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Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Acanthus, Flame / Anisacanthus
quadrifidus var. wrightii
3 ft
3 ft
full sun - part
shade / well
From midsummer through frost, Flame Acanthus is
covered with long, slender red or orange blooms
that hummingbirds and butterflies love! It is a
drought tolerant, heat-loving small shrub with light
and flaky bark and makes an interesting winter and
early spring accent. It is a good choice for sites
with poor soils and reflected heat - although
supplemental water in dry summer months will
encourage flowering. Likes sun and well-drained
Alocasia / Alocasia 'Frydek'
3 ft
3 ft
filtered shade /
moist - well
A wide leafed tropical plant with a narrow, hard leaf
that is satiny emerald-green with white midrib; pale
stalks with bizarre purplish banding. Likes shade,
which makes it extremely easy to grow as a house
Alocasia, Stingray / Alocasia
3 ft
3 ft
bright indirect /
moist - well
The bright green, smewhat leathery, broad leaves
end in a very narrow, long tip giving this unusual
alocasia its stingray name. As most of the
elephant ears, this plant is not fussy, easy to grow
in bright light and moist soil. Makes an excellent
container plant. Plant may go dormant below 45
Amaryllis, Yellow Butterfly /
Hippeastrum evansiae
12 in
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
Yellow is one of the harder to find colors in
Amaryllis, making this yellow butterfly Amaryllis a
must have for collectors. The blooms are pale
lemon with a green throat tinged with pink. Each
bulb can produce multiple flowering short stems.
Plant in full sun or light shade in compost-enriched
soil that drains well. Not cold hard; lift and stor
bulbs during coldest months.
Angelonia / Angelonia angustifolia
(multiple varieties)
18 in
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
Ever blooming tender perennial with glossy green
foliage and orchid-like flowers. Full sun or part
shade. Mounds out to 18" tall. Blooms spring to
summer. Trim lightly to get re-bloom. 'Hilo
Princess' and 'Tiger Purple' have purple flowers.
'Pink Princess' has pink flowers. Attracts butterflies.
Banana Magnolia Tree, Banana
Shrub / Michelia figo
Banana Shrub, 'Skinners' /
Michelea skinneriana
6 ft
Barbados Cherry / Malpighia glabra
4 ft
Bat-face Cuphea / Cuphea llavea
12 in
Flowers are creamy white, tinged with brownish
purple, resembling magnolia blooms. Fragrance is
similar to ripe bananas.
24 in
6 ft
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
A superior form of the standard Banana Shrub. It's
an outstanding evergreen shrub with glossy, dark
green foliage and famous for its uniquely shaped
yellow flowers that have a wonderful banana
fragrance! 'Skinners' is a great shrub for hedging,
screening, or even used as an individual
specimen. It can also be shaped into a small,
evergreen multi-trunked tree. Average height is 6',
but can reach 10'-12' tall. Full sun or part shade.
Moist, well-drained soil.
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
Small shrub with lacy pink flowers off and on from
March to December. Can prune to keep small or
let it become a large accent shrub. Evergreen
above 25 degrees F and root hardy to the low 20's.
Likes sun to part shade and moist, well-drained soil.
sun / well drained Abundant water at the height of summer, regular
water the rest of the year. Tender perennial to 24
inches tall - Light shade to full sun - It attracts
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Bay Laurel, Sweet Bay / Laurus
10 ft
Beautyberry, American
Beautyberry / Callicarpa americana
6 ft
Beautyberry, Chinese Beautyberry
/ Callicarpa chinensis leucocarpa
Beautyberry, Chinese Beautyberry
/ Callicarpa dichotoma
3 ft
Beautyberry,Mexican ;"Black
Beautyberry" / Callicarpa acuminata
6 ft
Bird of Paradise, Hybrid Pink /
Caesalpinia pulcherrima x
Black-Eyed Susan Vine /
Thunbergia alata
10 ft
sun - part shade
/ regular - well
Bay laurel is a pyramid-shaped tree or large shrub
with aromatic, evergreen leaves and shiny gray
bark. Clusters of small yellow flowers are produced
in spring, followed on the female plants by shiny
black or purple berries. Grows best in partial
shade. Thrives in rich, well-drained soil with
frequent watering.
sun - part shade
/ regular
Prune in spring. Plants may freeze to the ground
but will return from the roots. Leaves are large (to
6 inches) and turn yellow in autumn. Fruits persist
into winter. Useful in woodland gardens.
sun - part shade
/ regular
Prune in spring. Plants may freeze to the ground
but will return from the roots. Leaves are large (to
5 inches). Autumn color varies from yellow to deep
red/purple. Fruits persist into winter. Useful in
woodland gardens.
3 ft
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
This is an outstanding 3' X 3' deciduous shrub with
graceful arching stems. Pale pink flowers are
borne in clusters along the leaf axils in summer
followed in the fall by clusters of spectacular rich
lavender berries. A more delicate form of our
native beautyberry. Full sun to dappled shade.
Moist, well-drained soil.
6 ft
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
Once established the Mexican Beautyberry is very
heat, humidity, and drought resistant. The long,
arching branches are adorned with pink flowers in
late summer, followed by dark purple black berries
which remain on the branches well into winter after
the leaves have fallen.
8 ft
full sun - part
shade / well
A root hardy, subtropical, fragrant, multi-stemmed
shrub topped with large panicles of bright pink
blooms during the hot summer months. This variety
has fabulous hybrid vigor and is a strong grower
reaching 6'-8' tall. The stems are covered with
attractive feathery compound foliage. Drought
tolerant once established. Must have good
drainage and full sun. Hummingbirds and
6 ft
sun - part shade
/ well drained
Short climber with triangular leaves. Orange,
yellow or white funnel-shaped five-petaled flowers
from Summer to frost. May or may not have black
eyes. Superb basket plant. Sun to part shade.
Rich, well drained soil.
Bleeding Heart Vine, glorybower /
Clerodendron thomsoniae
15 ft
sun - afternoon
shade / moist well drained
A gorgeous, non-stop blooming, root hardy vine
from tropical Africa with large clusters of deep
crimson flowers emerging from pure white, bellshaped calyces. The flower clusters are absolutely
striking against the 6" long, rich, deep emerald
green foliage. This beautiful, vigorous vine grows
well in full sun or part shade and is a profuse
bloomer in heavy bloom cycles mid spring to fall. It
likes a well mulched, rich, loose, moist, but well
drained soil.
Bottle Brush “Little John Dwarf” /
Callistimo viminalis
full sun /
regular - well
Full sun for best flower production, tolerates partial
shade. Keep it evenly moist. Considered drought
tolerant once established. Soil should be fertile,
humus-rich, well-drained. Water regularly until
established. Fertilize in early spring, keep away
from base of plant.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Brazilian Red Cloak /
Megaskepasma erythrochlamys
15 ft
10 ft
part sun - part
shade / moist well drained
This is an attractive shrub with large glossy oval
pointed leaves topped by red spires of bloom from
late fall through early summer. It can bloom all
year with good fertilization. The big leaves wilt
easily and are pale green in full sun but in moist
shade it is spectacular.
Brunfelsia,Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow / Brunfelsia pauciflora
8 ft
5 ft
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
With flowers opening purple, then turning pale
lavender and finally white, this is an aptly named
little shrub. The pansy-like flowers have white
throats, are about 2" across and borne in profuse
clusters of up to 10 blossoms displayed all over the
plant. It blooms from Spring through the end of
Summer. Will get up to 8' tall and 5' wide. The
leaves are leathery and semi-evergreen, 3"-6" long,
dark green above and pale beneath. Likes sun to
part shade and moist, well-drained soil.
Butterfly Weed, Mexican Butterfly
Weed / Asclepias curassavica
3 ft
3 ft
sun - light shade
/ well drained
An outstanding, long blooming perennial for
butterflies! One of the main host plants for the
Monarch Butterfly. Averages 3'-4' tall and is topped
with bright orange and red flowers in heavy cycles
all spring, summer and fall. Responds well to
pruning - comes back fuller and with an abundance
of flowers after each pruning. Grows in sun or light
Butterfly Weed, White The Family
Jewels / Asclepias physocarpa
full sun / moist well drained
Glossy green leaves on a 3'-6' plant that produces
clusters of delicate, creamy-white bell-shaped
flowers followed by attractive and quite unique,
inflated,"hairy", pale yellow to translucent lime
green seed pods. Blooms in cycles from spring to
fall. Attracts Monarch Butterflies as a nectar and
host plant. Full sun. Moist, well-drained soil.
