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ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61: 572e584 (2004) doi:10.1016/j.icesjms.2004.03.021 Carbon cycling through the pelagic foodweb in the northern Humboldt Current off Chile (23(S) H. E. González, R. Giesecke, C. A. Vargas, M. Pavez, J. Iriarte, P. Santibáñez, L. Castro, R. Escribano, and F. Pagès González, H. E., Giesecke, R., Vargas, C. A., Pavez, M., Iriarte, J., Santibáñez, P., Castro, L., Escribano, R., and Pagès, F. 2004. Carbon cycling through the pelagic foodweb in the northern Humboldt Current off Chile (23(S). e ICES Journal of Marine Science, 61: 572e584. The structure of the zooplankton foodweb and their dominant carbon fluxes were studied in the upwelling system off northern Chile (Mejillones Bay; 23(S) between October 2000 and December 2002. High primary production (PP) rates (1e8 gC m2 d 1) were mostly due to the net-phytoplankton size fraction (O23 mm). High PP has been traditionally associated with the wind-driven upwelling fertilizing effect of equatorial subsurface waters, which favour development of a short food chain dominated by a few small clupeiform fish species. The objective of the present work was to study the trophic carbon flow through the first step of this ‘‘classical chain’’ (from phytoplankton to primary consumers such as copepods and euphausiids) and the carbon flow towards the gelatinous web composed of both filterfeeding and carnivorous zooplankton. To accomplish this objective, feeding experiments with copepods, appendicularians, ctenophores, and chaetognaths were conducted using naturally occurring plankton prey assemblages. Throughout the study, the total carbon ingestion rates showed that the dominant appendicularian species and small copepods consumed an average of 7 and 5 mgC ind 1 d 1, respectively. In addition, copepods ingested particles mainly in the size range of nano- and microplankton, whereas appendicularians ingested in the range of pico- and nanoplankton. Small copepods and appendicularians removed a small fraction of total daily PP (range 6e11%). However, when the pico- C nanoplankton fractions were the major contributors to total PP (oligotrophic conditions), grazing by small copepods increased markedly to 86% of total PP. Under these more oligotrophic conditions, the euphausiids grazing increased as well, but only reached values lower than 5% of total PP. During this study, chaetognaths and ctenophores ingested an average of 1 and 14 copepods ind 1 d 1, respectively. In terms of biomass consumed, the potential impact of carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton on the small-size copepod community ( preferred prey) was important (2e12% of biomass removed daily). However, their impact produced more significant results on copepod abundance (up to 33%), which suggests that carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton may even modulate (control) the abundance of some species as well as the size structure of the copepod community. Ó 2004 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: coastal foodweb, gelatinous zooplankton, Humboldt Current system, trophic carbon flow. Accepted 23 March 2004. H. E. González, R. Giesecke, and P. Santibáñez: Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Biologı́a Marina, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile. H. E. González and R. Escribano: Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas del Pacı́fico Sur-Oriental (COPAS), Concepción, Chile. C. A. Vargas, M. Pavez, L. Castro, and R. Escribano: Universidad de Concepción, Departamento de Oceanografı́a, Concepción, Chile. J. Iriarte: Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Acuicultura, Puerto Montt, Chile. F. Pagès: Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC), Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. Correspondence to H. E. González: Universidad Austral de Chile, Instituto de Biologı́a Marina, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile; e-mail: [email protected]. 1054-3139/$30.00 Ó 2004 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Carbon cycling in the northern Humboldt Current Introduction The frequent upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich equatorial subsurface water (ESSW) along the coast off Antofagasta in the northern region of the Humboldt Current system during most of the year (Rodrı́guez et al., 1991; Marı́n and Olivares, 1999) supports a highly productive phytoplankton assemblage (dominated by chain-forming diatoms) that in turn sustains a large pelagic commercial fishery. In this coastal ecosystem, the main flux of material and energy is assumed to flow through the ‘‘classical food chain’’ (sensu Ryther, 1969; Steele, 1974). In contrast, systems dominated by small-size phytoplankton components (less than 23 mm) fuel the microbial foodwebs within the photic layer. The ESSW is nutrient-repleted and stimulates primary production (PP) in a narrow band (ca. 20 nmi) from the coast (Escribano et al., 2002), which in turn promotes the presence of copepods and their predators, such as ctenophores, fish larvae, cnidarians, and chaetognaths. A less studied component of this trophic flux scenario is the role played by the gelatinous components or the ‘‘gelatinous foodweb’’. Gelatinous carnivorous zooplankton groups are common in most pelagic trophic webs and they are key components in the pelagic system (Båmstedt, 1990). They seem to be opportunistically positioned to utilize secondary production that is ordinarily consumed by fish (Mills, 1995). Because of the rapid population growth of most gelatinous species (Hopcroft et al., 1998), high density of these organisms