* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF FLUTTER-BASED WIND MICROGENERATOR BY ABDUL HAKIM JAVID A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering) Kulliyyah of Engineering International Islamic University Malaysia JULY 2014 ABSTRACT In this work, we propose a novel flutter-based wind energy harvesting technique which is capable of providing power to low power applications in remote areas. The flutter-based wind microgenerator developed in this work uses electromagnetic transduction to generate power with permanent NdFeB (Neodymium, Iron and Boron) magnets used to provide intense magnetic field around the harvester. We develop a mathematical model comprising the various physical phenomena of the energy conversion from wind to mechanical vibrations and then electric. The mathematical model is further compared with finite element analysis solution obtained using NASTRAN to check its conformity. It was found that the flutter frequency and voltage output increases with wind speed and decreases with increase in width of the cantilever. And there is no effect of increase in span of the cantilever on flutter. Experimental investigations were performed on two proposed designs: (1) a horizontal cantilever harvester with embedded coils on the surface, and (2) an inverted cantilever with coils surrounding a bluff body attached to the cantilever tip. The cantilever attached with a square bluff body at the tip showed better flutter characteristics and power generation than the cylindrical bluff body of same size. We found that the proposed microgenerators can provide power from wind speeds as low as 1 m/s and produce a peak power of 0.26 mW without any use of bluff body. Peak power of 0.21 mW and 0.16 mW were produced using square and cylindrical bluff bodies at the tip at wind speed of 4 m/s. It also shows that there is no adverse interference between the vibrating elements when stacked together in a row which is desirable for power generation to support larger remote application devices. An electric circuit capable of stepping up, conditioning and storing the energy harvested is also integrated to the harvester and tested. The proposed design experimentally demonstrates a low wind speed harvesting device suitable for environmental applications monitoring the environment in rural areas such as forests or mountains. ii خالصة البحث املتقحر ف يفذاافاعمل فذو فدراسةفحصادة فطاقةفريا فقادرةفعلىفتوفريفاعطاقةفعتطبيتقاتفاعطاقةف املنخفضة ف ي فاملناطق فاعنائية فمن فخالل فتتقنية فجديدة .فمت فتطوير فرفرافة فاعريا فاملستندة فإىل microgeneratorي فذاا فاعمل فواعيت فتستخدم فتتقنية فكهرومغناطيسية ف .فوتستخدم فNdFeBف اعدائمفعتوفريفجمالفمغناطيسيفحولفحصادة.فمتفتطويرفمنوذجفرياضيفيضمفانواعفخمتلفةففيازياف من فحتوي فاعطاقة فمن فاعريا فإىل فاالذتزازات فامليكانيكية فومث فاجلهد فاعكهربائيف ع microgeneratorاملتقحر ف.فوكاعكفمتقارنةفاعنلوذجفاعرياضيفمعفح فحتلي فاعمنصرفاحملدودف علتحتقق فمن فتوافتقها .فوأجريت فاعتحتقيتقات فاعتجريبية فعلى فاعتصليم فاملتقحر فوتبني فأن microgeneratorميكنفأنفتوفرفطاقةفمنفاعريا فبسرعةفمنخفضةفتص فإىلفمحر/ثانية.فأيضافالف يوجد فتداخ فبني فاعمناصر فاملهتزة فعندما فتكون فمكدسة فمما ف ي فصف فواحد فواعاي فذوف مرغوب ففيه فعتوعيد فاعطاقة فعدعم فأجهزة فاعتطبيق فعن فبمد ف .فكلا فمت فدمج فاعدائرة فاعكهربائيةف اعتقادرةفعلىفتكثيففوتكييففوختزينفطاقةفاحلاصدةفواختبارذا.فاعتصليمفاملتقحر فيوضحفسرعةف اعريا فاملنخفضة فمناسبة فجلهاز فاحلصاد فىف فتطبيتقات فبيئية فمماثلة فإىل فاعغابات فأو فاجلبال.ف اعتوصياتفواالقحراحاتفاملتقدمةف يفذاهفاألطروحةفتدعمفاعبحوثف يفاملستتقب .ف iii APPROVAL PAGE I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a research paper for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. …………..……………………………… Raed Ismail Mohmoud Kafafy Supervisor …………..……………………………… Moumen Idres Co Supervisor I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a research paper for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. …………..……………………………… Asan Gani Bin Abdul Muthalif Internal Examiner …………..……………………………… Shuhaimi Mansor External Examiner This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. …………..……………………………… Meftah Hrairi Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Engineering and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. …………..…………………………… Md. Noor bin Hj Salleh Dean, Kulliyyah of Engineering iv DECLARATION I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions. Abdul Hakim Javid Signature ____________________ Date ____________________ v INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF COPYRIGHT AND AFFIRMATION OF FAIR USE OF UNPUBLISHED RESEARCH Copyright © 2014 International Islamic University Malaysia. All rights reserved. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF FLUTTER-BASED WIND MICROGENERATOR No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder except as provided below. 1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research may only be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement. 