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Monday, Jan 29 Bell Ringer: Copy slide titled Chapter 2, Section 2 Invaders, Traders, and Empire
Builders into the workbook on page 17.
Red Heading: First Empires Arise in Mesopotamia; Main Idea: Powerful leaders
created large, well-organized empires. They established civil and criminal law.
Red Heading: Conquests Bring New Empires and Ideas; Main Idea: Later
empires brought new technology, and ideas about laws and culture. One of the
world’s first libraries is built.
Red Heading: The Persians Establish a Huge Empire; Main Idea: The Persians
create and unify a large empire. A money economy and a new religion develop.
Red Heading: Contributions of Phoenician Sea Traders; Main Idea: The
Phoenicians, a sea-trading people, become known for their manufactured
goods and spread features of Middle Eastern culture around the
Mediterranean, the most important being their alphabet, on which our
alphabet is based.
Paideia Seminar: The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi Prompts
• Clockwise – Retitle the 282 laws written in the Code of Hammurabi.
(Cannot use same title as a previous student in this round. All
students must respond.)
• Random –Cite a piece of specific text from the “Code” that
demonstrates either legal equality of Babylonian citizens, legal rights
of women or other citizens or groups, or consumer protections.
• Random – Cite a piece of specific text that is similar to any modern
laws, Constitutional principles, and/or rules of society and offer an
explanation of why you believe it is similar.
• Counter clockwise – Express your opinion about Hammurabi’s Code
based on specific evidence from the text. Explain whether you
thought the rules were just or unjust and why by citing a piece of
specific text.
Cradles of Civilization in the Eastern
Ancient River Valley Civilizations
• Oldest known
• Cradle of Human
• Old Testament
• Nebuchadnezzar
• Ziggurat (right)
• Hanging gardens
• This civilization rose in
the valleys between
the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers.
• Some say this Fertile
Crescent was the real
Garden of Eden.
In what modern day country was the Fertile
Ur, the capital city of Mesopotamia
Political:What was the earliest kingdom in
Mesopotamia? The second?
Tower of Babel
Most well known Ziggurat?
Hanging gardens of Babylonia
The ancient city of Babylon, under King Nebuchadnezzar
II, must have been a wonder to the traveler's eyes. "In
addition to its size," wrote Herodotus, a historian in 450
BC, "Babylon surpasses in splendor any city in the known
Herodotus claimed the outer walls were 56 miles in length,
80 feet thick and 320 feet high. Wide enough, he said, to
allow a four-horse chariot to turn. The inner walls were "not
so thick as the first, but hardly less strong." Inside the walls
were fortresses and temples containing immense statues of
solid gold. Rising above the city was the famous Tower of
Babel, a temple to the god Marduk, that seemed to reach to
the heavens
Another painting of the hanging gardens with
Tower of Babel in back
Political:Mesopotamian Law
• Code of Hammurabi
• Oldest set of recorded law
• “eye for an eye tooth for a
Economic: trade and farming
• Sumerians (Mesopotamians)
were known to trade with the
Egyptians and the Indus Valley
• In later years, these trade
routes became Silk Road.
Judaism originated in the Middle East around 1000
BCE. According to Jewish tradition, God chose the
Hebrews and helped them to escape slavery in Egypt.
Judaism was one of the first monotheistic religions.
Basic Beliefs of Judaism
~The Torah is a sacred
scripture recording laws and
events in Jewish history and
is the first five books of the
Hebrew Bible.
~Patriarchal with men
having authority.
~Laws on food cleanliness
called Kosher.
10 Commandments
~God gave
Hebrews the 10
through Moses.
~The Ten
describe how
people should
behave toward God
and one another.
Beliefs Continued…
God made a covenant, or
promise to Abraham to be
the God of the Hebrews.
Judaism had a great
influence on the later
development of
Christianity and Islam.
Beliefs Continued…
~David established the kingdom of Israel with
the 12 tribes of Israel.
~Solomon built Jerusalem into a capital city
and a great temple called Solomon’s Temple.
~Sabbath is a day of rest and worship and is on
~Prophets urged social justice and taught codes
of ethics and moral standards of behavior.
Jews were discriminated against in the Roman Empire and
eventually kicked out of their homeland, Israel, in what is known
as the Diaspora.
That concludes