTURE is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine, in which a number of very fine metal
needles are inserted into the skin at specially designated points. For thousands of years acupuncture has
been used, along with herbal medicine, for pain relief and treatment of various ailments. Today it is widely
used in China in the treatment of hay fever, headaches, and ulcers, and some types of blindness, arthritis,
diarrhea, and hypertension. Acupuncture is also used, especially in China, as a general anesthetic during
childbirth and some types of surgery.
Generally, in the practice of acupuncture, needles varying in length from 1/2 in. (1.27 cm) to several inches
are inserted in appropriate points of the body, not necessarily near the affected organ. The needles are
twirled and vibrated in specific ways; the depth of insertion also affects the treatment. Modern technique
sometimes adds electrical stimulation applied through the needles. The traditional common acupuncture
points are arranged along twelve lines, or regular meridians and as well as along eight extraordinary
meridians. These meridians cover the entire body.
The traditional Chinese explanation of the effectiveness of acupuncture is based on the Taoist philosophy
according to which good health depends on a free circulation of chi (qi), or life force energy, throughout
all organs of the body. The chi, in turn, depends upon a balance of the two opposing energies of yin
(negative polarity) and yang (positive polarity). The meridians are the main channels of energy flow.
When energy flow is impeded at any point [e.g. because of a diseased organ or stress] illness in other areas
of the body may result. Piercing the channels at the proper points is credited to correct the imbalances.
Western researchers have found that the acupuncture points correspond to points on the skin having less
electrical resistance than other skin areas. It has been suggested that acupuncture works by stimulating or
repressing the autonomic nervous system in various ways, and there is some evidence that stimulation of
the skin can affect internal organs by means of nerve reflex pathways. One theory is that acupuncture
stimulates the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals called endorphins. Another is that it stimulates the
pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates the adrenal gland to release anti-inflammatory chemicals.
Since the early 1970s, acupuncture has gradually become more accepted in the northwestern hemisphere.
Many areas now accredit schools of acupuncture and administer licensing examinations for non-physicians.
Some physicians are studying and using acupuncture as an adjunct treatment. In the United States
acupuncture has been used most often for pain control and drug and alcohol addiction. One impediment to
total acceptance is the difficulty of fitting a traditional technique from another culture into the strict methods
of scientific clinical trials customary in Western medicine. However, a number of clinical trials have suggested
that Acupuncture is efficacious for a number or disorders including neurodegenerative disorders and
Several studies have suggested that Acupuncture is beneficial in peripheral neuropathies. One study of
acupuncture in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy involved 60 participants. The study found that those
receiving acupuncture had a statistically greater improvement in neurological symptoms as well as improved
nerve function for both sensory and motor nerve conduction when compared to the control group.
Another study conducted in Africa found that for the 126 patients that received acupuncture for diabetic
peripheral neuropathy, 86% deemed the treatment as being effective for reducing symptoms in their hands
and feet.
In a 2006 Canadian study, acupuncture was utilized in five cases to reduce neuropathic pain in cancer patients.
The acupuncture treatment was deemed effective in these cases where medication had failed. And finally,
in a Chinese study involving 90 participants, those receiving total body, or wrist and ankle, acupuncture has
significantly improved blood sugar and lipids, decreased blood viscosity, and improved functions of
peripheral nerve cells, thus resulting in therapeutic effects for diabetic peripheral neuritis when compared to
the control group.
AIPT – Acupuncture Injection Point Therapy
The injection of liquid products into Acupuncture points—both drug and natural— is labeled
Acupuncture Injection Point Therapy (AIPT) or Acupoint injection therapy. The treatment is based
on the concept that products that enhance energy meridians may work synergistically with
Acupuncture. Animal trials have validated the process in several models, including bee venom
Acupoint injections for adjuvant-induced arthritis. Although few clinical trials are yet available,
extensive experience in the community— especially in China—has yielded results beyond what
may be achievable by Acupuncture, or the drug/supplement in question, alone. This practice is a
recognized procedure in several states of the United States (Florida, Arkansas, Colorado, New
Mexico, and Washington).
The administration of ENERCEL® into Acupuncture points has been named ENERPUNCTURE™. This
procedure has been of benefit for multiple patients with a variety of illnesses, most commonly
musculoskeletal. Clinical experience to date has suggested that Acupoint injection with
ENERCEL® (ENERPUNCTURE™) may improve outcomes for many disorders compared to
Acupuncture alone.
Jeunesse Anti-Aging Clinic
July 7, 2006
D. See, MD
Quality of life, disease prevention and slowing of the aging process depend upon healthy cellular,
immune system, hormonal and other organ function. The number of bodily systems which need to be
maintained in optimal function in order to ensure the best overall health possible is large. A number
of supplements, dietary changes and other treatments would be necessary for optimal health unless a
strategy of diffuse organ improvement could be achieved with one intervention. To this effect, the
intracellular ACE inducer, Enercel®, was assayed for a number of markers of vigorous overall function.
Purpose of
1) Validate the activity of Enercel® in 7 assays of cellular function
2) Determine the toxicity of the formulation.
NK cell function assay
Lymphocyte proliferation
IGF-1 and HGH levels
Anti-cancer test
Cytochrome p450 assays
Glutathione peroxidase
Trypan blue toxicity assay to PBMC
Enercel® had a 255% increase in NK function over no additive
The PI was increased by Enercel® 94% over baseline
Anti-cancer activity was increased by 362%
Seven of nine cytochrome p450 isozymes had significantly increased activity with Enercel® addition
The OD of glutathione peroxidase activity was increased by 74%
There was no toxicity of up to 100µ/mg concentrations of undiluted Enercel
Enercel® improved the activity of assays from several vital organ systems. Together,
these systems comprise much of the bodily function needed for optimal health. In vivo
correlation is needed, but Enercel® is a candidate for intervention in defective quality
of life states and also such diverse conditions as fatigue, hormonal defects, Anti-aging
protocols, chronic and acute infections, liver disease and more.
