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Clinical Science (1993) 84, 427433 (Printed in Great Britain)
Endotheliumdependent modulation of responses to
endothelin-l in human veins
William G. HAYNES and David J. WEBB
University of Edinburgh, Department of Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, U.K.
(Received 24 Augustl4 November 1992; accepted 4 January 1993)
1. We have investigated whether local vascular production of nitric oxide or prostacyclin regulates venoconstriction induced by the endotheliumderived pep
tide, endothelin-1, in vivo in man.
2. Six healthy subjects received local dorsal hand vein
infusion of endothelin-1 for 60min alone or, on two
separate occasions, co-infused with the donator of
nitric oxide, glyceryl trinitrate, or the vasodilator
prostaglandin, prostacyclin. In further studies,
endothelin-1 was co-infused with an inhibitor of nitric
oxide production, W-monomethyl-carginine, or
after oral administration of the irreversible inhibitor
of prostaglandin production, acetylsalicylic acid
3. At a low dose (5pmol/min), endothelin-1 alone
caused slowly developing and long-lasting venoconstriction (maximal constriction: 66 f 4%).
Although glyceryl trinitrate partially prevented
endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction (maximum:
33 &So/, inhibition of nitric oxide production did not
affect endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction (maximum: 55&4%).
4. Prostacyclin was more effective a t blocking the
venoconstriction in response to endothelin-1 than glyceryl trinitrate (maximum: 12&3%), and there was
substantial potentiation of endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction after pretreatment with aspirin (maximum: 90*3%).
5. Despite the capacity of nitric oxide to attenuate
responses to endothelin-1, P-monomethyl-L-arginine
did not potentiate endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction, suggesting little or no stimulated production of nitric oxide in human veins. However, the
potentiation of responses to endothelin-1 by aspirin
indicates that endothelial production of prostacyclin
attenuates responses to endothelin-1 in human veins
in vivo.
Endothelin-1 is a 21-amino acid peptide [l], and
is a member of a family of related peptides [2, 31.
Endothelin-1 appears to be the predominant isoform generated by the vascular endothelium [2],
and is a potent long-lasting vasoconstrictor and
pressor agent in animals [l] and humans [4, 51.
Endothelin-1 is more potent and effective as a
constrictor of isolated veins than it is of isolated
arteries [6, 71, and increased venous sensitivity to
endothelin-1 can also be indirectly observed in rat
pulmonary and mesenteric vascular beds [8, 91.
Endothelin- 1 causes transient vasodilatation in
uitro, and hypotension in uiuo [lo], before the
development of prolonged vasoconstriction and
hypertension. Endothelial denudation of the isolated
rat mesenteric bed abolishes the initial dilatation
caused by endothelin-1, and potentiates the subsequent constriction, suggesting a role for
endothelium-derived dilators in the modulation of
these responses [lo]. These dilators may include
prostacyclin [113 and non-prostanoid relaxing
factors, such as nitric oxide [12].
Evidence from studies in uitro and in uiuo in
animals has shown that both nitric oxide [13, 141
and prostaglandins [8, 15, 161 may have a role in
modulation of responses to endothelin-1. However,
the role of the endothelium in the regulation of
responses to endothelin-1 has not been investigated
in man. We have therefore examined, in uiuo in man,
whether nitric oxide or prostaglandins modulate the
responses of human dorsal hand veins to local doses
of endothelin-1. We have studied responses in
human subjects because the known interspecies
heterogeneity of endothelium-dependent vascular
responses limits the value of extrapolating from
results in animals to man [17], and have used local
doses of drugs because, when given systemically, any
direct vascular action may be obscured by direct
effects on other organs, such as the heart and
kidney. Furthermore, if systemic doses of a drug
were to alter blood pressure, stimulation of cardiac,
hormonal and neurally mediated reflexes would
make any vascular effects difficult to interpret. We
have studied responses in veins because of the
potential clinical relevance of the effects of
endothelin-1 on the venous system, in particular in
chronic heart failure [lS] and ischaemic heart disease [19, 201.
In order to examine whether nitric oxide or
dilator prostaglandins can influence responses to
Key words: aspirin, endothelium, N%nonomethyk-arginine, nitric oxide, prostacyclin, prostaglandins, veins.