Hardy in zones 7-10. It's also used for unusual cut
Butterfly Weed, Yellow Butterfly
Weed / Asclepias curassavica
'Silky Gold'
3 ft
2 ft
sun - part shade
/ well drained
Constantly blooming, yellow flowers. Sun, part
shade. 3' tall. Cut back when it starts to put on
seed pods to get re-blooms. Attracts butterflies.
Cat Whiskers / Orthosiphon
3 ft
3 ft
part shade
Super showy! Tender, shrubby, "mint" with terminal
flowers. Constantly in bloom. Varieties with white
flowers or lavender. Grow in part shade, 3-4' tall.
Responds well to pruning, becoming fuller and
showier. If it reaches 4', cut back to 2', feed lightly
and it will bush out. Will lose it in a hard winter.
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Cat Whiskers, Purple / Orthosiphon
stamineus (purple)
3 ft
3 ft
light shade - part
shade / moist well drained
Super showy and one of the few blooming
perennials for shade gardens! Tender, shrubby,
"mint" with 12" panicles of light purple flowers.
Constantly in bloom. Grow in part shade, 3-4' tall.
Responds well to pruning, becoming fuller and
showier. If it reaches 4', cut back to 2', feed lightly
and it will bush out. Will lose it in a hard winter.
Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Catmint / Nepeta nervosa
12 in
24 in
sun - part shade
This herb (catmint, not catnip) forms an evergreen
mound with sky blue flowers. Grows about 12" tall
and spreads about 24". Grow in sun or part shade.
Catmint, 'Walker's Low' / Nepeta
faasseni 'Walkers Low'
18 in
18 in
sun / well drained Soft, fragrant, gray-green foilage with sprays of
large, distinct bluish purple flowers from April to
October. Mounding up to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide
is a great edging r in a border, herb, or rock garden.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Clerodendrum, Bridal Veil /
Clerodendrum wallichii 'Bridal Veil'
7 ft
6 ft
part shade /
moist - well
This graceful shrub grows up to 7' and has pointed
narrow leaves 4"-9" long. The white fragrant
flowers are held in loose panicles which are more
or less pendulous. Cascades of flowers appear
around Thanksgiving and go until spring. Keep it
out of the wind and avoid putting it where it will get
late afternoon sun. Prefers part shade and moist,
well drained soil.
Clerodendrum, Compact Blue
Clerodendron / Clerodendrum
ugandense 'Compact'
5 ft
4 ft
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
The compact variety. Averages 5' to 7' tall instead
of 12' tall. An upright growing, root hardy plant with
stalks of attractive, bright green foliage topped with
12" panicles of beautiful 1" blue and white flowers,
reminiscent of butterflies. It's practically ever
blooming. The height can easily be kept shorter
with pruning and pruning also creates a fuller plant
with even more blooms. Grow in sun to part shade,
in moist, well drained soil. Attracts butterflies.
Coral Bean / Erythrina herbaceae
5 ft
4 ft
sun - full sun /
well drained
Hardy drought tolerant native shrub that bears tall
12"-18" spikes of bright red tubular flowers in
summer followed by 8" bean-like pods that split
open to expose scarlet-red seed. Spectacular! Full
sun & good drainage. 4'-6' tall. Hummingbirds.
Coral Vine / Antigonon leptopus
Dark Pink
30 ft
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
Trailing sprays of hot rose pink flowers from midsummer to fall. Beautifully veined, heart-shaped
leaves with an open airy look. Climbs by tendrils.
Fast growing to 40'. Sun to part shade. Moist.
Good drainage. Drought tolerant. A deciduous
vine to grace any arbor, fence or porch.
Coral Vine, White / Antigonon
leptopus alba
30 ft
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
A beautiful white flowering variety of Antigonon
leptopus. Trailing sprays of white flowers from midsummer to fall. Beautifully veined, heart-shaped
leaves with an open airy look. Climbs by tendrils.
Fast growing to 40'. Sun to part shade. Moist.
Good drainage. Drought tolerant. A deciduous
vine to grace any arbor, fence or porch.
Crinum Lily 'Summer Nocturne' /
2 ft
sun - full sun
This vigorous and heavy flowering Crinum has 2'
tall purple flower spikes that arise from among lush
green foliage starting in mid-July and continuing
until frost. Each spike produces 5-6 large, widely
open pale pink flowers that darken toward the end
of the petals. Each flower boasts a phenomenal
sweet fragrance that perfumes for quite a distance
around the clump.
Croton, 'Mammy' / Codiaeum
variegatum'Mammy' hybrid
2 ft
bright indirect /
well drained
A colorful upright bush with narrow twisted leaves.
To maintain bright coloration place plant in direct
filtered light or early morning or late day sunshine.
The flowers, which are star in shape, bloom from
long stalks early or late in summer, but are only
ssecond to the awe that the leaves induce.
Average water required. Avoid overwatering and
sun scorching.
Daffodil ' Orange
Pheonix','Butter&Eggs' / Narcissus
x incomparabilis 'Orange Pheonix'
part sun / regular
Often remembered as a treasure in grandmother's
garden, Butter and Eggs are known for ther
pleasant scent and robust blooms. A March
bloomer with yellow ruffled silver dollar-sized
blooms on 12 inch plant. While clumps will
continue to bloom, best shows can be achieved by
dividing every four years after foilage yellows in
May. Cold tolerant.
12 in
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Daffodil 'Double Roman' /
Narcissus tazetta orientalis '
Double Roman'
12 in
part sun / regular
Daffodil with cluster of quarter-sized blooms whose
ruffles of the inner flower are a creamy mixture of
whites and orange. Blooms in January with a
highly sweet fragrance like that of citrus blooms.
Daffodil 'Grand Primo' / Narcissus
tazetta ' Grand Primo'
12 in
part sun / regular
'Grand Primo' is a superstar from the Gulf Coast;
vigorous and reliable. Each bulb sends up two to
three flower stalks, while also propogating and
turning into more bulbs. March bloomer of clusters
of quarter-sized light and sweet fragrant white
flowers with a yellow cup.
Daffodil 'Hoop Petticoat' /
Narcissus bulbocodium 'Hoop
5 in
part sun / regular
Loved for their beautiful form, this daffodil blooms
are deep yellow, elongated quarter-sized cups that
look like an antebelum hoop petticoat. Plants are
short 4-6 inches tall. Blooms mid to late March and
prefers gritty or rocky soils
Daffodil, 'Erlicheer' / Narcissus
tazetta 'Erlicheer'
12 in
part sun / regular
Narcissus 'Erlicheer' is clump forming. Blooms are
creamy white with yellow flecks, a double bloom
that resembles a tiny, plump camellia. Each green
hollow stem holds a bouquet of 15 to 20 silver
dollar-sized florets that draw attention with their
sweet scent.
Daisy, Gloriosa / Rudbeckia hirta
'Gloriosa Daisy'
3 ft
2 ft
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
A magnificent, upright annual or short lived
perennial with large 5"-9" single blooms that are
rich golden orange or mahogany red blooming
continuously through the hot summer months.
Grows in various soils but requires full sun for best
results. Heat and drought tolerant once established.
Desert Rose / Adenium obesum
2 ft
2 ft
full sun / dry well drained
This succulent shrub or tree has a distinct swollen
base that is almost globose to conical. Branches
are distinct with small, terminal, spirally-arranged,
glossy green leaves. Small clusters of flowers are
produced during the most of the year, but are
showiest during te drier month of the year. Desert
rose requires excellent drainage as it can be
suseptible to root rot and must be protected against
frost making it most suitable in a protected location
or best in containers that can be moved to cover
when necessary.
Dianthus, Amazon Neon / Dianthus
barbatus 'Amazon Neon'
18 in
full sun / moist well drained
This is an excellent Dianthus for bedding and
cutting. Perennial to zone 5. Grows 18"-24" in the
garden. Huge bloom heads sure to make a
statement with these bold colors.
Dianthus, Diamond Scarlet /
Dianthus 'Diamond Scarlet'
7 in
full sun / moist well drained
This is an F1 hybrid tolerant to cold and heat. Plant
in full sun or part sun. Excellent garden performer
in fall and spring. Large flowers blooming on 6-8
inch plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies.