Finally, Enercel® had no demonstrable toxicity, even when used undiluted.
1. In vitro - Toxicity
See DM
ENERCEL® at a dose of 100 µl/mg was applied to confluent monolayers of both MOLT-51 and
K5622 cells. 5% ethanol was applied to control plates. Tissue culture media with fresh ENERCEL®
at 100 µl/mg was added daily. The cells were observed for necrosis for three days.
There was no toxicity (0 on a scale of 5).
MOLT 5 cells are cells that are more stable than MOLT 4 cells.
These are lymphoblast-like in morphology and are used for studies of apoptosis, tumor cytotoxicity, tumorigenicity, as well as for antitumor testing.
K562 is an erythromyeloblastoid human leukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis. Recent studies have shown the K562 blasts are multipotential,
hematopoietic malignant cells that spontaneously differentiate into recognizable progenitors of the erythrocyte, granulocyte and monocytic series. Cells are also used for hemoglobin
synthesis, antitumor testing, tumorigenicity, differentiation, pharmacodynamics, cloning, cytotoxicity, cell biology, cellular effects of hyperthermia and natural killer assays.
2. Toxicity
See DM
Either placebo (5% ethanol) or ENERCEL® at a dose of 0.35 cc SQ was administered to 10 mice
per group for 28 consecutive days. The animals were observed clinically each day for toxicity.
There was no ataxia, lethargy or respiratory distress. After 28 days, sections of harvested brains,
kidneys, livers, pancreases and hearts were examined for inflammation and/or necrosis. None was
found. A repeat study using the same parameters was performed.
Again, there was no clinical or Microscopic toxicity.
3. Clinical and microscopic toxicity
See DM
Mice were treated with 0.5 ml ENERCEL® IM daily for 30 days and evaluated for clinical and
microscopic toxicity. There were no changes in color of the mucous membranes, hair, tail scaling,
diarrhea, oral intake, movement, or posture. After sacrifice, internal organs were normal as to
gross appearance, size, consistency, weight and blood vessels.
Microscopic evaluation did not show any toxicity.
1. Breast Tumors
See DM
Rats with experimentally-induced mammary gland tumors were treated with ENERCEL® 0.05 to 1
ml IM/day. Control animals were given 1 ml placebo IM.
No tissue necrosis was noted in biopsies from either group.
2. ENERCEL® In Vivo Studies on Experimental Tumors
Bergoc RM, Rivera ES
The efficacy of ENERCEL® in the treatment of induced mammary tumors in rats was evaluated.
Escalating IM doses up to 1 ml/day for 10 days were assessed. After 10 days, the animals showed
a clear improvement in their general wellness as manifested by greater mobility, friskiness and
an increase in body weight as compared to placebo treated controls. Tumor growth was
arrested, and sometimes regressed, in a high proportion of lesions in the treated rats. Some
tumors developed a characteristic central lesion consistent with tumor breakdown on
histopathologic specimens. Statistical evaluation demonstrated that the survival of the test
animals was significantly greater than that of the controls (p<0.01). The clinical and pathologic
benefits of ENERCEL® were dose-dependent. There was no difference in end points between
animals treated with low-dose (0.05 ml/day)
ENERCEL® than in untreated controls. Thus,
ENERCEL® treatment was beneficial in a rat model of induced mammary tumors in a dosedependent fashion. All but the lowest dose was successful. Tumor regression, improved clinical
signs and greater survival were observed in treated animals compared to no response in placebo
treated ones.
ENERCEL® has been successfully used in the management of neurodegenerative disorders and
neuropathies, individually and via ENERPUNCTURE™.
A 40-year-old female suffered lower back trauma from a motor vehicle accident. Subsequently she
developed progressive weakness in her lower extremities, numbness in both feet, calf and feet muscle
atrophy and a clumsy gait. A spine MRI showed spinal stenosis. She underwent back surgery to repair
the stenosis—this resulted in a slower progression of lower extremity neurological symptoms but no
regression. She remained dependent on crutches. Two years later, she began ENERCEL® by oral, IM
and sublingual routes and by subcutaneous injection at specific Acupuncture points
(ENERPUNCTURE™). She showed slow improvement over a three-month period of daily
administration of ENERCEL®. At the end of that time, she was able to walk without crutches and had
normal sensation in her feet.
A 70-year-old female developed right eye pain, swelling of the area around the eye and blisters on the
forehead, which progressed over 3-4 days. A diagnosis of ophthalmic herpes zoster was made. She
then began to suffer from right-side headaches, tingling, and pain over her eye consistent with postherpetic neuralgia. She began ENERCEL® Mist administration to her right eye every 2-3 hours as well
as ENERCEL® intravenously (once daily) for 5 days. The swelling and eye pain began to quickly improve
and then resolved. More significantly, her neurogenic headaches and supraorbital pain gradually
diminished and then resolved over about 7 days.
NK is a 59-year-old male smoker with moderate alcohol intake who presented with swelling in his neck, weight
loss and fatigue. A fine needle aspiration of an enlarged cervical lymph node showed a poorly-differentiated
squamous cell carcinoma. CT scan showed enlarged lymph nodes in the right neck and a parapharyngeal mass
on the left. That mass was biopsied and showed squamous cell carcinoma. He received the diagnosis of
metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, unknown primary.
