Download Differentiated Instruction Lesson Plan Format: The Outsiders

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Differentiated Instruction Lesson Plan Format:
The Outsiders
Teacher Name: Jennifer Wilson
Step 1: Subject and Grade levels and Time Frame:
Subject: Language Arts/Reading
Grade Level: 12 year old
Time Frame: 18 days
Step 2: Focus-What do I want students to know and be able to do? What knowledge and skills to you want them to gain?
What important concepts or content will student learn? (Determined by the TSW’s)
Grade Level Expectations follow:
TSW evaluate the importance of the setting in the novel.
TSW describe the main characters (especially the protagonist and antagonist)
TSW explain how the characters change and/or how the world around them changes as the story develops.
TSW summarize in detail the story using the elements of plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution).
TSW compare a character from the novel with another character from another story or someone he/she knows.
Step 3: Assessments (Pre-Assessment, Formative (along the way), and Summative (culminating). How will I know the
students have reached the lesson goal? What assessment tools will I use? How will students be involved in ongoing
assessment? How will students assess themselves? How can technology support assessment?
I will assign students to heterogeneous readiness/ability groups. I will then assign a theme/topic to each group that is accessible
by their readiness/ability level. (What defines a greaser? Many students know Elvis and have watched the movie Grease.)
While groups prepare their responses to the theme prompt, I will observe group work and direct student comments as needed.
As part of the Glogsteredu posting process, group comments will be moderated and culminate in the final mastery grade.
During the moderation, I will have the opportunity to address specific problems within the writing.
Using the QSI rubric, I will assess the final student postings and exchanges for mastery. Students will have reached the lesson
goal if they were able to clearly articulate a statement of agreement/disagreement with the theme, concrete details and
commentary that support the theme, and a real-world extension of the theme.
Step 4: Differentiate How? (i.e., Readiness, interest, and/or learning profile)
I will differentiate by readiness and ability level. (Reading groups will be used)
Step 5: Differentiate What? (Content, Process, and/or Product)
I will differentiate content. I will then assign each group a theme that is accessible by their readiness level.
Step 6: DI Strategy: (Tiered lessons)
I will use multiple modes of response. Students will use Edmodo over the holiday to verbally and visually communicate with
the class.
Materials Needed:
The Outsiders novel
Video snippets of Grease, Rebel Without A Cause, Elvis (young)
Apple TV and Smart Board
Glogster site and Edmodo discussion board for exchange (set up for each group and moderated by teacher)
Quizlet will be use for the upgrade testing portion of the assessment. (This will help with the upcoming MAP test, which will
be computerized.
Teacher Preparation:
The teacher will
• Prepare the big picture of what we hope to accomplish as a classs.
The Outsiders Theme Exchange
Cooperative Learning and Glog Postings Rubric
Participants ___________________________________________________________________
All communication is clear,
articulate, and on task. Users
select and use appropriate
language that all parties will
understand. Speech is clear,
appropriately paced and
pitched. Suitable standards of
etiquette are applied
regarding interrupting, turns
to speak, use of slang and
abbreviation, use of cameras,
and prepared materials.
Goals and plan of conference
are clearly adhered to.
Suitable notes are taken.
Most communication is clear
and articulate and mostly on
task. The language used is
mostly appropriate and all
parties will l understand.
Speech is mostly clear,
appropriately paced and
pitched. Rules and etiquette
guidelines are mostly
followed. Some notes are
Contribution to
group goals
Consistently and actively
works toward group goals;
willingly accepts and fulfills
individual role
Contribution of
Consistently and actively
contributes knowledge,
opinions, and skills without
The glogster poster shows
insight, depth, &
understanding of topic.
Works toward group goals
without occasional
prompting; accepts and
fulfills individual role within
Contributes knowledge,
opinions, and skills without
prompting or reminding
Edmodo or In Class
Response to Key
Concepts (Theme
evident in novel and
Glog entries convey
extensive evidence of a
personal response to the
issues raised in the readings/
activities, and demonstrate
the author's growth through
reflection on learning and
The group’s personal opinion
is expressed in an
appropriate style & is clearly
related to the topic, activity,
or process.
Most communication is clear
and mainly on task. The
language used is mostly
appropriate and all parties
will understand. Slang,
regional language and
colloquialisms are used.
Speech is mostly clear; there
are issues with pace and
pitch. Volume of speech
varies. Most rules and
etiquette guidelines are
followed. There is some
interruption and speaking
over people. Some notes are
taken these are of a poor
Works toward group goals
with occasional prompting;
often needs reminding to do
the assigned work.
Communication is poor, hard
to understand, off task, and
inarticulate. Use and
selection of language does
not aid communication.
There is little evidence of
rules or etiquette, structure,
or planning.
Contributes information to
the group with occasional
prompting or reminding
Contributes information to
the group only when
The Glog posts show insight
& show a good depth of
understanding of topic.
The glog posts show some
insight, depth & some
understanding of the topic.
These simple entries lack
insight, depth or are
Glog entries convey evidence
of a personal response to the
issues raised in the readings/
activities, and demonstrate
that the author is capable of
reflecting on learning and
Glog entries convey little
evidence of a personal
response to the
issues/concepts raised in the
Glog entries show no
personal response is made to
the issues/concepts raised in
the readings/activities
These entries may contain
some irrelevant material but
are for the most part on task.
The group’s personal opinion
is expressed in an
appropriate style.
Entries are typically short
and may contain some
irrelevant material. There are
some personal comments or
opinions which may be on
The entries are short and are
frequently irrelevant to the
events. They do not express
opinion clearly and show
little understanding.
Works toward group goals
only when prompted; always
or often relies on others to do
the work