2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies (print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes. 3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by other universities and research libraries. Affirmed by Abdul Hakim Javid __________________ __________________ Signature Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I start with thanking the Almighty for providing me an opportunity to do my masters. I thank my beloved parents and family members for their support, encouragement and prayers. I am grateful to my supervisor Dr. Raed I. Kafafy and co-supervisors Dr.Moumen Idres for their guidance, suggestions, encouragement and support throughout this research work. I thank Dr. Erwin Sulaeman, IIUM for his support in performing FEA Analysis using Nastran. My special thanks are to Prof. Waqar and Ida Rahayu, Technical Assistant, Aerodynamics Lab for their support in conducting experiments. I thank all my colleagues at ECTMRG lab for all the technical support, and assistance. Finally I thank all my teachers and friends back home and in Malaysia for their help in making this a successful research and helping in various other engagements. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract .................................................................................................................... ..ii Abstract in Arabic ...................................................................................................... .iii Approval Page ............................................................................................................ .iv Declaration Page ........................................................................................................ ..v Copyright Page ........................................................................................................... .vi Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ............................................................................................................. .xi List of Figures ........................................................................................................... xii List of Symbols ……………………………………………………………………..xv CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 1 1.2 Problem Statement and its Significance .................................................. 2 1.3 Research Objectives ................................................................................ 3 1.4 Research Methodology............................................................................ 3 1.5 Scope of research .................................................................................... 4 1.6 Thesis organization ................................................................................. 4 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................... 5 2.1 Introduction On Energy Harvesting ......................................................... 5 2.2 Sources For Energy Harvesting ............................................................... 5 2.3 Energy Harvesting Techniques ................................................................ 8 2.3.1 Photonic Energy Harvesting .......................................................... 8 2.3.2 Magnetic Energy Harvesting.......................................................... 8 2.3.3 Acoustic Energy Harvesting .......................................................... 9 2.3.4 Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting ..................................................... 9 2.3.5 Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting ................................................ 9 2.3.6 Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting .................................................. 10 2.3.7 Electrostatic Energy Harvesting................................................... 10 2.3.8 Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting ............................................ 11 2.3.9 Magnetostrictive Energy Harvesting ........................................... 11 2.3.10 Electroactive Polymers................................................................ 11 2.3.11 Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting .......................................... 12 2.4 Wind Energy Harvesting ........................................................................ 12 2.4.1 Micro Turbine Energy Harvesting ............................................... 12 2.4.2 Non Turbine Energy Harvesting from Artificial Fluid Sources .. 15 2.4.3 Non Turbine Energy Harvesting from Natural Sources ............... 16 2.4.4 Limit Cycle Fluttering Operation ................................................. 20 2.4.5 Broadband Energy Harvesting ..................................................... 21 2.4.6 Augmenting Wind Funnel ............................................................ 22 2.4.7 Bluff Body Extension................................................................... 