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(Objectives 8-9 correspond with Chapters 8-11 Note Packets.)
1. Which three legacies did the French Revolution leave on world history?
2. Was Napoleon’s attempt to conquer Europe successful?
3. Define Napoleonic Code?
4. The French Revolution awakened feelings of __________________________ and led to
the growth of ______________________.
5. The ____________________________ attempted to restore Europe as it had been before
the French Revolution and Napoleon’s attempt to conquer Europe.
6. At the Congress of Vienna, participants came up with the “__________________
____________________” doctrine. What did this seek to do?*
7. The Congress of Vienna also sought to restore the _________________ who had been
removed from power during Napoleon’s attempt to conquer Europe.
8. The Congress of Vienna also led to the development of new political philosophies,
specifically ___________________ and _____________________.
9. Define liberal.
10. Define conservate.
11. What was a powerful force behind European politics during the nineteenth century?
Define nationalism.
12. What three things stimulated the growth of nationalism?
13. The terms of the Congress of Vienna led to widespread _________________ in Europe.
(The majority of the people did not want to go back to way things had been before the
French Revolution.) Demands for political rights led to ____________________ in
1848. Were these revolutions successful?
14. Which country (in contrast to continental Europe) expanded political rights by passing
laws and by making slavery illegal?
15. Which two countries unified long after the rest of Europe?
16. Who unified northern Italy?
17. Who joined southern Italy to northern Italy?
18. Which states became the last to join Italy?
19. Who played a key role in unifying Germany?
20. He led Prussia in the unification of Germany through ________ and by appealing to
___________________ feelings.
21. Bismarck’s actions were seen as an example of what?
Define realpolitik.
22. Which war led to the creation of the German state?
1. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
Where did it spread?
2. The Industrial Revolution led to an increased demand for ___________________ from
the ______________, ____________, and _________________.
3. What produced the Industrial Revolution?
4. What altered the lives of people living in the new industrial cities?
5. Why did the Industrial Revolution originate in England?
6. Which three industries played a major role in the Industrial Revolution?
7. What was the British enclosure movement? (Look under “enclosure” in the glossary.)
8. The Industrial Revolution led to the rise of the ______________________ and the
demise of ________________________________. Rising economic powers that wanted
to control ___________________________ and ________________ throughout the
9. The spread of industrialism accelerated ___________________ and
10. Who created the spinning jenny?
11. Who perfected the steam engine?
12. Who created the cotton gin?
13. Who developed a better, cheaper method for processing steel?
14. Who developed the smallpox vaccination?
15. Who discovered bacteria?
16. The Industrial Revolution led to an increase in the ___________________; better
______________________________ for many, though not all; improved
____________________; increased ___________________, and the growth of the
17. Problems, such as _____________________ (the movement of people to the cities),
environmental __________________, and dissatisfaction of working class with poor
__________________________, were also side effects of the Industrial Revolution.
18. What fueled the Industrial Revolution?
19. Which two political ideas were created as an alternative to capitalism?
20. Who wrote the Wealth of Nations?
In the Wealth of Nations, he favored capitalism and he did not want the
____________________ to interfere in the economy. (p. 650)
21. Who wrote the Communist Manifesto and Das Capital?
22. Communists wanted to redistribute society’s __________________.
23. What were agricultural economies based upon?
24. The Industrial Revolution had a serious impact on the _______________ and
_________________ of the family.
25. Family-based cottage industries were displaced by the ________________ system. Men
had to deal with _________________________________, as well as compete with
______________ and __________________ for jobs. Factories also used
____________________ to keep the costs low and profits high. Finally, the owners of
mines and factories exercised a huge amount of _______________ over the lives of their
26. The development of the cotton gin increased the demand for ________________ on
American plantations. Eventually, however, the United States and Britain
_______________ the slave trade and then slavery.
27. What did workers organize to fight for improved working conditions and workers’ rights?
28. Labor unions encouraged workers to _______________ to increase ___________ and
improve working conditions. They also lobbied for __________ to improve the lives of
workers, including women and children. Labor unions wanted worker rights and
____________________________ between workers and management.
29. Define collective bargaining.
30. What two things did the industrial nations in Europe need to expand their economies?
31. What motivated European nations to compete for colonial possessions?
32. European economic, military, and political power forced colonized countries to do what?
33. What flooded colonial markets and displaced their traditional industries?
34. Did colonized peoples resist European domination?
35. Over which two continents did Europe compete to secure their economic and political
36. Define imperialism.
37. Imperialism spread the ______________, ______________, and _____________
philosophies of Europe throughout the world. Imperialism could take the forms of
colonies, protectorates, and spheres of influence.
38. Define colonies. (Use the chart on p. 346)
39. Define protectorates. (Use the chart on p. 346)
40. Define spheres of influence. (Use the chart on p. 346)
41. Resistance to imperialism took many forms including ______________________ and
42. Did Christian missionaries attempt to convert Africans and Asians?
43. In which country were spheres of influence established?
44. France helped finance the construction of the __________________, which connects the
Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
45. Which British company dominated India?
46. Which country opened Japan to trade?
47. Describe the Boxer Rebellion in China.
48. The rise of ___________________ also occurred in India in response to British
domination. When was the first Indian nationalist party formed?