Dianthus, 'First Love' / Dianthus
barbatus 'First Love'
20 in
sun - afternoon
shade / moist well drained
'First Love' is a branched 2' plant with delicate
foliage and fringed flowers, the latter colored
progressively white, pink and rose on the same
plant. A mass of these plants adds an English
cottage garden look to your yard. Periodic
deadheading and as much protection as possible
from the necessary but too hot summer sun (a
location protected from a few hours of that sun plus
some pea gravel mulch) is all that is required by
these easy-to-grow flowers. Great as cut flowers
and will last up to two weeks in a vase. Sun with
afternoon shade and moist, well-drained soil is
20 in
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Dianthus, Ideal Violet / Dianthus
'Ideal Violet
10 in
Dianthus, Spangled Star / Dianthus
'Spangled Star"
7 in
Dutchman's Pipe,Giant ; Pelican
Flower / Aristolochia gigantea
3 ft
Esperanza, Orange Star /
Esperanza 'Orange Star'
6 ft
Fern, Autumn Fern / Dryopteris
erthrosora 'Autumn Fern'
18 in
18 in
Fern, 'Blue Star' / Phlebodium
aureum mandaianum
20 in
Fern, Ecuadorian Sword /
Nephrolepis cordifolia
Fern, Foxtail / Asparagus
densiflorus meyersii
Fern, Possum Tail Fern /
Scyphularia pycnocarpa
Fern, Upside Down Fern /
Arachniodes standishii
full sun / moist well drained
With large fragrant flowers in a beautiful shade of
violet, this variety provides early blooms on
compact 10' plants. Bred for winter cold resistance
and summer heat tolerance, it is an excellent coolseason annual or short-lived perennial.
full sun / moist well drained
This dianthus hybrid is noted for its compact growth
with fragrant(clove like) blooms from May through
July. Red blooms with pink petal margins and
blotches appear on stems rising slightly above the
foilage mound. Easily grown in average, well
drained alkaline soil. Give this plant a shearing
after main flush of blooms to promote additional
blooming in late summer and early fall. This plant
makes beautiful borders or edgings, but also look
great in containers and as ground cover.
full sun - part sun
An amazing tropical climbe that inspires a sense of
awe in all that behold its beauty. Even in partial
sun, this Brazilian vine displays large, heart shaped
leaves and unique flowers. Ivory veining against a
burgundy velvet background with long tubular
flowers reminds us of its coined name "Dutchman's
Pipe" Vining in habit, blooms in Spring, Summer,
and Fall. Great for a hanging basket! Fragrant.
sun - part sun /
This is an orange flowering Tecoma that is very
similar in looks to the Yellow Bells Tecoma
producing masses of 2" trumet like flowers late
Spring until first frost. It is pest resisitant, drought
tolerant, and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
shade / moist
Autumn fern is a colorful groundcover with pink
fiddleheads that turn coppery orange as they
unfurl. Fronds age to a lustrous dark green and
remain well into winter. New growth continues
through the season, giving a colorful tapestry effect
of copper and green from Spring to late Fall. It's
common name is misleading since its peak color is
in Spring.
shade - part
shade / moist well drained
The Blue Star is a tropical American fern cultivated
for its beautiful deep bluish-green heavy lobed
fronds. It is small and more compact; suitable as a
potplant, for indoor and outdoor usage. It grows
best in shade to part shade, well drained moist
soil. It matures to 20 inches tall and can be kept in
6 to 10 inch pots.
light shade /
A lush fern with bright green, twisted fronds, this
one is a real beauty for the home. It makes a full
basket or pot. Grow it in good light but no direct
sunlight. Keep the fronds dry and do not overwater.
shade - full sun /
Upright, clumping evergreen plant, equally at home
in containers or the landscape. Great structural
12 in
part shade shade / regular
This fern produces shiny green leaves from a
creeping rhizome that is covered in stiff brown hairs
that resembles a possum's tail. It requires
somewhat less water than some fern to keep it
looking its best. Undemanding. It likes bright
indirect light, and is tougher than many other ferns.
24 in
part shade - full
shade / regular
Prominent veins on the top of the frond give the
impression you are looking at the bottom. Tall,
evergreen and lighter green than many ferns.
2 ft
7 in
3 ft
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Flame vine, Mexican Flame Vine /
Senecio confusus
10 ft
sun - light shade
/ regular
Orange-red, daisy-like flowers in large clusters at
the ends of the branches. Blooms almost
constantly in mild winters, otherwise it is root
hardy. Moderately bushy, twining climber. Useful
on trellis, column, or cascading over a wall. Can
even be used in a hanging basket.
Flapjacks, Paddle Plant, Desert
Cabbage / Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
3 ft
sun / dry
A succulent forming a basal rosette of large,
rounded, fleshy stalkless leaves, which are grayish
green with red margins, covered with a white
powdery bloom. It produces a stalk about 3 feet tall
with densely clustered thyrse-like panicles of
greenish waxy flowers with yellow tips narrowly urnshaped. Flowering from Autumn to Spring, the
stalks dying back after flowering.
Ginger, 'Emerald Chocozebra' /
Curcuma hybrid 'Emerald
12 in
part shade /
moist - well
Until recently, this ginger hybrid of "Siam Tulip" was
only available as a cut flower through florist. This
summer blooming plant tolerates Houston's
Summer weather, althought it looks its best with
some afternood shade. Those who love flower
arranging and gardening will want to include this in
their gardens.
Ginger, 'Kimono Deep Rose"Siam
Tulip / Curcuma alismatifolia
'Kimono Deep Rose'
24 in
full sun - part
sun / moist
Also called the siam tulip because the blooms
somewhat resemble a tulip. It is a medium sized
plant with an incredible show stopping
inflorescence. Stiff, narrow foilage and eleghantly
erect flowers are quite reminiscent of spring tulips.
The flower is long lasting and makes a wonderful
cut flower. Will bloom throughout the summer
months, go dormant in November, and return as
soon as temperatures warm up in the Spring. This
little treasure will slowly form a nice clump,
increasing your display each year.
Ginger, Mauve Dancing Ladies /
Globba winitii
2 ft
part sun - shade
/ moist - well
Dancing Ladies is a small delicate flowering ginger
that does well in partially sunny areas, however will
tolerate sun if well watered. Goes dormant in
winter. Each stem produces a terminal pendant
inflorescence to 6" long with mauve bracts and
yellow flowers from July to October. Part sun to
shade, moist, well-drained soil.
Ginger, 'Shazam' / Kaempferia
loatica 'Shazam"
2 in
part shade - full
sun / moist
The leaves that look like houndstooth check
pattern. It has black-green zones along the veins
on a light green palette. Grows in partial shade or
part sun to full sun. This versatile ginger has purple
blooms early summer to mid autumn. This ginger
only grows to 2-3inches tall and makes an excellent
ground cover with its attractive foilage.
Goldeneye, Skeleton leaf; resin
bush / Viguiera stenoloba
4 ft
4 ft
full sun / well
This is a durable evergreen shrub with bright green,
thread-like foilage. Flowers during the summer
months with quarter-sized, yellow daisy like flowers
in full sun. Hardy to -10 deg. F. May be pruned to
Grass, Hamlin Fountain Grass
Dwarf / Pennisetum alopecuroides
2 ft
2 ft
full sun / regular
Dwarf Hamlin grass has fluffy, buff colored plumes
arching above thin dark green foilage. The dark
green blades turn a golden rust color in the fall and
looks good most of te winter. Dries well for good
cut flower.
12 in
2 ft
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Grass, Little Bunny Fountain Grass
/ Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Little
10 in
10 in
full sun / regular
"Little Bunny" is the smallest of the dwarf Fountain
Grass. It is a cute, dwarf grass with fluffy, light pink
bottlebrush blooms in late summer. It is also very
versatile and dependable. The foilage becomes
streaked with yellow-brown in early fall then
changed to brown by late fall.
Grass, Mexican Feather / Nasella
tenuissima (Stipa)
18 in
18 in
sun - light shade
/ well drained
A gorgeous native Texas grass!! Low growing,
about 18" tall, with very fine bright green foliage
that forms attractive dense clumps. In late spring, it
produces silky looking flowers that look like a
flowing mane of blond hair when mature. This
grass is gorgeous no matter where and/or how it's
planted! Whether in decorative containers, as
single specimens or in spectacular mass plantings.
It's also good for erosion control and for coastal
gardens. Tough, drought-tolerant plant that works
well as a groundcover or in a naturalized
landscape. Fertile, well drained soil. Sun or part
Grass, Moudry grass, fountain
grass / Pennisetum alopecuroides
3 ft
3 ft
sun - light shade
/ moist - well
Clump forming grass with arching stems. Forms
feathery, purple-black plumes in summer to fall that
rise a foot or more above the 2 ft. clump.
