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“How-to” Guide
Deleting V5 Folders
Table of Contents
Deleting V5 Folders ........................................................................................................................ 2
X3 Console – deselect the folder’s publication .......................................................................... 2
Windows Explorer – delete the folder......................................................................................... 2
Database - Remove everything from the database...................................................................... 4
Oracle ...................................................................................................................................... 4
SQL Server.............................................................................................................................. 4
SQL Server ............................................................................................................................... 10
X3 – Delete the Folder .............................................................................................................. 12
© 2008 Sage
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Deleting V5 Folders
Deleting V5 Folders
Make sure all users are out of the folder in X3.
X3 Console – deselect the folder’s publication
Go to the X3 Console, select ‘Web Servers’, the ‘Publications’ Tab, and deselect the folder. Then
select ‘Apply’ button.
If you don’t have access to the X3 Console, you can manually delete the reference in all the xml files and
the httpd.conf file.
Deleting the folder –
deselect the publication
Windows Explorer – delete the folder
In Windows Explorer, go to the folders\X3_pub directory
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Deleting V5 Folders
Select the folder to be deleted
and delete it.
Delete the folder
Delete the folder
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Deleting V5 Folders
Database - Remove everything from the database
drop user FOLDER cascade;
drop tablespace XXX_DAT including contents and datafiles cascade constraints ;
drop tablespace XXX_IDX including contents and datafiles cascade constraints ;
SQL Server
via SQL Manager studio
drop the login referring to the folder
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Deleting V5 Folders
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Deleting V5 Folders
Delete the tables
Use the table filter to select the Folder (Schema you want to delete).
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Deleting V5 Folders
Highlight all of the tables to be deleted but not the System Tables.
Right-click and select Delete. Confirm deletion.
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Deleting V5 Folders
Drop the user
You may receive a warning to allow you to also delete the Schema. Click Yes.
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Deleting V5 Folders
Drop the database
Confirm deletion.
If removing the entire database, right-click on database name and select delete. Confirm
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Deleting V5 Folders
SQL Server
Via SQL Query
delete SS_SEQUENCE where usr='FOLDER' to drop the sequences
Go to Enterprise Manager, select the SQL server, then Database and then sort by owner and
delete the data tables for the folder being deleted.
Sorted by owner then
select all tables of the
folder to be deleted.
In this case CONV1 is
being deleted.
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Deleting V5 Folders
The ‘Drop Objects’ dialog box will come up. Scroll through the box and make sure the
owner is the ONLY folder you are deleting. Then click ‘Drop All’.
From Enterprise Manager, select security/logins and delete the SQL logins for the folders
to be removed.
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Deleting V5 Folders
X3 – Delete the Folder
Go into X3. Go to Parameters / General Parameters / Folders, select the folder and click the Delete
At the dialog box stating ‘Folders Deletion’, click OK.
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