Abbreviations: GTN, glyceryl trinitrate; L-NMMA, N-rnonomethyk-arginine.
Correspondence: Dr William G. Haynes, University of Edinburgh, Department of Medicine, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road, Edinburgh EH4 ZXU, U.K.
W. G. Haynes and D. J. Webb
endothelin-1, we have used glyceryl trinitrate
(GTN), an organic nitrate that is converted to nitric
oxide in vascular smooth muscle [2], and the
vasodilator prostaglandin, prostacyclin. We have
then investigated whether endogenous generation of
nitric oxide, or prostaglandins, modulates responses
to endothelin-I, by examining whether inhibitors of
nitric oxide synthase and cyclo-oxygenase affect
endothelin-1-induced venoconstriction.
Experimental procedures
Six healthy male subjects, between 20 and 28
years of age, participated in each of the studies,
which were conducted with the approval of the local
Ethics Review Committee and with the written,
informed consent of each volunteer. Subjects rested
semi-recumbent in a quiet room maintained at a
constant temperature for each study (between 25
and 27°C). The left hand was supported above the
level of the heart by means of an arm rest. A dorsal
hand vein was then selected, as described previously
[21], and a 23 SWG cannula (Abbott) was sited in
this vein in the direction of flow. Local anaesthesia
was not employed. The same dorsal hand vein was
used in each study.
The internal diameter of the dorsal hand vein,
distended by inflation of an upper arm cuff to
30mmHg, was measured by the technique of Aellig
[22]. In brief, a magnetized lightweight rod rested
on the summit of the infused vein approximately
l c m downstream from the tip of the infusion cannula. This rod passed through the core of a linear
variable differential transformer supported above
the hand by a small tripod, the legs of which rested
on the dorsum of the hand, distant from any dorsal
hand vein. If venoconstriction occurs during cuff
inflation, or if the upper arm cuff is deflated with
consequent emptying of the vein, there is a downward displacement of the lightweight rod. This
displacement causes a linear change in the voltage
generated by the linear variable differential transducer, and thus allows determination of the internal
diameter of the vein, after calibration against
standard displacements. Vein size was measured at
5 min intervals throughout each study.
Blood pressure was measured in the non-infused
arm using a well-validated semi-automated technique (Takeda UA-75 1 sphygmomanometer) [23].
Recordings were made three times, at 10min intervals, before infusion of endothelin- 1, with the last
measurement used as basal, and then every 30 min
after starting endothelin-1 infusion.
Endothelin- 1 (NovaBiochem, Nottingham, U.K.)
was administered in a dose of 5pmol/min, based on
results from previous studies [24]. A single dose was
used because the slow onset and long-lasting action
of endothelin-1 precludes the use of repeated doses
in a single study to examine conventional doseresponse relationships.
GTN (American Hospital Supply, Newbury, Berks,
U.K.) was administered in a dose of 2nmol/min.
GTN exerts its venodilator actions through vascular
generation of nitric oxide, independent of nitric
oxide synthase [2]. A dose of 2nmol/min should
maximally reverse constriction of dorsal hand veins,
as it is 100-fold higher than that necessary to
abolish constriction induced by noradrenaline [25],
and is sufficient to cause vasodilatation of the
forearm vasculature when given intra-arterially [26].
However, GTN at 2nmol/min is at least 10-fold
lower than a systemically active dose [27].
NG-Monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA; NovaBiochem), a specific substrate analogue inhibitor of
nitric oxide synthase in animals [12] and man [28],
was administered in a dose of 100nmol/min. This
dose of L-NMMA has no effect on basal hand vein
size, but prevents venodilatation of noradrenalinepreconstricted veins by the nitric oxide-releasing
agent acetylcholine [25]. A dose of 100nmol/min LNMMA is approximately 10 times lower than the
intra-arterial doses needed to constrict the forearm
vasculature [28], and is 1000 times lower than doses
used systemically [29].