often occurs during the periods of high PP. 573 However, the potential role of the gelatinous groups modulating the seasonal zooplankton abundance in upwelling areas is still unclear, partly because there are too few estimates of their production rates and partly because estimates of predation rates of these gelatinous groups are almost non-existent to date in upwelling systems off Chile. Five research cruises (GEMINIS IeV: GElatina Marina: Inicio de Nuevas Investigaciones del Sistema): Austral spring 2000 (19e23 October), Austral summer 2001 (2e11 February), Austral winter 2001 (1e11 August), Austral spring 2001 (20e30 October), and Austral spring 2002 (30 Novembere8 December: only experimental work with ctenophores) were conducted at a 130-m-deep permanent station (23(00.15#S; 70(26.43#W), located at ca. 8 nmi from the coast on the continental shelf. Simultaneously with the cruises, experimental studies on feeding behaviour of principal crustaceans and both gelatinous carnivores and filter-feeders were carried out at a coastal marine laboratory in Mejillones Bay (Figure 1). The main objectives of this study were twofold. The first objective was to estimate the carbon flux through the first step of the ‘‘classical’’ foodweb in a coastal marine system from PP to dominant crustaceans grazers (copepods and euphausiids). The second objective was to estimate the fraction of PP consumed by appendicularians and the fraction of the small-size copepod standing stock consumed by gelatinous carnivores, such as chaetognaths and ctenophores (Figure 2). 10 22.8 0 22.9 10 Pacific Ocean 23 Exp 20 30 23.1 Mejillones 40 23.2 23.3 70.7 50 70.6 70.5 70.4 Longitude (W) 70.3 90 80 70 60 Longitude W Figure 1. The study area Mejillones Bay (23(S) showing the position of the permanent station (*exp.). Latitude S Latitude (S) Lat. N 22.7 574 H. E. González et al. “Classical” Food Chain Phytoplankton Primary Production “Herbivores”, Omnivores (PP) ? (Copepods, Euphausiids) Small pelagic fishes Heterotrophs (1) “leakage” (2) “leakage” (3) Filter-feeders Carnivores (Appendiculareans, Salps) (Chaetognaths, Ctenophores Siphonophore Other Pathways Microbial loop Microplankton respiration Vertical flux Lateral advection ? Fish larvae - eating Siphonophores) “Gelatinous” Foodweb Figure 2. A conceptual model of carbon flow through the ‘‘classical’’ pelagic foodweb in Mejillones Bay including losses (‘‘leakage’’) toward the ‘‘gelatinous’’ foodweb. Numbers in parentheses indicate the three trophic pathways estimated in the present study: (1) Grazing impact (as %PP) exerted by metazooplankton (copepods + euphausiids). (2) Grazing impact (as %PP) exerted by filter-feeding gelatinous zooplankton (appendicularians). (3) Predation impact (as percent small copepod standing stock) exerted by carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton (ctenophores and chaetognaths). Materials and methods Phytoplankton fractionated biomass (PB) and PP Water samples for PP experiments were collected using 5-l PVC Go-Flo bottles at three depths within the euphotic zone: surface, subsurface chlorophyll a (Chl a) maximum and 2% light penetration depth. Water samples (two replicates for each depth) were incubated in 100-ml bottles (two clear and one dark) and placed in a natural-light incubator for 4 h (mainly between 10:00 and 14:00). Temperature was regulated by running surface seawater over the incubation bottles. For the subsurface samples, the light intensity was attenuated using a screen to replicate levels similar to those at the depth where the water was collected. Sodium bicarbonate (40 mCi e NaH 14CO3) was added to each bottle. The extent of light (PAR) penetration was determined using submersible sensors (QSP 200-D, Biospherical Instruments). PP was measured using the method described by Steemann Nielsen (1952). Phytoplankton size fractionation was carried out in three consecutive steps: (1) for the Carbon cycling in the northern Humboldt Current nanoplankton fraction (2.0e23 mm), seawater was prefiltered using 23-mm Nitex mesh and collected on a 2.0-mm Nuclepore; (2) for the picoplankton fraction (0.7e2.0 mm), seawater was pre-filtered using a 2.0-mm Nuclepore and collected on a 0.7 mm MFS filter; (3) for the whole phytoplankton community, 100 ml of seawater was filtered through a 0.7 mm MFS filter. The micro-phytoplankton fraction was obtained by subtracting the production estimated in steps (1) and (2) from the production estimated in step (3). Samples were handled under attenuated light conditions during pre- and post-incubation periods. The contents were filtered according to the fractionation procedures mentioned above. Filters (0.7 and 2.0 mm) were placed in 20-ml scintillation vials, kept at 15(C until reading (15 d later). To remove the excess inorganic carbon, filters were treated with HCl fumes for 4 h. Scintillation cocktail (10 ml, Ecolite) was added to vials and radioactivity was determined in a scintillation counter (Beckman). Fractionated Chl a measurements were taken at the same stations and at depths where PP experiments were performed. Seawater samples (150 ml) were filtered and analysed using a digital Turner AU-10 fluorometer, as recommended by Parsons et al. (1984). The size-fractionated procedure was the same as that for PP. Additional water samples (250 ml) to estimate flagellate and ciliate abundance were collected from 50-m depth (the middle point of the zooplankton water column sampled) and processed according to Utermöhl (1958). Vertical flux and phytoplankton carbon The vertical flux of particulate matter was measured using paired drifting, cylindrical-shaped sediment traps (modified from Gundersen, 1991) with a 122 cm2 