23 2.4.8 Power Management Circuit ......................................................... 24 2.5 Summary ................................................................................................ 25 viii CHAPTER THREE: ANALYTICAL MODELING OF FLUTTER MICROGENERATOR ............................................................................................ 27 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 27 3.2 Aerodynamic Flow Model ..................................................................... 27 3.3 Electromagnetic Generator Model ......................................................... 32 3.4 Time Domain Analysis Of Flutter Microgenerator ................................ 36 3.4.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 36 3.4.2 Modeling The Flutter Microgenerator ......................................... 37 3.4.3 Simulation .................................................................................... 39 3.4.4 Results .......................................................................................... 40 3.5 Flutter Estimation Of Flow Induced Vibration In Thin Cantilever Plate 41 3.5.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 41 3.5.2 Frequency Estimation Model ....................................................... 42 3.5.3 Simulation .................................................................................... 46 3.5.4 Results .......................................................................................... 47 3.6 Parametric Study Of A Cantilever Fluttering Beam .............................. 48 3.6.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 48 3.6.2 Parametric Study Model............................................................... 49 3.6.3 Simulation .................................................................................... 50 3.6.4 Results .......................................................................................... 51 CHAPTER FOUR: FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF FLUTTER HARVESTER ........................................................................................................... 55 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 55 4.2 Modeling In Nastran .............................................................................. 55 4.3 Results .................................................................................................... 56 CHAPTER FIVE: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF FLUTTER MICROGENERATOR ............................................................................................ 60 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 60 5.2 Design And Fabrication ......................................................................... 60 5.2.1 Fluttering Cantilever .................................................................... 60 5.2.2 Electromagnetic Generator........................................................... 62 5.2.3 Power Management Ciruit ........................................................... 63 5.3 Experimental Setup And Procedure ....................................................... 64 5.3.1 Experimental Setup ...................................................................... 64 5.3.2 Experimental Procedure ............................................................... 66 5.3.3 Experimental Results And Analysis ............................................ 67 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 82 6.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 82 6.2 Main Contribution .................................................................................. 83 6.3 Recommendation.................................................................................... 83 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 84 ix PUBLICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 88 APPENDIX A – NASTRAN INPUT FILES ............................................................. 89 APPENDIX B – MATLAB CODES ....................................................................... 105 x LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page No. 3.1 Microgenerator parameters 40 5.1 Magnet and coil properties 63 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. 2.1 Page No. The cross section of axial flow micro turbine with integrated axialflux electromagnetic microgenerator (Holmes et al., 2004) 12 The three propellers tested experimentally (1-46o stagger, 2-26o at the tip, 3-19o at the tip); (Rancourt et al., 2007) 13 Design of a centimetre-scale shrouded wind turbine for energy harvesting (a) schematic drawing showing stator and rotor (b) cutsection view (c) six-blade rotor fixed with circular magnets 14 (a) Schematic diagram of electromagnetic resonator; (1) Bolt (2) Coils (3) Housing (4)Magnet (5)Spring (6)Base (b) experimental setup of the modified windbelt with electromagnetic resonator; (1) belt supporting beam (2) electromagnetic resonator (3) power management circuit (4) replaceable supercapacitor (5) oscilloscope (6) junction of belt and resonator 17 Schematic diagram of T-shaped piezoelectric cantilever under a fluid flow 18 Experimental setup of Park et al. showing T-shaped cantilever with magnets and coils placed externally. 