The vasodilator prostaglandin, prostacyclin
(Wellcome, Beckenham, Kent, U.K.), was administered in a dose of 100pmol/min. Prostacyclin is the
most potent vasodilator prostaglandin produced by
blood vessels [ I l l , and is a selective venodilator of
the human dorsal hand vein as compared with the
forearm resistance bed [30]. The dose used was
shown in pilot experiments to maximally reverse
noradrenaline-induced venoconstriction, and is sufficient to cause vasodilatation of the forearm vasculture when given intra-arterially [30]. However, it is
at least 10-fold lower than a systemically active dose
Aspirin (600mg, as soluble tablets; Boots,
Nottingham, U.K.) was dissolved in 200ml of water
and was administered 30min before the start of the
endothelin-1 infusion. Aspirin irreversibly acetylates,
and thus inhibits, fatty acid cyclo-oxygenase
(prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase, EC
[32], which is responsible for the production of
prostaglandins and thromboxanes. When given at a
dose of 600 mg, aspirin inhibits bradykininstimulated endothelial production of prostacyclin by
at least 85%, with recovery occurring over the next
6 h [33]. Platelet thromboxane generation is also
inhibited by this dose of aspirin, although for much
longer periods [33].
All drugs, except for aspirin, were dissolved in
saline (0.9% NaCl; Travenol) and infused through
the venous cannula. The toal rate of infusion was
maintained constant throughout all studies at
0.25 ml/min. Where two agents were administered
Endothelium and veins
simultaneously, the two infusions mixed close to the
Study design
Comparison between the effects of different agents
on responses to endothelin-1 was facilitated by use
of the same subjects in five separate studies, each at
least 2 weeks apart. In each of these studies, after
initial saline infusion for 30 min, endothelin-1 was
infused for 60min, and was followed by saline
infusion for 30min. On each of four separate
occasions saline placebo, GTN, prostacyclin and LNMMA were co-infused with endothelin-1, with this
infusion maintained for 90min (see Fig. 1). In the
remaining study, subjects received a systemic dose
of aspirin orally 30min before the start of the
endothelin-1 infusion. The order of the studies was
as follows: in the first study, subjects received
endothelin-1 with saline placebo; in the second and
third studies, subjects received endothelin-1 with
GTN and L-NMMA, with the order governed by
balanced randomization; in the remaining studies,
subjects received endothelin-1 with prostacyclin and
aspirin, with the order again governed by balanced
Data presentation and statistics
Basal vein size was calculated, in mm, as the
mean of the last three measurements taken before
starting endothelin-1 infusion. Vein size during drug
administration was calculated for each 10min period by averaging the two recordings in each period,
and expressed as the percentage change in vein size
from basal. Unless otherwise stated, all results are
expressed as means +SEM. Data were analysed
using a repeated measures analysis of variance,
except when comparing basal vein size and blood
pressures, where Student’s paired t-test was used.
Statistical significance was accepted at the 5% level.
All six subjects completed each part of the study.
Internal vein diameter, before infusion of
endothelin-1 and drugs, did not differ significantly
between studies. Basal vein diameter was 1.1 f O . l ,
1.0f0.2, 0.9f0.1, l.lfO.l and 1.0fO.lmm before
infusion of endothelin-1 with saline placebo, GTN,
L-NMMA, prostacyclin and aspirin, respectively.
Endothelin-1 alone caused a slowly developing
venoconstriction (Fig. l), with a maximum 66i-4%
reduction in basal internal vein diameter at 60 min
(P=0.0001 versus basal). Venoconstriction was slow
to reverse, with 55 f 8% venoconstriction still
present 30 min after stopping endothelin-1.
GTN reduced, but did not prevent, the response
Time (min)
Fig. 1. Responses of veins to endothelin-l alone and with GTN or
prostacyclin. Endothelird was infused intravenously in six subjects with
saline placebo (m, 5 pmollmin), and, on separate occasions, with cdnfusion
of GTN (0,Znmollmin) or prortacyclin (0,lWpmol/min). There was
significantly less venoconstriction during co-infusion of prostacyclin with
endothelin-l than with GTN.
to endothelin-1 (P=0.0001 versus basal; P =O.W
versus endothelin-1 alone), with a maximum
33+5% reduction in vein size at 60min (Fig. 1). By
contrast, the decrease in vein size during infusion of
prostacyclin with endothelin- 1 was not significant,
with a 12f3% reduction in vein size at 60min
(P= 0.06 versus basal; P =O.OOO1 versus endothelin1 alone). The response to endothelin-1 during coinfusion of prostacyclin was significantly less than
that during co-infusion of GTN (P=0.04).
