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Counting Atoms Model Activity
(Elements, Compounds, Mixtures)
Elements are one type of atom alone (gold atoms = Au), or the same type of atom bonded to each other as a
molecule (O2 = oxygen molecule.). Notice that subscripts, like O2 indicate the number of atoms of the element
to the left of the subscript. Elements are the basic building blocks of all matter in the universe.
When atoms of different elements chemically bond together they form a compound, which is one complex item
made of different elements bonded together. These bonded elements can only be separated by chemically
breaking the bond. If more then one element or compound is present, this can be expressed with coefficients.
For example, 2 H2O is two molecules of water, 4 Au is four gold atoms, and 5 O2 is five oxygen molecules.
If more than one different element or compound exists in the same material and they are not chemically bonded,
then we call the material a mixture. The separate items in the mixture can be physically separated. A good
mixture example would be gold atoms floating around in water, Au & H2O
In your bag you should find 13 nuts, 13 bolts, and 22 paper clips. The paper clips, bolts and nuts represent
atoms of various elements. You will notice that each different type of element is represented by different type
of atom. Below are the element symbols. Diagram below each name before doing the lab.
Bo = boltium atoms
P = paperclipium atoms
Nu = nutogen atoms
Directions: Your job is to make the substances listed below. As you make one, place it on the white board and
label it’s chemical formula using the whiteboard markers. When you have them all made and labeled, call the
instructor over to have them graded. Only after you are check, diagram them exactly on your report.
Substance # 1: Nu3P2
Substance # 5: 3 Bo and
Substance # 2: P(BoNu3)2
Substance # 6: 3 P
Substance # 3: P2Nu
Substance # 7: 2 Bo2Nu
Substance # 4: 2 P2
Substance # 8: 2 Bo
1. Which of the above substances are elements? ___________________________________
2. Which of the above substances are compounds? _________________________________
3. Which of the above substances are mixtures? ___________________________________
4. How many total atoms are in each of the above substances?
5. How can you look at any chemical formula and decide if it is an element or compound?
6. What do the large numbers (coefficients) in from of a formula tell you about the substance?
7. What do the little numbers (subscripts) describe?
Transfer the models you have drawn on your whiteboard to this sheet of paper. Label
each box as element, compound or mixture.
Substance # 4: 3 Bo and P3
Substance # 1: Nu3P2
Substance # 2: P(BoNu3)2
Substance # 5: 3 P
Substance # 3: P2Nu and P2
Substance # 6: 2 Bo2Nu
Substance # 4: 2 P2
Substance # 8: 2 Bo and BoP3