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Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Period__________________
Quiz #1 Geology 2016/2017
1. What is the definition of differentiation?
A) Separation of materials based on density
B) Categorization based on chemical formulas
C) Mixing of materials to produce a new compound
D) Divisions of planets based on constituent materials
2. Which layer of the Earth is the thinnest?
A) Crust
B) Mantle
C) Outer Core
D) Inner Core
3. The internal structure of the earth could be summarized best by the following
A) Mantle, outer core, inner core, crust
B) Lithosphere, mantle, asthenosphere, crust
C) Core, mantle, asthenosphere, crust
D) Core, mantle, lithosphere, asthenosphere
4. The ____________________ consists of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle.
A) Lithosphere
C) Lower mantel
B) Asthenosphere
D) Core
5. This geological principle was put forth by James Hutton and is often referred to as “the present is the key
to the past”.
A) Catastrophism
C) Uniformitarianism
B) Neptuneism
D) Observationalism
6. What property of the crust allowed it to form as the exterior of Earth?
A) Magma at the surface cooled and crystallized before anything in the interior
B) Materials that make up the crust are less dense and rose to the top
C) Churning and upheaval in the interior thrust crustal rocks toward the surface
D) Meteorites impacting Earth deposited this material at the surface
7. What provides us with the most information about the interior of the Earth?
A) Borehole data
C) Satellite imagery
B) Erupted materials
D) Seismic energy waves
8. What is the definition of the asthenosphere?
A) A portion of the atmosphere that blocks UV radiation
B) A soft, low-velocity layer in the Upper Mantle
C) The transition zone between the Mantle and the Outer Core
D) The portion of the Hydrologic Cycle that describes how plants contribute their respiration
9. The ________ is a layer of liquid nickel and iron believed to be responsible for generating the Earth's magnetic
A) Crust
C) Outer Core
B) Mantle
D) Inner Core
10. What is a mineral phase change?
A) When a mineral melts from a solid state to a liquid state
B) The exterior of a mineral weathers and changes color
C) A mineral changes density because of the addition of water
D) Atoms in a mineral are rearranged into a more stable and denser structure
11. Where is the thinnest continental crust in the United States?
A) Appalachian Mountains
B) Mississippi River Valley
C) Basin and Range region
D) Colorado Plateau
12. Where is oceanic crust generated?
A) Along divergent plate boundaries
B) Where volcanic lava meets the sea
C) Where continents collide
D) Where magma bodies are emplaced deep in the crust
13. The ________ is a seismic boundary between the crust and the mantle where there is a dramatic increase in
seismic wave velocity.
A) Schrodinger Discontinuity
B) Greenschist Facies
C) Low-velocity pathway
D) Moho Boundary
14. Which layer of the Earth makes up more than 82% of the volume of the planet?
A) Outer Core
C) Mantle
B) Crust
D) Inner Core
15. Which layer or layers of the interior are believed to have convection cells?
A) Mantle alone
B) Mantle and Outer Core
C) Mantle and Inner Core
D) Outer Core and Inner Core
16. What is the average geothermal gradient in the mantle?
A) 0.3° C/km
B) 0.7° C/km
C) 1° C/km
D) 1.3° C/km
17. How is the shape of the Earth affected by its rotation?
A) The Earth is perfectly round
B) The poles are further from the center of the Earth than the Equator
C) The Equator is further from the center of the Earth than the poles
18. The Inner Core and the Outer Core are compositionally the same. The major difference between them is the
states of matter in which they exist.
A) True
B) False
19. P-waves cannot penetrate the Outer Core.
A) True
B) False
20. The inner core is shrinking.
A) True
B) False