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Biology 2122 Review and Objectives – Urinary System – Chapter 25
 Interlobar; interlobular; renal corpuscle; filtrate; podocytes; vasa recta; macula densa; NFP; HP g; GFR; myogenic; renin;
aquaporins; osmolality; ADH; diuretics; specific gravity; urochrome; trigone; micturition; incontinence; catheter;
cystocele; diabetes insipidus;
Know all of the structures and parts of the urinary system and their general functions.
Know the location of the kidneys.
 Mass, etc.
Know the importance of the Renal Hilum.
Know the parts and structure of the parts that protect the kidney.
 Capsule, fat capsule, fascia, etc.
Know the arteries and veins of the kidney and location.
Know the general functions and parts of the nephron.
Know the functions of the glomerulus and renal corpuscle.
Know that the Bowman’s capsule surrounds and protects the glomerulus.
 Know the histology of the parietal layer of the capsule.
Know the cell types that are associated with the tubules of the nephron.
Distinguish between cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.
Distinguish between peritubular and vasa recta capillaries.
Know the parts and functions of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA).
 Granular cells, Macula Densa, etc.
Know the structure of the filtration membrane.
 Visceral layer with podocytes, foot processes and filtration slits.
Know how filtrate is formed.
Know what is included in the filtrate.
Know the following concerning Glomerular filtration.
 Formation of filtrate
 Net Filtration Pressure and how it is formed
 Normal Glomerular hydrostatic blood pressure
 Osmotic pressure and Capsular pressure opposing Glomerular pressure.
 Know the intrinsic and extrinsic controls of glomerular filtration.
o Myogenic, JGA/sympathetic; Renin, etc.
Know the following concerning Tubular Reabsorption.
 Distinguish between transcellular and paracellular routes
 Know how sodium is reabsorbed via Primary Active Transport
o Na K pump
 Know that Primary Active Transport drives Secondary Active Transport
o Organic molecules like glucose, amino acids, etc. are coupled to Na for reabsorption
 Know that water is reabsorbed via osmosis.
 Know the significance of aquaporins
o Link to ADH
 Know that all ions except for sodium, are reabsorbed passively
 Know the following concerning reabsorption in the PCT
o Most active area for reabsorption.
o Know that sodium is reabsorbed via primary active transport, nutrients via secondary active transport
coupled to sodium; Cations via passive diffusion; water by osmosis; urea
o Know % of reabsorption
 Know the following concerning reabsorption in the Loop of Henle
o Descending limb – water via osmosis
o Ascending limb - Cations like sodium and potassium via secondary active transport; no water reabsorption
o Calcium and magnesium via passive processes
 Know the following concerning reabsorption in the DCT
o Only sodium, chlorine and calcium ions
o Least active
 Know the following concerning reabsorption in the collecting ducts
o Water, urea, and various cations by primary active transport as well as passive transport.
Impermeable to water unless ADH produces aquaporins for reabsorption
Sodium reabsorption is influenced by aldosterone.
Potassium both reabsorbed and secreted back into the
18. Know the following concerning Tubular Secretion.
 Opposite of tubular reabsorption
 H, K and NH4 ions secreted from blood back into tubules.
 Drugs, excess K ions, urea, uric acid secreted
 All substances that are secreted are lost in urine.
19. Regulation of Urine Concentration and Volume
 Know how the countercurrent multiplier works
 Know the function of the countercurrent multiplier
 Know the function of the countercurrent exchanger
 Know how dilute and concentrated urine are formed
 Know how diuretic affect urine output.
20. Urine
 Know the pH and specific gravity of urine.
 Know the chemical composition of urine.
21. Ureters
 Know the three layers that make up the wall of the ureters.
 Function
22. Bladder
 Function
 Histology – transitional epithelium
 Trigone Area
23. Urethra
 Distinguish between the three types of urethras
 Function
24. Micturition
 How it occurs
 Role of the CNS, PNS and ANS