Grass, Ruby 'Pink Crystals' /
Melinus nerviglumis 'Pink Crystals'
12 in
sun - part sun /
Ruby Grass is a short grass with blue-green foliage
that turns purple-red in the fall. A real show
stopper in the summer when it produces 3"-4"
iridescent ruby-pink blooms that sit about a foot
above the foliage. Acquires a silvery appearance
to extend the show. Great for use as borders and
in mixed perennial beds. Sun to part sun and
medium water requirements.
Guara, Bride White / Guara
lindheimerii 'The Bride'
4 ft
3 ft
full sun / moist well drained
Guara is native to Houston and the southeast,
thrives in hot, dry climates and is unfazed by our
humidity. In spring, the basal rosette gives rise to
delicate-looking 3' stems covered with hundreds of
shimmering white flowers resembliing butterflies.
Even with the cloud of flowers, the plant still has an
open, see-through appearance. It blooms from
spring to fall in heavy bloom cycles. Prefers full
sun and good drainage, but will tolerate some wet.
Hamelia Holik / Hamelia Holik
6 ft
full sun / moist well drained
This beautiful Hamelia is a cross between the
Golden Bells Hamelia and Hamelia patens.
Clusters of burnt orange flower buds explode into
open flared, trumpet shaped, bright saffron flowers
throughout the heat of late spring, summer and fall.
Averages 5’–6’. Full sun. Moist, well-drained soil.
Hibiscus, Conferderate Rose /
Hibiscus mutabilis 'Confederate
7 ft
full sun - part
shade / well
Confederate Rose was once a common plant
throughout the South. Flowers are double and are
4-6 inches in diameter; they open white or pink, and
change to deep red. The plant appears to have
multicolor blooms from Summer through Fall. When
it does not freeze, the Confederate Rose can reach
heights of 12-15 feet with a woody trunk; however,
a multi-trunk bush 6-8 feet tall is more typical.
Hibiscus, Mellow Yellow / Hibiscus
3 ft
part shade - sun
/ moist - well
Showy 5"-6" wide lemon yellow flowers with dark
maroon centers make this a fine mallow to add to
any landscape or container garden. Blooms nonstop from spring to fall. Averages 3' tall and wide.
Sun or part shade and moist well drained soil.
Attracts butterflies!
3 ft
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Hibiscus, Oriental Red Mallow /
Abelmoschus moschatus 'Oriental
3 ft
2 ft
sun - full sun /
Previously Hibiscus abelmoschus. A bushy
perennial often grown as an annual. A 3 ft.
mounding hibiscus that is smothered with 3" bright
coral-red flowers from early spring to first frost. An
unbelievable performer for full sun gardens. It is
root hardy and will also re-seed. A tough plant,
once established. Responds well to pruning.
Hibiscus, Rose of
Sharon,variegated / Hibiscus
syriacus 'Variegata'
10 ft
6 ft
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
Small tree or upright shrub up to 10' in height with a
pyramidal crown. Leaves are a cream and green
variegation that does not revert to green. The
flowers are a deep purple and never quite open
completely. Blooms best in full sun and likes
regular deep watering, needs good drainage and
has some drought tolerance.
Hibiscus, Tri-color / Hibiscus
6 ft
4 ft
sun - light shade
/ moist - well
Gorgeous foliage! A stunning 4'-6' plant with heartshaped variegated white, green, burgundy and pink
leaves. It's used for its spectacular foliage, not for
flowers. Sun, light shade. Moist, well drained soil.
Normally root hardy in mild winters.
Hibiscus,'Peppermint Flare' /
Hibiscus sp. 'Peppermint Flare'
4 ft
4 ft
full sun / moist well drained
This amazing introduction from Texan Greg Grant
is topped all summer with huge 9" flowers which
emerge light pink and age to white, except for the
wild red flecking throughout the petals. Attractive to
hummingbirds. Plant matures out at 4' tall X 4'
wide. Very tolerant of alkaline soils as long as they
aren't too dry.
Hibiscus,Rose of Sharon 'Blue
Satin' / Hibiscus syriacus 'Blue
10 ft
6 ft
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
An excellent hardy hibiscus for the landscape. Can
be trained into a small tree.
Hibiscus,Rose of Sharon 'Double
Pink' / Hibiscus syriacus 'Double
10 ft
6 ft
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
Double pink flowers cover the plant in late summer
to fall. Good for hedges and landscape plantings in
full sun to part shade.
Hummingbird Bush / Hamelia
6 ft
4 ft
sun / moist - well
Shrub or small tree. One of the finest summer
bloomers you'll ever find. Leafstalks and flower
stems are red. Clusters of orange to red flowers
appear at branch tips until the first frost. Averages
3'-6' tall. Sun and good drainage. Hummingbirds!.
Hyacinth 'Blue French Roman' /
Hyacinthus orientatlis 'Blue French
12 in
part sun / regular
This bulb has a less compact bloom; however, one
bulb will shoot up several flower stalks, starting
around the first of February and continuing for
weeks ahead. Delicate multiple dime-sized blue
flowers with fragrance often used for French
perfumes. Sorry, urbanites only, not wildlife
Hyacinth, Spanish Bluebell /
Hyacinthoides hispanica
1 ft
part shade - full
sun / regular
Spanish Bluebells are superb bulbs, with a hardy
constitution that allows them to thrive in dry shade
under deciduous trees. Spanish Bluebells have
large, impressive flowers that will poke up through
taller shade loving groundcovers.
1 ft
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Ixora petitie, dwarf red / Ixora
coccinea, dwarf red
3 ft
3 ft
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
Ixora is a dense evergreen shrub with glossy
oblong leaves with small tubular flowers in dense
rounded clusters which reproduce almost all year
long. Dwarf cultivars usually stay under 3 ft. in
height and can be used for hedges, massed in
flowering beds, or grown as a specimen shrub.
Ixora likes acid soils and is salt tolerant. It does not
tolerate alkaline soils and should not be planted
where it will get runoff from concrete or stucco.
Plants in more sun will be denser, more compact
and produce more flowers. Light freezes may kill
the plant to the ground, but it usually sprouts back
in the spring.
Jasmine, 'Grand Duke of Tuscany'
/ Jasminum sambac 'Grand Duke
of Tuscany'
8 ft
5 ft
full sun - light
shade / well
drained - well
Strongly fragrant, very double, 1-1/2" white blooms
are borne continuously. Deep green glossy foliage
on twining vine or scrambling shrub to 8'. Full sun
to light shade or high light indoors. Moist, welldrained soil.
Jasmine, Primrose; Jasmine,
Chinese / Jasminum mesnyi
10 ft
10 ft
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
Primrose jasmine is a rambling, open evergreen
shrub with long, slender, arching stems that will
climb like a sprawling vine if given support. Without
support, it grows in a fountain like mount 4'-10' in
height and spread. The fragrant trumpet-shaped
flowers are borne in Spring and sporadically into
summer. Does well in full sun to partial shade.
Protect from full midday sun. Regular garden
Jatropha, Pink / Jatropha
20 ft
full sun / moist well drained
This Jatropha is a small tree that can get to 20' tall.
It can be easily trained to be bushy or climb up
trellises depending on your needs. Seldom needs
fertilizer. The berries and sap are poisonous. It
blooms all year, but more profusely in the warm
months. Water regularly in summer and keep the
soil moist, but not wet. Prefers light shade.
Lantana, Trailing Purple Lantana /
Lantana montevidensis (purple)
12 in
30 in
sun - part shade
/ regular - well
Outstanding, super tough performer - one of the
best Lantanas for our area! This Texas Superstar
native grows in a low, trailing carpet of lavender
and blooms in heavy cycles year round. Drought
tolerant once established. Prefers sun and moist,
well-drained soil. Butterflies!
Lantana, Trailing White Lantana /
Lantana montevidensis (white)
12 in
30 in
sun - part shade
/ regular - well
White flowers on a low groundcover. Great for
mass planting. Grow in sun, in well-drained soil. A
nectar source for butterflies.
Lavender, Fern Leaf / Lavandula
2 ft
2 ft
full sun / regular
This species stands up to our heat, humidity and
wet conditions. Many deep lobed, silver coated,
green leaves give the foliage a lacy appearance
and is topped with long straight stems with clusters
of three bluish-lavender brats. Will grow to a height
of about 2' and is attractive to bees. Prefers full sun
and regular watering.