catchment area and a height:diameter ratio of 8.3. Traps were deployed at 50 and 100-m depths for periods ranging between 1 and 2 d. Before deployment, 1 ml of saturated HgCl2 solution was added per 250 ml of sample solution (GF/F-filtered seawater) to retard bacterial activity in the trap material (Lee et al., 1992). Subsamples from the traps were taken for estimations of dominant microplankton taxa and faecal material using standard microscopic methods (Utermöhl, 1958). Phytoplankton carbon, based on cell volume, was estimated after counting and sizing the different species according to Edler (1979). Faecal material carbon was estimated after counting and sizing the undamaged faeces and their fragments. The faecal volume was estimated assuming that copepod and euphausiid faeces have a cylindrical shape and the appendicularian faeces have an elliptical shape. The faecal carbon content was estimated from the relationship proposed by González and Smetacek (1994): mgCfaecal ¼ 0:076 Volfaecal ðmm3 Þ. Zooplankton Vertical net hauls were taken using a WP-2 net towed vertically (0.25 m2 opening and mesh size of 200 mm; 575 UNESCO, 1968) and equipped with a closing mechanism that allowed sampling at three different depth strata: 0e25, 25e50, and 50e100-m depth. A TSK flowmeter was mounted between the middle and the ring of the net opening to quantify the water volume filtered by the net. Euphausiids ( juvenile and adults), as well as large copepods that may have avoided the WP-2 net, were counted from samples collected using bongo net (300 mm) tows. Metazooplankton was divided into four classes: small copepods (!1500 mm), large copepods (O1500 mm), euphausiids (juvenile and adults), and appendicularians. Twice a day, profiles of temperature and oxygen were recorded at selected depths using a CTD. The animals were fixed immediately after collection in 5% sodium tetraborate buffered formaldehyde seawater. In order to estimate in situ zooplankton abundance, whole samples were subsampled using a Folsom splitter and all specimens were counted under a stereomicroscope. Subsample size depended on the abundance of zooplankton in the sample: in cases where the samples were too concentrated, the analysed fraction ranged between 1/32 and 1/128 of the total. In cases where the samples were less concentrated, the whole sample was analysed. Zooplankton collected for experiments Experiments to estimate digestion time and ingestion rates were conducted using animals collected from the upper 30 m by vertical net hauls (0.3 m s1) with a large nonfiltering codend of approximately 25 l. This codend reduced individual damage during the sampling (Feigenbaum and Maris, 1984). Immediately after collection, the codend content was transferred into a thermo box in order to maintain the animals in good condition during their transport to the coastal laboratory (approximately 20 min). Chaetognaths In the laboratory, single Sagitta enflata of 12:6G1:7 mm in length were sorted with a wide-bore pipette, placed in 600-ml bottles containing 50 mm filtered seawater, and kept for at least 24 h at in situ (17(C) temperature. Surviving chaetognaths were fed with small-size copepods !1000 mm in numbers ranging between 160 and 460 ind l 1. Each of the 600-ml bottles containing S. enflata was observed every 15 min to determine the digestion time (DT), where DT was the time between food ingestion and defecation. The experiments were carried out under 12-h low light and 12-h darkness conditions to simulate a natural environment and to minimize stress for the individuals. After 24 h, the animals, their faecal pellets, and the remaining food were preserved in 5% formaldehydeeseawater buffered with sodium tetraborate. Afterwards, the size of each S. enflata was measured and the number of copepods was counted. More details on these methods are provided elsewhere (Giesecke and González, submitted for publication). In order to account for codend feeding, prey found in the foregut (upper quarter of the gut) were recorded, but 576 H. E. González et al. omitted for the analysis (Feigenbaum and Maris, 1984). Partially digested copepods in the chaetognath guts were identified by means of their mandible morphology (unpublished data). The daily feeding rates (FR) of S. enflata were estimated using the formula proposed by Bajkov (1935): FR ¼ ðNPC=DTÞ!24 where NPC is the number of prey per chaetognath and DT is the digestion time (h). Ctenophores Individuals of the species Pleurobrachia sp. (7e10 mm oraleaboral length) were sorted and placed in 6-l incubation jars. The ctenophores were maintained in these jars filled with filtered seawater (37 mm) at the same field temperature for 6 h to allow gut emptying. They were then placed in new jars under the same conditions and the dominant copepod species in the field for each year were added as prey. The utilized copepod densities corresponded to the normal range of natural densities observed in the field in the study area (Escribano and Hidalgo, 2000). In spring 2000, the dominant Acartia tonsa were used as prey and the experiment was run at 12(C. In 2001 and 2002, the dominant Paracalanus parvus were used as prey and the experiments (two sets in 2001 and three sets in 2002) were conducted at 15(C. The duration of the predation experiments varied from 6 to 8 h, after which the water from the jars was filtered (37-mm mesh), the live remaining copepods were counted and the carcasses on the jar bottom were also quantified. The predation rate (Pr; copepods* ctenophore1*d 1) was estimated from the clearance rates following Buecher and Gasser (1998): Pr ¼ nm C C ¼ ðlnðni Þ lnðnf ÞÞ V=NT where C is the clearance rate (litresctenophore1d 