19 2.7 T-shaped cantilever harvester placed inside a wind contracting funnel 23 2.8 Experimental setup showing cylindrical body attached to the tip of a PZT cantilever (Gao, 2011) 24 Schematic diagram of the power management circuit proposed by Fei et al. 25 Illustration of the displacements and forces acting on a cross section of a fluttering wind belt. 28 Real and imaginary parts of theodorsen circulatory function C(K)=F(K)+i G(K). 29 * * Aeroelastic coefficients Ai and H i plotted vs 1/K for thin plate 31 Proposed flutter-based with pick up coils embedded on to the surface of belt: (a) arrangement of three different sets of cantilever with a magnet; (b) cantilever film placed with respect to magnet; (c)micro square spiral coil on the film 35 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 xii 3.5 Design of flutter-based microgenerator harvester. (a) Schematic of coil placed around the magnet (b) Coil topography 36 3.6 Simulation Model of the Flutter-based Micro generator in Simulink 38 3.7 Sub model of the Aeroelastic forces in Simulink 38 3.8 Sub model of the structure dynamics in Simulink 39 3.9 Sub model of the electromagnetic generator in Simulink 39 3.11 Plot showing the behaviour of two dimensionless parameters discussed in equation 33 and 34. 46 Plot showing the pattern of frequency for a thin cantilever plate over a wide range of wind speed (a) width of the cantilever varied between 13cm (b) length of the cantilever varied between 3-5cm 48 Effect of change in span of the cantilever on the response frequency at various wind speeds 51 Effect of change in width of the cantilever on the response frequency at two wind speeds 52 Effect of change in length of coil winding on the cantiever surface against frequency response at two wind speeds 53 Effect of change in load resistance connected to the coils on the cantilever on the current 54 4.1 The schematic of the cantilever modeled in Nastran 56 4.2 (a) Grid elements of FEA model generated using Nastran (b)(c)(d)(e)(f) first five mode shapes of structural vibration occurring on the plate denoted by Eigen values of displacement 57 Damping force offered by the structure at various wind speeds for the first five mode shapes of vibration 58 Frequencies of flutter at various wind speeds for the first five mode shapes of vibration 59 5.1 Flutter-based harvester with coils-on cantilever. 61 5.2 Flutter-based harvester with coils-around body. 62 5.3 Schematic of magnet placed around the fluttering cantilever (a) Coil on surface arrangement (b) Coil on body arrangement 62 N48 grade Nd-FeB magnets (2cm x 2cm x 0.4cm) Stacked 8 pieces and 2 pieces. 63 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 4.3 4.4 5.4 xiii 5.5 Power management circuit (EH4295, EH301 and LED from left to right). 64 5.6 Flutter-based harvester - cantilever setup. 65 5.7 Flutter-based harvester with tip-attached cantilever setup (a) square (b) cylinder. 5.8 bluff body-inverted 66 Output of the coil on surface flutter-based microgenerator at various loads and wind speeds. 68 Output of the flutter-based microgenerator at various loads and wind speeds. 70 Output of flutter-based harvester at 4 m/s for 2 magnets and 8 magnets at top. 72 5.11 Output of flutter-based harvester at 4 m/s for 50m and 100m coils. 73 5.12 Output of flutter-based harvester at 4 m/s for 50m coil with top and back magnets. 74 Output of flutter-based harvester at 4 m/s for 50m coil with horizontal and vertical 8 magnets. 76 Output of flutter-based harvester at 4 m/s for 50m coil for various span of the cantilever 77 Output of flutter-based harvester at 4 m/s for 50m coil for various span of the cantilever 78 Experimental setup of 3 cantilevers with copper coils wound on its surface 79 5.17 Capacitor charging voltage over time. 80 5.18 Plot showing the raw induced voltage 81 5.9 5.10 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS Acoil Aw B Bmag Br b f h I i k L Lc LMT Lw M m N q Rc RL r0 ri S t U VT wd rotational derivatives; i= 1, 2, 3, 4 area of coil, m2 area of wire (conductor only), m2 Width of the cantilever, m magnetic field strength of the magnet, Tesla residual magnetic flux density, Tesla half chord width = B/2, m coil fill factor vertical displacement derivatives; i= 1, 2, 3, 4 vertical displacement, m section polar moment per unit length, m4 induced current through the microgenerator circuit, Ampere reduced frequency = b/U vertical aerodynamic force per unit length, N effective coil length, m length of wire, m length of wire, m aerodynamic pitching moment per unit length, Nm mass per unit length, Kg number of turns dynamic pressure of the wind microgenerator coil resistance, Ohm load resistance of the microgenerator circuit, Ohm coil outer radius, m coil inner radius, m Span of the cantilever, m coil thickness, m uniform wind velocity, m/s coil volume, m3 wire diameter, m induced electromotive force (e.m.f.) on coil, V magnetic flux density, Tesla resistivity of copper, Ohm angular displacement, deg density of air, Kg/m3 circular frequency of oscillation, rad/s xv 1. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION A wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. Monitoring includes remote locations in air pollution monitoring, forest fires detection, landslide detection, machine health monitoring and structures such as bridges, flyovers, embankments, tunnels, dams etc. Powering the remote sensors is a challenge, they were initially powered by batteries. These batteries powered sensors only for a certain period of time. This caused the sensors to go offline when they are running out of battery life. Battery life is crucial to the whole WSN. Replacing the batteries of every sensor after its life time is not an option, since a WSN involves several hundred sensors in complex structures and along with that these sensors are placed in remote locations which are often very difficult to reach periodically. Research is being done to explore the possibility of having an energy harvesting system integrated to the sensors of WSN so that they can operate continuously without running out of power. Wind energy which is a renewable energy source comes clean and has a power density proportional to cube of the wind speed; it promises a very good deal of energy when it is rightly converted. Wind energy harvesting shows a good sign in autonomous supply of power to the sensor nodes at raised locations for example bridges, dams, mountains etc. and remote locations such as wildlife sanctuaries. Since 1 these nodes need only a small amount of power, micro generators are suitable for this purpose. Conventional method of harvesting wind with the help of wind turbine is suitable only for larger applications. For smaller applications, when wind turbines were made in small sizes it reduces its lesser efficiency because of down scaling of the moving parts which had more friction compared to the rotational motion generated by the micro wind turbine. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Energy harvesting from natural wind sources is an area of interest for researchers since it promises power at a variety of locations for powering low power remote monitoring devices. Also, the power density of a natural wind source like breeze is considered enough and more suitable for micro energy harvesting applications to support remote monitoring. Usually small amounts of energy harvested are collected over a period of time in a capacitor, and then the accumulated energy is used by the sensor and wireless transmission device since they work once in every few hours. There have been numerous studies done on natural wind energy harvesting techniques using various energy transduction methods. This study aims on providing research data on flutter-based wind energy harvesting technique including mathematical model for design optimization, which can be later optimized for a specific application. Windbelt microgenerator using embedded magnets suffer from a decrease in the flux linkage between the magnets and the coil at high wind speeds. Thereby, reducing the efficiency of the microgenerator (Fei & Li, 2009). In addition, the windbelt microgenerator is designed for a specific natural frequency which is decided based on the most likely wind speed, whereas in real time the wind speed may vary 2 widely. Therefore, the windbelt microgenerator will be able to harvest wind energy practically only within a particular narrow range of wind speeds. At wind speeds other than the design speed, the output signal generated by the microgenerator is considerably lesser than its design output. 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a multiphysics mathematical model for non turbine wind harvesting microgenerator involving aeroelastic flutter and electromagnetic transduction. 2. To design a non turbine wind harvesting microgenerator. 3. To experimentally investigate the behavior of non turbine wind harvesting microgenerator at varied span, width and incident wind speeds . 1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research is mainly focused on developing and evaluating a new method of wind energy harvesting viable for a variety of applications. A comprehensive study was carried out in analytical, numerical and experimental stages of design and evaluation. A number of parameters were changed during the study and its effects are studied and discussed. Numerical simulations using FEA (Finite Element Analysis) through a commercial software Nastran were carried out as an evaluation for mathematical model proposed. The following list contains the key steps of this study. Literature survey and review Mathematical modelling of the non-turbine wind harvesting microgenerator o Time domain analysis of flutter-based harvester 3 o Frequency estimation of flutter-based harvester FEA analysis of the proposed design using Nastran Experimental construction and testing of microgenerator at various parameters. 