He received chemotherapy with cetuximab and radiation therapy. He had severe mucositis, rash and weight loss
and required a feeding tube. A follow-up PET scan did not show any glucose uptake.
However, 4 months later a CT scan showed new pulmonary nodules. His pulmonary function tests and arterial
blood gas tests were normal. He had a wedge resection which showed metastatic non-small-cell carcinoma,
probable non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. Given that his cancer was metastatic, any further planned
medical therapy was to be considered palliative only. He did not receive any further radiation or chemotherapy.
He had fatigue and difficulty swallowing solid foods. Six months later, he had lymph node and pulmonary
recurrences and considered palliative chemotherapy versus other options.
NK then underwent treatment with his MD in Atlanta, GA. He was placed on intravenous ENERCEL®, 10 days on
then 2 days off for 3 cycles; oral ENERCEL® Max twice daily; ENERCEL® Nasal Spray two puffs into each nostril
three times daily and ENERCEL® Mist 2cc via Nebulizer twice daily. He underwent detoxification with liver and
colon cleanses, Vitalzyme, BRM-4, foot baths and one gallon of alkaline water daily. During the month with his
MD, he stopped drinking alcohol and maintained a vegetarian, organic diet. He gained weight and had a better
sense of well-being and increased energy. He reported that his skin “had better color”.
Upon arriving home, the patient received a repeat CT scan. It was clear without adenopathy or pulmonary
lesions. He was considered to be in full remission. He remains in remission on ENERCEL® Plus I.M. doses,
ENERCEL® Max orally, ENERCEL® Mist Nasal Spray and ENERCEL® Mist Nebulizer. In addition, he continues with
detoxification, alcohol and cigarette avoidance and an organic, sugar-free diet. He feels very well, and followup CT scans are continued every 6 months.
Patient WM, 55 y/o black female with Stage III left-side breast cancer.
Before starting ENERCEL® [left], compared with after a short course of ENERCEL® (intravenous,
oral and direct tumor injections), and minimal surgical debridement [right]:
Patient DG, 63 year old male with ureterovesicular cancer.
1. 2.19.10: Approximately 4 x 4 cm mass [representing transitional cell carcinoma] at the L posterior
ureterovesical junction.
2. 5.18.10: Mass has grown to approximately 7 cm x 4 cm (volume 73 cm3) and compresses the bladder wall.
Patient has been treated with Salicinium in the interim.
3. 8.12.10: Mass has decreased to approximately 4 x 4 cm after 6 weeks of treatment with
ENERCEL® Plus I.V. [volume 34 cm3].
Patient reported passing blood and pieces of dead tumor in his urine during the first 2 weeks of therapy.
This resolved, and now patient feels better than he has in years.
Compression of the bladder wall has resolved.
There are hypo-dense areas inside and along the edges of the mass, representing tumor cell breakdown
and necrosis.
The mass volume has been reduced by 53%.
The duration of therapy of ENERCEL® products is variable, depending on specific conditions and
response to treatment. Clinical response to ENERCEL® has been observed within 2-3 hrs. A study of
acute diarrhea in children reported resolution of symptoms in the majority of recipients after just two
IM doses, 12 hours apart. Patients with pancreatic cancer were treated for one year with ENERCEL®
given by IM, sublingual and oral routes. For many chronic conditions, ENERCEL® has been used daily
for years without side effects or toxicity. Up to 50 ml of ENERCEL® Plus IV has been given
intravenously on a daily basis for prolonged periods of time in patients with more serious illnesses
without adverse effects. It is recommended that, for severe disorders, ENERCEL® Plus IV be given ten
consecutive days followed by two days of detoxification in cycles as determined by clinical status.
ENERCEL® Plus IV- Intravenous once daily to every twelve hours
ENERCEL® Plus IM – Intramuscular once daily to every twelve hours
ENERCEL® Mist Nasal Spray – Intranasal three to four times daily
ENERCEL® Mist Nebulizer – Aerosolized one to three times daily
ENERCEL® Max – Sublingual/Oral two to four times daily
ENERPUNCTURE™ - Subcutaneous injection – Once daily
Patients with kidney/liver insufficiency: There are no known adverse effects in patients with hepatic or renal
ENERCEL® has been extensively used in these populations without problems. No dosage interval
changes are required.
Although the pharmacokinetic disposition of ENERCEL® in the elderly is similar to those seen in younger adults,
there is no targeted clinical trial data about the safety and effectiveness of
ENERCEL® in this population.
Subgroup analysis of elderly subjects in clinical trials reveals a similar clinical response and lack of toxicity as in
younger adults.
ENERCEL® has been used in thousands of elderly patients in open-label use without side
effects and with clinical efficacy ENERCEL® can be used safely and efficaciously in the elderly population.
Children have used
ENERCEL® chronically without toxicity or side-effects or
developmental delays. These
include children with severe illnesses such as pneumonia and copious diarrhea. A formal study of ENERCEL®
at 3 ml ENERCEL® Plus I.M. every 12 hours for two doses in a Pediatric population failed to show any local or
systemic toxicity. A study of
ENERCEL® Mist Nasal Spray in allergic upper respiratory disorders included a
large number of children without side effects. The ENERCEL® Plus I.V. route has been used in children up to
2 ml/kg/day-- again, no toxicity was noted. There are no known limitations on the use of ENERCEL® in infants
and children.
