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Summer Conference
The Living Solar System
July 17th - 20th 2017
The conference will unveil major new developments in understanding Rudolf Steiner's
description of the etheric solar system. New discoveries illuminate it as a living organism.
We will be applying the Goethean science approach to astronomy and biology,
incorporating significant confirmations of Steiner's descriptions. Much of what we cover
could be used in upper school education and be helpful for teachers or anyone interested
in ensouled views of our universe. Major themes of the conference are:
Within the solar vortex the planets spiral within spirals in a manner never previously
demonstrated. (Very different to anything on YouTube). Very profound indications by
Rudolf Steiner concerning this remain a great puzzle. In this intense short conference a
clear understanding of what he is pointing to will be unveiled.
New understanding of the laws developed by Kepler can demonstrate the archetypal
form and movement of the solar system. Newly developed versions of his equations give
fascinating results.
Man as a microcosm of the macrocosm: The study of embryology and astronomy
illuminate each other. Rudolf Steiner's suggestion that this is so will be shown to produce
important results. For example, as Steiner indicated, the polarity of comets and the
moon will be shown to have profound connection with egg fertilisation and genetic
The further hope from meeting is to form a group of people who will develop and share
ideas for more research, and find ways to publicise it. The setting for the conference is
the wonderful mansion at Michael Hall School. Inexpensive accommodation and meals
will be available. Places will be limited so we recommend early booking. Further details
will be on the schools website from the end of February.
More immediately you can make contact through: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Contributors: (as at 1/5/2017)
David Smith began a PhD in Steiner’s astronomy at York University, on hold when became
Head of Education at Cotswold Chine School. Currently a class teacher at Michael Hall.
Following a lifetimes research Mr Smith is the lead presenter of the conference themes.
Susan Kelly is a Bothmer gymnastics specialist at Michael Hall
Rose Thomas is currently teaching clay modelling at Michael Hall.
Simon Grimshaw is the upper school biology teacher Michael Hall
Alexander Murrell has taught Astronomy and Physics for 25 years at Wynstones Rudolf
Steiner School and is interested in all aspects of cosmology from ancient to modern.
Outlines of our themes (more details will be updated on our website during May
and June)
The archetypal form of our solar system revealed
Our solar system has a clear form revealed by planetary distances and motion. There is
an archetypal structure to which the solar system very closely fits. This will be presented along with Steiner’s recognition of why there are very small discrepancies which will
increase over time.
New mathematical discoveries shows the incredible inherent archetypal form that once
existed. This has been developed from what lies behind Kepler’s observations of the fluid
nature of the Solar system that was buried by Newton’s wonderful generalisations. This
theme will be developed over two talks.
Comets and the Moon
Rudolf Steiner describes the polarity between the cometary and the lunar forces in
cosmic and human life. Much new evidence supports his ideas of their roles in life and
His suggestion that these are the cosmic archetypes of seed and egg in fertilisation has
been shown to be much more than metaphor . Riveting evidence for the macrocosmic
processes behind the evolution of fertilisation, genetic evolution and the emergence of
imagination and memory in humans will be presented. This view is neither that of the
creationist nor the Neo-Darwinist, but sees Nature as an artist. Recognising this we can
become artists of understanding her. Various lines for further research will be outlined.
Cosmic embryology
Steiner called for the development of understanding what is really happening in
embryology by looking to solar system phenomena and astronomy. Startling results have
been found through this. The solar system itself will be more profoundly understood as a
living organism through the process of developing these major macrocosmic and
microcosmic imaginations.
Spirals within spirals: the etheric body of our planetary system
In various lectures on astronomy Steiner gives indications that not only is our planetary
system ensouled and deeply related to the human soul, but it also has an etheric body.
He tells us that the planets are really making movements we are not aware of. These
have been overlooked in the history of the development of astronomy. That this could be
true in our modern age of space exploration seems impossible.
However what Steiner is pointing to will be clearly presented, and the enormous value of
recognising it.
Drawing a Planetary Relationship: Geometry Session
Beginning with mutual relationships in time between Earth and Venus, there is an elegant way of constructing the geocentric orbit of Venus which can be carried out by all
participants. The technique can be extended to other planets and naturally involves
some reflections on cycles of time and movements in space. A possible way Johannes
Kepler discovered his Third Law will be described.
Time, Space, and Force
In our scientific age, Astronomy gave rise to Celestial Mechanics and then Astrophysics. What can be learned by looking back over this development? Why is it important to
notice the transition from kinematics (pure movement) to dynamics? How do different
kinds of thinking relate us to the phenomena of the worlds beyond the Earth?
Draft Timetable (Subject to change though all themes will be covered)
Day 1 - Monday 17th July
17:30 19:00 Registration Welcome and Tours.
Evening Talk - The archetypal structure of the solar system.
Day 2
08:30 Movement - Bothmer Gym.
Morning Session - The archetypal motion of the solar system. This is based on new understanding of Kepler’s observations, and Steiner’s clarification of the etheric structure of our solar system.
10:15 Coffee Break
11:00 Morning Session continued - Drawing a Planetary Relationship. An
exercise helpful to understanding Kepler’s laws and how he may have developed them.
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Modelling Session - Unravelling the human heart.
Modelling the human heart will show it to have the vortex form.
One group will model in clay while a second group has a presentation and videos.
After a short break these groups will swap activities.
17:00 Plenum with discussion.
Evening Talk - Comets and the moon.
(Optional) Late evening sky observations perhaps with telescope.
Day 3
08:30 Bothmer Gym
09:15 Morning Session - Macrocosm and microcosm.
The macrocosmic reality behind our 3-D bodily structure.
10:15 Coffee Break
Morning Session continued - Time, Space, and Force
Modelling Session - The metamorphosis of radial, limb bones into skull bones. One group will model in clay while a second has a presentation with videos.
17:00 Plenum with discussion
17:30 Supper Break
21:00 Evening Talk - Spirals within spirals.
The answer to many of Steiner’s puzzling indications about actual planetary spiral and lemniscatory movements.
Day 4
08:30 09:00
Bothmer Gym
Plenum and Discussion - Lines for further research.
Planning a follow up. Developing a research journal online
and keeping in touch.
Preparatory Reading: Works by Rudolf Steiner (available free from steinerelib
The third scientific lecture course: astronomy
The relation of the diverse branches of natural science to astronomy 1921
This is a fundamental text where Steiner indicates the relation of macrocosm to microcosm on a more scientific basis. We can look to the cosmos to understand biological
forms but we can look to biological forms to gain indications of the real movement of
the solar system rather than the relative.
Man: hieroglyph of the universe 1920
Now published as Mystery of the universe
Presented the year before the above this course gives a basis and methodology for training and tuning our spiritual perception of the macrocosmic solar system. It introduces an
understanding of our three-dimensional form as a microcosm of space. And how organic
three dimensions: below and above the heart, front and back, left and right point to
deep aspects of macrocosmic space.
The spiritual beings in the heavenly bodies and in the Kingdoms of nature 1912
A crucial course for developing a picture of the etheric solar system. It is, however, only
a series of indications. We will show the solar structure it is clearly suggesting.
The spiritual hierarchies 1907
The later lectures in this series point to significant ideas that can help understand what
Steiner means when he suggests that astronomy and embryology can illuminate each
other. However, this gives only the basis which can be elaborated by other aspects of his
For other works watch this space...
Kidbrooke Park, Priory Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JA
Tel: 01342 822275 - Registered charity number 307006