Lavender, Spanish / Lavandula
2 ft
2 ft
full sun / regular
Spanish Lavender blooms profusely in the Spring
and when it finishes it needs a good pruning. The
result will be an attractive, fragrant, gray-green
shrub throughout the rest of the year.
Lespedeza, 'Little Volcano' /
Lespedeza liukiuensis
5 ft
8 ft
sun / well drained A graceful, deciduous shrub that erupts with bright
rosy wine flowers in the fall (and normally a
surprise bloom cycle in the spring). Upright,
clumping branches are covered with small, dark
green leaves. Forms a mound 5' tall by 8' wide.
Sun. Well-drained soil.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
sun - part sun
Lily of the Nile, 'Elaine' /
Agapanthus, Elaine
3 ft
Lily, Flax, Variegated / Dianella
tasmanica variegata
4 ft
3 ft
part shade - part This tender perennial has evergreen, strap-like
sun / well drained foliage. Leaves have a thick white margin and can
grow to 4' long. Flowers in summer with panicles of
star-shaped, blue/purple flowers. The yellow
stamens provide an excellent color contrast.
Prefers an acidic, well-drained soil in part sun to
part shade. Likes to be dry in winter, but water well
in spring and summer.
Lily, Shooting Star / Anthericum
14 in
2 ft
full sun - light
shade / moist well drained
An evergreen grass-like lily that forms clumps of
12"-14" slender, slightly arching foliage and
produces delicate looking 18"-24" stems covered
with small white star shaped flowers almost all year
round! It grows in full sun or light shade. Moist,
well drained beds.
Lily, Shooting Star, Variegated /
Anthericum variegated
3 ft
3 ft
sun / well
drained - well
An excellent but underused ornamental species,
this plant is trim and neat with tidy firm basal foliage
that's handsome in its own right. Starting in July,
erect, wiry branched stems sport flurries of starry
white flowers with a yellow ovary and yellow
anthers. It flowers throughout the summer.
Lily, Spider; Lily, Hurricane /
Lycoris radiata
2 ft
1 ft
full sun - part
shade / regular
Tall leafless stalks topped with clusters of 5-7
brilliant red flowers appear seemingly overnight and
out of nowhere in late September into October, thus
the name Hurricane Lily. Narrow, strap-like basal
leaves appear when the flowers have withered after
a week or two. The leaves themselves wither by the
following summer and the bulbs go dormant until
the next hurricane season. Does well in the filtered
shade of large trees. Plant clusters where you
need fall color to replace exhausted summer
flowers. Good cut flowers. Tolerant of dry periods.
Lobelia, Great Blue /
6 ft
2 ft
sun - light shade
Deep blue flowers crowded along the upper section
of 2'-3' tall spikes in September and October make
an impressive show in the perennial garden where
it attracts hummingbirds. Prefers average to moist
rich soil in full sun.
Marigold, Mexican mint / Tagetes
2 ft
2 ft
sun / regular well drained
Used as a substitute for tarragon in cooking. Has
yellow, daisy-like flowers from autumn to frost.
Marigold, Sherbert Fizz / Calendula
officinalis 'Sherbert Fizz'
full sun / moist well drained
Easy to grow annual, specially selected for its
striking color combination. These unusual buff
colored blooms tipped in red and darker red
undersides, creating a spectacular sherbert fizz
effect as the blooms open.
Mecardonia 'Goldflake' /
Mecardonia hybrid 'Goldflake'
full sun - part
shade / any
This Proven Winner selection, is a fantastic plant
with a growth habit of Bacopa, and sunshine yellow
thumbnail sized flowers reminiscent of Nemesia.
This completely new genus is a vigorous low
grower that's naturally well-branched and has a
strong trailing habit. Goldflakes are used as a
groundcover, along borders, in window boxes,
hanging baskets and any container. Tender
perennial. Likes full to part sun and has widely
adaptable moisture requirements.
16 in
3 ft
18 in
Introduced in 1990, this variety of Lily of the Nile
makes fast growing 2' tall clumps of green strap like
leaves, topped in midsummer with dark blue-violet
flowers heads. The flower stems tend to be shorter
than the more common blue and white varieties,
but make up for it with their deep vibrant coloring.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Midday Flower, Scarlet Mallow /
Pentapetes phoenicea
3 ft
Morning glory, Blue Daze /
Evolvulus glomeratus
18 in
Muhly, Gulf Coast / Muhlenbergia
Oleander, Yellow; Be-Still Tree /
Thevetia neriifolis Yellow
full sun / moist
Midday Flower is an erect, half woody plant whose
flowers open round noon, and close the following
dawn. They are born singly or in pairs, on short
stalks. The branches are long and spreading with 35" saw toothed narrow leaves.
18 in
sun - light shade
/ moist - well
A tender perennial with silky-hairy, gray-green
leaves and trailing stems. Stems root easily where
they touch the ground. Has 1" blue flowers shaped
like morning glories. Likes sun or light shade and
moist, well drained soil.
3 ft
3 ft
full sun - part
sun / moist - well
One of the most attractive ornamental grasses.
Small stature of about 2'-3' tall and wide. Leaves
are very fine, upright and stiff. In October it
produces a hazy mass of pinky-purple seed heads
that glow in the light. Full or part sun in moist, welldrained soil.
18 ft
15 ft
full sun - light
shade / regular well drained
Fast growing evergreen shrub that needs little or no
water once established. The narrow leathery leaves
are dark green and glossy clustered at the twig or
branches. Can be trained into a small tree with one
or several trunks. The yellow colored flowers are
2"-3" across and clustered at the end of the
branches. Full sun to light shade. Drought tolerant
once established.
Oleander,Climbing rose allamanda
/ Strophanthus gratus
20 ft
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
This climging vine has umbels of soft pink or white
flowers. The leaves are shiny and smooth and the
blossoms smell like roses. This plant is attractive
to bees, butterflies and birds. Requires consistently
moist soil
Onion, 'White Star' / Allium cepa
12 in
full sun - part
sun / regular
The bulb of this pungent, strong smelling onion
reaches 4" wide. Star-shaped, greenish white
flowers appear in summer. Leaves grow best in
cool weather and moist soil. Mature onions form
bulbs in summer. Thrives in acid soil, dry hot
climates, drought tolerant, low maintenance, showy
Orchid Tree Bauhinia, Pink
Climbing / Bauhinia yunnanensis
10 ft
Orchid Tree, African Bauhinia /
Bauhinia galpinii
4 ft
12 in
sun / well drained For those of you familiar with the Orchid Trees, this
is an actual vine! It's spectacular! Tough, fast
growing and cold hardy (semi-evergreen in mild
winters). This beautiful and unusual vine has
wonderful 1", double-kidney shaped leaves and is
covered with terminal racemes of 2" orchid-like pink
flowers in late spring, all summer and into autumn.
It is drought tolerant once established. Prefers full
4 ft
full sun / well
A root hardy Bauhinia that gives a stunning display
of 3" orange-red orchid-like flowers all summer and
into fall! Readily formas a 6' by 6' shrub if it doesn't
go dormant; otherwise, it starts coming out in April
and quickly reaches 4' by 4' and normally starts
blooming in late May. Blooms best in full sun.
Butterflies! Cold hardy to at least zone 8b but still
mulch very well before winter.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Orchid Tree, Mexican, Mexican
Bauhinia / Bauhinia mexicana
6 ft
3 ft
Pea Vine, Blue / Clitoria ternatea
6 ft
Pedilanthus, Var. Red Bird Cactus
/ Pedilanthus tithymaloides
4 ft
3 ft
Pepper Ornamental Tricolor /
Capsicum annuum 'Grada Tricolor'
16 in
12 in
Pepper, Chile Pequin, Cayenne
Pepper / Capsicum annuum var.
3 ft
Pepper, Thai Pepper Ornamental /
Capsium annuum 'Thai Hot
Petunia, 'Laura Bush' / Petunia X
violacea 'Laura Bush'
full sun / well
A very special, hard to find little tree with a
spectacular display of white feathery blooms from
May to November. Mexican Bauhinia forms a large
shrub or small tree (single or multi-trunk)
depending on our winter temperatures. It is
deciduous down to 25 degrees and root hardy
down to the mid to high teens. They average 6' tall
but can reach 10' to 12' tall if protected from a hard
freeze. Likes full sun and good drainage. One of
the finest butterfly attractors in the state!