1.5 SCOPE OF RESEARCH This research develops a non-turbine wind harvesting microgenerator which aims to harvest energy from wind sources mainly in environmental wind speeds. Although tests are conducted at higher wind speeds for evaluation and future design. Characterization of the proposed microgenerator is performed to conduct a detailed study which may be useful in selecting application or environment specific parameters during implementation. Also, a demonstration of microgenerator’s real time performance is carried out with suitable circuits and loads. 1.6 THESIS ORGANIZATION The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis wherein objectives, problem statement, research philosophy, research methodology and scope of the study has been described. The second chapter contains the literature review discussing various methods of energy harvesting and wind energy harvesting in particular. The third chapter explores the analytical modeling of flutter-based wind microgenerators and fourth chapter contains numerical analysis performed using Nastran. The fifth chapter presents the experimental setup and results. Conclusion and recommendations are presented in the sixth chapter. 4 2. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION ON ENERGY HARVESTING Energy harvesting which is performed to support remote application sensors mainly harvest energy from available sources of energy but in unusable form i.e., in electric voltage. These abundantly available sources of energy are converted into useful electrical energy with a proper transduction mechanism for storage and then use. This chapter describes the various energy sources both natural and artificial available around us, which can be harvested. Although the energy available at source is not large, it is still considered in many of the applications as a promising energy source because this small amount of energy is enough for harvesting to support a miniature remote monitoring application or its like. The energy harvesting is usually performed by converting the source energy into electrical voltage through a variety of steps. These steps convert the energy in one form to another which finally leads it to electrical form. Energy harvesting also involves the use of power conditioning and power storage circuits which usually support the remote device completely as a power source. 2.2 SOURCES FOR ENERGY HARVESTING The energy harvesting sources can mainly be broadly classified at the root level into two, natural and artificial. The natural sources are simply those which are available in the environment without any human interference. These are always driven by Mother 5 Nature’spowers.Thetwomainandlargesourcesofenergyprovidedbythenaturein many or most of the environment are radiation and wind sources. Solar radiations and wind breezes are the two forms of energy provided by these sources respectively. These sources depend on the concentration per area, radiations from the sun are usually classified by its energy density or W/m2 and it also depends on the location. Few locations have a very good exposure to sun during summer and do not have enough exposure during the winter. Also sun exposure is only during the day, which means the energy storage should be high enough to support the remote application for the night. Wind breezes are affected by this, but the microgenerators are provided with wind speeds of varying magnitude all throughout the day and every day a year. On the other side, the artificial sources are further classified into pressurized fluid, magnetic, noise, thermal, vibration and radiation sources. These artificial sources are man-made and mostly found in a majority of applications. These pressurized fluid sources are often created using fans, blowers and compressors. In an application where long lines of pneumatic lines or air ducts are running, microgenerators nearby can support themselves with this as an energy sources. This kind of application is also seen in air conditioning ducts where remote sensors are placed to monitor air quality and flow rate. Magnetic sources are available nearly everywhere today, majority of electronic components and home appliances have a magnetic influence to its neighbouring. In places where electromechanical devices are installed, a higher magnetic field is expected. For instance, an electric motor has a varying pole magnetic field around it, this can been harvested into usable electric energy. Acoustic energy or noise is available everywhere, it is of high intensity and repetitive nature from artificial sources, although natural noise sources are present. 