ENERCEL® has been used safely and effectively in patients with chronic diseases including; heart disease; renal
insufficiency; liver disorders; immune deficiencies; autoimmune conditions; cancer; nervous system diseases
and chronic infections. There are no known contraindications for ENERCEL®.
1. ENERCEL®: A New Homeopathic Immune Enhancer Nasal Spray for Recurrent Allergic Disease
of The Upper Respiratory Tract: A Preliminary Communique.
Izaguirre RR
A total of 30 cases, ages from 8 months to 82 years were enrolled. Each subject had the clinical diagnosis
of recurrent allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and/or bronchitis. The protocol included a standard dose of two sprays
of ENERCEL® Mist Nasal Spray in each nostril three times per day in patients above five years of age; one
spray three times per day in patients between two and five years of age; and one spray twice per day for
infants under two years of age. Clinical parameters followed were: sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion,
wheezing, hypertrophy of adenoidal tissues; infections and antibiotic use, cough, weight loss, fever, and
frequency, duration and severity of relapses and the patient's sense of wellbeing. Subject response was
graded from 1 to 4 on a clinical scale, with 1 being no response and 4 an excellent response. The use of
Nasal spray favorably influenced allergic-originated upper respiratory tract recurrent
disease with a score of 3 out of 4 (good) in 34.5% of the cases. Excellent results (4/4) were recorded in an
additional 58.6% of subjects for an overall positive response in 93.1%. The clinical response was more
pronounced in patients below 30 years of age. No adverse reactions were reported in any case.
2. Application of ENERCEL® Mist, a Homeopathic Nasal Spray, In Cases of Allergic Origin
Otorhinological8 Diseases.
Kereszti GO
Eighty-two patients at an ENT (Ear Nose Throat) outpatient clinic were sequentially enrolled into the study.
These subjects all had seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, confirmed with a prick test. The age of the
patients ranged from 3 to 66 years. The number of patients under 14 years was 33 (39.3%), the number of
adult patients were 49 (59.8%).
Thirty-two percent (32%) of the patients had skin lesions and all patients had accompanying lower respiratory
symptoms. One third of the patients were previously treated with other antiallergenic therapy.
ENERCEL® Mist Nasal spray was delivered in 2 puffs, 4 times a day to both nostrils.
Subjects were seen 1 week and 1 month after the initiation of treatment, at which time clinical examinations
were done. They were also questioned about their symptoms and possible side effects. The symptoms of
allergic rhinitis (congestion, itching, dripping, tearing, eye irritation) showed significant improvement
(p<0.01) at 1 week, and was maintained throughout the treatment. Some peripheral manifestations of allergies
like atopic dermatitis and urticaria also improved. Obstructive airway symptoms (wheezing, coughing at rest
and at exertion, shortness of breath) also improved significantly at 1 week on the symptomatic score index
and it was maintained at one month.
Can Wasted Muscle be Rehydrated and Functionally Enhanced?
Hazlewood CF, Kereszti L
In a pilot study, patients with atrophied muscles were injected with a Biological Response Modulator
(ENERCEL® Plus I.V.). The solution was injected into the motor points of the atrophied muscles. Within
24 - 48 hours, the volume of the treated muscles was increased.
Aspects of the Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer.
Bertacchini C
Eighty-seven patients with stage III or IV pancreatic cancer were enrolled in this trial. A questionnaire was
devised to measure selective aspects of quality of life. A survival curve was analyzed; and group follow- up was
for twelve months. Daily doses of ENERCEL® Plus I.M. 4cc were administered during the entire study period.
Sublingual/oral doses (ENERCEL® Max) were also added for an additional 2.5cc administered in four daily
doses. A significant, beneficial effect was noted on several clinical parameters: pain, appetite, nausea and
vomiting, emotional state and physical function. Compared with historical controls with this stage and type of
cancer, 1-year survival was significantly improved. Sixty subjects were still alive at 1 year. The results of t h i s
study revealed that patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated for 1 year with ENERCEL® had a
significant improvement on selective aspects of quality of life and survival compared to historical controls.
Printed materials and websites of natural and Homeopathic products are full of testimonials from
patients who have benefited from their products. Which is good. However, claims based upon
testimonials, although of high interest, are not recognized scientifically.
What is the scientific value?
Scientifically, benefit from a product is only accepted when it is published.
Why is publication so crucial?
Prior to being accepted for publication, the information is subjected to review, critically and
rigorously, by independent experts in the field. Then, upon affirmative agreement of the
products’ proven benefits and value, the information is sent for publication.
Enercel® is scientifically proven.
From 1995 through 2009, several preliminary studies were conducted to acquire knowledge if
Enercel® may work clinically. The results were all promising. In 2010, at great cost, the company
embarked on a policy of rigorously conducting studies which would be publishable.
Enercel® is scientifically published.
The studies ranged (like any pharmaceutical) from basic science, to animal studies, to studies in
humans. Over the past 5 years, Enercel® has had proven benefit for a variety of illnesses in six
published studies. No other single natural product has this accomplishment. Enercel® allows the
science to speak for itself without making any claims.
The science continues. Breast Cancer studies and Early HIV studies with Enercel® use only.