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
This vine never fails to attract attention with its
flowers that resemble pea blooms and are solitary
bright deep blue with light yellow markings to 2"
long X 1-1/2" wide. It is a quick cover for lattice,
trellis, arbor and chain-link fences. It grows in all
soil types and is drought tolerant, though it shows
its appreciation of enough water by growing and
flowering with abandon. Reseeds freely.
part shade - light
shade / moist well drained
Beautiful accent plant! An upright growing, multistemmed succulent with striking green and white
stems and leaves. New leaves are tinged with red.
Forms a clump 4' tall by 3' wide. Clusters of tiny
red, bird shaped blooms are borne in late spring
and summer. Part sun or light shade - light helps
retain the red coloring. Moist, well-drained soil.
Drought tolerant once established. Also makes a
stunning container plant.
full sun /
regular - well
The colorful fruits of this tricolor pepper are purple,
cream, and orange-red and appear on the plant at
the same time. The plants are upright and the
peppers erect, conical and appear singly, not in
clusters. Plants are bushy well-branched with rigid,
brittle stems and thin light green leaves.
3 ft
part sun - part
shade / regular
The Chili Pequin is right at home in the dry shade
of the landscape. This herbaceous shrub is our
native pepper and are edible, albeit extremely hot,
and used in seasoning. This pepper can become a
dense shrub in dappled sunlight and can grow 2-4
feet tall. It can be a perennial in milder winters and
is a nice accent underneath shade trees. Birds
(especially Mockingbirds) love the chilies and will
spread and re-seed readily. It is heat and drought
tolerant and grows in most soil types including
sand, loam, clay, caliche, and limestone. Like most
chilies, fruits start out green, ripening to a brilliant
red at maturity.
1 ft
1 ft
full sun / well
These compact, mound shaped plants have tiny
leaves and grow no more than 1 foot tall. They
become covered with very hot, 1/2 to 1 inch long
red fruit that is held upright on the plant, creating
quite a showy display. Fruit is edible and HOT.
24 in
36 in
full sun / moist well drained
This is a Texas Superstar hybrid between VIP and
old fashioned petunia that is vigorous, heattolerant, disease resistent plant. Fragrant violet
blooms from Spring until first frost. Cut back by 20
percent each month. Does well even in alkaline
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Common Name /
Plant Name
Pigeonberry / Rivina humilis
1 ft
Pineapple Guava, Fejijosa /
Fejijosa sellowiana
8 ft
Plectranthus, 'Mona Lavender' /
Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
Plumbago, Blue / Plumbago
Plumbago, Hardy Dwarf /
Ceraostigma plumbaginoides
Pomegranate, Dwarf 'Chico' /
Punica granatum 'Chico'
Pomegranate, Dwarf 'Nana' /
Punica granatum
part shade /
moist - well
An excellent native, tall ground cover for shady
areas. Blooms almost constantly with pink and
white flowers on 2 inch spikes. Bright red berries
appear from spring to autumn. Most of the time the
berries and blooms appear at the same time.
Foliage turns burgundy in the fall. Attractive to
butterflies and birds love the berries! May go
dormant in winter but comes back from the roots.
Can prune back for thicker plants. Part shade.
6 ft
sun - part shade
/ regular - dry
A large evergreen shrub with blue-green foliage
and silver backing. Blooms late spring with 1 1/2"
white and red fragrant flowers. Eventually
produces an edible fruit. Fruit is sweet, somewhat
pineapple-flavored. Even flower petals are edible -pepperminty. Full sun, part shade.
3 ft
3 ft
part sun - light
shade / moist well drained
Herbaceous, perennial shrub, rapidly growing to 3'
tall with dark green, glossy leaves 2" long X 1" wide
with purple undersides. Bears lavender colored
flowers, with purple markings, on 6" long spikes.
The flowers come mostly in winter to mid-spring.
Keep protected from frost - will come back from
roots where protected enough. Likes part sun to
light shade and moist, humus rich soil.
4 ft
3 ft
sun - part sun /
regular - well
This semi-hardy evergreen bears small sky blue
flowers that are born in rounded terminal clusters 6"
across and resemble phlox flowers throughout the
summer. Can bloom all year long except for the
coldest winter months. Can be trained as an
ornamental hedge or grown in a container. Left
alone to sprawl it has long, gracefully arching
branches. Like sun to part sun but will bloom in
partial shade and is frost tender. Medium to low
water requirements.
12 in
18 in
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
An outstanding, long-lived groundcover that slowly
weaves itself into the garden fabric, creating large
drifts of fall color. The deep blue flowers are
numerous and long lasting beginning in early fall.
As the flowering finishes, the leaves begin a monthlong change to a vivid mahogany red color.
Plumbago is extremely adaptable, growing equally
well in sun or shade, and thriving in a wide range of
soil types. Hardy Plumbago loses its leaves in frost
conditions and is slow to leaf out in the spring; Be
6 ft
6 ft
full sun / moist well drained
'Chico' is a dwarf carnation pomegranate that can
be kept under 2'-3' tall if pruned and produces
double, orange-red, carnation-like flowers over an
extended season, but has no fruit. Likes full sun to
light shade and needs little water once established,
but will flower better with more moisture.
4 ft
3 ft
full sun / moist well drained
A dwarf pomegranate, 'Nana' is the perfect edible
ornamental for containers or small gardens. Bright
reddish-orange blooms in late summer/fall are
followed by charming 2- to 3-inch orange fruit. Selffertile.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Porterweed, Blue / Stachytarpheta
jamaicensis 'blue'
4 ft
Powder Puff Vine, Scarlet /
Combretum sp.
Powder puff, Dwarf; Fairy Duster /
Calliandra emarginata
2 ft
Pride of Barbados / Caesalpinia
10 ft
Pyramid Bush / Melochia
2 ft
Rainlily, 'San Carlos' /
Zephyranthes drummondii 'San
Red Box / Eucalyptus
Medium tree
4 ft
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
Porterweed is a small perennial shrub that
becomes woody toward the base of the stem as it
grows to about one year old. Plants grow about 4
feet tall by 6 feet wide before stems droop and
touch the ground. Blue flowers are born terminally
on lng, stringy spikes at the ends of the stems.
They attract butterflies d hummngbirds. Rich, dark
green foilage displayed on square, green stems
makes porterweed a nice addition to any sunny
full sun - light
shade / well
A riot of red powder puff balls all summer long.
This fascinating, vigorous, root-hardy vine is a
show stopper on any trellis, fence, or arbor with 3"
clusters of bright red fluffy flowers that seem to
explode from the lush glossy foilage. It blooms
from late Spring to Fall in full sun or light shade.
Moist, well, drained soil. Attracts butterflies.
sun - light shade
This beautiful root hardy shrub is great for both
garden and containers. Growing to about 2’–3’ tall,
dwarf fairy duster is covered with hot pink
“powderpuff” flowers practically nonstop from spring
to fall! This shrub is spectacular in bloom. It has a
very tropical look but is a very tough little shrub.
Hummingbirds and butterflies! Calliandras are
known for having very low amounts of airborne
pollen. Sun or light shade.
10 ft
full sun - light
shade / regular
This shrub is deciduous, reaching 6'-10' in height
and width. Orange-yellow flowers appear in late
July thru August. Well adapted to low desert
conditions. Requires little water, once established
and makes a nice accent shrub.
2 ft
full sun /
regular - well
The Pyramid Bush is a small, slender shrub in the
chocolate family. An excellent xeriscape plant, it will
grow quickly to its mature size of 2' and be covered
with beautiful bright, violet-pink flowers. It provides
lots of color in the heat of the summer. Likes full
sun and well-drained soil with very little water.
10 in
part shade - sun
/ moist - well
A Mexican selection of our native Texas rainlily with
pure, milky white fragrant flowers on 8"-10" stems.
They are heavy bloomers in the spring and
sporadic during the summer-fall fainy periods.
These dainty looking plants with very narrow, grasslike foliage, naturalize beautifully and are drought
tolerant once established. They grow well in almost
any garden and also do well in containers. Sun,
part shade and a rich, moist, well drained soil.
20 ft
full sun / dry
This tree is grown for winter interest often growing
with a crooked trunk domed with a canopy of
greyish foilage that blooms from September to
January. Juvenile leaves are round and grey green
and have been used in floral arrangements. The
adult leaves elongagate to 2-4 inches in length.