Co-infusion of L-NMMA with endothelin-1 (Fig.
2) led to a response that was not significantly
different from that to endothelin-1 alone (P= 0.124),
with a 55f4% venoconstriction at 60min
(P=O.OOOl versus basal). By contrast, infusion of
endothelin- 1 after oral aspirin caused a significantly
greater venoconstriction than endothelin-1 alone
(P=O.001 versus endothelin-1), with a 91 +2% venoconstriction at 60min (P=O.OOOl versus basal).
There was no significant difference between any of
the basal values for the mean systolic and diastolic
blood pressures, and blood pressure did not change
significantly after administration of any drug (Table
1). There were no significant differences in trends for
blood pressure after administration of endothelin-1
alone compared with endothelin-1 given with each
of the agents investigated.
W. G. Haynes and D. J.Webb
Table 1. Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures before and
during administration of drugs for each of the studies. Values are
means f SD. There was no significant difference between any of the b a d
values (paired t-test) and blood pressure did not change significantly after
administration of any drug (paired t-test).
Blood pressure (mmHg)
Time ... Basal
- 75
30 min
60 min
90 min
Endothelin-l with G T N
72+ 12
70+ 12
73+ 10
120+ I3
Endothelin-l with L-NMMA
l23+ 12
l23+ 10
l23+ I3
Endothelin-l with prostacyclin
71 +7
Ill+ 13
70+ 10
Endothelin-l with aspirin
Ill f I2
l26+ I7
71 +4
Endothelin-l alone
Time (min)
Fig. 2. Responses of veins to endothelial alone and with L-NMMA
or after aspirin. Endothelin-l was infused intravenously in six subjects
with saline placebo (W. 5pmol/min), and, on separate occasions. with
coinfusion of t-NMMA (0,lWnmol/min) or after oral aspirin ( 0 ,
600mg). Aspirin, but not t-NMMA, significantly potentiated
endothelin-I-induced venoconstriction.
In these studies, in healthy humans, we have
investigated local modulation of responses to
endothelin-1 in hand veins by the endotheliumderived mediators nitric oxide and prostacyclin. We
have shown that although donation of nitric oxide
by an organic nitrate partially prevents endothelin1-induced venoconstriction, inhibition of nitric oxide
synthase does not potentiate venoconstriction in
response to endothelin-1. In contrast with the findings for nitric oxide, the vasodilator prostaglandin,
prostacyclin, almost completely inhibited responses
to endothelin-1, and inhibition of endogenous
prostaglandin generation markedly potentiated responses to endothelin- 1. These findings suggest a role
for vascular generation of vasodilator prostaglandins in the modulation of venoconstriction to
endothelin- 1 in man.
In warm, comfortable, unstressed, semi-recumbent
subjects, human dorsal hand veins have no tone [21,
261 and, in previous studies, have been shown to
exhibit highly reproducible responses to agonists
such as noradrenaline at room temperatures of
between 22 and 26°C [22, 341. The lack of basal
tone contrasts with human forearm resistance vessels, which have also been used to investigate local
vascular responses. Intrinsic vascular tone is a disadvantage when investigating inhibition by dilator
agents of the effects of constrictors. For example,
brachial artery administration of nicardipine, into a
forearm where the resistance vessels have been
preconstricted with endothelin-1, causes an increase
of forearm blood flow to above basal [4]. This
implies that at least some, and perhaps all, of the
effect of nicardipine is mediated against basal arteriolar tone, rather than specifically against vasoconstriction to endothelin-1. Other workers have
used an alternative approach to overcome the
problem of basal tone in the forearm vasculature, by
eliciting maximum vasodilatation in response to
intra-arterial nitrates before administration of
endothelin-1 [35]. However, this does not remove
all underlying tone, as the maximum forearm blood
flow during post-ischaemia hyperaemia is substantially greater than that achieved using vasodilator
agents [36]. Also, in the prolonged studies needed
to examine the effects of endothelin-1, the doses of
vasodilators required for these types of forearm
studies may be close to those exerting systemic
effects, with potential for stimulation of reflex neurohumoral responses.
The use of a constant rate of infusion helped to
avoid the possibility that changes in flow through a
vein might alter local release of endothelium-derived
mediators. In any case, changes in flow are unlikely
to have biased our results, as previous studies have
Endothelium and veins
shown that increasing the rate of infusion by up to
loo%, but keeping the dose of drug infused constant, does not alter dorsal hand vein responses to a
number of agents [22, 261. The order of studies
performed was not fully randomized, leaving open
the possibility that an order effect may have
occurred. However, tachyphylaxis in response to
endothelin-1 seems unlikely in view of the potentiated responses to endothelin-1 observed with
aspirin pretreatment late in the study.
In these studies, endothelin-1 alone caused venoconstriction of slow onset, confirming earlier observations [24]; a long biological half-life is confirmed
by the presence of substantial venoconstriction
30 min after stopping endothelin-1 infusion (Fig. 1).
This prolonged effect of endothelin-1 contrasts with
the known short-lasting actions of noradrenaline, 5hydroxytryptamine and angiotensin I1 in human
dorsal hand veins [34].
The attenuation of endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction by GTN in this study suggests that
nitric oxide can, at least partially, prevent responses
to endothelin-1 in humans. It is of interest that
GTN did not completely prevent responses to
endothelin-1, even at a maximally effective dose, as
nitric oxide-releasing agents are capable of reversing
venoconstriction induced by most other constrictor
agents [26]. It is unlikely that our failure to observe
complete prevention of responses to endothelin-1
was due to an inadequate dose, as GTN is maximally effective against noradrenaline-induced venoconstriction even at doses 100-fold lower than those
used in this study [26]. However, our results are in
accord with studies in uitro, which have demonstrated less attenuation of responses to endothelin-1
with the nitric oxide donator sodium nitroprusside
in the saphenous vein than in the human internal
mammary artery [37]. The only studies in uiuo in
man have examined endothelin-1-induced vasoconstriction of the forearm resistance bed, and have
shown no effect of nitric oxide-releasing agents on
arteriolar constriction to endothelin-1 [35].
L-NMMA, at the dose used in this study, has no
effect alone on human hand veins, but maximally
prevents acetylcholine-induced venodilatation [25].
Hand veins, therefore, do not seem to produce nitric
oxide basally, but are capable of generating nitric
oxide when stimulated. Our finding, that L-NMMA
does not potentiate endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction, suggests that human dorsal hand veins
do not generate nitric oxide when stimulated by
endothelin-1. This contrasts with previous observations using cultured endothelial cells [38], and
studies in the rat pulmonary and mesenteric vascular beds [lo]. Furthermore, inhibition of nitric
oxide synthase potentiates responses to endothelin-1
in uitro in the rat mesenteric bed [13] and in uiuo in
the rat [14]. However, there is evidence of heterogeneity between species, with rabbit aorta producing
nitric oxide in response to endothelin-1, whereas pig
coronary artery generates prostacyclin [38]. In man,
43 I
there is evidence to suggest heterogeneity between
arterial and venous beds in the production of nitric
oxide. Brachial artery administration of L-NMMA
leads to substantial forearm vasoconstriction [28],
whereas L-NMMA alone has no effect on dorsal
hand vein size [25]. This suggests that there is
differential basal production of nitric oxide in the
resistance and capacitance beds of man. As human
saphenous veins in uitro are much less capable of
generating nitric oxide when exposed to platelets
than are internal mammary arteries [39], there may
also be differences between arteries and veins in the
stimulated generation of nitric oxide.
We have demonstrated that prostacyclin markedly attenuates venoconstriction induced by
endothelin-1. Previously, studies in uitro have shown
that exogenous prostacyclin can reverse endothelinl-induced constriction in human hand vessels,
although preferentially in arteries [40]. In our study,
the relatively greater efficacy of prostacyclin, as
compared with GTN, suggests that the mechanisms
of action of endothelin-1 in veins may be more
sensitive to increases in cyclic AMP than to
increases in cyclic GMP.
