Download Main Focus: represent and use number bonds and related

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Main Focus: represent and use number bonds and related subtraction
facts within 20.
Addition Number bonds to 10 (e.g. 1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10)
Subtraction Number bonds to 10 (e.g. 10-9=1, 10-2=8, 10-3=7)
Addition Number bonds to 20 (e.g. 11+9=20, 12+8=20, 13+7=20)
Subtraction Number bonds to 20 (e.g. 20-9=11, 20-2=18, 20-3=17)
This is a key area of maths that we would like you to focus on this half term
with your child. Start with securing the number bonds to 10, once fluent move
onto bonds to 20.
Remember little and often is key to success! We have included a few ideas of
how you can help your child learn these skills, but feel free to come up with
your own.
Please also feel free to bring in photos, pictures or work that your child has
completed at home to go on our super home learning maths board. The
children are able to earn stars for their class each time they do this to win
prizes each half term.
If you need any support your child’s class teacher will be happy to help.
Everyday activities
Use objects from around the house e.g. drinking
straws, spoons or shells to count and put into
sets of 10 or 20 – how many different number
sentences can you write?
Remember each child has access to Education
City where there are lots of games to play to
help them learn.
Shout out numbers as you
drive along e.g. you shout 6,
they shout 4 back at you!
Use hands as a resource to
help your child visualise the
Out in the garden
Other useful websites are:
Packs of cards
Play number bond tennis! You say a number they
Pick out the cards that
say the matching pair. If you are able to kick a
match together to make 10.
football, roll a ball or use a
Play snap or pairs with these
racket at the same time,
this could help your child to
remember and think of it as
Or make a set of cards for them to hunt around
a game!
the room and find the matching pair.
Painting and making
Use your child’s favourite toys to engage them in
their learning. Teach the teddy!
Build towers of 10 or 20 – can you
separate them into the different
number bonds?
How many more do we need to make 10? 20? If I
take away 7, how many are there left?
Cut paper
into strips –
can they paint or colour in
all the number bonds to
10 or 20?