Flowers are followed by pear shaped fruits 2-3
inches long by 1-3 inches wide. Average water
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Rondeletia / Rondeletia leucophylla
Rose 'Cecile Brunner', Sweetheart
Rose / Rosa 'Cecile Brunner'
Rose 'Crepuscule', Noisette Rose /
Rosa 'Crepuscule'
Rose 'Mutablis', The Butterfly Rose
/ Rosa 'Mutablis'
Rose 'Nacogdoches', Grandma's
Yellow, / Rosa 'Nacogdoches'
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
4 ft
4 ft
light shade - sun
/ moist - well
A unique perennial with glossy, lance-leaf foliage
on a dense 3'-4' shrub-form topped with penta-like
clusters of rich, deep coral flowers in late summer
to fall. This luscious looking plant is an absolute
magnet for butterflies! Sun or light shade and a
moist, well drained soil. It's root hardy in mild
winters and responds well to pruning for an even
fuller look.
sun - part shade
Perfectly shaped, little pink buds earned 'Cecile
Brunner' the nickname The Sweetheart Rose. It
will bloom from mid-Spring until frost. The bush
remains compact and reaches height of 3-5 feet,
putting up sprays of lightly fragrant flowers that look
like tiny, high-centered hybrid teas. Long lived and
healthy, 'Cecile Brunner' tolerates everything from
poor soils to partial shade.
full sun - part
shade / moist well drained
Crepuscule is one of the few Old Garden Roses
that blooms in soft shades of apricot and buff, with
yellow at the center. Introduced in 1904, the foilage
is rich green with young shoots and leaves in deep
plum red. It behaves as a medium sized climbing
rose and has fragrant blooms regularly all summer
The flowers of 'Mutablis', whose single petals open
sulfur, changing through orange to a rich pink and
finally crimson, often looking as if a group of
multicolored butterflies have settled on the bush.
Hence its name 'Mutablis' or "The Butterfly Rose".
A healthy, well branched Earthkind bush will easily
grow to 6'. Bright silky flowers of all these colors
will often be on display at the same time making
this a popular specimen plant to have.
Grandma's Yellow or 'Nacogdoches' is a Texas
Superstar plant and is promoted as the official
"Yellow Rose of Texas". This rose has a deep
yellow colored flower with a light spicy fragrance.
Has an upright bushy growth habit and can reach 45 feet high with a 3' spread.
Rose 'Peggy Martin' / Rosa 'Peggy
'Peggy Martin', also known as the "Hurricane
Katrina rose", is a vigorous climber that can easily
reach 15 plus feet. It bears clusters of pink shaded
flowers that occur from spring through fall.
Promoted as thornless, this rose does have
prickles on the backs of the leaves. If you are a
novice rose grower or afraid you won't be
successful with roses, plant this rose.
Rose 'Perle dOr' / Rosa 'Perle dOr'
This dainty little rose has a powerful perfune that
can scent an entire room. Buds change from
nearly orange to golden pink as they unfold in small
clusters. The silky petals curl back neatly upon
opening into a delicate pompom shape. Foilage is
a soft apple green, healthy, and full on a plant that
is seldom out of bloom.
Rose, 'Belinda's Dream' / Rosa
'Belinda's Dream'
A cross between 'Tiffany' and 'Jersey Beauty', this
fast growing shrub is upright and sturdy. As an
Earthkind rose it has few disease problems and is
covered with a plentitude of bluish-green foilage.
The medium pink flowers are freely produced
throughout the growing season with a rich,
distinctive fragrance of their own. Grows 3-6 feet
12 ft
12 ft
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Rose, 'Caldwell Pink' / Rosa
'Caldwell Pink'
This Earthkind rose is everblooming and is one of
the most popular with landscape designers. It's
double, lilac pink flowers form clusters that can be
seen at a distance, and the compact bush fills out
nicely with a minimum of pruning and
maintenance. It is not very particular about soil
conditions, but prefers a sunny open space.
Rose, 'Carefree Beauty',"Katy
Road Pink' / Rosa 'Carefree Beauty'
Introduced in 1977, this Earthkind rose forms an
open, extremely graceful bush. It has few isect or
disease problems and is not particular about soil or
growing conditions. It is free blooming, probably
one of the most floriferous pink roses with new
buds appearing all the time. Large hips are a nice
Rose, 'Dame de Cour', The Black
Rose / Rosa 'Dame de Cour'
'Peace' crossed with 'Independence' produced this
cherry red rose in 1958. It is healthy and freeblooming with very fragrant flowers that last well on
the bush and in vases. The color is strong but
mixes quite well in the landscape with older
varieties of roses. Also known as "The Black Rose"
as the cherry red coloration darkens to a crimson
as it ages.
Rose, 'Duchesse de Brabant' /
Rosa 'Duchesse de Brabant'
Teddy Roosevelt made this rose his favorite, often
wearing a bud or flower as a boutonniere. The
cupped pinkflowers have a cabbage-like roundness
to them. Nearly continuously in bloom, these roses
can be counted on for a rich whiff of fragrance at
absolutely any time of the day, even in the hot
Texas sun. The apple green leaves are slightly
Rose, 'Graham Thomas' / Rosa
'Graham Thomas'
Introduced in 1983, a bright yellow rose with the old
rose shape. Fat buds open to cupped, medium
blooms of a radient golden yellow. The fragrance is
unusual and spicy. Rather upright, many
gardeners are at a loss as to how to control this
rose. Either prune back hard, pegging or training
as a small climber. Grows 5-8 feet in height.
Rose, 'Maggie' / Rosa 'Maggie'
Collected by Dr. William C. Welch in Louisiana,
'Maggie' has very full flowers that are large, of rich
carmine rose that can darken to crimson in cool
weather. Blooms are freely produced on a
vigorous, lealthy bush that makes a nice hedge,
specimen plant or even pillar rose. The true "rose"
scent is even headier when carried indoors.
Rose, 'Valentine' / Rosa 'Valentine'
'Valentine's' long pointed buds open to velvety,
semi-double flowers of rich scarlet that can be 3 or
4 inches across on a mature plant. The nearly
thornless bush is slightly open. The foilage is very
full and rich and is rarely affected by heat, humidity,
insects, or disease.
Rosemary, Upright Rosemary /
Rosmarinus officinalis (upright)
Russelia, Coral Plant, Firecracker
Plant / Russelia equisetiformis
sun / regular - dry Evergreen. Blue flowers. Culinary herb.
4 ft
6 ft
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
Russelia forms a very lush, very showy plant with
many arching stems of bright green, needle-like
foliage, and produces 3'-4' narrow stems bearing a
profusion of 1" tubular orange-red flowers almost
constantly from mid-spring thru fall! It does well in
full sun or light shade. Moist, well drained soil.
Gorgeous in a landscape or cascading out of urns,
containers, troughs, etc. Texture! Hummingbirds
and Butterflies!
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Sage, Russian, 'Little Spire' /
Perovskia atriplicifolia
2 ft
2 ft
Salt Marsh Mallow, White /
Kosteletzkya virginica 'Alba'
4 ft
Salvia, Karwinski Sage / Salvia
6 ft
Shrimp plant 'Orange Flame' /
Justicia sp. 'Sidicaro'
5 ft
Shrimp Plant, Golden; Lollipop
Plant / Pachystachys lutea
3 ft
3 ft
Skullcap, Pink / Scutellaria
suffrutescens 'Texas Rose'
6 in
15 in
Soapwort, Bouncing Bet /
Saponaria officinalis
2 ft
Society garlic / Tulbaghia violacea
Spider Lily / Crinum asiaticum
3 ft
full sun /
regular - well
Tall, airy bloomspikes and richly aromatic gray
foliage combine to make this a great perennial.
Long, slender stems filled with lavender flowers
arise over may weeks creating a swathe of color.
Grows to 2' high and wide. Superb in hot humid
areas if given good drainage around the crown and
quite drought tolerant once established. Full sun
and dry to moderate water requirements.
sun - part shade
/ moist
A very special and hard to find native mallow! It's
related to Hibiscus and is native to fresh or salty
marshes near the coast. Salt Marsh Mallow is
normally pink, but this is a rare white version. It
produces a multitude of 2" bright white flowers in
mid-summer and normally forms a full plant
averaging 4' tall. This beautiful plant grows easily
in most garden conditions and also bog areas. Sun.
This is a large sage with gray-white leaves. Expect
that it will grow 6'-10' tall by about half that width.
The flowers can be pink or red.
sun - shade /
moist - well
A herbaceous, evergreen shrub growing 5-6 feet
tall. It bears clusters of tubuar flowers that are
bright orange. These flowers are produced almost
all year but it blooms heaviest in late Spring. These
flowers are very attractive to butterflies and
hummingbirds. Orange Flame Justicia grows in
sun or shade and needs moist soil.
part sun - part
shade / regular
Shirmp plant is a bold evergreen perennial
flowering shrub with intense golden yellow flowers
that look like shrimp we eat. Golden Shrimp Plant
sends out underground runners. With a few plant
and a few years, your plant will spread to fill in
spaces. Blooms most months of the year. Likes
consistent water in plain neutral soil and can be
planted in containers.
sun / moist - well
Masses of snapdragon-like blooms adorn the
diminutive, glossy green foliage of 'Texas Rose'.