Martin WJ (MD) (2015) Therapeutic potential of KELEA activated water
Int J Complement Alt Med 1 (1):1-4
“The amounts of drug prescribed are consistent with direct biochemical effects on the diseased cells. By contrast,
homeopathy claims that sub-biochemical drugs. The amounts of drug prescribed are consistent with direct
biochemical effects on the diseased cells. By contrast, homeopathy claims that sub-biochemical amounts of various
drugs can also have specific beneficial effects. A different interpretation of homeopathy is offered in this article. It
is that homeopathy does not have the specificity claimed by its proponents, yet can be therapeutic by enhancing
the body’s alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. It is proposed that effective homeopathic liquid formulations
are characterized by an enhanced kinetic activity resulting from the absorption of an environmental force termed
KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction). Various diluted herbal tinctures are able to transfer KELEA
into water; a process facilitated by succussion (repeated jolting). Once water is sufficiently activated it can
then directly absorb KELEA from the environment leading to its further activation and to the potential energy
transfer to added water. It can similarly be used to provide KELEA to the body’s fluids and, thereby, enhance the
body’s ACE pathway.
One example is the product Enercel°, a “homeopathic activator of the natural system immune”. As stated on their
web site (, Enercel® is effective in alleviating childhood diarrhea, asthma, arthritis, hepatitis C,
tuberculosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and HIV. It also promotes wound healing without scarring and can
be beneficial when used on plants. The author of this paper helped in the design and data evaluation of the
childhood diarrhea study using Enercel® and has published the finding. Published details relating to the ALS study
and to the tuberculosis study are also available.
See DM, Tilles JG, Bertacchini C. (1998).
Immunomodulatory effects of a homeopathic agent.
J Nat Med 5(6): 46-52.
Either 5% ethanol placebo or Enercel® was administered to groups of adolescent CD-1 mice at a dose of
0.35 cc SQ daily for 28 days. None of the mice manifested any evidence of gross or microscopic toxicity
(brains, kidneys, livers, pancreases, or hearts).
Splenic Natural Killer (NK) function versus YAC-1 targets was significantly greater in mice treated with the
homeopathic agent Enercel® (mean 103 +/- 10.9 lytic units [LU]; p<.05) compared to placebo (mean 81
+/- 7.4 LU). Groups of mice were treated with 21, 14, 7, or 0-day courses of Enercel® tincture or placebo.
They were then challenged with 1 x 104 plaque-forming units (PFU) of a diabetogenic strain of coxsackie
virus B4 (E2).
Treatment was continued for an additional three days; then the mice were sacrificed. Titers of virus in
the pancreas were significantly reduced in the homeopathic group that was treated for 21 days prior to
viral challenge (mean [log 10] 3.14 +/- 0.79 pfu/mg; p<.05) compared to placebo (mean [log 10] 4.29+/0.90 pfu/mg).
Thus, a homeopathic medication, Enercel®, increased NK function both in vitro and in vivo and was nontoxic to mice. In vivo antiviral activity was demonstrated, presumably through immune enhancement.
1. Dubrov V, Dubrova T, Suhareva V, Christner D, Baiamonte J, Laurent D
Efficacy of treatment with Enercel for new-onset, presumed drug-sensitive and confirmed
multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis.
USAID/Ukraine, Tuberculosis, Lung infections and HIV. ISSN 2220-5071- No1(08): 85-91 2012
OBJECTIVE: To determine if the complex homeopathic medicine Enercel® is efficacious in short-term treatment of
new-onset, presumed drug-sensitive and confirmed multi-drug resistant [MDR-TB] pulmonary tuberculosis [TB].
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seven new-onset, presumed drug-sensitive pulmonary TB and eight MDR-TB patients
were enrolled. They each had baseline AFB-positive sputum smears. Drug-sensitive patients were treated with
Enercel® by intravenous, aerosolized, sublingual and intranasal routes for 30 consecutive days. MDR-TB patients
were treated for 10 consecutive weeks. Endpoints included Chest X ray, sputum AFB smears and Quality of Life
[QOL] evaluation as assessed by cough, energy, mood, appetite, night sweats, weight and ease of breathing. Safety
of Enercel® was evaluated by complete blood count and liver function testing.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Seven of seven [100%] presumed drug-sensitive patients were sputum AFB smear
negative after 30 days. The 7 patients also had significantly decreased infiltrates and cavitations by Chest X ray.
QOL significantly improved in all 7 patients. Four of eight [50%] MDR-TB patients were AFB smear negative and 1
more [12%] had significantly less AFB-positive organisms after 10 weeks. Each of these 5 responders had
significantly improved Chest X ray findings. QOL significantly improved in each of the 8 patients. There were no
toxicity or side effects associated with Enercel® use.
CONCLUSIONS: Enercel® was highly effective in a short time [30 days] for new-onset, presumed drug-sensitive
pulmonary TB and 10 weeks for confirmed MDR-TB patients. There were no adverse events associated with
Enercel® administration. Enercel® may be useful in improving outcomes, limiting mortality, improving general
health, and reducing length of treatment in these populations. Finally, long-term medical costs to public health
systems may be significantly reduced.
Following is a copy of the USAID publication.
2. Izaguire RR, Guzman MR, Fuentes RC, Mena CE, Penate E et al.
(2014) Alternative cellular energy based therapy of childhood
In: Martin W.J, Stealth Adapted Viruses; Alternative Cellular Energy (ACE) & KELEA Activated
Water. Author House, Bloomington IN. pp 103-114
Acute diarrhea is a major killer of children under 5 years of age in developing countries. Enercel® is a
licensed energized water product that can provide a source of alternative cellular energy (ACE). Two
intramuscular injections of Enercel® were administered as an adjunct to routine care to a randomized
group of children (n=58) with acute diarrhea. Clinical progress was assessed during a 24-hour
hospitalization period and again at 48 hours after hospital discharge. Compared to an initially well
matched randomized control group (n=53), at 48 hours post discharge there were significantly fewer
Enercel® treated children with persisting increased peristalsis (p<0.001), dehydration (p=0.0224), fever
(p=0.0126) or continued multiple bowel movements (p=0.0035). Benefits occurred in both rotavirus
antigen positive and negative children. Enercel® represents a class of ACE Water™ products that can
provide an effective adjunct to the routine care of young children in developing countries with acute
3. Liang S, Christner D, Du Laux S, Laurent D
Significant neurological improvement in two patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after
4 weeks of treatment with acupuncture injection point therapy using Enercel.
