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Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: ______
Common Assessment 4 Review
1. Southwest Asia (North Africa and the Middle East) is the birth place of three major religions
(list them in order of which came first)
a. Judaism
b. Christianity
c. Islam
2. Name and describe the Five Pillars of Islam – the main religious duties of Muslims
a. Statement of Faith
b. Praying 5 times a day
c. Giving to the poor – alms tithing
d. Fasting during Ramadan
e. Making a pilgrimage to Mecca – the Hajj
3. Holy Building and book for the three major religions
a. Christians = worship building: Church holy book: Bible
b. Jews = worship building: Synagogue holy book: TANAKH
c. Muslim = worship building: Mosque holy book: Quran
4. Three major rivers of the Middle East and North Africa
a. Tigris in Iraq
b. Euphrates in Iraq
c. Nile in Egypt
5. Overgrazing of sheep leads to Desertification
6. Examples of Religious holidays and what they are for
a. Christianity – Christmas – the birth of Christ
b. Islam – Ramadan – a period of fasting
c. Judaism – Rosh Hashana – the new year
7. Deserts are the most common landforms in North Africa and the Middle East
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: ______
8. Rivers flooding and bringing rich soil for farming are two of the reasons civilization
started in the Mesopotamia. List some other reasons:
a. Rivers provide fresh water
b. The Mediterranean Sea brings a mild climate to lands at its edge
c. The seas and rivers offer access to trade
9. The clothing in the region is an adaptation to the environment which is desert
10. In Palestine Jews and Arabs fight over control of the land
11. Mustafa Kemal made changes in the Ottoman Empire like allowing women to vote and hold
government office, replaced religious schools with secular schools, making people use last
names, and changing the country’s name to Turkey
12. Exodus means to leave one’s country
13. Immigration means to move to a new country to live
14. Oil is a non-renewable natural resource and has been a factor in Middle East conflicts.
15. Give the definition and an example for the following:
a. primary product: a product harvest from the earth like cotton
b. secondary product: a product that is made from a primary product like petrochemicals
16. What is the law of return and why was it needed?
a. The law that permitted Jewish people to immigrate to Israel from anywhere in the world
and secure citizenship there.
b. They were being persecuted in other countries
17. What are the 2 main sects of Islam and what is the main difference?
a. Shi’ites – accept religious leaders as government leaders and believe that leaders should
be chosen from the descendants of the phrophet’s family
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: ______
b. Sunnis – tend to accept non-religious people as government leaders and select their
religious leaders from scholars.
18. The Aswan High Dam has helped Egypt by:
controlling flooding, providing electricity for the cities, and creating a fishing industry, allows farmers
to grow crops year round
But has hurt the region by forcing farmers to buy and use artificial fertilizers on their crops,
which pollutes the water.
19. Most people in Egypt live along the Nile River Why? Living in the desert it is important to
have access to fresh water
20. The two countries having the greatest oil reserves are Saudi Arabia and Iran
21. The main product of North Africa and Southwest Asia is oil
22. When OPEC reduces oil production making it scarce, the price of oil increase or go up.
23. Define discrimination and give an example: unequal treatment based on a person’s race,
gender, religion, place of birth, or other characteristic
24. Define prejudice and give an example: unequal rights based on a person’s race, gender,
religion, place of birth, or other characteristic
25. Define apartheid and give an example: the former official policy in South Africa of separating
people according to race, giving most of the political and economic power to whites
26. Define culture and give an example: The set of beliefs, values, customs, and practices of
people in a particular group, place or time. Ex: Kenyans place a strong value on education as
a way to improve their lives.
27. Define cultural diffusion and give an example: the spreading of cultural traits, such as
beliefs and practices, from one culture to another, or within one culture. Ex: Music and dance
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Period: ______
from the Democratic Republic of the Congo has spread around the world through radio and
28. Define multicultural society and give an example: a society with many different culture
groups. Ex: Kenya has more than 100 different ethnic groups and is home to a large number
of Christians and Muslims.