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20th Century
Reading Guide for Pages 927-934
Truman’s Loyalty Program & The Congressional Loyalty Program
Programs President Truman created to monitor loyalties of Federal government employeesdescription, evaluation, and impact(s) on American society
o Federal Employee Loyalty Program
o Loyalty Review Board
o Smith Act
American Communist Party – size and impact of the era on membership
Goals and impacts of the McCarran Internal Security Act and HUAC
o Hollywood Ten
Impact of the Hiss-Chambers trial on American politics & society
Senator Joe McCarthy & The Causalities of Fear
The election of 1952 and the rise of Joseph McCarthy
Impact and significance of the arrest and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Eisenhower v. McCarthy-why the President didn’t challenge the Senator
The fall of McCarthy and McCarthyism
o Army-McCarthy hearings
Impact of the “anti-communist crusade” on American society in the 1940s-1950s (consider
the impact on Americans of all walks of life, in particular, those who traditionally were on
the outskirts of mainstream America (Native Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics,
laborers and unions, etc.)