J Acupunct Meridian Stud 4(4): 257-61.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, uniformly fatal, degenerative disorder of upper and motor
neurons without any current effective treatment. We report on two case-studies of patients with ALS treated with
4 weeks of Acupuncture injection point therapy using Enercel®. Two patients with advanced ALS were given
Enercel® Plus IM 0.25 to 0.5 cc at specific Acupuncture points 5 days per week for 4 weeks.
Patient #1 presented with flaccid paralysis of all 4 extremities and impaired speech and swallowing. By week 4,
she had significant improvement in motor strength of all 4 extremities, R > L, and improvements in speech and
swallowing. She did not continue Enercel Acupoint injections and had slow, progressive loss of neurological function
during 3 months of follow-up.
Patient #2 had significantly impaired speech and mild motor loss in both upper extremities and left leg. After 4
weeks, his voice had significantly improved to the point that his speech was understandable and his motor function
had returned to normal. He continued Enercel Acupoint injections during the 3-month follow-up and the clinical
improvement was retained.
Thus, two patients with ALS improved after 4 weeks of Enercel® Acupoint injection therapy. Follow-up data
suggests that ongoing therapy may be necessary in order to maintain the positive effects. This preliminary data
merits further study and confirmation.
4. Dubrov V, Dubrova T, Christner D, Sanseverino S, Laurent D
Elimination of Detectable HIV particles in the Bloodstream and Improved CD4 Count for Three
Patients in the Ukraine Treated with Enercel® alone or Enercel® + Antiretrovirals for HIV and
Standard Antituberculosis Therapy for Tuberculosis Co-infection.
USAID/Ukraine, Tuberculosis, Lung infections and HIV. ISSN 2220-5071 No 3 (18): 50-55 2014
AIM: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection [HIV] causes progressive immune system destruction and
eventually death from opportunistic infections. Combination antiretroviral treatment is effective and results in
normal life-span of affected individuals but is limited by side-effects, cost and the development of drug resistance.
This preliminary study was designed to evaluate whether the complex homeopathic immunomodulator Enercel®
is of benefit in patients with HIV and Tuberculosis co-infection.
METHODS: One patient was treated with Enercel® without antiretrovirals for 4 months on the following schedule:
50 cc IV twice daily for 1 month followed by 50 cc IV once daily for 3 months; 20 drops under the tongue twice
daily; 5 cc via nebulizer once per day and 2 puffs into each nostril three times per day. Two patients were treated
with Enercel® on the same schedule + antiretrovirals [Abacavir 300 mg twice daily; Lamivudine (3TC) 150 mg twice
daily and Efavirenz 600 mg daily] for 3 months. All patients received standard anti-tuberculosis medication.
RESULTS: At baseline, the patient on Enercel® alone had a CD4 count of 360 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 35,428
copies/ml. After 4 months of treatment his CD4 count was 458 cells/mm3 and his viral load was undetectable (<40
copies/ml) [>2 log10 suppression]. Both patients on combination therapy had significant increases in CD4 count
and elimination of detectable HIV particles in the bloodstream [>4 log10 and >5 log10] after 3 months. There were
no side effects or toxicity.
CONCLUSIONS: Whereas the use of immunomodulators in HIV/AIDS has had variable results, Enercel® was safe
and effective in 3 patients with Clinical Stage IV AIDS. This encouraging result is now being followed by a more
extensive evaluation of Enercel® in HIV/AIDS.
Following is a copy of this publication followed by the study in detail, for your in-depth information.
Performed at the Regional Antituberculosis Hospital in Chernigov, Ukraine for
Patients with Co-infection of HIV and Tuberculosis
with CO- INFECTION OF TUBERCULOSIS in Chernigov, Ukraine
Dubrov T*, Laurent D**, Christner D**, Deikoun N*, Dubrov V*
* Regional Antituberculosis Hospital, Chernigov, Ukraine
** World Health Advanced Technologies, Ltd., Nassau Bahamas, Sarasota FL USA
ENERCEL® is a complex homeopathic medication that has been used successfully in the treatment of
many infections including:
a) drug-sensitive and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
b) hepatitis B and C
c) diarrhea in children
Together as a co-infection, they result in a much more severe and rapidly progressive
illness than either alone.
Both of them cause the immune system to work much less efficiently against the other.