The potentiation of endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction in our study by aspirin suggests that
endothelin-1 stimulates vascular generation of vasodilator prostaglandins by the venous endothelium in
man. Previous studies of the effects on responses to
endothelin-1 of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition have
mainly examined the resistance vasculature of animals, and have given conflicting results. Although
aspirin pretreatment potentiates renal vasoconstriction to endothelin-1 in dogs, it has no effect
on endothelin-l-induced femoral vascular bed constriction [161. In rats, indomethacin potentiates
endothelin-l-induced mesenteric vasoconstriction,
although it also prevents renal vasoconstriction,
indicating that the peptide may release both dilator
and constrictor eicosanoids in uiuo [1 51. Endothelinl-stimulated release of constrictor eicosanoids is
supported by the demonstration that generation of
thromboxane is responsible, in part, for the
endothelin-l-induced venoconstriction of guinea-pig
lung [8]. In the only previous study in human veins,
indomethacin did not potentiate responses to
endothelin-1, but these experiments were performed
in uitro [40].
Our results are consistent with data showing that
endothelin-1 stimulates prostacyclin generation in
uitro by cultured endothelial cells [38], dog kidney
[16] and guinea-pig lung [8]. Endothelin-1 also
stimulates production of prostaglandin E2 [161, the
other major vasodilator prostaglandin produced by
the vasculature [41], and of the vasoconstrictor
eicosanoid, thromboxane A2 [lo]. That aspirin
potentiated, rather than inhibited, venoconstrictor
responses in this study suggests that, on balance,
there is relatively greater production of dilator than
of constrictor eicosanoids in endothelin-lconstricted veins. Of the vasodilator prostaglandins,
W. G. Haynes and D. J.Webb
prostacyclin is the most likely candidate for the
effects we have observed, since it is the major
prostaglandin product of large blood vessels [42],
whereas prostaglandin E2 is produced predominantly in the microvasculature [41, 431. It would be
of interest to examine whether prostacyclin also
modulates responses to endothelin-1 in the human
resistance vasculature. Unlike L-NMMA [28],
aspirin does not influence basal forearm resistance
vessel tone in man in uiuo [44], and therefore results
should be easier to interpret.
There are at least two distinct receptors for
endothelins [3]. The ETA receptor is the predominant subtype on vascular smooth muscle, selectively
binding endothelin-1, and accounting for the majority of the vasoconstrictor actions of the peptide.
Vascular expression of the ET, receptor seems to be
confined to endothelial cells, and stimulation of this
receptor may be responsible for the endothelin-lmediated production of vasodilator prostaglandins
that we have demonstrated. The stimulation of
generation of prostacyclin, but not nitric oxide, by
endothelin- 1 suggests that there are differences in
the mechanisms of signal transduction for endothelial production of these two dilator agents. Indeed,
although generation of both nitric oxide and prostacyclin are dependent on increases in intracellular
free Ca2+,studies in uitro have shown differences in
the pattern of elevation of intracellular free Ca2+
required for their production [45].
Elevated plasma concentrations of endothelin-1 in
patients with chronic heart failure [18], together
with our demonstration that endothelin-1 is a
potent long-lasting constrictor of human veins, suggests that endothelin-1 may contribute to the raised
cardiac filling pressures observed in heart failure.
Circulating endothelin- 1 concentrations are also
raised in patients with atherosclerosis, in proportion
to the severity of the disease, with strong immunostaining for endothelin- 1 in atherosclerotic arteries
[19]. These findings, taken with its potent constrictor [6] and mitogenic [46] effects, may indicate a
role for endothelin-1 in atherosclerosis. As atherosclerotic saphenous veins that have been used for
coronary artery bypass grafting have particularly
high immunostaining for endothelin-1 [20], it may
contribute to the high rates of late occlusion of
these grafts [47]. Saphenous veins have a relative
deficiency, in uitro, of stimulated nitric oxide production as compared with internal mammary arteries [39]. Thus, with only the production of
prostacyclin to attenuate constrictor influences, and
with the known increased sensitivity of large veins
to endothelin-1 [6], grafted saphenous veins may
be more likely to constrict and thus occlude. It
is interesting to speculate that our findings may
offer a further mechanism whereby prostacyclinsparing doses of aspirin may prevent saphenous
vein graft stenosis after coronary artery surgery
This study was supported by the Scottish Home
and Health Department.
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