1), ni is the initial density of prey in the jar (copepodsl 1); nf is the final density of prey in the jar (copepodsl 1); V is the jar volume (l), N is the number of predators, T is duration of the experiment (days), Pr is predation rate (copepods ctenophore1d 1), and nm is the mean number of prey in the experimental jars (copepodsl 1). Appendicularians and small copepods Undamaged copepods were sorted under a stereomicroscope, and appendicularians with intact houses were carefully isolated with a wide-mouthed pipette and transferred to 500 ml acid-washed polycarbonate bottles with ambient water and filled to the top to avoid bubbles. Three control bottles without animals and three bottles with 3e5 animals each were placed on a plankton wheel (0.2 rpm) in darkness and in situ temperature for approximately 15e20 h. Initial control bottles were immediately preserved with 2% Lugol’s acid and a subsample was preserved in glutaraldehyde (6% w/v). After incubation, subsamples from all bottles were taken and preserved in glutaraldehyde for bacterial biomass (5 ml) and nanoflagellate counts (20 ml) and preserved in Lugol’s acid (60 ml) for cell concentration. Phytoplankton were counted under a Leica LEITZ DMIL inverted microscope according to standard procedures (Utermöhl, 1958). Plasma volume and carbon content were estimated for diatoms, dinoflagellates, and autotrophic flagellates (Edler, 1979). Ingestion rates were estimated in accordance with Frost (1972). Ingestion rates by large copepod and euphausiids were estimated from previous work in the study area (González et al., 2000). Results Hydrography The upper boundary of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ, !1 ml O2 l 1) associated with the ESSW was located at about 30e40-m depth in spring and summer (Geminis I, II, and IV). In winter (Geminis III), upwelling became more intense due to increasing southerly winds and the OMZ occurred at a depth of nearly 10 m (Figure 3). In spring, the thermocline was located at a depth of ca. 20 m during day and night. In summer, a shallowing of the thermocline was observed between the first and the second sampling dates. Because of the strong upwelling events in winter, the normal mixture of Sub-Tropical Water (STW) and SubAntarctic Waters (SAAW) at the surface layer did not occur and the surface layer was dominated by ESSW, characterized by low temperatures. This condition prevented the formation of a marked thermocline due to displacement of cold water to the surface, as shown in Figure 3. Phytoplankton biomass and PP During the cruises Geminis IeIII, long-chain-forming diatoms (O23 mm) such as Chaetoceros spp., Guinardia delicatula, Rhizosolenia spp., Detonula pumila and Eucampia cornuta constituted more than 70% of the total phytoplankton abundance. Autotrophic and heterotrophic cells contributed equally to the nanoplankton (2e23 mm) pool. High values of Chl a and PP were measured with a predominance (O50%) of the net-phytoplankton fraction (O23 mm), represented mainly by diatoms (Tables 1 and 2). Unexpectedly, the vertical particulate flux was low, ranging between 0.2% and 3.1% of total PP in February and October 2001, respectively. Phytoplankton cells contributed the bulk of POC sedimentation (ca. three-fourth of total sedimentary POC), while faecal material contributed only ca. one-fourth of total carbon sedimentary matter. Copepods and appendicularians The highest abundances of copepods were found in the upper layer (50 m), where the !1500 mm prosome length Carbon cycling in the northern Humboldt Current Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 Depth (m) Depth (m) 1 -60 -80 16 1 2 3 4 17 18 6 7 l-1) 5 -60 -80 -100 -100 October 2000 February 2001 -120 -120 Temperature (ºC) 12 13 14 15 16 Temperature (ºC) 17 12 18 13 Oxygen (ml l-1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 17 18 Oxygen (ml l-1) 6 0 7 0 0 -20 -20 -40 -40 Depth (m) Depth (m) 15 Oxygen (ml Oxygen (ml l-1) 0 577 -60 -80 -100 August 2001 -120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -60 -80 -100 October 2001 -120 Figure 3. Vertical distribution of temperature (continuous line; (C) and dissolved oxygen (broken line; ml l 1) at the permanent station in Mejillones Bay during October 2000, February 2001, August 2001, and October 2001. copepods Paracalanus parvus, Centropages brachiatus, Acartia tonsa, Oithona spp., Oncaea spp., and Corycaeus spp. were the most abundant on all cruises, reaching 80e91% of the entire copepod community. No clear evidence of diel changes in vertical distribution was found in either year. Estimation of average ingestion rates for small copepods ranged from 4.1 and 6.3 mgC ind 1 d 1 for October 2000 and August 2001, respectively (range of 2e8 mgC ind 1 d 1) (Table 1). The contribution of heterotrophic prey to small copepod rations varied from 15% in August 2001 to 35% in October 2000. The appendicularian community was dominated by Oikopleura dioica, except in August 2001 when O. longicauda were more abundant. Appendicularian ingestion rates fluctuated between 4.4 and 6.5 for O. dioica, and 8.8 mgC ind 1 d 1 ( for O. longicauda) and for both species almost a quarter of their rations were obtained from heterotrophic prey (Table 1). Metazooplankton showed a combined grazing impact (as % PP removed daily) that ranged between 7.5% (February and August 2001) and 115% (October 2001) (Figure 4). The gelatinous zooplankton was dominated by ctenophores and chaetognaths. Chaetognaths Five species of chaetognaths were collected. Sagitta enflata, the most abundant species, represented up to 65% of all chaetognaths by number followed by Sagitta bierii (34%). S. enflata was mainly distributed above the