To evaluate ENERCEL’s efficacy in treating patients with HIV and TB co-infection
To evaluate improved immune system function (by measuring T-helper or CD4 cells)
To lessen or eliminate the amount of HIV virus in the bloodstream (HIV viral load)
To verify the elimination of tuberculosis in the lungs (sputum AFB smears and cultures)
Methods Used in This Study of 3 Separate Groups
Group #1: ENERCEL® plus standard TB treatment, no antiretroviral medications [ARV]
1. 50 cc of ENERCEL® given intravenously twice per day for 1 month followed by once daily for 3
2. 7 cc of ENERCEL® via nebulizer once daily
3. 2 puffs of ENERCEL® into each nostril three times per day
4. 20 drops of ENERCEL® sublingually twice per day
5. Standard Tuberculosis medications (drug sensitive TB)
Group #2: ENERCEL® plus standard TB treatment and ARV
1. 50 cc of ENERCEL® given intravenously twice per day for 1 month followed by once daily for 3
2. 7 cc via nebulizer once daily
3. 2 puffs into each nostril three times per day
4. 20 drops sublingually twice per day
5. Standard Tuberculosis medications (drug sensitive TB)
6. Antiretroviral medications which consist of 3 or more standard medications given for HIV
Group #3: No ENERCEL® standard TB treatment and ARV
1. Standard Tuberculosis medication (drug sensitive TB)
2. Antiretroviral medications which consist of 3 or more standard medications given for HIV
All patients were evaluated by
i. Sputum AFB smears and culture
ii. HIV viral load (VL)
iii. CD4 count
iv. Quality-of-Life (QOL)
v. Toxicity
Quality-of-Life was assessed on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being severe incapacitation and 0 being perfect
Toxicity was monitored by biochemistry panels and complete blood counts.
Following is this completed study as published September 28, 2015 in the
Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology, MedCrave. Volume 2 Issue 6 – 2015
Alternative Cellular Energy Based Therapy using ENERCEL® in
Advanced AIDS Patients Co-infected with Tuberculosis
and Treated in Chernigov, Ukraine
Dubrov V, Dubrova T, Christner D, Laurent D, Martin WJ (2015)
Alternative Cellular Energy Based Therapy using Enercel ® in Advanced AIDS Patients Co-infected
with Tuberculosis and Treated in Chernigov, Ukraine
Journal of Human Virology and Antiretrrovirology Vol 2 Issue 6 – 2015
Sputum AFB-smear and cultures:
100% of the patients treated with ENERCEL® became AFB-smear negative
Indication: elimination of tuberculosis in the lungs
HIV Viral Load:
Mean viral load counts decreased in all patients, from a baseline of 535,881 to 179,998
copies/ml at 4 months in 7 patients and 3 months in 2 patients
Indication: a significant drop of 66% in the amount of HIV particles in the bloodstream
CD4 Counts:
CD4 counts improved in 100% of patients, from a baseline mean value of 231.3 to a mean
value of 376.1 cells/mm3 after 4 months in 7 patients and 3 months in 2 patients
Indication: an improved immune system
Quality-of-Life (QOL):
QOL scores improved from a mean of 47.3 at baseline to 14.1 at 4 months for 7 patients
and 3 months in 2 patients
Indication: better general health (lower number = higher QOL)
ENERCEL® was proven to be 100% non-toxic.
Indication: 100% of these patients had terminal, Clinical Stage IV AIDS, yet there were
no deaths during the study period.
ENERCEL® alone - without ARV
Patient #1 - The sickest patient had disseminated herpes simplex at enrollment with a CD4 count of
60 cells/mm3 and viral load 130,811 copies/ml.
a. Within 10 days, his herpes infection resolved;
b. at 4 months his CD4 count had risen to 100 cells/mm3
c. and his viral load decreased to 10,957 copies/ml.
Patient #2
CD4 count of 66 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 397,187 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 111 cells/mm3 and viral load of 45,241 copies/ml
Patient #3
CD4 count of 358 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 41,603 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 404 cells/mm3 and viral load of 21,879 copies/ml
Patient #4
CD4 count of 61 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 294,136 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 139 cells/mm3 and viral load of 10,290 copies/ml
Patient #5
CD4 count of 481 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 177,879 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 532 cells/mm3 and viral load of 17,931 copies/ml
Patient #6
CD4 count of 233 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 2,674,129 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 581 cells/mm3 and viral load of 1,400,045 copies/ml
Patient #7
CD4 count of 360 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 35,428 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 458 cells/mm3 and viral load of <40 copies/ml
Patient #8
CD4 count of 345 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 181,619 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 370 cells/mm3 and viral load of 67,605 copies/ml
Patient #9
CD4 count of 112 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 378,233 copies/ml
At 4 months:
CD4 count of 247 cells/mm3 and viral load of 81,907 copies/ml
Patient #1
At 3 months:
Patient #2
At 3 months:
CD4 count of 87 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 630,073 copies/ml
CD4 count of 338 cells/mm3 and viral load of <40 copies/ml
CD4 count of 459 cells/mm3 and a viral load of 5,192,532 copies/ml
CD4 count of 788 cells/mm3 and viral load of <40 copies/ml
ARV alone
1. One control patient on ARV alone had no detectable HIV particles in the blood, but his CD4 count
did not change [baseline 28 cells/mm3 and after 3 months it was 29 cells/mm3].
a. Consequently, his AFB smear, which was negative at baseline, became positive at 3
2. The second control patient had undetectable viral load, but his CD4 count did not change
significantly [140 cells/mm3 at baseline and 152 cells/mm3 after 2 months].
a. He developed a high fever and died after 2 ½ months.
It needs be noted here that 6 patients were evaluated and not enrolled into this
study because of various exclusion criteria
(including continuing alcohol and/or drug abuse).
All 6 expired during the study period.
Acupuncture injection point therapy using ENERCEL®
Enerpuncture™ was used to treat 3patients:
1. One patient had a right-sided stroke from TB meningitis. She was treated with 4 months of
Enerpuncture™ on her right upper and lower extremities. She is now able to move her right
shoulder and arm and she can walk with a slight limp.
