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Monetary Policy in the late 1800’s How the money supply was manipulated by both sides Haves vs Have Nots I understand the economics behind free silver vs gold and Monetary policy. • 
1-­‐ Strongly disagree 2-­‐ Disagree 3-­‐ Agree 4-­‐ Strongly agree Intro to Econ: Key Terms • 
Demand, Supply, and Price Monetary Policy Money Supply Business Cycle InflaPon DeflaPon hQp://­‐content/uploads/2008/11/business-­‐cycle-­‐graph-­‐beQer.jpg Intro to Econ: Key Terms •  Demand, Supply, and Price –  Scarcity= How rare something is –  Demand= How much of something people desire –  Supply= QuanPty of a produce available •  Gasoline Prices –  Why down? Goals of Monetary Policy
•  Governments ability to control the growth of the
•  Gas Pedal or the Brake?
•  Interest Rates, Regulations, Printing of $$
•  Provide sufficient money/stimulus to the economy so that it
may grow at a sustainable rate
•  Dampen the impact of the business cycle.
•  No more big ups and downs
•  Control Inflation.
•  In the 1800s we didn’t have a great system of accomplishing
•  1st and 2nd Bank of the US (gone)
•  US Treasury
Intro to Econ: Key Terms •  Money Supply –  The amount of money available in the economy at one Pme. Can be manipulated! •  Interest rates (borrowing) •  PrinPng of money •  Government and Banks work through this hQp://­‐content/uploads/2008/11/business-­‐cycle-­‐graph-­‐beQer.jpg Intro to Econ: Key Terms •  Business Cycle –  Ups and Downs hQp://­‐content/uploads/2008/11/business-­‐cycle-­‐graph-­‐beQer.jpg Intro to Econ: Key Terms •  InflaPon: –  When more money is added to the economy –  Prices go up as your money is worth less •  Use to be able to go to the movies for .25 cents! •  Average and usually goes up at around 2-­‐4% annually •  DeflaPon: –  When there is less money in the economy –  Prices go down and your money is worth more hQp://­‐content/uploads/2008/11/business-­‐cycle-­‐graph-­‐beQer.jpg Late 1800’s •  Farmers and Have Nots upset: –  High Tariffs have raised prices on goods they buy –  Prices low for agricultural goods –  High Debt for new machinery and land •  Take out large loans from Banks •  Now push for inflaPonary pracPces by US Gov –  Increase money supply –  Free coinage of silver plus gold –  Why? The Haves •  The Haves want status quo: –  DeflaPonary pracPces –  Reduce the greenbacks (Paper Money) by buying it back –  Only allow GOLD as the standard for Money –  No Silver as it leads to more money in the money supply and inflaPon. –  Known as “HARD MONEY” or “GOLD BUGS” •  If they make a loan to a farmer: –  They want the farmer to have to pay it back over several years with both interest and in a deflaPonary market. –  Money will be worth more each year Loan under DEFLATION •  Banks make a loan for $100 dollars over 10 years: –  Schedule is $10 a year for 10 years –  If there is deflaPon: •  Each year the farmer pays back the loan with money that is worth more than when he got the loan. •  Year #8 that $10 = $15! •  Not good for the Farmer •  Good for the Banks The Have Nots •  The Have Nots want InflaPon: –  InflaPonary pracPces –  Increase Greenbacks (Paper Money) –  Allow GOLD and SILVER as the standard for Money –  AddiPon of Silver leads to an increase in the Money Supply and a decrease in the value of money over Pme. –  Known as “SOFT MONEY” or “SILVERITES” •  If the farmer gets a loan: –  They want to pay it back each year with money that is worth less than when they borrowed it. –  Money will be worth less each year Loan under INFLATION •  Banks make a loan for $100 dollars over 10 years: –  Schedule is $10 a year for 10 years –  If there is InflaPon: •  Each year the farmer pays back the loan with money that is worth less than when he got the loan. •  Year #8 that $10 = $5! •  Not good for the Bank •  Good for the Farmers Factors that Affected Monetary Policy •  Panic of 1873 (SpeculaPon and False Demand) –  Hurts Have Nots= No real lending choice •  ResumpPon Act of 1875 –  Redeem or buy back all Greenbacks by 1879 •  McKinley Tariff of 1890 –  Highest ever (48%) and hurts farmers • 
Populist Party founded (to defend farmers/have-­‐nots) Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 (increases MS) Panic of 1893 (Worst of century) 1894-­‐ Silver Act repealed –  Gold reserves dwindle –  US Gov forced to take $65 million gold loan from JP Morgan and Wall Street bankers. I understand the economics behind free silver vs gold and Monetary Policy. • 
1-­‐ Strongly disagree 2-­‐ Disagree 3-­‐ Agree 4-­‐ Strongly agree