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Importance of Biodiversity Quiz Answers
1. True or False: The coral reef is an ecosystem with high biodiversity.
true 2. True or False: A lot of technology used by humans comes from
observing organisms in the wild.
true 3. What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the measurement of the amount of variation of the species in a given area. 4. Why is preserving the rainforest important?
Preserving the rainforest is important for many reasons. But one reason is that the rainforest is home to more species of insects, amphibians, and birds than anywhere else on the planet. 5. Does it matter if we are losing thousands of species each year? Explain
your answer.
Yes. Ecosystems provide many direct benefits to humans. The health and survival of ecosystems is related to that ecosystem's biodiversity. So extinctions affect the ecosystems’ biodiversity, which affects its health. 6. What ecosystem has the highest biodiversity?
a) a desert
b) a rainforest
c) an aquarium
d) All ecosystems have the same biodiversity.
7. The loss of what type of species probably has the greatest effect on an
a) a producer
b) a consumer
c) a carnivore
d) an omnivore
8. Fungi, plants, and animals provide us with
a) shelter.
b) medicine.
c) clothing.
d) all of the above
Specifically, animals provide us with
a) poisons, timber, fibers, adhesives, and resins.
b) paper, silks, rubber and dyes.
c) skins, fur and food.
d) all of the above
10. Which of the following is a component of biodiversity?
a) the genetic differences among the organisms of an ecosystem
b) the actual communities and ecosystems
c) the variety of life and its processes
d) all of the above