2. Another patient had HIV/TB nerve damage of his lower extremities to the point that he could
not stand without support. He is now able to walk on his own with a cane.
3. Similarly, a third patient had bilateral lower weakness and walked with a cane; after 4 months,
he was able to walk without support.
1. ENERCEL® is effective in eliminating tuberculosis in the lungs with a very short
treatment regime.
2. ENERCEL® is a safe, low-cost, homeopathic medication that has shown preliminary
efficacy in the management of HIV infection associated with tuberculosis.
3. As a result of utilizing ENERCEL®, Immune system function was improved, HIV in the
bloodstream was markedly reduced and Tuberculosis was eliminated in the lungs.
4. Analysis of control patients suggest that antiretrovirals (ARV) are effective in reducing
viral load in patients with very low CD4 counts, but they remain at risk for
opportunistic infections and/or have a delayed or absent rise in CD4 count.
5. The addition of ENERCEL® to ARV treatment results in a rapid elimination of viral
particles in the bloodstream and swift reconstitution of the immune system.
1) Co-infection with TB and HIV is much more difficult to treat than either infection
2) Each enrolled patient had Clinical Stage 4 HIV/AIDS-- the MOST SEVERE STAGE and
the most difficult to treat with standard therapy alone.
3) Elimination of TB from the lungs in a short time period will have a tremendous
economic impact as well as reducing the chances of multiple drug resistant strains
of tuberculosis.
4) This is the first study to show that a SINGLE medication - ENERCEL® - is able to
effectively treat BOTH a severe VIRAL [HIV] and BACTERIAL [TB] infection
This information has far reaching implications in the battle to control Tuberculosis,
which remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states:
“TB in the United States reflects the global reality. TB is one of the most common infectious
diseases worldwide. While significant progress has been made toward the elimination of TB
in the United States, this disease remains an urgent public health problem in many other parts
of the world.
In 2013, 65% of all TB cases and 90% of multidrug–resistant TB cases in the United
States occurred among people born in other countries.
Nearly 50% of these individuals were born in just five countries
Many of CDC’s global TB control activities are focused in these high-burden and origin
countries. Investing in TB control in high-burden settings reduces TB cases in the United
States, costs less than screening at U.S. entry points, and saves funds that would be spent
treating TB disease in the U.S.
CDC collaborates with other U.S. Government (USG) agencies, local ministries of health
(MOH), multilateral organizations, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to build
strong national TB programs. CDC plays an important role in finding the most effective ways
to implement new tools and approaches in resource-limited and high-burden settings
through clinical and operations research, technical assistance, program and policy design,
demonstration projects, and program monitoring and evaluation. CDC focuses on
supporting innovative approaches to screening, diagnosing, case-finding, and curing TB to
stop the spread of disease and prevent development of drug resistance.
TB is one of the world’s deadliest diseases:
 One third of the world’s population are infected with TB.
In 2013, 9 million people worldwide became sick with TB disease, most of whom
(80%) live inone of the 22 high burden countries for TB.
TB is a leading killer of people living with HIV (PLHIV). “
 The highest numbers of deaths occur in patients with co-infection of HIV and
 The World Health Organizations DOTS (directly observed treatment, short course) has
definitely improved results.
However, because it requires the patient to take a complex combination of pills every
day for 6-9 months, as well as have a healthcare provider to supervise the treatment
during that time. The fact that the patient can experience significant side effects while
taking this medication, many patients end the treatment prematurely. When patients
stop taking the medicine and then start taking it again it leads to failed treatments and
the greater danger of developing multiple drug resistant strains of tuberculosis.
 An earlier study completed with ENERCEL® and TB, both Sensitive and Multi-DrugResistant, suggests the addition of ENERCEL® to TB medications can eliminate TB in as little
as 10 to 30 days instead of 6-9 months; resulting in a huge savings in the cost of treatment
not only for the state (many countries have government programs funded to control TB),
but also for the patient.
Without the fear of spreading TB, patients are able to return to life with their
family and friends and go back to work, while enjoying the benefit of an
improved quality of life.
1. Eliminate TB in the lungs in combination with anti-TB medications;
2. Substantially improve the QOL of HIV patients;
3. Improve the immune system function of HIV patients;
4. Significantly decrease the viral load of HIV patients.
The World Health Organization and many large foundations are focusing on developing treatment
regimens that are shorter and easier to implement, as well as the treatment and reduction of HIV
ENERCEL® is their answer.
Following are graphs visually showing the progress of each patient.
A picture is truly worth a thousand words.
View and envision the possibilities.
Presented with respect and wishing you Good Health,
The Enercel® Team
Contact Information
[email protected]
Fax line
Information Mailing Address
2477 Stickney Point Road Unit 200A
Sarasota, FL USA 34231
President and Chief Executive Officer
Sir David Christner, MD(MA), Ph.D.
Executive Vice President
Sir John Baiamonte, MBA
Vice President - Laboratories
Sergio Sanseverino
Vice President – Veterinarian Division
Jan Hale, DVM
Director of Science
Dariel Laurent, MD
Director of Nursing & Executive Assistant
Phyllis Kim, RN
General Manager & Director of Admin
Stephanie Du Laux, MD(MA), D.Ac., CAM
World Health Advanced Technologies, Ltd.
A Bahamian Corporation
Sir David Christner, MD(MA), Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
ENERCEL is a homeopathic formulation manufactured in strict conformity with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).
ENERCEL® is not FDA approved for any medical condition and no claims are made that it can treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any illness, other than
as proven by Clinical Study.
Sir John Baptist Baiamonte, MBA
Executive Vice President