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Devoneoux “Mr. Exercise” Smith
Blue Class
The Effects of Exercise on Respiration
Lab Preview:
1. What is breathing? Breathing is the process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs.
2. What is respiration? Respiration can have three meanings: a) blood exchanges gases with
air. b) blood exchanges gases with tissue. c) inside your cells, respiration makes energy.
Part I
Question: “How are the respiratory system and cardiovascular system linked?”
Hypothesis: I think that exercise will have an effect on respiration. I think this because
Materials & Methods:
∙ clock
∙ drinking straws
∙ bromothymol blue solution (100 mL)
∙ 400 mL beakers (2)
∙ graduated cylinder
At each lab station you will find 2 beakers. Fill each beaker with 50 mL of bromothymol
blue solution.
Assign one person to be the timer, and one person to perform the experiment.
Using a straw blow into the bromthymol blue solution until you see the color change from
blue to green or yellow. Be careful not to inhale the solution!
Have your partner time how long it takes for the solution to change color.
Write down the time it took for the color change in the observation table below.
Now run in place for 1 minute. You should feel a little winded when you are finished
Using the same straw but the 2nd beaker, blow into the solution and see how long it takes
for the solution to change from blue to green or yellow.
Write down the time it took for the color change in the observation table below.
Time (color change)
Pulse Rate
(beats per minute)
Burpees, before
Burpees, after
Analysis for part I:
What is the function of the respiratory system?
The function of the respiratory system is to get oxygen into your body and to expel carbon dioxide
from your body.
What caused the bromothymol blue solution to change color?
The bromothymol blue solution changed color because there was a chemical reaction with the
carbon dioxide.
Compare the time it took the bromothymol blue solution to change color before exercise
and after exercise.
After the exercising the bromothymol blue turned green faster. This is because the carbon dioxide
was expelled into it faster, because of the exercising.
Explain the difference in question #2
Already answered in question #2
What is the manipulated variable or the factor purposely changed to test your hypothesis?
The manipulated variable was the
amount of exercise.
Look at your observation table and make a graph of your results. Don’t forget a title and to
label the X and Y axis. Also remember to have equal spacing between numbers that go in order. .
.no skipping #s with a symbol. Remember to label the X and Y axis.
7. Using your graph, estimate the time of color change if the time of your physical activity were twice as long.
I think it would change color quicker because more carbon dioxide would be applied to it.
The Effects of Exercise on Respiration
Part II
Question: How are the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system linked?
Hypothesis: I think that jumping jacks will have the most effect on respiration.
Materials & Methods:
● data from part I
1. Compile class data for “color change” and “pulse rate”.
2. Calculate the mean, median, mode, and quartiles for the class data set.
3. Create box and whisker plots for each type of exercise.
Exercise One
difference in color change time
Exercise One
difference in pulse rate
4.00 sec.
57 beats
0.15 sec.
19 beats
5.35 sec.
12 beats
4.03 sec.
13 beats
no mode
no mode
Exercise Two
difference in color change time
Exercise Two
difference in pulse rate
56 beats
40 beats
61 beats
4.6 bar
52.3 bar
no mode
In class, we have been studying the many systems of the body, and how they interact with
each other. For example, the skeletal system produces red blood cells for the circulatory system,
works with the muscular system to help you move, and protects many organs. What I have been
studying relates to the lab that I just conducted because, in this lab, I was trying to understand and
how the respiratory and cardiovascular systems interact.
During this lab, I was trying to answer the question, “How are the respiratory system and
the cardiovascular system linked?” We conducted the lab in two parts. My hypothesis for the first
part was: I think that exercise will have an effect on respiration. I thought this because when you
exercise you tend to breathe harder. And, breathing is part of the respiratory system. My
hypothesis for the second part of the lab was: I think that jumping jacks will have the most effect on
respiration. I thought this because I think that doing jumping jacks is more difficult than doing
burpees. My data supported my first hypothesis. Exercise does have an effect on respiration, it
increases it. My data did not support my second hypothesis. Jumping jacks do not have more of
an effect on respiration than burpees.
I will use the information I learned from this investigation to be more aware of my
respiration rate (pulse rate) the next time I exercise. I will also use it to answer my original
question. The respiratory and cardiovascular systems are linked because as you exercise more
your heart needs to pump more blood to all parts of the body. Your respiratory system needs to
bring more oxygen to the blood and carry more carbon dioxide out of the body. I still have some
questions about the topic we are studying. I am wondering what is the exercise that benefits the
most body systems all at the same time. I am also wondering if it is possible to exercise too much
and damage the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.