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Physical & Chemical Properties Puzzle/Interactive Quiz
Physical & Chemical Change Puzzle
Physical Change
Chemical Change
Chlorine gas liquefies at -35
Hydrofluoric acid attacks
°C under normal pressure
Mixing sugar with coffee
Wood Burning
Tearing a piece of aluminum Autumn leaves changing
Boiling water for soup
Silver tarnishing
Making Kool-Aid
A nail rusting
Physical & Chemical Properties Puzzle/Interactive Quiz
The boiling point of a certain Carbon and oxygen yielding
alcohol is 75 degrees Celsius carbon dioxide
Perfume evaporating on
your skin
Table salt dissolves in water
Copper is a good conductor
of heat and electricity
Iron is more dense than
Wood rotting
Copper forms green copper
carbonate when in contact
with moist air
Hydrochloric acid reacts
with sodium hydroxide to
produce a salt, water and
Potassium chlorate
decomposes to potassium
chloride and oxygen gas
Sodium hydroxide dissolves
Iron rust
in water
A pallet of sodium is sliced
in two
Acid on limestone produces
carbon dioxide gas
Water is heated and
changed to steam
Milk sours
Physical & Chemical Properties Puzzle/Interactive Quiz
Ice melts
Wood rots
Magnesium burns brightly
when ignited