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Cell Cycle Study Guide Cell cycle Mitosis Cytokinesis Chromosome Histone Chromatin Zygote Chromatid Centromere Autosome Sex Chromosome Somatic cell Vocabulary
Diploid Gamete Germ Cell Haploid Homologous chromosomes Sister Chromatids Asexual reproduction Fertilization Meiosis Synapsis Crossing over Gametogenesis (including egg & sperm) Karyotype Daughter Cells Chromosomes and Karyotyping (First part of Sections 5.2 and 6.1) 1. Know the structure of chromosomes, what they are composed of, be able to identify its parts. 2. Understand and analyze Karyotypes. Why are they important? What can they tell us? 3. Be able to tell the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell (gamete) or diploid cell (somatic) of any given karyotype (see example below) 4. Be able to write the notation for a karyotype that has an abnormality (missing or extra chromosome). (Total # of chromosomes, Sex of organism, Chromosome pair where there is extra (+) or missing (‐) chromosomes) 5. Compare and contrast autosomes and sex chromosomes. The Cell Cycle and Mitosis (Sections 5.1 and 5.2) 1. Be able to identify and describe the five stages of the cell cycle if given pictures (these are not in any order). 2. Know each stage of mitosis and follow a chromosome through the entire process so that you understand what exactly happens. Be very specific here (for example, where do spindle fibers attach? How do chromatids separate?) 3. Know the difference between mitosis, interphase, and cytokinesis. What stage of mitosis does cytokinesis begin? 4. Why does mitosis happen? In what types of cells would mitosis take place? 5. What is the result of mitosis? Chromosomes and the Process of Meiosis (Section 6.1 and 6.2) 1. What are homologous chromosomes? Are they identical? Explain. 2. Why are “synapsis” and “crossing over” important in meiosis? 3. What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? 4. Compare and contrast the two rounds of division in meiosis. Know what happens at each stage. 5. Why does meiosis happen? In what types of cells would meiosis take place? 5. What are the 2 types of gametogenesis? What do they result in?