With a dainty, yet durable, low profile, it makes an
endearing addition to the rock garden or along a
pathway. Appreciates a sunny, quick-draining site.
Blooms mid-June to mid-October.
full sun / regular
Suceeds in any moderately fertile well-drained soil
in sun or semi-shade. The fragrant flowers have
five white to pinkish showy petals, each notched
and refluxed, about an inch in diameter and are
born in large clusters on the axils of the leaves and
at the tip of the stems. Blooms from June to
September. This plant forms colonies from
underground rhizomes. The flowers and leaves are
used as body soap. However, beware of ingesting
as this plant is poisonous with toxins most
concentrated in the seed pods.
18 in
18 in
sun - light shade
/ regular - dry
Lavender flowers. Clumping perennial with linear,
grass-like leaves. Blooms from spring to autumn.
Drought tolerant. Hardy. Excellent border plant.
Grow in sun to light shade, regular soil moisture.
3 ft
sun - part shade
/ regular - well
Wide 4" dark green leaves emerge from huge bulbs
that can be more than 3' in length. This plant
prefers bright sunny locations but can tolerate part
shade and are fairly drought tolerant. Fragrant
flowers emerge as tubes that flair open into a crown
of narrow petals.
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Spiderwort, Jenks Farmer /
Tradescantia sp. 'Jenks Farmer'
10 in
Spikemoss, Ruby Red / Selaginella
erythropus 'Sanguinea'
Squill, Spotted / Ledebouria socialis
6 in
Stemodia, Wooly stemodia /
Stemodia tomentosa
4 in
Toad Lily, Japanese, 'Sinonome' /
Tricyrtis x 'Sinonome'
3 ft
Tulip, 'Lady Jane' / Tulipa clusiana
'Lady Jane'
8 in
Verbena, Flowering / Aloysia sp.
Verbena, Lemon / Aloysia triphylla
Verbena, Moss verbena / Verbena
Verbena, Sweet Almond / Aloysia
6 in
2 ft
light shade /
moist - well
A beautifully textured, low growing, root hardy
perennial groundcover. New foilage unfolds in a
bright, velvety green color that matures to a deep
almost iridescent purple. Grows 10" tall. Light
shade. Moist, well drained soil.
full shade / dry
Distinct foilage which is dark green on top with a
ruby red underside. It is an evergreen, spreading
groundcover that is winter hardy once established.
full sun /
regular - well
The interesting arching foliage has leopard spotting
of silver and green. Insignificant flowers are held in
a spike and are pale greenish-white. Easily grown
in almost any good garden soil with occasional
water applied during the dry months. Prefers some
shade in hot summer climates and should not be
over watered. Hardy down to freezing.
full sun
Evergreen groundcover. Silver colored foliage.
Small lavender flowers. full sun.
part shade /
moist - regular
An exquisite Toad Lily, 'Sinonome' has clumps of
stems that are upright, vase-shaped and rise over
2' clothed in shiny, clean foliage. In early fall, hairy,
chocolate-colored flower buds are poised to pop
open any day, revealing upward-facing, white
blooms freckled with maroon-purple splotches.
Moist to average soil in partial shade is perfect.
One of the more drought and heat tolerant Toad
Lilies. A fabulous addition to the fall shade garden.
full sun / well
'Lady Jane' blooms in mid-March with a bold impact
on the landcape. This tulip returns year after year
with pink and white bi-colors blooms on 6-12inch
stalks. Unfortunately, these bulbs are not wildlife
sun / well drained Small single or multi-trunk 'tree' with delicatelooking foliage and a constant show of 6"-8"
panicles of feathery white flowers. Unbelievable
fragrance of a heavenly honey-vanilla scent that
wafts across the garden. Prefers full sun.
4 ft
4 ft
full sun / moist well drained
This shrub grows to a height and width of 2' - 4' in
most of the U.S., but in hot climates it grows much
taller. It has a woody trunk and branches with
tender stems holding long pointed leaves. Small,
pale mauve flowers are produced from summer to
autumn. Leaves have a strong lemon fragrance
and flavor. Prune hard in autumn. Full sun, welldrained soil with a neutral pH.
12 in
9 in
sun / regular
Short-lived perennial that blooms from summer to
autumn with rose violet to pink flowers. Leaves are
finely cut. The plant is low-growing. Can
naturalize. Variety 'Alba' has white flowers.
10 ft
6 ft
part shade - full
This is a narrowly upright shrub, with stems to 10'
high that gradually arch over to make a graceful
form. The leaves are narrow, somewhat greygreen above and paler beneath. They are not
noticably aromatic, however, the small white
flowers, carried in summer and fall, are in long,
branched sprays and are sweetly fragrant. Prune
between bloom cycles for bushier growth. Likes full
sun to part shade. Hardy to about 25 degrees
Harris County Master Gardener Association Plant Guide for Fall 2011
Common Name /
Plant Name
Exposure /
Height Width Moisture
Violet, Red Philippine / Barleria
Wedding Flower, Madagascar
Jasmine / Stephanotis floribunda
2 ft
Wedelia, Orange; Zexmenia, /
Wedelia zexmenia
2 ft
Weigela, 'Wine & Roses' / Weigela
spp. 'Wine & Roses
part shade
Low growing, spreading perennial with glossy
foliage. Nice sized, coral red, trumpet shaped
flowers. Part shade.
full sun - part sun
More commonly known as 'the wedding flower'
because of its use in wedding bouquets, this plant
is best suited as an indoor plant in bright, indirect
light (North facing window). This plant is a summer
blooming climber whose vining habit is often
trained na ring or hoop. Its dark, shiny elliptical
leaves are a beautiful backdrop to clusters of highly
fragant waxy white tubular flowers. This plant
tolerates dry atmospheres and periods of neglectful
watering, but hates sudden temperature changes in
the winter.
2 ft
sun - part sun /
well drained
This bouquet-like srublet stands upright in full sun
but will adapt to partial shade by reclining slightly to
form a mounding groundcover with shiny, dark,
sandpapery leaves and slightly fewer golden
orange, nickel-sized daisies than will occur in full
sun. Versatile, cold and drought tolerant. It may be
cut back by half in July to reshape or promote
denser growth.
4 ft
5 ft
sun - part shade
/ moist - well
A new late-spring-blooming shrub with outstanding
attributes. It grows four to five feet high and wide
and forms an attractive mound. It has deepburgundy foliage that stands out in the landscape.
Bright, rose-pink, tubular flowers combine nicely
with its dark leaves for a striking display. Likes fun
to part shade and regular watering but do not
3 ft
sun - light shade
/ moist - well
A wonderfully unique & colorful perennial that forms
a 2'-3' shrubby, slightly tropical looking plant that is
constantly covered with clusters of small yellow
flowers surrounded by creamy-white wing-like
bracts. 'White Wing' is root hardy during most of
the Gulf Coast winters, grows in sun or light shade
and likes a moist, well-drained soil. It responds
well to pruning and is an excellent butterfly and
hummingbird nectar plant!
full sun - part
sun / moist - well
Reddish-purple, highly fragrant, pea-like blooms in
8" grape-like clusters on a semi-evergreen, woody
twining climber. It is non-invasive, unlike the
common Chinese Wisteria. Prefers sun to partial
shade and fertile, well-drained soil.
White Wing / Mussaenda luteola
3 ft
Wisteria, Evergreen / Millettia
15 ft
Yellow Ice Plant / Delosperma
2 in
24 in
full sun - part
sun / regular
This is an outstanding cool season ground cover,
recommended for its vigorous carpeting growth
habit. The foilage is succulent and evergreen, with
bright red winter color. Blooming for a month in late
Spring, the plant covers itself with hndreds of
yellow many petaled blooms.
Yellow Tree Hibiscus / Hibiscus
shrub or small
10 ft
10 ft
full sun / well
A beautiful and unique hibiscus "tree" that grows
about 10'-12' tall and 10'-12' wide. This hardy,
deciduous large shrub or small tree has attractive,
somewhat rounded leaves with a silver backing and
is covered with 3-4" bright yellow flowers with a
maroon center in summer. It likes full sun and a
well-drained soil.