OMZ, while the bulk of S. bierii remained below this zone. The digestion time of small copepods ingested by S. enflata at 17(C was estimated in nine experiments and 578 H. E. González et al. Table 1. Average values of chlorophyll a and vertical flux rate and abundances and ingestion rates of dominant metazooplankton both chitinous (copepods and euphausiids) and gelatinous (ctenophores, chaetognaths, and appendicularians) in Mejillones Bay between October 2000 and 2001. Integrated values for the upper 50-m water column. n.d. Z no data. Geminis 1 (October 2000) Geminis 2 (February 2001) Geminis 3 (August 2001) Geminis 4 (October 2001) Chlorophyll a conc. (mg m2) Vertical flux rate (mgC m2 d 1) 89 n.d. 585 10 695 61 47 35 Abundance (ind. m2) Copepods O1 500 mm Copepods !1 500 mm Chaetognaths Ctenophores Euphausiids Appendicularians 6 900 224 150 916 493 200 n.d. 2 800 44 900 962 311 50 7 679 2 000 57 650 180 311 400 3 881 11 600 196 100 1 000 129 500 835 Appendicularians 23.7 4.1y H ration = 35%; A ration = 65% n.d. 95.1 23.7 6.3z H ration = 15%; A ration = 85% 8.8{ H ration=22%; A ration=78% 95.1 23.7 4.9x H ration = 23%; A ration = 67% 4.4k Euphausiids* 23.7 5.0z H ration = 25%; A ration = 75% 6.5k H ration = 25%; A ration=75% 95.1 95.1 Ingestion rate (copepods predator1 d 1) Chaetognaths Ctenophores 0.9 11.5 0.7 14.3 1.1 14.3 0.9 15.5 Grazing rate (mgC ind.1 d 1) Copepods* >1 500 mm Copepods !1 500 mm %P + Nplank. = % of pico- + nanoplankton-PP with respect to total PP. H ration = heterotrophic fraction (%) of total ration; A ration = autotrophic fraction (%) of total ration. * From González et al. (2000). y Dominated by Acartia tonsa and Centropages brachiatus. z Dominated by Acartia tonsa and Paracalanus parvus. x Dominated by Paracalanus parvus and Centropages brachiatus. k Dominated by Oikopleura dioica. { Dominated by Oikopleura longicauda. ranged between 0.85 and 3.5 h, with an average of 2:2G1 h. A total of 786 guts were analysed and their contents identified (233 in spring 2000, 464 in summer, and 89 in winter 2001). Mean average values of NPC obtained for austral spring, summer, and winter were not significantly different, corresponding to 0.088, 0.086, and 0.093 prey chaetognath1, respectively (t-test, p!0:005). Feeding rates were relatively constant within the upper layer (0e25-m depth) on each sampling date (w1.2 prey S. enflata d 1), decreasing with depth. The predation was centred principally on small copepods, with higher chaetognath-feeding activity at night. The daily predation impact over the total standing stock of small copepods varied seasonally between 6% in spring and 0.4% in winter. At prey generic level, S. enflata consumed a daily average of 16, 5, 9, 3, 7, and 2% of Corycaeus, Acartia, Centropages, Oncaea, Oithona, and Paracalanus populations, respectively (Table 3). In spring and winter, the predation impact was mostly on the cyclopoid community with a high impact on Corycaeus sp. In summer, the highest predation impacts were on the calanoid community, particularly on C. brachiatus, with a daily removal of the standing stock of ca. 22%. Ctenophores Pleurobrachia sp. ( probably P. bachei) was the dominant ctenophore in the area. The abundance of Pleurobrachia sp. was much higher in spring 2000 (565 ind. m2) than in spring 2001 (129 ind. m2). Peak densities of specimens with copepods in their guts were 47.4 ind. m2 and 12.4 ind. m2 at the permanent station in October 2000 and 2001, respectively. Pleurobrachia sp. occurred mainly in the upper 50 m and no evidence for diel vertical migration was discerned in either year. The oraleaboral length of 1111 Pleurobrachia sp. ranged between 2 and 10 mm, with a dominance of small sizes (2e3 mm). The most frequent prey in Pleurobrachia sp. gut contents were copepods ranging between 0.5 and Carbon cycling in the northern Humboldt Current 579 Table 2. Mean values of fractionated PP (mgC m3 h1) estimated from the photic layer and protozoan (ciliates and flagellates) abundance (ind. l 1) collected at 50-m depth in the permanent station of Mejillones Bay. PP picoplankton (mgC m3 h1) PP nanoplankton (mgC m3 h1) PP net-phytoplankton (mgC m3 h1) Abundance (ind. l 1) Athecate dinoflagellates Thecate dinoflagellates Ciliates (mainly Strombilidiids) Flagellates Geminis 1 (October 2000) Geminis 2 (February 2001) Geminis 3 (August 2001) Geminis 4 (October 2001) 1.61 12.29 20.39 1.28 1.27 15.30 3.26 8.65 26.26 1.29 0.21 0.29 100 982* 180 160 80 230 430 210 5 640y 100 40 440 60 120 80 120 * Bloom of Prorocentrum micans. High numbers of Myrionecta rubra. y 1.5 mm prosome length. Among the copepods consumed, the most frequent taxa were small calanoids that usually dominated the copepod community off Mejillones (i.e. Paracalanus parvus, Acartia tonsa) and small-size cyclopoids such as Oithona sp. and Oncaea sp. Experimentally determined mean predation rates of Pleurobrachia sp. on the dominant copepods reached 11.5 cop cten1 d 1 in October 2000, and 15.5 cop cten1 d 1 in October 2001 (Table 1). In December 2002 the mean predation rates varied between 13.8 and 16.1 cop cten1 d 1 (mean 14.8 cop cten1 d 1), and they did not differ with other experiments (ANOVA, p ¼ 0:757) when compared with those obtained during the previous two years (ANOVA, p ¼ 0:513). Ctenophores removed a low fraction (ca. 1%) of the total small-size copepod biomass daily. However, during October 2001, when the copepod preys were analysed at the population level, Pleurobrachia sp. consumed a daily average of 2.3, 3.5, and 0.3% of the Corycaeus, Acartia, and Paracalanus populations, respectively (Table 3). Discussion In the sampling area there was a seasonal change in the occurrence of the principal