6 Noise from trains, bus and other locomotives are few of the major sources of noise. Noise harvesting and reduction technique has been demonstrated suitable for trains (Kralov, Terzieva, & Ignatov, 2011). Thermal sources which radiate heat are also considered as a promising source of energy for remote harvesting. Heat is radiated from a majority of consumer applications, including computers, home appliances, cars and as large as industrial machines and chimneys. This heat which is usually wasted or lost into the environment can be converted using suitable methods into useful energy. Energy in the form of vibration is available everywhere similar to thermal and acoustic sources. This vibration varies in its amplitude and frequency from one source to another. Few sources like electric motors or other industrial machineries vibrate at a very high frequency and small amplitude, and other sources like buildings and bridges vibrate with small amplitudes and low frequency. These vibration sources are promising due to their availability as an energy source for remote applications. These vibration sources which are usually undesirable are dampened with dampers or other energy dissipating devices to reduce. This energy which is lost can be harvested into usable energy. With the advent of communication devices, the radio frequency spectrum has covered the entire globe with high concentration in the city areas. This radio frequency energy is present everywhere around us. These sources with little modification can also act as wireless energy providing techniques. 7 2.3 ENERGY HARVESTING TECHNIQUES 2.3.1 Photonic Energy Harvesting This is a method of converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using photovoltaics. Photovoltaics use semiconductors which exhibit photovoltaic effect. It is often electrically connected in multiples as solar photovoltaic arrays to convert energy from the sun into electricity. Photons from sunlight knock electrons into a higher state of energy, creating electricity. All photovoltaic devices are a derivate of photodiode. Radiations from the sun can be harvested using Photovoltaic cells. A thin film solar cell to power microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) electrostatic actuator was developed(Lee, Chen, Allen, Rohatgi, & Arya, 1995). The array contained 100 single cells connected in series with total area of only 1 cm2. Under incandescent lighting situations, an area of 1 cm 2 producedaround60μWofpower (Van der Woerd, 1998). Energy harvesting from light using biomedical microelectromechanical systems (Bio-MEMS) is also being carried out. Altering the dendrimer structure yields precise placement of chromophores that can serve as energy harvesters, mimicking photosynthesis. 2.3.2 Magnetic Energy Harvesting Magnetic energy harvesting is carried out by making use of flux leakage from magnetic applications, such as an electric motor. The alternating magnetic field in a three phase induction motor is used as the energy source. Here, a ferritic core with windings is designed to harvest magnetic flux around a 3 phase induction motor (Xue & Argueta, 2007). It was noted that different sizes and the materials for the core are parameters that demonstrate significant results. Also, the winding pattern and the 8 number of turns are characteristics that contribute to the amount of energy generated from the magnetic flux leakage of the motor. 2.3.3 Acoustic Energy Harvesting An acoustic energy harvester in demonstrated, this acoustic energy harvester uses a circular, piezoelectrically active diaphragm to covert acoustical energy to mechanical energy and then mechanical energy to electric energy. In that case, it is a micromachined piezoelectric diaphragm. An output of 0.34 W/ cm2 were achieved for an acoustic input of 149 dB. (Horowitz, Sheplak, Cattafesta, & Nishida, 2006) 2.3.4 Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting Pyroelectric scavenger and thermoelectric scavenger are used to harvest energy from thermal sources. Pyroelectric materials demonstrate a phenomenon of generating voltage a temporary voltage when they are heated or cooled. The position of atoms are modified within the crystal structure due to the change in temperature and it changes the polarization of the material. This polarization change induces a voltage potential across the material / crystal. A pyroelectric device can reach efficiency up to 50% of Carnot efficiency. Power peaks up to 0.2 mW cm−3 were found and a mean power of 1 µW cm−3 on average was generated (Sebald et al., 2009). 2.3.5 Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting Thermoelectric effect is the conversion of temperature differences into electric voltage or vice versa. This device creates a voltage when there is a different temperature on either side. On the other side, a thermoelectric material creates a temperature difference on either sides of it when an electric input is given. 9