gelatinous species which was associated with a shift of the predominant water masses in the upper 100-m depth ( from SAAW and ESSW in spring to a mixture of STW, SAAW, and ESSW in summerewinter). During the springs of 2000 and 2001, Pleurobrachia sp. and S. enflata were two of the most abundant gelatinous predators and both occurred primarily in SAAW. Alternatively, and associated mostly with STW, the siphonophore Bassia bassensis has been reported as the dominant gelatinous predator offshore in summer (Pagès et al., 2001). The predatory impact of Sagitta enflata was more evident in the upper 50 m water column, where this species was more abundant. An average abundance of 19 ind. m3 was recorded in this layer during the summer 2001 and 4 ind. m3 during the winter 2001. Similar abundances have been reported in the HCS off central Chile (1e20 ind. m3, Ulloa et al., 2000) as well as in the Benguela Current system (3 ind. m3; Duró et al., 1994). The distribution and predatory activities of chaetognaths seem to be strongly influenced by the presence of the OMZ. The most abundant species, S. enflata, was distributed mainly in the well-oxygenated upper 25 m, and S. bierii was found principally at depths below 50 m, in the OMZ. Bieri (1959) characterized S. bierii as a species that is normally associated with poor oxygen concentrations. Chaetognath FR estimates (!1.3 prey ind.1 d 1) were in the lower range of the observations in the literature. For example, Øresland (2000) reported total FR estimates of S. enflata between 4.7 and 1.3 prey ind.1 d 1, whereas Kimmerer (1984) and Szyper (1978) reported between 10 and 12 prey ind.1 d 1 and 7.4 prey ind.1 d 1, respectively. In Kanaobe Bay (Hawaii), Feigenbaum (1979) reported ingestion rates between 1.7 and 2.9 prey ind.1 d 1. These differences in our study are attributable to the low percentages of S. enflata specimens having gut contents (4e18%) compared with the above-mentioned studies (5e37%). The small proportion of individuals having gut contents in our study could be attributed to the much lower temperature in our sampling area (!17(C) (compared to the other cited works), which could affect feeding rates of S. enflata, since temperature has a direct effect on metabolism and, therefore, on ingestion rates; or it could have been that chaetognaths had defecated or regurgitated during sampling (Baier and Purcell, 1997). During laboratory analysis of the samples, we observed a large number of individuals with an expanded posterior gut containing big absorptive cells. This provided evidence of recent defecation (Feigenbaum and Maris, 1984), and could have led to an underestimation of predation impact. The daily predation impact of chaetognaths on the small copepods standing stock in the 0e50-m depth range varied 580 H. E. González et al. a) October 2000 ? PP 8184 ? Vertical flux b) February 2001 ? PP 4622 ? Vertical flux c) August 2001 ? PP 6479 ? Vertical flux d) October 2001 ? PP 1116 Vertical flux ? Figure 4. Primary production (mgC m2 d 1), vertical flux of particles and carbon flow through the ‘‘classical’’ and ‘‘gelatinous’’ foodwebs at the permanent station in Mejillones Bay during October 2000, February 2001, August 2001, and October 2001. Carbon cycling in the northern Humboldt Current 581 Table 3. Copepod abundance (ind. m3) and species-specific predation impact exerted by Sagitta enflata (Geminis 1e3) and Pleurobrachia sp. (Geminis 4) (expressed as percent standing stock) on the most abundant small copepods at the permanent station of Mejillones Bay. Geminis 1 (October 2000) Geminis 2 (February 2001) Geminis 3 (August 2001) Sagitta enflata Species Paracalanus parvus Centropages brachiatus Acartia tonsa Oithona sp. Oncaea sp. Corycaeus sp. Geminis 4 (October 2001) Pleurobrachia sp. Abundance (ind. m3) Predation impact (%) Abundance (ind. m3) Predation impact (%) Abundance (ind. m3) Predation impact (%) Abundance (ind. m3) Predation impact (%) 252 3.9 575 0.6 167 0.1 997 0.3 131 5.7 36 21.5 6 0.0 35 0.0 220 57 19 5 11.2 13.8 1.7 32.9 321 134 239 61 4.2 0.9 1.2 9.6 98 123 51 16 0.4 4.8 4.8 4.2 48 408 196 118 3.5 0.0 0.2 2.3 between 4% in (spring) and 0.85% (in winter), percentages that agree with previous reports. Øresland (2000) estimated a predation impact of ca. 1% in the western Indian Ocean and Terazaki (1996) estimated ca. 7.9% in the Central Equatorial Pacific. But the daily predation impact increased substantially when analysed at the species level. In summer, the major impacts were on the calanoid copepod C. brachiatus, where daily removal of the standing stock was about 21.5% (Table 3). Considering that this species has a development time of ca. 30 d (unpublished data), the population could be drastically reduced in numbers in a short period of time (assuming that the daily predation impact remains constant). During the spring, the major impacts were on Corycaeus sp. when S. enflata ingested daily ca. 33% of their standing stock. Acartia tonsa, a species with a development time of ca. 20 d (Landry, 1983), could be drastically affected by the predation of S. enflata in spring and summer when the daily removal of the standing stock varied between 11% and 4%, respectively. In winter, due to the greater abundance of small cyclopoid copepods, the bulk of the feeding pressure was on this group, which had a relative impact around 4.6% of the standing stock. Since small cyclopoids like Oithona sp. and Oncaea sp. have development times of ca. 20e30 d (Paffenhofer, 1993; Sabatini and Kiørboe, 1994), this predation impact may be almost negligible. All these estimates should be interpreted with caution, because the predation impact depends primarily on the in situ abundance of the different items of prey. In the predation experiments with ctenophores, prey densities (8e16 cop. l 1) within and exceeding the upper range of copepod densities observed in the field (1e10 cop. l 1) were used in both years. Another factor to consider in this type of study is the volume of the containers, since ctenophores tend to retract their tentacles and hence cover a smaller area when they sense the container walls (Buecher and Gasser, 1998; but see also Gibbons and Painting, 1992, for Pleurobrachia sp.). To test for this effect in this study, the container volume was increased by a factor of 2 ( from 3 to 6 l volume). We did not observe considerable differences in predation rates (14:2G2:6 and 14:8G1:2 cop. cten1 d 1) between the two containers. Considering that the predator densities were maintained similarly to field conditions and that similar results were observed for all years, it seems likely that the predation rate estimations are similar to those occurring at sea. The vertical distribution of Pleurobrachia sp. was restricted to the top 50 m of the SAAW layer. Pagès et al. (2001) have already proposed an apparent association of this ctenophore with SAAW in the same area. Below this layer, the presence of colder, oxygen-depleted ESSW may have limited the vertical distribution of ctenophores, as has been observed in other zooplankton (Escribano, 1998). No evidence of diel vertical migration by Pleurobrachia sp. was observed at any station. The predatory impact of Pleurobrachia sp. over the small-size copepod community off Mejillones was low (!1.3% removed daily), but similar to estimations reported from other areas. Miller and Daan (1989) reported a daily predation impact of Pleurobrachia sp. of 1.6% on the potential prey biomass off Germany, while Buecher and Gasser (1998) reported a daily predation impact of 0.6% on the copepod community in the Mediterranean Sea. When the high ctenophore growth rates are compared with the much lower growth rates of the copepod species, the predatory impact of Pleurobrachia sp. might become relevant. In October 2001 an analysis at species level showed that the daily predatory impact of Pleurobrachia sp. on Acartia tonsa and Corycaeus sp. was 3.5% and 2.3% of standing stock, respectively. H. E. González et al. Trophic flow and foodweb structure In the present study, the percentage of PP channelled via vertical flux and metazooplankton grazing was highly variable, accounting from 7% (August 2001) to O100% (October 2001) (Figure 4). Previous studies conducted in the northern Humboldt Current system reported that during the 1997e1998 El Niño event, the vertical flux rate of POC plus metazooplankton grazing removed a reduced fraction ( from 20% to 30%) of the photosynthetically produced POC (González et al., 2000). Using mesozooplankton (200 to 20 000 mm) and total PP data from different areas in the world oceans, Calbet (2001) reported an increase of the relative importance of mesozooplankton grazing impact with decreasing PP. In this study we discuss this relationship by using both size fractionated metazooplankton and PP to explore whether the increase in metazooplankton grazing impact in more unproductive systems was due to the specific effect of the small copepods and appendicularians. In particular, we observed that the PP dominated by net-phytoplankton (O23 m) was transferred rather inefficiently (7e13%) to metazooplankton. On the contrary, when PP was dominated by pico- C nanoplankton (!23 mm), a high percentage (86%) was channelled through small copepods and in turn towards secondary gelatinous consumers, principally chaetognaths and ctenophores. The flux through large copepods and euphausiids seemed much smaller. However, this conclusion should be viewed with caution, since ingestion rates for these zooplankton were estimated as averages from a previous study (González et al., 2000) that provided a wide range of values from a variety of oceanographic conditions in the area. In the study area, phytoplankton biomass was usually dominated by net-phytoplankton with a contribution of pico- C nanoplankton PP to total PP that did not exceed 40% (cruises Geminis IeIII; see Table 2). Under these conditions, the grazing impact based on PP utilization was relatively low for small and large copepods, as well as for euphausiids (combined grazing impact up to 13% PP) (Figure 4). The dominance of the !23 mm phytoplankton fraction usually occurs when total PP is low (oligotrophic condition). This situation occurred in October 2001 when small-size (!23 mm) phytoplankton contributed to 84% of total PP (Geminis IV; see Table 2). Indeed, the grazing impact exerted by the different zooplankton size classes changed dramatically. The small copepods removed a much higher fraction (86%) of total PP, indicating that their relative grazing impact is more important under oligotrophic conditions (Figure 4), a conclusion also reached by Dam et al. (1995). Alternatively, the grazing pressure of large-size euphausiids, although also increased, remained relatively low (!5% of the total PP), especially when compared with that of the small copepods (Figure 5). Thus, under this increased contribution of the picophytoplankton to total PP (October 2001), the rapid incorporation of picoplankton into heterotrophic flagellates, faecal material, Grazing impact (as % daily PP removed) 582 100 80 Small copepods 60 40 20 Large copepods Euphausiids 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage of Pico + Nanoplankton-PP from total PP Figure 5. Grazing impact (as percent of PP removed daily) vs. the relative (%) contribution of pico- + nanoplankton from total PP. The data from Tables 1 and 3 were plotted (exponential curve fit) for the different metazooplankton size classes, namely small copepods (dark circles, r2 ¼ 0:91), large copepods (open circles, r2 ¼ 0:69), and euphausiids (triangles, r2 ¼ 0:64). Two points obtained in the same area during January 1997 and July 1997 (unpublished data) are also plotted. For January 1997 the values are: 67.3% pico- + nanoplankton-PP to total PP, and 25.7, 3.0, and 2.8% of grazing impact exerted by small and large copepods and euphausiids, respectively. Similar values for July 1997 are: 66.4%, and 14.2, 4.9, and 3.7%, respectively. and organic matrices (Silver and Alldredge, 1981; Waite et al., 2000) may have left this fraction quickly available to zooplankton, and in particular to small copepods, which seem to utilize more efficiently small-size detritus particles, such as faecal material (González and Smetacek, 1994). Feeding currents by flagellates (Fukuda and Koike, 2000) and ciliates (Fenchel and Blackburn, 1999) may also produce aggregations of picoplankton of a size suitable for small copepod manipulation. The high contribution of picoplankton to total PP probably constitutes a recurrent but transient situation in coastal upwelling ecosystems where, according to the models of Moloney and Field (1990) and Carr (1998), the early stages of a bolus of upwelled water are dominated by picoautotrophs. The heterotrophic contribution to the small copepod diet in the incubation experiments was ca. a quarter of the total ration (Table 1), indicating that the high abundance of ciliates and flagellates in the area (Table 2) represented an important component of their diet during both productive and unproductive seasons. The contribution of appendicularians to total metazooplankton grazing ranged from 0.3% to 15% (Figure 4), and an increase in the percentage of pico- C nanoplankton PP parallel to the increase in PP removed by appendicularians was not observed as expected. Under oligotrophic conditions the fraction of PP removed by appendicularians may increase (López-Urrutia et al., 2003), but we did not observe this effect, probably because of the relatively low numbers of appendicularians collected. Appendicularians contribute Carbon cycling in the northern Humboldt Current to vertical flux through the production of faecal pellets and ‘‘houses’’. Our results suggest that a significant proportion of the chain-forming diatoms and dinoflagellates sink attached to appendicularians mucopolysaccaride ‘‘houses’’. In addition, they can also scavenge other particles while sinking in the water column (Vargas et al., 2002). The fact that the photosynthetically generated PP dominated by net-phytoplankton (more usual situation) was transferred rather inefficiently (7e13%) to metazooplankton and the surprisingly low vertical fluxes of particulates (see above), suggests two possible PP fates in the studied area (Mejillones Bay). First, the microbial loop seems to constitute a pathway preferred over the ‘‘classic foodweb’’. Second, at least during part of the year, an important fraction (up to 90% in February and August 2001; see Figure 4) of the photosynthetically generated carbon might be exported seaward by mesoscale oceanographic features, such as filaments and eddies, since they seem to be a recurrent physical feature in the study area (Sobarzo and Figueroa, 2001). This seaward transport probably also occurs in other upwelling systems, such as Monterey Bay, where the horizontal export by upwellinginduced advection was the dominant loss term for phytoplankton PP (Olivieri and Chavez, 2000). The impact of gelatinous predators on the copepod community also varied between the more productive, netphytoplankton rich seasons and the less productive, picoplankton-rich conditions of the system. In particular, higher biomass consumption of copepods by gelatinous predators was observed during the more productive seasons (2.9e 11.4% of the copepod biomass daily). These results suggest that the potential impact of carnivorous gelatinous zooplankton over the small copepod community (preferred prey) may be significant. This percentage does not include other abundant species, such as the siphonophore Bassia bassensis that during January 1997 removed between 3% (coastal) and 69% (offshore) of the total small-size copepod community (Pagès et al., 2001). More importantly, at a population level, predatory impacts were much higher and may even modulate the population abundance and size structure of some species when they are at low or medium densities (i.e. 33% of Corycaeus spp. and 11% of Acartia spp. standing stocks were ingested daily by S. enflata in spring 2000) (Table 3). Thus, the overall picture emerging from these results is that the predatory impact of the carnivorous gelatinous mesozooplankton on the copepod community may be large and that, when accompanied with the impact of gelatinous filter-feeders, such as Salpa fusiformis that in January 1997 removed up to 60% of the total PP (González et al. 2000), the role of the ‘‘gelatinous foodweb’’ may become significant. Accordingly, future studies on the foodweb structure and carbon flow of coastal upwelling systems should consider gelatinous filter-feeders and carnivores, as these may be more relevant than the ‘‘classical’’ foodweb or microbial loop under certain environmental conditions. 583 Acknowledgements We thank all the researchers involved in the project for their cooperation in the collection of samples: S. Palma, P. Apablaza, P. Rosenberg, E. Herrera, D. Fernández, and E. Menschel. H. Dam made suggestions that substantially improved an earlier version of the manuscript. 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